
Everybody keeps saying he did nothing wrong. hello, what about his wife? really. she's the victim. yea sure it's ok he publically hummiliated her. I never even heard of her until this scandal broke. But I'll always know her as weiners wife.

sure people pull this shit in everyday life and some get caught. but it goes nowhere becasue they are not in the public eye. these guys who are elected officials have an added responsiblity to keep their nose clean. one becasue of hte position of representing the United States Governemnt and becasue they are in the public eye. They are having their every move watched.

And yes they are vulnerable to blackmail. Breitbart exposed him. What if it had been someone who chose to blackmail him? It could have been a whole lot worse.
That is an excellent point!

A point that leads to the conclusion he should resign. His hearing will be daily fodder for weeks.

For weeks?
I have seen no one say that he hasn't done anything wrong. A link would be nice.

None of what you said means that Brietbart didn't try to extort Weiner.

Extort implies illegal activity to gain money or property. Fail.

Not always does it imply that.

ex·tort (
)tr.v. ex·tort·ed, ex·tort·ing, ex·torts To obtain from another by coercion or intimidation.

Breitbart has explained his intent, and it's a good one.

He said that he saw how Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and other women were smeared by the Clinton machine. Weiner is on notice that if he harms the women upon whom he preyed in order to save himself, he's going to be exposed.

If that's extortion, good for him.

Where is NOW? Where is the Outrage from the Feminists Lobby over yet another man in power exploiting his government position to prey on females (who may also be underage)?
Everybody keeps saying he did nothing wrong. hello, what about his wife? really. she's the victim. yea sure it's ok he publically hummiliated her. I never even heard of her until this scandal broke. But I'll always know her as weiners wife.

sure people pull this shit in everyday life and some get caught. but it goes nowhere becasue they are not in the public eye. these guys who are elected officials have an added responsiblity to keep their nose clean. one becasue of hte position of representing the United States Governemnt and becasue they are in the public eye. They are having their every move watched.

And yes they are vulnerable to blackmail. Breitbart exposed him. What if it had been someone who chose to blackmail him? It could have been a whole lot worse.
That is an excellent point!

A point that leads to the conclusion he should resign. His hearing will be daily fodder for weeks.

What about all those GOP douchebags that misued THEIR office? Appalachian Trail Man anyone? How's about Vitter? Vitter broke the law (prostitution), and yeah......his wife was embarrassed as well.

Nice hypocrite you got going ya right wing idiots.......
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

The closer comparison is Chris Lee, who resigned the same day his Fracas occured.
Extort implies illegal activity to gain money or property. Fail.

Not always does it imply that.

ex·tort (
)tr.v. ex·tort·ed, ex·tort·ing, ex·torts To obtain from another by coercion or intimidation.

Breitbart has explained his intent, and it's a good one.

He said that he saw how Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and other women were smeared by the Clinton machine. Weiner is on notice that if he harms the women upon whom he preyed in order to save himself, he's going to be exposed.

If that's extortion, good for him.

Where is NOW? Where is the Outrage from the Feminists Lobby over yet another man in power exploiting his government position to prey on females (who may also be underage)?
Of course! The Clinton machine was behind this!!! Brietbart did what he did because he feared being disappeared by the Clinton machine!

No one said that.

And actually, Brietbart did somewhat blackmail him by stating that if Weiner didn't stop maligning Brietbart he'd release the xrated picture.


You might not have said that Ravi, but numerous people have.

But see, that proves my point. Weiner compromised his effectiveness by putting himself in a position to be taken advantage of. Suppose he had a very legitimate reason for going after Breitbart. He gave Breitbart the ammunition to disarm him. He was eithr going to back off, or be publically humiliated and his career destroyed. the end result is the same.

Politicians or anyone in power can not afford to put themselves in compromising positions. And we can not tollerate the ones who do. They lose their effectiveness. And we end up suffering.
I have seen no one say that he hasn't done anything wrong. A link would be nice.

None of what you said means that Brietbart didn't try to extort Weiner.

The problem is he put himself in a position to be extorted. That's what is worng. We can not have elected officials acting in ways that leave themselves vulnerable.
Not always does it imply that.

ex·tort (
)tr.v. ex·tort·ed, ex·tort·ing, ex·torts To obtain from another by coercion or intimidation.

Breitbart has explained his intent, and it's a good one.

He said that he saw how Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and other women were smeared by the Clinton machine. Weiner is on notice that if he harms the women upon whom he preyed in order to save himself, he's going to be exposed.

If that's extortion, good for him.

Where is NOW? Where is the Outrage from the Feminists Lobby over yet another man in power exploiting his government position to prey on females (who may also be underage)?
Of course! The Clinton machine was behind this!!! Brietbart did what he did because he feared being disappeared by the Clinton machine!


You really do have reading comprehension problems, don't you, you poor old biddy?
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

Uhm, no one gives a rats ass what deal you are willing to cut.

I say let weiner stay on. Every day he is there is an open wound for the democratic party.
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton's absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:
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If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:

Prostitution scandals[edit] D.C. MadamIn early July 2007, Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

As background, several news outlets reported that in May 1999, Vitter replaced Congressman Bob Livingston after Livingston resigned due to an adultery scandal.[1][27][28] Vitter said about Livingston's decision to resign, "It's obviously a tremendous loss for the state. I think Livingston's stepping down makes a very powerful argument that Clinton should resign as well and move beyond this mess", referring to Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky scandal.[29]

Vitter will not face criminal charges due to the statute of limitations.[30]

Vitter incurred significant legal and public relations expenses in his efforts to avoid giving testimony in the Palfrey trial and to respond to the ethics complaint. Consequently, his attorneys sought permission from the Federal Election Commission to use campaign funds to pay for these expenses.[31][32] The Commission, along partisan lines, couldn't agree whether funds could be used for reimbursing costs related to the Palfrey trial but did allow them to pay for expenses connected to the Ethics Committee complaint.[33][34][35]

[edit] Canal Street MadamOn July 10, 2007, Jeanette Maier, the "Canal Street Madam", alleged that Vitter was a customer on more than one occasion in the 1990s, when Maier was identified by federal prosecutors as operating a $300 per hour brothel.[36] The Times-Picayune reported that "Maier offered no evidence or documents to support her claim."[37] A polygraph (lie detector) test was arranged for a New Orleans prostitute who claimed Vitter hired her and had sexual intercourse with her. The prostitute passed the test.[38]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So........lemmie get this straight.........because Clinton lied in the mid 90's, that leaves Vitter free to start soliciting prostitutes in 2007?

If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton's absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:

Actually Vitter wasn't forced to resign the Senate was because he did his thing with the hookers prior to being elected to the Senate, he was in the House at the time.
As he wasn't charged with anything, they let him slde.
Great. Start a thread about Vitter.

This one is about Weiner, who is responsible for HIS OWN ACTIONS.

Whatever Vitter's situation is, it doesn't absolve Weiner from responsibility of his own Fracas.
So........lemmie get this straight.........because Clinton lied in the mid 90's, that leaves Vitter free to start soliciting prostitutes in 2007?


Yep, in fact, the Right likely made the same argument you are making in political forums across the nation.

"How can YOU demand Vitter resign when YOU defended Clinton?"

And now the left says...

"How can YOU demand Weiner resign when YOU defended Vitter?"

And the next time, when it's a Republican, the right will claim...

"Well, I'll demand (Whomever) goes when Weiner goes."

It's a never ending cycle.

The Republicans broke it with Rep. Chris Lee(R)...bye bye, Chris.

The Democrats should follow THAT example.
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