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Weiner Mocks GOP For Defund NPR Bill

Weenie boy mocks anything that moves....He's a sophomoric Alan Grayson.

Maybe he should get a career in stand-up or talk radio.

An old man who comes on messageboards to poke fun at political opponents and argue with people all day..........calling anyone sophomoric...heh


When I'm in the halls of congress and act like that little shit, you might have an argument....But I'm not and you don't.

naw, you're just like that without cameras and to make any real point
But Obama played golf and we have a budget crisis....Boner passed a symbolic bill, without posting it online that doesnt solve any problem America has and it's kewl....

...to republicans
Well, I'm sure people are mocking him for acting like funding NPR is a Federal Priority when we are broke and have much more important things to deal with.

He can mock all he wants, but the Republicans are right to defedune NPR. Reality is, they never should have been funded to begin with.

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