
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

Are you kidding? It's a fantastic study in failed moral equivalency.

The argument at hand is "Your guy got away with not resigning four years ago, so ours should too", while at the same time totally ignoring that Republican Chris Lee was forced to resign for the same offense WITHOUT the added insult of lying to avoid the consequences four MONTHS ago.

Total deflection, but interesting none the less.

what "offense"? Ensign only resigned when he was going to get tossed. Vitter never resigned.

I'm afraid the moral equivalency is on the other foot.

and this thread is still going because certain people like making weiner jokes.
BriteBart being a LIAR of the highest order is the LEAST of that closeted freak's problems.

Breitbart told the facts, it was the party member lied.


I wish KOS would program you with something slightly less stupid, Bozo...
Lets put it to rest...

1) weiners sexual exploits, as bad as they are for an elected official, are no different than select elected officials have been doing since the 1700's

2) What makes weiner's different was his childish behavior of admittedly lying becuase he "did not want to get in trouble"

3) and what makes it even worse....he did what children do....blamed it on other people...allowing Breitbart to be blamed for it

4) and the final straw....when he finally decided to "come clean" he STILL was unable to be totally honest.

This is a man that we can not trust...he is the type that would more likely than not succumb to blackmail to avoid "getting oin trouble"......and a man like that should not be allowed to work in our government.

Nothing to compare to...no hypocricy....this is unique and a no brainer. He is to step down immediately.
Maybe Weiner can tell us that wasn't him at the press conference admiting all of this...
And then his phone number ended up on a madam's phone list. He didn't resign, nor did any Republicans call for his resignation. He was re-elected in his district.

Why doesn't Weiner deserve the same treatment?

A phone number is incriminating evidence of a looooooooong involvement as Vitter was accused? I wonder if they released any other phone numbers from the Madam's phone? If not, why not? Did Vitter try to accuse another citizen of a federal crime? Did incriminating photos of Vitter with a prostitute show up on the internet? Vitter was elected after all this story came out and the story was not convincing to anybody. Not even the Democrats desperate to give it legs. And Vitter has not yet come up for re-election so we don't know how that will go, but I think the folks who elected him are pretty happy with him.

A. Vitter has come up for re-election...and been re-elected.

B. After enough evidence built up against him, Vitter came clean and confirmed the veracity of the charges.

You're right, there's no comparison between him and Weiner. Weiner didn't pay prostitutes. And Weiner didn't call for Clinton's resignation at about the same time he was dressing up in diapers for madams.

You're right. He was first elected in 2004 and was re-elected in 2010. So he started his second term in January this year. And after further research he did confess to straying from his marriage with a prostitute when he was still a state legislator. He fessed up, said he had apologized to God and his wife, and he and his wife had been in counseling. Apparently they worked it out as he is still married. Attempts by his opponents to tie him to a larger scandal failed.

So far as I know he didn't go before the American people with some cockamamy lie about it and he didn't accuse somebody else of committing a crime to frame him.

I'm not excusing him in any way. But I think using Vitter's personal circumstances to excuse Weiner is pretty lame. Well.....HE started it. HE did it too. I'm okay because HE'S WORSE!!!

Sheesh. When are we going to start demanding ethics and principles and good judgment and public service from those we elect to high office instead of people we spend most of our time defending, excusing, and making excuses for?
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

Are you kidding? It's a fantastic study in failed moral equivalency.

The argument at hand is "Your guy got away with not resigning four years ago, so ours should too", while at the same time totally ignoring that Republican Chris Lee was forced to resign for the same offense WITHOUT the added insult of lying to avoid the consequences four MONTHS ago.

Total deflection, but interesting none the less.

what "offense"? Ensign only resigned when he was going to get tossed. Vitter never resigned.

I'm afraid the moral equivalency is on the other foot.

and this thread is still going because certain people like making weiner jokes.

Congressman Chris Lee Resigns:

After Shirtless Photo Posted on Internet

-----> Feb. 9, 2011

Rep. Christopher Lee, R-N.Y., abruptly resigned from the House of Representatives Wednesday afternoon after a report emerged that he had sent flirtatious e-mails, including one with a bare-chested photo of himself, to a woman he met on Craigslist.

If Weiner didn't care enough about his family to NOT post PICTURES OF HIS DICK on the internets and to NOT engage in PHONE SEX with WOMEN HE COULDN'T SAY WITH CERTITUDE WEREN'T JAILBAIT, it's not Breitbart's responsibility to protect Weiner's family from Weiner's actions.

In Ravi's little mind, it is the responsibility of EVERYONE to protect the party - no matter what. In her little world, Breitbart should have done what the NY Times does, filtered the news through an impact analysis. How does the story impact the party? Does it serve the party? Does it embarrass the party? If it does, then the story must be squashed. It's real simple, the press is there to protect and promote the party, not to inform a free people.

You've got to understand, leftists are totalitarian thugs, they detest free speech and a free press.
Another woman has come forward. Soon we will know how accurate "about six" really was.
Lets put it to rest...

1) weiners sexual exploits, as bad as they are for an elected official, are no different than select elected officials have been doing since the 1700's

2) What makes weiner's different was his childish behavior of admittedly lying becuase he "did not want to get in trouble"

3) and what makes it even worse....he did what children do....blamed it on other people...allowing Breitbart to be blamed for it

4) and the final straw....when he finally decided to "come clean" he STILL was unable to be totally honest.

This is a man that we can not trust...he is the type that would more likely than not succumb to blackmail to avoid "getting oin trouble"......and a man like that should not be allowed to work in our government.

Nothing to compare to...no hypocricy....this is unique and a no brainer. He is to step down immediately.

Well when a man has been totally exposed (pun intended) there is nothing left to blackmail him with.

Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

Are you kidding? It's a fantastic study in failed moral equivalency.

The argument at hand is "Your guy got away with not resigning four years ago, so ours should too", while at the same time totally ignoring that Republican Chris Lee was forced to resign for the same offense WITHOUT the added insult of lying to avoid the consequences four MONTHS ago.

Total deflection, but interesting none the less.

Oh I agree that Weiner should resign, no argument here. But I don't recall any threads in regards to Chris Lee, that carried on to the extreme of this thread in terms of volume, not even close.
I think the participants should get subscriptions to The National Enquirer or any one of those grocery store tabloids. :lol:
Lets put it to rest...

1) weiners sexual exploits, as bad as they are for an elected official, are no different than select elected officials have been doing since the 1700's

2) What makes weiner's different was his childish behavior of admittedly lying becuase he "did not want to get in trouble"

3) and what makes it even worse....he did what children do....blamed it on other people...allowing Breitbart to be blamed for it

4) and the final straw....when he finally decided to "come clean" he STILL was unable to be totally honest.

This is a man that we can not trust...he is the type that would more likely than not succumb to blackmail to avoid "getting oin trouble"......and a man like that should not be allowed to work in our government.

Nothing to compare to...no hypocricy....this is unique and a no brainer. He is to step down immediately.

Well when a man has been totally exposed (pun intended) there is nothing left to blackmail him with.


True....but has he been totally exposed?

Do we know for sure there is not some woman in the background threatening to blab to the press about that threesome they had together with another man?

Or how about that intern that is threatening to tell Pelosi about the time he used the speakers gavel to help her acheive an orgasm?

Sorry...a man that lies to avoid getting in trouble is not to be trusted with classified information....EVER.
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

This thread, like Weiner apparently, has staying power...:lol:

Weiner is a joke.... How anyone could still have respect for the man after what he's done to his pregnant wife is beyond me...

But then again, some lefties still respect BJ Clinton...
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the "D.C. Madam," making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.

Wow, what a vast difference to the Weiner man, who lied for a week, claimed he was hacked, attacked the reporters, etc...

Well, democrats are complete buckets of shit..

Thanks for reminding us of how half-way decent people react when they get caught - good contrast to the scummy dims...
Weiner wrongly legitimized the Closeted Underpants Sniffer BriteBart when he apologized to to the KAWK-picture havin deviant on national TV.

That sick demented PREEVERT has NEVER been right about anything yet. He was wrong about ACORN, wrong about Sherrod, wrong about all his other made-up stories, videos and pranks. He's a self-proclaimed journalist that's nothing but a 2-bit RW hack.

And then you finally sobered up.
Again...I say. What LAW did Weiner break?

That's what I thought...nada.

How do you know it is?

That's right you RW Faulkers...ya got bupkiss.

who cares if he broke a law or not. he is moraly corrupt and not fit the represent the US governement. He lied about it on top of it. maybe you are just as moraly corrupt as he is and find his behavior acceptable. you probably had no issues with rangel either. you want to see the country flounder in the toilet, your call. most of us don't

Now you sniveling little snots don't care that a LAW was NOT broken? NOW?!??

How convenient.

I will see your same shatty A$$ falling on the sword of the law soon enuff when one of the truly DEGENERATE GUTTERSNIPE of the ReichtWing exposes their deviant ways.


Now, now Marc. Calm down, increase your blood pressure medication and take a deep breath here. Ok?

Now lets say they do. lets say a republican gets caught sending a lewd pic of himself over the internet. You've got no beef with it. You've been loud mouthing all over here how OK it is. Don't bring up vitter or anyone else. You're ok with what they did. We hear you load and clear. So STFU with your double standards already
Oh I agree that Weiner should resign, no argument here. But I don't recall any threads in regards to Chris Lee, that carried on to the extreme of this thread in terms of volume, not even close.
I think the participants should get subscriptions to The National Enquirer or any one of those grocery store tabloids. :lol:

There's a weiner factor here. Your welcome to start a thread about the next politican to screw up. The clock is already started on that one I'm sure.
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

Are you kidding? It's a fantastic study in failed moral equivalency.

The argument at hand is "Your guy got away with not resigning four years ago, so ours should too", while at the same time totally ignoring that Republican Chris Lee was forced to resign for the same offense WITHOUT the added insult of lying to avoid the consequences four MONTHS ago.

Total deflection, but interesting none the less.

Oh I agree that Weiner should resign, no argument here. But I don't recall any threads in regards to Chris Lee, that carried on to the extreme of this thread in terms of volume, not even close.
I think the participants should get subscriptions to The National Enquirer or any one of those grocery store tabloids. :lol:

Didn't Lee resign... like the afternoon of the revealing? There wasn't time for anything to start up in this regard. Had he carried on for four days whining and blaming everyone but himself, I think things would have been different.

And... okay, names do play some part in this as well as exposed body parts.

Lets put it to rest...

1) weiners sexual exploits, as bad as they are for an elected official, are no different than select elected officials have been doing since the 1700's

2) What makes weiner's different was his childish behavior of admittedly lying becuase he "did not want to get in trouble"

3) and what makes it even worse....he did what children do....blamed it on other people...allowing Breitbart to be blamed for it

4) and the final straw....when he finally decided to "come clean" he STILL was unable to be totally honest.

This is a man that we can not trust...he is the type that would more likely than not succumb to blackmail to avoid "getting oin trouble"......and a man like that should not be allowed to work in our government.

Nothing to compare to...no hypocricy....this is unique and a no brainer. He is to step down immediately.

Well when a man has been totally exposed (pun intended) there is nothing left to blackmail him with.


True....but has he been totally exposed?

Do we know for sure there is not some woman in the background threatening to blab to the press about that threesome they had together with another man?

Or how about that intern that is threatening to tell Pelosi about the time he used the speakers gavel to help her acheive an orgasm?

Sorry...a man that lies to avoid getting in trouble is not to be trusted with classified information....EVER.

Not that I have seen the pictures, but my understanding is that he HAS been totally exposed.

Now, that doesn't mean he hasn't been naughty in other ways... but there has been full exposure or so I have been told.


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