Weaponized Identity

Tucker makes money off of trying to turn fools like you into terrorists. Your post can be used as evidence that it is working.
So, disagreeing with a black racist is now a terrorist tactic? Dude, you're crazy.
The left is playing a despicable and dangerous game. Tucker did a show on 10/19/22 about MSNBC and Comcast using racial hatred as a weapon to attack the founding of our country. He has clips of hosts like Joy Reid, who most know about, and a new hatred star, Tiffany Cross, openly saying they hate an entire race. They also have an endless amount of guests who agree wholeheartedly. Jason Whitlock, a guest, explained why a network would openly hate an entire race on national television. He posits that it is to discredit the founding of our country. If all white people are evil, and the country was created by white people, then we are an evil country. I'm not sure the name of this movement, 1600? something. I don't know what they are hoping to accomplish by using racial hatred to attack the country. It seems dangerous and stupid.
OP's are required to have a link.

Provide one to back up your claims.
Anyone who listens to Tucker Carlson deserves to be lied to.
Anyone who tries to tell you the people you listen to are lying and offering no proof is a blatant propagandist.
Anyone who tries to tell you the people you listen to are lying and offering no proof is a blatant propagandist.
Tucker Carlson is a self-admitted liar. He fessed up in court that he lies to his viewers.

So why would anyone who isn't a retard listen to a word he says?

Like I said. You DESERVE to be lied to.
How many times have you heard someone say something to the effect of, "When (fill in the blank) don't get their way, they become violent."?

I've heard Trumptards say that about the Left a gazillion times on this forum.

I've heard the Left say it a gazillion times about the Right on this forum.

Usually, when someone of a particular stripe is caught doing something evil, some tard comes along and paints all people of that stripe with the same brush.

It's a classic hasty generalization logical fallacy.

And yet Tucker Carlson has taken the statement, "When conservatives don't get their way, they turn violent" to mean the people saying it are anti-white racists who are ready to slaughter all white people.

That's what he said on his October 19 show. He primed the tard viewers with some history of the genocide in Rwanda and led them to believe the above statement meant the TV hosts were ready to go all Hutu on white people. He attempted to connect dots that aren't there. And yet the tard who started this topic connected those non-existent dots exactly as Carlson wanted the idiot to do.

In short, Fucker Carlson is a fearmongering c*nt propagandist and only retards fall for his bullshit.

Tucker Carlson is a self-admitted liar. He fessed up in court that he lies to his viewers.

So why would anyone who isn't a retard listen to a word he says?

Like I said. You DESERVE to be lied to.
Carlson won the defamation lawsuit. If you really want to know who lies:


Nolte: Rachel Maddow’s 17 Most Audacious and Paranoid Russia Hoax Lies​

As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge[] political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. 600 W. 115th Corp. v. Von Gutfeld, 80 N.Y.2d 130, 141, 603 N.E.2d 930, 936 (1992). Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson’s statements as “exaggeration,” “non-literal commentary,” or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable.

McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC, No. 1:2019cv11161 - Document 39 (S.D.N.Y. 2020)

McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC, No. 1:2019cv11161 - Document 39 (S.D.N.Y. 2020) case opinion from the Southern District of New York US Federal District Court

Tucker Carlson is not stating actual facts. Any reasonable viewer should arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism.

Like I keep saying, any retard who has not yet figured out Tucker Carlson lies to them is brain damaged beyond all hope.
How many times have you heard someone say something to the effect of, "When (fill in the blank) don't get their way, they become violent."?

I've heard Trumptards say that about the Left a gazillion times on this forum.

I've heard the Left say it a gazillion times about the Right on this forum.

Usually, when someone of a particular stripe is caught doing something evil, some tard comes along and paints all people of that stripe with the same brush.

It's a classic hasty generalization logical fallacy.

And yet Tucker Carlson has taken the statement, "When conservatives don't get their way, they turn violent" to mean the people saying it are anti-white racists who are ready to slaughter all white people.

That's what he said on his October 19 show. He primed the tard viewers with some history of the genocide in Rwanda and led them to believe the above statement meant the TV hosts were ready to go all Hutu on white people. He attempted to connect dots that aren't there. And yet the tard who started this topic connected those non-existent dots exactly as Carlson wanted the idiot to do.

In short, Fucker Carlson is a fearmongering c*nt propagandist and only retards fall for his bullshit.

What's the problem? He provided proof. You're all over the map here.
What's the problem? He provided proof. You're all over the map here.
He provided ZERO proof of his claims.

He attempted to connect dots that are not there.

His claim that these people hate the entire white race and are ready to slaughter whites is pure unadulterated bullshit.

He is not stating actual facts.
Tucker makes money off of trying to turn fools like you into terrorists. Your post can be used as evidence that it is working.
If you did not watch the show, why do you bother to dispute it.

Here. Watch it (it's only a minute), and then get back to us with your support for the racist anti-White rhetoric...

THIS is the real institutionalized racism.
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Bullshit. You're taking his comments out of context.
Carlson is the king of out of context non-existent dot connecting.

Carlson is a master of propaganda. Look how he started his bullshit by talking about the Rwandan genocide.

He knows EXACTLY what he is doing.
He provided ZERO proof of his claims.

He attempted to connect dots that are not there.

His claim that these people hate the entire white race and are ready to slaughter whites is pure unadulterated bullshit.

He is not stating actual facts.
Funny you won't comment about all the MSNBC, CNN and MSM lies and pick on one guy with an OP ED program.
Carlson is the king of out of context non-existent dot connecting.

Carlson is a master of propaganda. Look how he started his bullshit by talking about the Rwandan genocide.

He knows EXACTLY what he is doing.
Bullshit. You don't even watch Carlson.
Funny you won't comment about all the MSNBC, CNN and MSM lies and pick on one guy with an OP ED program.
This is a topic about Tucker Carlson's comments on October 19.

All caught up now? Try to keep up.

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