Weatherman Fired for slip of the tongue

"I also believe it's a phrase he uses which is why it slipped out while he was on the air."

This is made-up bullshit. You have no basis on which to believe he says this all the time.
You're lying again. Of course I have reason to believe that. The words, "Martin Luther coon," don't just slip out of someone's mouth unless it's something they're used to saying.

Wrong. The problem with your conclusion is manifold:

1.) Though you may be right, it does not mean you are or that it's the only possibility.

2.) You do not have training in the physics of speech to make that determination.

3.) The words "King" and "Junior", when run together could very well conceivably come out as "Kune" which rhymes with "coon". A possibility that either never occurred to you or you simply ignored in your mindless quest to make this guy racist.
“Rhymes with ‘coon’”


Cracks me up how virtually every time I see someone leap to the defense of a racist, it another rightarded racist.

No, dumbfuck, it didn’t rhyme with “coon,” it was “coon.” :eusa_doh:

Not because you say so.

And yet, here you are doing exactly that, being who you are.

He was confused over the number of primaries he had to participate in and visit
Very few people actually know

I know he's not stupid and I know he doesn't think we have 57 states. That's the point. We have the usual suspects ready to tar and feather one man for a statement (and not giving a flying rat's patoot if he's actually guilty or not) while giving every excuse in the book for another who also said something odd.
Its amusing youre trying to equate someone saying a racial slur with someone being tired and saying 57 states instead of 47. :rolleyes:

It's amusing that you're trying to avoid the obvious parallels by pretending that's what I'm doing.
There are no obvious parallels. Your comparison is weak sauce. Now if you can get an instant where Obama slipped up and called someone a honky on TV then you would have a comparison. You don't accidentally call someone a racial slur. That like telling a wife or girlfriend that you accidentally had sex with someone.

Okay then, since you're playing dense, use Obama's VP making racist comments. Under your standard, Obama selected a known racist as his running mate. Why did he do that?
I'm not playing defense. I'm killing you on offense. :rolleyes:

Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character.

That he said that on the air and it could damage the station's brand is plenty cause enough to fire him.

I haven't said a thing about his being fired other than when someone mentioned it to me. I know the station fired him and I know why the station fired him.

What I'm doing here in this discussion is questioning and pointing out the flaws in the reasoning behind the conclusions of those here who think he's racist and that he said it deliberately or that it slipped out because he says it all the time in private.

Their conclusions do not take other mitigating factors into account such as the fact that people in general flub words every day, including those here who deem him guilty; or the fact that not one of those here saying he's guilty know a thing about this man or his character; or that he himself already explained that it was an honest flub because he was talking too fast and got ahead of himself.

The guy's been recorded many times saying many things. Has he ever said anything like this before?

One does have to wonder if those figuratively demanding this guy's head were as outraged at Joe Biden:s racist comments or if political party affiliation provides cover from such things?
Who did Biden call a coon? BTW the racist got fired and thats that.

Biden said Obama was the first mainstream African-American (one has to assume he meant candidate) who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

Now, you're the detective with the magnifying glass who can imagine racism in every comment. Tell me how this is not a racist comment and why someone like Jesse Jackson would not be insulted by it. For example, he would never in a million years say it about a white candidate. Remember, you can't use things like, "He only said it once", or, "He didn't have any history of saying things like that", because you're not giving this weatherman any kind of break like that. You can't use his identity as a democrat either. If you knew nothing about Biden except that he was an old white guy, what would you say about his comment?
Sounds like Biden is a racist to me but he didnt call Obama a coon like this guy did.
"Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant. "

If you can't, then you were making shit up again when you said it's a fact that someone does this sort of mistake every single day. You seem to have a penchant for making shit up.

I didn't say "someone" does it every day, I said people do this every day. What's more, you fucking well know it.

And falling down stairs is not racist. Who knows what you were thinking with that one? :cuckoo:

I refuse to believe you are that fucking dense.

Dumbfuck .... "someone" isn't a person??

You can't show someone said something of that sort because yet again, you are caught making shit up.

"Someone" implies an individual. I meant people in general. In any case, "someone" is not the word I used so that means you misquoted me. In other words, you made shit up.

Have you even graduated high school yet? If you have, how in the name of all that is sane and orderly did you manage that?

You said people do stuff like that every day. So prove it.

Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

And a person is someone. If you’re not talking about someone, who or what are you talking about?

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.
That he said that on the air and it could damage the station's brand is plenty cause enough to fire him.

I haven't said a thing about his being fired other than when someone mentioned it to me. I know the station fired him and I know why the station fired him.

What I'm doing here in this discussion is questioning and pointing out the flaws in the reasoning behind the conclusions of those here who think he's racist and that he said it deliberately or that it slipped out because he says it all the time in private.

Their conclusions do not take other mitigating factors into account such as the fact that people in general flub words every day, including those here who deem him guilty; or the fact that not one of those here saying he's guilty know a thing about this man or his character; or that he himself already explained that it was an honest flub because he was talking too fast and got ahead of himself.

The guy's been recorded many times saying many things. Has he ever said anything like this before?

One does have to wonder if those figuratively demanding this guy's head were as outraged at Joe Biden:s racist comments or if political party affiliation provides cover from such things?
Who did Biden call a coon? BTW the racist got fired and thats that.

Biden said Obama was the first mainstream African-American (one has to assume he meant candidate) who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

Now, you're the detective with the magnifying glass who can imagine racism in every comment. Tell me how this is not a racist comment and why someone like Jesse Jackson would not be insulted by it. For example, he would never in a million years say it about a white candidate. Remember, you can't use things like, "He only said it once", or, "He didn't have any history of saying things like that", because you're not giving this weatherman any kind of break like that. You can't use his identity as a democrat either. If you knew nothing about Biden except that he was an old white guy, what would you say about his comment?
Sounds like Biden is a racist to me but he didnt call Obama a coon like this guy did.
So Obama selected someone who was racist toward him as his VP. Strange world we live in.

I guess you and Obama don't share the same ideas about who is a racist and who is not.
I know he's not stupid and I know he doesn't think we have 57 states. That's the point. We have the usual suspects ready to tar and feather one man for a statement (and not giving a flying rat's patoot if he's actually guilty or not) while giving every excuse in the book for another who also said something odd.
Its amusing youre trying to equate someone saying a racial slur with someone being tired and saying 57 states instead of 47. :rolleyes:

It's amusing that you're trying to avoid the obvious parallels by pretending that's what I'm doing.
There are no obvious parallels. Your comparison is weak sauce. Now if you can get an instant where Obama slipped up and called someone a honky on TV then you would have a comparison. You don't accidentally call someone a racial slur. That like telling a wife or girlfriend that you accidentally had sex with someone.

Okay then, since you're playing dense, use Obama's VP making racist comments. Under your standard, Obama selected a known racist as his running mate. Why did he do that?
I'm not playing defense. I'm killing you on offense. :rolleyes:
Uhhhh, I said dense, not defense.
I didn't say "someone" does it every day, I said people do this every day. What's more, you fucking well know it.

I refuse to believe you are that fucking dense.

Dumbfuck .... "someone" isn't a person??

You can't show someone said something of that sort because yet again, you are caught making shit up.

"Someone" implies an individual. I meant people in general. In any case, "someone" is not the word I used so that means you misquoted me. In other words, you made shit up.

Have you even graduated high school yet? If you have, how in the name of all that is sane and orderly did you manage that?

You said people do stuff like that every day. So prove it.

Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

And a person is someone. If you’re not talking about someone, who or what are you talking about?

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?
White supremacists don't get fired. They get transferred.

That's all that will happen to him. He'll be fine. Some other channel will pick him up

He'll be fine.

The thing is if he's says shit like this at work on air, just imagine how he talks off air ?

It's like when Hank Williams talked shit about Obama but then he got called back
Or the official who called Michelle Obama and "ape" she got her job back

Dumbfuck .... "someone" isn't a person??

You can't show someone said something of that sort because yet again, you are caught making shit up.

"Someone" implies an individual. I meant people in general. In any case, "someone" is not the word I used so that means you misquoted me. In other words, you made shit up.

Have you even graduated high school yet? If you have, how in the name of all that is sane and orderly did you manage that?

You said people do stuff like that every day. So prove it.

Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

And a person is someone. If you’re not talking about someone, who or what are you talking about?

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?

Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.
"Someone" implies an individual. I meant people in general. In any case, "someone" is not the word I used so that means you misquoted me. In other words, you made shit up.

Have you even graduated high school yet? If you have, how in the name of all that is sane and orderly did you manage that?

You said people do stuff like that every day. So prove it.

Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

And a person is someone. If you’re not talking about someone, who or what are you talking about?

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?

Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.

You said people do stuff like that every day. So prove it.

Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

And a person is someone. If you’re not talking about someone, who or what are you talking about?

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?

Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.

Dumbfuck, you said that in response to me stating his slip was a racist epithet.

Stop making shit up.

And I've discussed this topic. People who say, "Martin Luther coon," are racists.
Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?

Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.

Dumbfuck, you said that in response to me stating his slip was a racist epithet.

Okay, you couldn't let it go, like a rabid dog with a bone so here are some cold, hard facts for you to gnaw on.

I said this to Paul before you said that comment to me:

"Since he explains that it was a slip up and we know everyone has done this at one time or another, you don't have a case".

Then I said this to you in Post #166, again, BEFORE your comment to me:

"People flub normal sentences every day and you know this. I know you have and I know every person on this board has done it before. You and almost everyone else here want to crucify this guy for doing something every one of us does every fucking day. Congratulations.

Then I said this to you in Post #173, once again, BEFORE your comment to me.

"A phrase does not have to be a tongue twister to get twisted. Everybody has done it with normal phrases.

Then you said in Post #204: "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

To which I replied:
"Fact: He said "Martin Luther Coon" or something that sounded like it.

Fact: You have not ascertained malice or intent so it could have been accidental.

Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.

Fact: You do not know this man or his character."

Two things here: 1.) As you can see from the quotes above, I have been saying through the entire discussion that people flub normal words and phrases, BEFORE your comment to me. 2.) When I said "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day.", it was not a direct response to your comment. It was just part of the list of facts.

Stop making shit up.

See above.
Last edited:
I haven't said a thing about his being fired other than when someone mentioned it to me. I know the station fired him and I know why the station fired him.

What I'm doing here in this discussion is questioning and pointing out the flaws in the reasoning behind the conclusions of those here who think he's racist and that he said it deliberately or that it slipped out because he says it all the time in private.

Their conclusions do not take other mitigating factors into account such as the fact that people in general flub words every day, including those here who deem him guilty; or the fact that not one of those here saying he's guilty know a thing about this man or his character; or that he himself already explained that it was an honest flub because he was talking too fast and got ahead of himself.

The guy's been recorded many times saying many things. Has he ever said anything like this before?

One does have to wonder if those figuratively demanding this guy's head were as outraged at Joe Biden:s racist comments or if political party affiliation provides cover from such things?
Who did Biden call a coon? BTW the racist got fired and thats that.

Biden said Obama was the first mainstream African-American (one has to assume he meant candidate) who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

Now, you're the detective with the magnifying glass who can imagine racism in every comment. Tell me how this is not a racist comment and why someone like Jesse Jackson would not be insulted by it. For example, he would never in a million years say it about a white candidate. Remember, you can't use things like, "He only said it once", or, "He didn't have any history of saying things like that", because you're not giving this weatherman any kind of break like that. You can't use his identity as a democrat either. If you knew nothing about Biden except that he was an old white guy, what would you say about his comment?
Sounds like Biden is a racist to me but he didnt call Obama a coon like this guy did.
So Obama selected someone who was racist toward him as his VP. Strange world we live in.

I guess you and Obama don't share the same ideas about who is a racist and who is not.
I would say so.

Obama probably thought he was a racist as well but decided since he wasnt a virulent racist it was all good.
Its amusing youre trying to equate someone saying a racial slur with someone being tired and saying 57 states instead of 47. :rolleyes:

It's amusing that you're trying to avoid the obvious parallels by pretending that's what I'm doing.
There are no obvious parallels. Your comparison is weak sauce. Now if you can get an instant where Obama slipped up and called someone a honky on TV then you would have a comparison. You don't accidentally call someone a racial slur. That like telling a wife or girlfriend that you accidentally had sex with someone.

Okay then, since you're playing dense, use Obama's VP making racist comments. Under your standard, Obama selected a known racist as his running mate. Why did he do that?
I'm not playing defense. I'm killing you on offense. :rolleyes:
Uhhhh, I said dense, not defense.
So you did.
Prove this guy's a racist first then I might deign to accommodate you. I am not obligated to prove a goddamn thing to you. Remember, you are the one who made a judgment on this first, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

But, just for shits and giggles, here's a few links to videos of on-air reporter bloopers:

In the one below there's a British host saying "c*nts" while trying to say "cuts'.
Jeremy Paxman follows Naughtie example with on-air 'cuts' blunder

Jump to 1:36 and 1:51 in the one below. You get one reporter almost saying "shit" and another one saying "c*nts"

n the one below at about 5:02 the reporter is trying to say "...fired up about starts" and runs them together and says "farts".

Are you sure you want to continue with this argument? Now prove to me this guy is racist.

People. As in, people in general. And as I just proved to you above, people DO do this every day.


Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?

Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.

Dumbfuck, you said that in response to me stating his slip was a racist epithet.

Stop making shit up.

And I've discussed this topic. People who say, "Martin Luther coon," are racists.

Yeah, cause Im sure the guy just wanted to lose his job. A few questions though. Sure he could be a racist but I think it would be fair to look at his complete body of work. Hopefully the people who fired him did just that, and did they find other racial "slip ups"? or was it just a one and your done? Also the word "coon" , seems to me is more of a southern lingo, while this guy is a northerner. Just seems a bit odd that this would be his normal language behind closed doors as some allude to, and now it just somehow slipped out.
Personally, I would say a warning would have been in order, or even something punitive other than firing. My bet is the station just doesn't want to be sued or lose ratings. Chickenshit if you ask me. Employers should back up their employees unless they have some proof of racism. For those who can guarantee a slip up makes a person racist such as Martin Loother Coon? I do hope you make a mistake one day so you can also be condemned with no recourse.

Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?
Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.
Dumbfuck, you said that in response to me stating his slip was a racist epithet.

Stop making shit up.

And I've discussed this topic. People who say, "Martin Luther coon," are racists.

Yeah, cause Im sure the guy just wanted to lose his job. A few questions though. Sure he could be a racist but I think it would be fair to look at his complete body of work. Hopefully the people who fired him did just that, and did they find other racial "slip ups"? or was it just a one and your done? Also the word "coon" , seems to me is more of a southern lingo, while this guy is a northerner. Just seems a bit odd that this would be his normal language behind closed doors as some allude to, and now it just somehow slipped out.
Personally, I would say a warning would have been in order, or even something punitive other than firing. My bet is the station just doesn't want to be sued or lose ratings. Chickenshit if you ask me. Employers should back up their employees unless they have some proof of racism. For those who can guarantee a slip up makes a person racist such as Martin Loother Coon? I do hope you make a mistake one day so you can also be condemned with no recourse.
No one is contending he said, “coon,” intentionally on the air.
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Figures you’re an imbecile. You were the one to say people slip like this everyday, not me. That’s your burden to prove, not mine. And while the video you posted is quite humorous, it’s not as funny as you posting that, think it proves your claim. It doesn’t since not a single blooper showed someone spouting a racist epithet.

Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?
Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.
Dumbfuck, you said that in response to me stating his slip was a racist epithet.

Stop making shit up.

And I've discussed this topic. People who say, "Martin Luther coon," are racists.

Yeah, cause Im sure the guy just wanted to lose his job. A few questions though. Sure he could be a racist but I think it would be fair to look at his complete body of work. Hopefully the people who fired him did just that, and did they find other racial "slip ups"? or was it just a one and your done? Also the word "coon" , seems to me is more of a southern lingo, while this guy is a northerner. Just seems a bit odd that this would be his normal language behind closed doors as some allude to, and now it just somehow slipped out.
Personally, I would say a warning would have been in order, or even something punitive other than firing. My bet is the station just doesn't want to be sued or lose ratings. Chickenshit if you ask me. Employers should back up their employees unless they have some proof of racism. For those who can guarantee a slip up makes a person racist such as Martin Loother Coon? I do hope you make a mistake one day so you can also be condemned with no recourse.

"Yeah, cause Im sure the guy just wanted to lose his job."

Pretty sure he didnt want to lose his job. However, thats what happens when you develop a habit of calling Black people coons. It inevitably will slip out sooner or later when you least anticipate it.
These raggedy chumps always make excuses for themselves. But let somebody say white and is not complimentary, it's racist. No excuses, no explanations accepted. So this guy made a racist comment and that's that.
These raggedy chumps always make excuses for themselves. But let somebody say white and is not complimentary, it's racist. No excuses, no explanations accepted. So this guy made a racist comment and that's that.

If some black person says a racial slur intentionally, there will be no excuses and no explanations accepted. However, if it could conceivably be a flub by trying to say two words at once, I personally would give him the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because unlike you, I am not primed to think that racism is the motive or cause behind every black word or action as you are with whites.
Jesus, I guess you are that fucking dense. Neither one of us said anything about people flubbing and saying racial slurs every day. It's not what I said and is not what you disagreed with. You challenged my contention that people flub their words every day, not that I said people accidentally say racial slurs every day, which I never said in the first place.

Having said that, not only do the videos prove that people flub their words every day, it proves that sometimes when they do, they accidentally utter profanities. So if one can get "c*nts" from "cuts" or "farts" from "fired up about starts", one can certainly get "kune" from "King" and "junior".

By the way, a little clarity on my use of the word "people" since you seem unable to grasp the basic subtelties of language. When I say "people" I mean people in general and in the sense that somewhere in the world on any given day, some people are flubbing their words. It does not mean that every individual flubs their words every day.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to draw pictures?
Great, now you're making shit up again....

Actually, you said, "Fact: People make this sort of mistake every day," in response to me saying, "he said 'Martin Luther coon.' That’s racist."

So now everyone sees yet again how miserably you failed to prove your lies.

"This sort of mistake" means flubbing words. I did not mean that people say "Martin Luther Coon" or some other racial slur every day. I'm not so stupid as to think that. I don't mean it now and I didn't mean it then. You just misconstrued what I said.

Stop wasting so much energy on trying to make me look like a liar and just discuss the fucking topic. Jesus.
Dumbfuck, you said that in response to me stating his slip was a racist epithet.

Stop making shit up.

And I've discussed this topic. People who say, "Martin Luther coon," are racists.

Yeah, cause Im sure the guy just wanted to lose his job. A few questions though. Sure he could be a racist but I think it would be fair to look at his complete body of work. Hopefully the people who fired him did just that, and did they find other racial "slip ups"? or was it just a one and your done? Also the word "coon" , seems to me is more of a southern lingo, while this guy is a northerner. Just seems a bit odd that this would be his normal language behind closed doors as some allude to, and now it just somehow slipped out.
Personally, I would say a warning would have been in order, or even something punitive other than firing. My bet is the station just doesn't want to be sued or lose ratings. Chickenshit if you ask me. Employers should back up their employees unless they have some proof of racism. For those who can guarantee a slip up makes a person racist such as Martin Loother Coon? I do hope you make a mistake one day so you can also be condemned with no recourse.

"Yeah, cause Im sure the guy just wanted to lose his job."

Pretty sure he didnt want to lose his job. However, thats what happens when you develop a habit of calling Black people coons. It inevitably will slip out sooner or later when you least anticipate it.

Pretty sure he didn't want to lose his job. However, that's what happens when paranoids who see racists behind every tree develop a habit of calling white people racists for the stupidest fucking reasons. It inevitably will get you fired sooner or later when you least anticipate it.

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