Weatherman Fired for slip of the tongue

Yes. Exactly what do you think this forum is? A court of law?

You're condemning this guy as racist based on an opinion.

Since the slightest thing can get you fired these days for being perceived as racism, don't you think we should take more care in leveling that sort of accusation?

The simple fact is: This guy could very well be innocent of the accusation of racism and it may very well have been a slip. This possibility remains regardless of your personal opinion. So, if he is in fact innocent, the atmosphere of racism paranoia that people like you have created in this country may have resulted in a man losing his job over a common linguistic flub. Give yourselves a hand.
The guy said, "Martin Luther coon." Why should anyone give such a slip a benefit of a doubt? That's not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.

Opinion. You are not a linguist or a phonetician or a speech expert so this is pure conjecture on your part. You do not have training or education in these fields to make the determination that this is not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.
Nope, he said “Martin Luther coon.” That’s racist.The station was right to fire him.


Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.
Great, show me where someone slipped today and uttered a racist word accidentally.......
The previous word was "Luther" and the following word was "King". It seems clear to me that it was a simple twist of the tongue, i.e., accidentally putting the two together: "Koong". It's like trying to say "Toy boat" three times fast.
Great, here's an exercise to expose your nuttiness.....

Out loud, repeat, "Martin Luther King," three times fast ..... see if "coon" slips out.


I could say it a hundred times right now and it may not come out and then it may happen a year from now only saying it once. It only takes one time. Unless you're trying to claim that it could never happen then your point is moot. Use your head for something besides an Antifa hat rack for fuck's sake.
It would never slip out, no matter how many times you repeated it, because it’s not something you ever said.

I had never said "sirbye" before either (the story I related earlier about deciding between a sirloin or ribeye steak) but it popped right out of my mouth anyway.

People don't flub their words because they say a particular phrase all the time or deliberately. It just happens. Again, use your fucking head.
"sirbye," a mangled version of "ribeye," is not a word and maybe can slip. While racists do say, "Martin Luther coon".
I believe it because to claim it was a slip of the tongue is not credible
King does not become Coon unless you routinely make that substitution

Bullshit, that's an opinion. One slip rolls off the tongue no easier and no harder than any other. A slip is a slip.

I made a flub once at a Golden Corral where I was perusing the steak menu and they had various cuts of sirloins and ribeyes. After I made my choice I promptly asked for the 16 oz. "sirbeye". It rolled off my tongue just as easily as this one did. You know damn well you have done it yourself so don't insult our intelligence by pretending you never have.

The fact remains it may have been a flub. As the accusers, you and the others have yet to provide anything but conjecture and opinion. Not one of you has provided evidence or a convincing argument other than the fact the word sounded like "coon". You have yet to provide evidence of malice or intent and in fact, none of you knows a fucking thing about this guy.
So it is a matter of opinion whether it was an accident or a common substitution to mock King

It is a matter of opinion that it was no accident just because racists use it as a common substitution to mock King. One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other. Again, you simply do not know.

You're only considering factors that fit your preconceived notion that it was deliberate. You're ignoring the fact that people flub their words every day. In fact, I am the only one here who has considered it or even brought it up.

This is not a simple case of someone saying "The shitty should..." instead of "The city should..." and everyone having a good laugh. A man's job was at stake.

It is something the viewers would have to decide. A case where a large percentage of viewers would look at him as a racist every time he is on camera

And a large percentage of viewers could be wrong. If we didn't have the atmosphere of racism paranoia in this country right now, that same large percentage of viewers might have just laughed it off.

The network decided they didn’t want to put up with it

Put up with what? Did this guy have a history or reputation of racism? Have they had any kinds of problems with him before? If not then the station panicked and bowed to the paranoids. That's it.

I don't remember if I asked you but I know I have asked this question a few times already in this discussion and not one person has answered it. Question: Do you at least acknowledge the possibility that it was an innocent flub?
Who said it was deliberate? Now you’re making shit up.

Your saying that it slipped out because he says it all the time is making shit up. So don't give me shit about making shit up. Shithead.
Dumbfuck, you made that up. Deal with it. No one said he deliberately said that on the air. He said it slipped and I believe him. I also believe it's a phrase he uses which is why it slipped out while he was on the air.
I know he's not stupid and I know he doesn't think we have 57 states. That's the point. We have the usual suspects ready to tar and feather one man for a statement (and not giving a flying rat's patoot if he's actually guilty or not) while giving every excuse in the book for another who also said something odd.
Its amusing youre trying to equate someone saying a racial slur with someone being tired and saying 57 states instead of 47. :rolleyes:

The actual number is 55
55 what?
Obama was talking about how tiring the primary circuit was and all the states he had to visit

50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa
Guess it is 54 total
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
You're condemning this guy as racist based on an opinion.

Since the slightest thing can get you fired these days for being perceived as racism, don't you think we should take more care in leveling that sort of accusation?

The simple fact is: This guy could very well be innocent of the accusation of racism and it may very well have been a slip. This possibility remains regardless of your personal opinion. So, if he is in fact innocent, the atmosphere of racism paranoia that people like you have created in this country may have resulted in a man losing his job over a common linguistic flub. Give yourselves a hand.
The guy said, "Martin Luther coon." Why should anyone give such a slip a benefit of a doubt? That's not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.

Opinion. You are not a linguist or a phonetician or a speech expert so this is pure conjecture on your part. You do not have training or education in these fields to make the determination that this is not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.
Nope, he said “Martin Luther coon.” That’s racist.The station was right to fire him.


Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.
Great, show me where someone slipped today and uttered a racist word accidentally.......

Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. Even if I can't it is not proof that that is not what happened in this case.

You climb steps every day to or from your home or place of work with no problems. You've probably climbed the same flight of stairs for years without incident. But it only takes one time to misstep and fall. By your reasoning, if someone missteps and falls down a flight of stairs, this means that they must fall down these stairs all the time and furthermore, that they do it on purpose.

Your reasoning is flawed, your argument is flawed and your conclusions are flawed. On top of all that, the facts I cited are still facts and are indisputable. You still have not ascertained malice or intent and you still don't know the man or his character. Besides, everything is a racist word to you people these days. That is precisely why we are here talking about this.
The guy said, "Martin Luther coon." Why should anyone give such a slip a benefit of a doubt? That's not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.

Opinion. You are not a linguist or a phonetician or a speech expert so this is pure conjecture on your part. You do not have training or education in these fields to make the determination that this is not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.
Nope, he said “Martin Luther coon.” That’s racist.The station was right to fire him.


Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.
Great, show me where someone slipped today and uttered a racist word accidentally.......

Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. Even if I can't it is not proof that that is not what happened in this case.

You climb steps every day to or from your home or place of work with no problems. You've probably climbed the same flight of stairs for years without incident. But it only takes one time to misstep and fall. By your reasoning, if someone missteps and falls down a flight of stairs, this means that they must fall down these stairs all the time and furthermore, that they do it on purpose.

Your reasoning is flawed, your argument is flawed and your conclusions are flawed. On top of all that, the facts I cited are still facts and are indisputable. You still have not ascertained malice or intent and you still don't know the man or his character. Besides, everything is a racist word to you people these days. That is precisely why we are here talking about this.
"Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. "

If you can't, then you were making shit up again when you said it's a fact that someone does this sort of mistake every single day. You seem to have a penchant for making shit up.

And falling down stairs is not racist. Who knows what you were thinking with that one? :cuckoo:
Its amusing youre trying to equate someone saying a racial slur with someone being tired and saying 57 states instead of 47. :rolleyes:

The actual number is 55
55 what?
Obama was talking about how tiring the primary circuit was and all the states he had to visit

50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa
Guess it is 54 total
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
Obama didn't slip. Obama actually believes there are 57 states. You and Obungo have one thing in're both dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
The previous word was "Luther" and the following word was "King". It seems clear to me that it was a simple twist of the tongue, i.e., accidentally putting the two together: "Koong". It's like trying to say "Toy boat" three times fast.
Great, here's an exercise to expose your nuttiness.....

Out loud, repeat, "Martin Luther King," three times fast ..... see if "coon" slips out.


I could say it a hundred times right now and it may not come out and then it may happen a year from now only saying it once. It only takes one time. Unless you're trying to claim that it could never happen then your point is moot. Use your head for something besides an Antifa hat rack for fuck's sake.
It would never slip out, no matter how many times you repeated it, because it’s not something you ever said.

I had never said "sirbye" before either (the story I related earlier about deciding between a sirloin or ribeye steak) but it popped right out of my mouth anyway.

People don't flub their words because they say a particular phrase all the time or deliberately. It just happens. Again, use your fucking head.
"sirbye," a mangled version of "ribeye," is not a word and maybe can slip.

It wasn't a mangled version of "ribeye", it was "sirloin" and "ribeye" run together. Did you not read what I said?

Your earlier argument that it just came out too easily was blown out of the water when I told you how "sirbye" just popped out for me and so you've moved on to the next tactic. Why are you so bound and determined to make this guy a racist to the point of the exclusion of any and all sound principles of deductive reasoning?

While racists do say, "Martin Luther coon".

And? People commit murder every day too. Does that mean that if he is accused of murder we use that as evidence that he did it? Correlation is not causation.
Bullshit, that's an opinion. One slip rolls off the tongue no easier and no harder than any other. A slip is a slip.

I made a flub once at a Golden Corral where I was perusing the steak menu and they had various cuts of sirloins and ribeyes. After I made my choice I promptly asked for the 16 oz. "sirbeye". It rolled off my tongue just as easily as this one did. You know damn well you have done it yourself so don't insult our intelligence by pretending you never have.

The fact remains it may have been a flub. As the accusers, you and the others have yet to provide anything but conjecture and opinion. Not one of you has provided evidence or a convincing argument other than the fact the word sounded like "coon". You have yet to provide evidence of malice or intent and in fact, none of you knows a fucking thing about this guy.
So it is a matter of opinion whether it was an accident or a common substitution to mock King

It is a matter of opinion that it was no accident just because racists use it as a common substitution to mock King. One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other. Again, you simply do not know.

You're only considering factors that fit your preconceived notion that it was deliberate. You're ignoring the fact that people flub their words every day. In fact, I am the only one here who has considered it or even brought it up.

This is not a simple case of someone saying "The shitty should..." instead of "The city should..." and everyone having a good laugh. A man's job was at stake.

It is something the viewers would have to decide. A case where a large percentage of viewers would look at him as a racist every time he is on camera

And a large percentage of viewers could be wrong. If we didn't have the atmosphere of racism paranoia in this country right now, that same large percentage of viewers might have just laughed it off.

The network decided they didn’t want to put up with it

Put up with what? Did this guy have a history or reputation of racism? Have they had any kinds of problems with him before? If not then the station panicked and bowed to the paranoids. That's it.

I don't remember if I asked you but I know I have asked this question a few times already in this discussion and not one person has answered it. Question: Do you at least acknowledge the possibility that it was an innocent flub?
Who said it was deliberate? Now you’re making shit up.

Your saying that it slipped out because he says it all the time is making shit up. So don't give me shit about making shit up. Shithead.
Dumbfuck, you made that up. Deal with it. No one said he deliberately said that on the air. He said it slipped and I believe him. I also believe it's a phrase he uses which is why it slipped out while he was on the air.

"I also believe it's a phrase he uses which is why it slipped out while he was on the air."

This is made-up bullshit. You have no basis on which to believe he says this all the time.
The actual number is 55
55 what?
Obama was talking about how tiring the primary circuit was and all the states he had to visit

50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa
Guess it is 54 total
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
Obama didn't slip. Obama actually believes there are 57 states. You and Obungo have one thing in're both dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

And the racist weatherman is still fired.

Opinion. You are not a linguist or a phonetician or a speech expert so this is pure conjecture on your part. You do not have training or education in these fields to make the determination that this is not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.
Nope, he said “Martin Luther coon.” That’s racist.The station was right to fire him.


Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.
Great, show me where someone slipped today and uttered a racist word accidentally.......

Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. Even if I can't it is not proof that that is not what happened in this case.

You climb steps every day to or from your home or place of work with no problems. You've probably climbed the same flight of stairs for years without incident. But it only takes one time to misstep and fall. By your reasoning, if someone missteps and falls down a flight of stairs, this means that they must fall down these stairs all the time and furthermore, that they do it on purpose.

Your reasoning is flawed, your argument is flawed and your conclusions are flawed. On top of all that, the facts I cited are still facts and are indisputable. You still have not ascertained malice or intent and you still don't know the man or his character. Besides, everything is a racist word to you people these days. That is precisely why we are here talking about this.
"Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. "

If you can't, then you were making shit up again when you said it's a fact that someone does this sort of mistake every single day. You seem to have a penchant for making shit up.

I didn't say "someone" does it every day, I said people do this every day. What's more, you fucking well know it.

And falling down stairs is not racist. Who knows what you were thinking with that one? :cuckoo:

I refuse to believe you are that fucking dense.
So it is a matter of opinion whether it was an accident or a common substitution to mock King

It is a matter of opinion that it was no accident just because racists use it as a common substitution to mock King. One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other. Again, you simply do not know.

You're only considering factors that fit your preconceived notion that it was deliberate. You're ignoring the fact that people flub their words every day. In fact, I am the only one here who has considered it or even brought it up.

This is not a simple case of someone saying "The shitty should..." instead of "The city should..." and everyone having a good laugh. A man's job was at stake.

It is something the viewers would have to decide. A case where a large percentage of viewers would look at him as a racist every time he is on camera

And a large percentage of viewers could be wrong. If we didn't have the atmosphere of racism paranoia in this country right now, that same large percentage of viewers might have just laughed it off.

The network decided they didn’t want to put up with it

Put up with what? Did this guy have a history or reputation of racism? Have they had any kinds of problems with him before? If not then the station panicked and bowed to the paranoids. That's it.

I don't remember if I asked you but I know I have asked this question a few times already in this discussion and not one person has answered it. Question: Do you at least acknowledge the possibility that it was an innocent flub?
Who said it was deliberate? Now you’re making shit up.

Your saying that it slipped out because he says it all the time is making shit up. So don't give me shit about making shit up. Shithead.
Dumbfuck, you made that up. Deal with it. No one said he deliberately said that on the air. He said it slipped and I believe him. I also believe it's a phrase he uses which is why it slipped out while he was on the air.

"I also believe it's a phrase he uses which is why it slipped out while he was on the air."

This is made-up bullshit. You have no basis on which to believe he says this all the time.
You're lying again. Of course I have reason to believe that. The words, "Martin Luther coon," don't just slip out of someone's mouth unless it's something they're used to saying.
Nope, he said “Martin Luther coon.” That’s racist.The station was right to fire him.


Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.
Great, show me where someone slipped today and uttered a racist word accidentally.......

Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. Even if I can't it is not proof that that is not what happened in this case.

You climb steps every day to or from your home or place of work with no problems. You've probably climbed the same flight of stairs for years without incident. But it only takes one time to misstep and fall. By your reasoning, if someone missteps and falls down a flight of stairs, this means that they must fall down these stairs all the time and furthermore, that they do it on purpose.

Your reasoning is flawed, your argument is flawed and your conclusions are flawed. On top of all that, the facts I cited are still facts and are indisputable. You still have not ascertained malice or intent and you still don't know the man or his character. Besides, everything is a racist word to you people these days. That is precisely why we are here talking about this.
"Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. "

If you can't, then you were making shit up again when you said it's a fact that someone does this sort of mistake every single day. You seem to have a penchant for making shit up.

I didn't say "someone" does it every day, I said people do this every day. What's more, you fucking well know it.

And falling down stairs is not racist. Who knows what you were thinking with that one? :cuckoo:

I refuse to believe you are that fucking dense.

Dumbfuck .... "someone" isn't a person??

You can't show someone said something of that sort because yet again, you are caught making shit up.
Obama was talking about how tiring the primary circuit was and all the states he had to visit

50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa
Guess it is 54 total
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
Obama didn't slip. Obama actually believes there are 57 states. You and Obungo have one thing in're both dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

And the racist weatherman is still fired.

You're the biggest racist on this forum.
Obama was talking about how tiring the primary circuit was and all the states he had to visit

50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa
Guess it is 54 total
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
Obama didn't slip. Obama actually believes there are 57 states. You and Obungo have one thing in're both dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

And the racist weatherman is still fired.

You're the biggest racist on this forum.

Your dementia is noted and laughed at as usual.
Obama was talking about how tiring the primary circuit was and all the states he had to visit

50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa
Guess it is 54 total
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
Obama didn't slip. Obama actually believes there are 57 states. You and Obungo have one thing in're both dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

And the racist weatherman is still fired.

You're the biggest racist on this forum.

Try a new tactic. Calling people racists for opposing racism is a dead ploy.
Yes. Exactly what do you think this forum is? A court of law?

You're condemning this guy as racist based on an opinion.

Since the slightest thing can get you fired these days for being perceived as racism, don't you think we should take more care in leveling that sort of accusation?

The simple fact is: This guy could very well be innocent of the accusation of racism and it may very well have been a slip. This possibility remains regardless of your personal opinion. So, if he is in fact innocent, the atmosphere of racism paranoia that people like you have created in this country may have resulted in a man losing his job over a common linguistic flub. Give yourselves a hand.
The guy said, "Martin Luther coon." Why should anyone give such a slip a benefit of a doubt? That's not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.

Opinion. You are not a linguist or a phonetician or a speech expert so this is pure conjecture on your part. You do not have training or education in these fields to make the determination that this is not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.
Nope, he said “Martin Luther coon.” That’s racist.The station was right to fire him.


Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.

That he said that on the air and it could damage the station's brand is plenty cause enough to fire him.
It was about the states but DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa arent considered states and they cant vote for POTUS with the exception of DC. Obama had visited 47 of the continental states and had 1 more left to go.

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.
-President Obama
The funniest part about Obama saying 57 instead of 47....?

.... it's the biggest Obama gaffe we hear from the moronic right. You know, the same folks who voted as many as 4 times for Bush -- the president who had calendars (plural) filled with his gaffes. Kind of like how they point to Obama lying about keeping your doctor .... as a defense for Trump lying 6 times a day, every day of every year, on average. They have absolutely no sense of self awareness.

At all.
Obama didn't slip. Obama actually believes there are 57 states. You and Obungo have one thing in're both dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

And the racist weatherman is still fired.

You're the biggest racist on this forum.

Try a new tactic. Calling people racists for opposing racism is a dead ploy.
You don't oppose racism. You exploit black people just like Obama, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and others do.

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