
And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton's absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:
I don't think you can actually force someone to resign from congress, can you? I thought they had to be impeached.

The voters like Vitter, regardless and handily re-elected him. Doesn't say much for them.

The House I believe can expel a member guilty of egregious violation of the rules with a two thirds or three fourths, can't remember which, vote to expel him. Or a Congressperson's district can have a recall election to remove him from office. There is no impeachment process for Congress I don't believe.

This would not rise to egregious violation I don't think. But if Pelosi wants him gone, she'll make his life so miserable he'll have to leave. He won't get any camera time. He won't get any committee appointments. He'll be a person non grata without power, influence, or ability to do his job.

You're doing better than I did...I had to look it up. :redface:

This unsettling tidbit was unearthed by a Google search of "Congressman + Impeached"

U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, Democrat, Florida's 23rd District.

In 1977, he became a judge of the circuit court of Broward County, Florida.

In 1979, he was appointed by President Carter as a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Florida.

In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case.

In 1988, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413-3. He was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate, becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate.

In 1993 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

He presently serves on the following committees:

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I don't think you can actually force someone to resign from congress, can you? I thought they had to be impeached.

The voters like Vitter, regardless and handily re-elected him. Doesn't say much for them.

The House I believe can expel a member guilty of egregious violation of the rules with a two thirds or three fourths, can't remember which, vote to expel him. Or a Congressperson's district can have a recall election to remove him from office. There is no impeachment process for Congress I don't believe.

This would not rise to egregious violation I don't think. But if Pelosi wants him gone, she'll make his life so miserable he'll have to leave. He won't get any camera time. He won't get any committee appointments. He'll be a person non grata without power, influence, or ability to do his job.

You're doing better than I did...I had to look it up. :redface:

This unsettling tidbit was unearthed by a Google search of "Congressman + Impeached"

U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, Democrat, Florida's 23rd District.

In 1977, he became a judge of the circuit court of Broward County, Florida.

In 1979, he was appointed by President Carter as a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Florida.

In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case.

In 1988, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413-3. He was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate, becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate.

In 1993 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

He presently serves on the following committees:


Well isn't that special. Of course the media thoroughly vetted the gentleman so that the good people of his district knew exactly what sort of pig was in the poke. (Yes, yes, I know this is the Weiner thread.)

But that's the point I was making earlier. Until we demand better of those we elect to high office, we're going to continue to elect people we wouldn't want living next door to us. And that goes for both sides of the aisle.
Most people in politics don't have many skills as far as I can tell. We have multiple unemployed on our city council and can't find more than one person to run for a seat most of the time. Any wonder we end up with these bozos when there is no good training process and skill tests?
Serious question, do you think Breitbart should be arrested and executed as a warning to others not to expose party members?

The left is doing its damndest to make Breitbart the villain. Anybody who exposes or embarrasses a leftist darling must be destroyed. Why else do you think people like Limbaugh or Hannity or Coulter or Palin et al are so vehemently hated with an intensity and duration unprecedented in my (or anybody's) lifetime? They all dare to expose the weakness in the leftist program or the clay feet of the leftist icons. What they say can be seldom refuted, so they must be destroyed personally.

Those of us on the right are not immune to the syndrom of blaming the messenger, but I honestly have seen nothing like the intentional attempts to destroy people personally as has been the norm for the last decade or so.

So yeah, they'll continue to focus on Breitbart and make him look as scummy as possible. Anything to take the attention off an embarrassment that might make their side look bad. The "it's okay if they do it if they've never condemned it" defense is beginning to wear a little thin.
Did someone force Brietbart to show the naked picture to anyone?

You're so transparently stupid it is breath taking.

Maybe it was the same people who forced Wiener to take the picture and put it on a public venue. lMAO
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

Uhm, no one gives a rats ass what deal you are willing to cut.

I say let weiner stay on. Every day he is there is an open wound for the democratic party.
Very true, but obama is going to let the story continue, maybe even covertly fuel it. As long as everyone is talking about Tony's Weiner, they're not talking about the President's incompetence.
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

Vitter paid for the women he fucked, a normal but illegal action, and admitted his transgression...... Pervert Weiner sent lewd pictures of himself to possibly children, then convened press confeences and LIED about his PERVERSION.

So what does the LIEberrhoid Swabee/QueerBiker do.....this fucking queer decides to pass judgment on his moral superiors even though the chances arfe 100% that he indulged in the same type nof activity wityh members of his own sex. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

Vitter paid for the women he fucked, a normal but illegal action, and admitted his transgression...... Pervert Weiner sent lewd pictures of himself to possibly children, then convened press confeences and LIED about his PERVERSION.

So what does the LIEberrhoid Swabee/QueerBiker do.....this fucking queer decides to pass judgment on his moral superiors even though the chances arfe 100% that he indulged in the same type nof activity wityh members of his own sex. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Normal for you, I have no doubt.
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Is Gingrich a PERV?

Is Senator "Wide Stance" Craig a PERV??

How about Vitter...he a PERV too?!??


Yes. Yes. And Yes. ;)
That being the case...then WHERE was this level of criticism from the Reicht during their EF-ups?!??

Of course you don't "remember the Vitter tihng" selective memory is a MFer! Vitter didn't have a chance to lie, the FACTS came out BEFORE his response. The point is 1, there was NO ReichtWing criticms, no calls for him to resign. 2. In fact when he returned to Senate, he was met with a standing ovation.

So much for ReichtWing morality, but we all knew that was a joke anyway.

This is because he's a damn good Congressman. He's serving his constuency well. In this age of a bunch of do-nothing, know-nothing Corporate bought and controlled hucksters and crooks...do you blame them?

In ReichtWing World...that's how it works.

LoL indeed.


Weiner is responsible for his actions. And Brietbart is responsible for Brietbart's actions, which include flashing pictures around of a naked man.

I suppose DA's should stop prosecuting child molesters because Ravi and the Loony Liberal MSM will accuse them of being perverts for presenting evidence.

Provide PROOF of the last DA that has evidence aka images that were leaked to the public, particulary via ReichtWing Hate Radio.


Here we go again......the Black Racist LIEberrhoid PSYCHO MarcATL who venerates the documented convicted felon, and established PIMP MalcomX, who used to brutally beat his white prostitutes like pinnyattas .......... has the unmitigated and unadulterated gall to pass judgment on senator Vitter who fucked a woman and paid for it (some may say a NORMAL ACT)....albeit it being an illegal act, but apologized and faced with the issue, immediately confessed it.......which incidentally the GREAT & SAINTLY MLK venerated by the Nation and having a National Holiday dedicated to him, this known WHOREMASTER par excellence with FBI files on him YARDS THICK, is basking in Eternal PC Sainthood.

If we equate a Sen Vitter to lewd LYING perverts like Weanie Weiner, I say, we put an end to this MLK farce and not only remove him from the list of National Holidays (this phoney replaced the Father of our Nation George Washington from the National Holiday list) .......... but also accord this MLK, this black WHOREMASTER par excellence (with a predilection for white prostitutes) a place in our History that he deserves : A negro WHOREMASTER who was intelligent enough to realize that negroes shouldn't feel that they are ENTITLED to anything but what their work and their character deserve.
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Yes. Yes. And Yes. ;)
That being the case...then WHERE was this level of criticism from the Reicht during their EF-ups?!??

Of course you don't "remember the Vitter tihng" selective memory is a MFer! Vitter didn't have a chance to lie, the FACTS came out BEFORE his response. The point is 1, there was NO ReichtWing criticms, no calls for him to resign. 2. In fact when he returned to Senate, he was met with a standing ovation.

So much for ReichtWing morality, but we all knew that was a joke anyway.

This is because he's a damn good Congressman. He's serving his constuency well. In this age of a bunch of do-nothing, know-nothing Corporate bought and controlled hucksters and crooks...do you blame them?

In ReichtWing World...that's how it works.

LoL indeed.


I suppose DA's should stop prosecuting child molesters because Ravi and the Loony Liberal MSM will accuse them of being perverts for presenting evidence.

Provide PROOF of the last DA that has evidence aka images that were leaked to the public, particulary via ReichtWing Hate Radio.


Here we go again......the Black Racist LIEberrhoid PSYCHO MarcATL who venerates the documented convicted felon, and established PIMP MalcomX, who used to brutally beat his white prostitutes like pinnyattas .......... has the unmitigated and unadulterated gall to pass judgment on senator Vitter who fucked a woman and paid for it (some may say a NORMAL ACT)....albeit it being an illegal act, but apologized and faced with the issue, immediately confessed it.......which incidentally the GREAT & SAINTLY MLK venerated by the Nation and having a National Holiday dedicated to him, this known WHOREMASTER par excellence with FBI files on him YARDS THICK, is basking in Eternal PC Sainthood.

If we equate a Sen Vitter to lewd LYING perverts like Weanie Weiner, I say, we put an end to this MLK farce and not only remove him from the list of National Holidays (this phoney replaced the Father of our Nation George Washington from the National Holiday list) .......... but also accord this MLK, this black WHOREMASTER par excellence (with a predilection for white prostitutes) a place in our History that he deserves : A negro WHOREMASTER who was intelligent enough to realize that negroes shouldn't feel that they are ENTITLED to anything but what their work and their character deserve.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the "D.C. Madam," making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates dating from before he ran for the Senate in 2004.

The service's proprietor, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 51, faces federal charges of racketeering for allegedly running a prostitution ring out of homes and hotel rooms in the Washington area.

Vitter is in his first Senate term after serving six years in the House. During his Senate campaign, Vitter was accused by a member of the Louisiana Republican State Central Committee of carrying on a lengthy affair with a prostitute in New Orleans's French Quarter.

Senator's Number on 'Madam' Phone List - washingtonpost.com

By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thanks Chris for this timely reporting. :rolleyes:

Whaddya expect. Chris is a human jockstrap like MarcATL.
They're members of the Wiener Protectorate Bureau.

Bottom line: the information is dead on accurate and details the recent history of a Republican politico that proves Chris and MarcATL correct on one point. All the denial, dismisal and name calling won't change that.
That being the case...then WHERE was this level of criticism from the Reicht during their EF-ups?!??

Of course you don't "remember the Vitter tihng" selective memory is a MFer! Vitter didn't have a chance to lie, the FACTS came out BEFORE his response. The point is 1, there was NO ReichtWing criticms, no calls for him to resign. 2. In fact when he returned to Senate, he was met with a standing ovation.

So much for ReichtWing morality, but we all knew that was a joke anyway.

This is because he's a damn good Congressman. He's serving his constuency well. In this age of a bunch of do-nothing, know-nothing Corporate bought and controlled hucksters and crooks...do you blame them?

In ReichtWing World...that's how it works.

LoL indeed.


Provide PROOF of the last DA that has evidence aka images that were leaked to the public, particulary via ReichtWing Hate Radio.


Here we go again......the Black Racist LIEberrhoid PSYCHO MarcATL who venerates the documented convicted felon, and established PIMP MalcomX, who used to brutally beat his white prostitutes like pinnyattas .......... has the unmitigated and unadulterated gall to pass judgment on senator Vitter who fucked a woman and paid for it (some may say a NORMAL ACT)....albeit it being an illegal act, but apologized and faced with the issue, immediately confessed it.......which incidentally the GREAT & SAINTLY MLK venerated by the Nation and having a National Holiday dedicated to him, this known WHOREMASTER par excellence with FBI files on him YARDS THICK, is basking in Eternal PC Sainthood.

If we equate a Sen Vitter to lewd LYING perverts like Weanie Weiner, I say, we put an end to this MLK farce and not only remove him from the list of National Holidays (this phoney replaced the Father of our Nation George Washington from the National Holiday list) .......... but also accord this MLK, this black WHOREMASTER par excellence (with a predilection for white prostitutes) a place in our History that he deserves : A negro WHOREMASTER who was intelligent enough to realize that negroes shouldn't feel that they are ENTITLED to anything but what their work and their character deserve.


Link ???

Link to what you LIEberrhoidal idiot ????

To the NATIONALLY KNOWN FACTS regarding JFK's and MLK's whoring activities ???

I'm not going to waste my time on that for a Lieberrhoidal Freak like you who'd only deny those links.

Maybe you also want links to the fact that the PSYCHO Malcom X was a convicted felon and a cowardly pimp that beat his white prostitutes like a pinyatta......the same Malcom X that your PSYCHO LIEberrhoidal colleague MarATL venerates with his photo sig ?????.......then has the unimitigated and unadulterated audacity to pass judgment on those who fuck women and pay for their services ????

TaichiLIEberrhoid you are not only an Obamarrhoidal moron.....you are a garden variety insignificant fool.
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Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why aren't the Republicans calling for David Vitter to resign?

Do you REALLY need help figuring this out for yourself?

Did Vitter lie and say his phone was hacked?

Did he try to place the blame on someone else?

Not to mention this story is 4 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with the Weiner story.

David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


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