Weekly Standard column on gay intolerance...they never forget or forgive, but will destroy you...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This column in the Weekly Standard looks at the level of hate in the gay special rights movement.....

It also helps that they use the Borg collective reference...they must read my posts.....

You Will Be Assimilated The Weekly Standard

You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed with a larger percentage of the vote in California than Barack Obama received nationally in 2012. No one who knew Eich accused him of treating his gay coworkers badly—by all accounts he was kind and generous to his colleagues. Nonetheless, having provided modest financial support to a lawful ballot initiative that passed with a majority vote was deemed horrible enough to deprive Eich of his livelihood. Which is one thing.

What is quite another is the manner in which Eich has been treated since. A year after Eich’s firing, for instance, Hampton Catlin, a Silicon Valley programmer who was one of the first to demand Eich’s resignation, took to Twitter to bait Eich:

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

It had been a couple weeks since I’d gotten some sort of @BrendanEich related hate mail. How things going over there on your side, Brendan?

BrendanEich ‏@BrendanEich

@hcatlin You demanded I be “completely removed from any day to day activities at Mozilla” & got your wish. I’m still unemployed. How’re you?

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

@BrendanEich married and able to live in the USA! .  .  . and working together on open source stuff! In like, a loving, happy gay married way!

It’s a small thing, to be sure. But telling. Because it shows that the same-sex marriage movement is interested in a great deal more than just the freedom to form marital unions. It is also interested, quite keenly, in punishing dissenters. But the ambitions of the movement go further than that, even. It’s about revisiting legal notions of freedom of speech and association, constitutional protections for religious freedom, and cultural norms concerning the family. And most Americans are only just realizing that these are the societal compacts that have been pried open for negotiation.

Seriously, this is what you are upset about?

I find it hilarious that the same people who supported a guy who said, "I like to be able to fire people" are upset when someone gets fired because his homophobia becomes a business liability.

I've known working class folks who've been fired for being gay. I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

I just can't get worked up because some rich asshole was forced out because he picked the wrong side in a fight.
This column in the Weekly Standard looks at the level of hate in the gay special rights movement.....

It also helps that they use the Borg collective reference...they must read my posts.....

You Will Be Assimilated The Weekly Standard

You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed with a larger percentage of the vote in California than Barack Obama received nationally in 2012. No one who knew Eich accused him of treating his gay coworkers badly—by all accounts he was kind and generous to his colleagues. Nonetheless, having provided modest financial support to a lawful ballot initiative that passed with a majority vote was deemed horrible enough to deprive Eich of his livelihood. Which is one thing.

What is quite another is the manner in which Eich has been treated since. A year after Eich’s firing, for instance, Hampton Catlin, a Silicon Valley programmer who was one of the first to demand Eich’s resignation, took to Twitter to bait Eich:

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

It had been a couple weeks since I’d gotten some sort of @BrendanEich related hate mail. How things going over there on your side, Brendan?

BrendanEich ‏@BrendanEich

@hcatlin You demanded I be “completely removed from any day to day activities at Mozilla” & got your wish. I’m still unemployed. How’re you?

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

@BrendanEich married and able to live in the USA! .  .  . and working together on open source stuff! In like, a loving, happy gay married way!

It’s a small thing, to be sure. But telling. Because it shows that the same-sex marriage movement is interested in a great deal more than just the freedom to form marital unions. It is also interested, quite keenly, in punishing dissenters. But the ambitions of the movement go further than that, even. It’s about revisiting legal notions of freedom of speech and association, constitutional protections for religious freedom, and cultural norms concerning the family. And most Americans are only just realizing that these are the societal compacts that have been pried open for negotiation.
It shows one guy, Catlin, being an asshole. Do you have the same degree of outrage for gay people fired simply for being gay? Something that happens far more often than what happened to Eich. You should have someone tutor you on the first amendment as well. It does not apply to the interactions of private entities.
Martyrdom is the new symbol of those who oppose equal rights for all. You see that emotion constantly in conservative editorials, it turns everything on its head and now it is the 'conservative' who is misunderstood and marginalized. Oh sad us, no longer are we the chosen people, now everyone is chosen.

"Onstage, the conservative waxes Byronic, moodily surveying the sum of his losses before an audience of the lovelorn and the starstruck. Offstage, and out of sight, his managers quietly compile the sum of their gains." Corey Robin
Martyrdom is the new symbol of those who oppose equal rights for all. You see that emotion constantly in conservative editorials, it turns everything on its head and now it is the 'conservative' who is misunderstood and marginalized. Oh sad us, no longer are we the chosen people, now everyone is chosen.

"Onstage, the conservative waxes Byronic, moodily surveying the sum of his losses before an audience of the lovelorn and the starstruck. Offstage, and out of sight, his managers quietly compile the sum of their gains." Corey Robin

Conservatives being 'discriminated against' when others reject conservative advocacy of discrimination.
Tolerance is a one way street them.

they expect everyone else to tolerate THEM. BUT look what they did to the hotel owner who invited Cruz to their place. they had him on his knees groveling to them because they called to BOYCOTT his business. Look what they did with some law in Indiana. Used their businesses to try and FORCE the state and people there to bow to them

People better start waking up to these Fascist. I don't care if they are homosexual/liberal/democrat, etc

they are COMING for you and they are Vicious
Tolerance is a one way street them.

they expect everyone else to tolerate THEM. BUT look what they did to the hotel owner who invited Cruz to their place. they had him on his knees groveling to them because they called to BOYCOTT his business. Look what they did with some law in Indiana. Used their businesses to try and FORCE the state and people there to bow to them

People better start waking up to these Fascist. I don't care if they are homosexual/liberal/democrat, etc

they are COMING for you and they are Vicious

Again, you Wingnuts are all for hte "Market FOrces" when they drive down the wages of working people.

But when they screw business owners who happen to be Christian Bigots, you get all upset.
As obnoxious and harmful as gays have become they should be fired once their orientation is discovered. Not because they are gay. Because gay comes with a lot of destructive baggage.
Who else didn't see this coming? Gays endured many decades of economic, social, and sometimes violent abuse at the hands of some social conservatives. Gay people and their allies decided they weren't going to up with their bullshit anymore. Now those same social conservatives are trying to spin it as if they are the real victims in a war they started but ultimately lost. Oh boo hoo, gay folks are not going to allow us to treat them like shit anymore. Cry me a fucking river!
As obnoxious and harmful as gays have become they should be fired once their orientation is discovered. Not because they are gay. Because gay comes with a lot of destructive baggage.
All humans are as such, character assassins at work no matter the rate of pay or orientation of job.
As obnoxious and harmful as gays have become they should be fired once their orientation is discovered. Not because they are gay. Because gay comes with a lot of destructive baggage.
All humans are as such, character assassins at work no matter the rate of pay or orientation of job.
I think Tipsy still doesn't understand that all people are assholes. Time for a story:
I literally don't understand why humans feel the need to back stab people....except for revenge, schadenfreude, envy, hate and maybe competition....
I literally don't understand why humans feel the need to back stab people....except for revenge, schadenfreude, envy, hate and maybe competition....
In my mother's old job, she was backstapped by her own staff, who attempted an office coup - which failed and pissed the mutineers off, though she found a better job eventually.

Humans thrive on conflict, just as much as they do on co-operation, so often it doesn't take any more than not liking a word they say, to want to backstab.
Sorry to burst the fear bubble, but this is some tame ass shit for Corporate cut-throating.

Looks like the gay guy didn't put his vocal foot high enough up someone else's mouthy ass - and or the "head honcho" didn't like him. Either way, it's no more than a minor hiccup in comparison to some of the crap I've seen... and even stuff I've done in that world.
This column in the Weekly Standard looks at the level of hate in the gay special rights movement.....

It also helps that they use the Borg collective reference...they must read my posts.....

You Will Be Assimilated The Weekly Standard

You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed with a larger percentage of the vote in California than Barack Obama received nationally in 2012. No one who knew Eich accused him of treating his gay coworkers badly—by all accounts he was kind and generous to his colleagues. Nonetheless, having provided modest financial support to a lawful ballot initiative that passed with a majority vote was deemed horrible enough to deprive Eich of his livelihood. Which is one thing.

What is quite another is the manner in which Eich has been treated since. A year after Eich’s firing, for instance, Hampton Catlin, a Silicon Valley programmer who was one of the first to demand Eich’s resignation, took to Twitter to bait Eich:

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

It had been a couple weeks since I’d gotten some sort of @BrendanEich related hate mail. How things going over there on your side, Brendan?

BrendanEich ‏@BrendanEich

@hcatlin You demanded I be “completely removed from any day to day activities at Mozilla” & got your wish. I’m still unemployed. How’re you?

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

@BrendanEich married and able to live in the USA! .  .  . and working together on open source stuff! In like, a loving, happy gay married way!

It’s a small thing, to be sure. But telling. Because it shows that the same-sex marriage movement is interested in a great deal more than just the freedom to form marital unions. It is also interested, quite keenly, in punishing dissenters. But the ambitions of the movement go further than that, even. It’s about revisiting legal notions of freedom of speech and association, constitutional protections for religious freedom, and cultural norms concerning the family. And most Americans are only just realizing that these are the societal compacts that have been pried open for negotiation.
It shows one guy, Catlin, being an asshole. Do you have the same degree of outrage for gay people fired simply for being gay? Something that happens far more often than what happened to Eich. You should have someone tutor you on the first amendment as well. It does not apply to the interactions of private entities.

Define how he was being an asshole.
This column in the Weekly Standard looks at the level of hate in the gay special rights movement.....

It also helps that they use the Borg collective reference...they must read my posts.....

You Will Be Assimilated The Weekly Standard

You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed with a larger percentage of the vote in California than Barack Obama received nationally in 2012. No one who knew Eich accused him of treating his gay coworkers badly—by all accounts he was kind and generous to his colleagues. Nonetheless, having provided modest financial support to a lawful ballot initiative that passed with a majority vote was deemed horrible enough to deprive Eich of his livelihood. Which is one thing.

What is quite another is the manner in which Eich has been treated since. A year after Eich’s firing, for instance, Hampton Catlin, a Silicon Valley programmer who was one of the first to demand Eich’s resignation, took to Twitter to bait Eich:

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

It had been a couple weeks since I’d gotten some sort of @BrendanEich related hate mail. How things going over there on your side, Brendan?

BrendanEich ‏@BrendanEich

@hcatlin You demanded I be “completely removed from any day to day activities at Mozilla” & got your wish. I’m still unemployed. How’re you?

Hampton ‏@hcatlin Apr 2

@BrendanEich married and able to live in the USA! .  .  . and working together on open source stuff! In like, a loving, happy gay married way!

It’s a small thing, to be sure. But telling. Because it shows that the same-sex marriage movement is interested in a great deal more than just the freedom to form marital unions. It is also interested, quite keenly, in punishing dissenters. But the ambitions of the movement go further than that, even. It’s about revisiting legal notions of freedom of speech and association, constitutional protections for religious freedom, and cultural norms concerning the family. And most Americans are only just realizing that these are the societal compacts that have been pried open for negotiation.
It shows one guy, Catlin, being an asshole. Do you have the same degree of outrage for gay people fired simply for being gay? Something that happens far more often than what happened to Eich. You should have someone tutor you on the first amendment as well. It does not apply to the interactions of private entities.

Define how he was being an asshole.
Taunting a man who lost his job?

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