
The best thing for the GOP to do is to drop the Weiner topic. This is a Dem Debacle.

I agree 100% Apparently Pelosi has called the House Ethics committee to convene. I hope the GOP members sit back and let the Democrats totally handle it. There is zero advantage in anybody on the right piling on at this point.

Yep, the rule of thumb here is that when your opponets insist on committing political suicide one should politley decline to interfere.
I have not read all posts here but I am surprised that nobody in the Blogosphere or MSM has mentioned the dangerous possibility of the Congressman's antics allowing him to be a national security risk.

Presently, Weiner is merely fodder for the late night stand ups. However, had Walsh of Salon.com and others on the left (and apparently his own staff also) been successful in covering up Weinergate he could have been "turned" by forces unfriendly to the American people* rather then just blackmailed by one member of his current cyber-'Bimbo Eruption'. This is why members of the CIA used to be polygraphed regularly. Hmmmm...get's one to thinking about other public servants.;)


*Uh, yes I know many Americans already feel this way about Weiner and his preferred path for the nation, just say'n
The best thing for the GOP to do is to drop the Weiner topic. This is a Dem Debacle.

I agree 100% Apparently Pelosi has called the House Ethics committee to convene. I hope the GOP members sit back and let the Democrats totally handle it. There is zero advantage in anybody on the right piling on at this point.

Yep, the rule of thumb here is that when your opponets insist on committing political suicide one should politley decline to interfere.
I have not read all posts here but I am surprised that nobody in the Blogosphere or MSM has mentioned the dangerous possibility of the Congressman's antics allowing him to be a national security risk.

Presently, Weiner is merely fodder for the late night stand ups. However, had Walsh of Salon.com and others on the left (and apparently his own staff also) been successful in covering up Weinergate he could have been "turned" by forces unfriendly to the American people* rather then just blackmailed by one member of his current cyber-'Bimbo Eruption'. This is why members of the CIA used to be polygraphed regularly. Hmmmm...get's one to thinking about other public servants.;)


*Uh, yes I know many Americans already feel this way about Weiner and his preferred path for the nation, just say'n

i mentioned it about 5 times here. but the left seems to be ignoring it. maybe i need to type it in all caps :eusa_whistle:
Great. Start a thread about Vitter.

This one is about Weiner, who is responsible for HIS OWN ACTIONS.

Whatever Vitter's situation is, it doesn't absolve Weiner from responsibility of his own Fracas.

I dunno know, I thought I was kinda vindicating Vitter and I have already said the Weiner should resign and was a loser, what else do you want?
You might not have said that Ravi, but numerous people have.

But see, that proves my point. Weiner compromised his effectiveness by putting himself in a position to be taken advantage of. Suppose he had a very legitimate reason for going after Breitbart. He gave Breitbart the ammunition to disarm him. He was eithr going to back off, or be publically humiliated and his career destroyed. the end result is the same.

Politicians or anyone in power can not afford to put themselves in compromising positions. And we can not tollerate the ones who do. They lose their effectiveness. And we end up suffering.
I have seen no one say that he hasn't done anything wrong. A link would be nice.

None of what you said means that Brietbart didn't try to extort Weiner.

The problem is he put himself in a position to be extorted. That's what is worng. We can not have elected officials acting in ways that leave themselves vulnerable.
I'm not arguing that point. I am merely saying that Brietbart extorted him. Heck, he didn't even live up to his own bargain and let the picture get out on the internet.
Breitbart has explained his intent, and it's a good one.

He said that he saw how Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and other women were smeared by the Clinton machine. Weiner is on notice that if he harms the women upon whom he preyed in order to save himself, he's going to be exposed.

If that's extortion, good for him.

Where is NOW? Where is the Outrage from the Feminists Lobby over yet another man in power exploiting his government position to prey on females (who may also be underage)?
Of course! The Clinton machine was behind this!!! Brietbart did what he did because he feared being disappeared by the Clinton machine!


You really do have reading comprehension problems, don't you, you poor old biddy?
No, you have spin problems.
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton's absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:
I don't think you can actually force someone to resign from congress, can you? I thought they had to be impeached.

The voters like Vitter, regardless and handily re-elected him. Doesn't say much for them.
The best thing for the GOP to do is to drop the Weiner topic. This is a Dem Debacle.

I agree 100% Apparently Pelosi has called the House Ethics committee to convene. I hope the GOP members sit back and let the Democrats totally handle it. There is zero advantage in anybody on the right piling on at this point.

Yep, the rule of thumb here is that when your opponets insist on committing political suicide one should politley decline to interfere.
I have not read all posts here but I am surprised that nobody in the Blogosphere or MSM has mentioned the dangerous possibility of the Congressman's antics allowing him to be a national security risk.

Presently, Weiner is merely fodder for the late night stand ups. However, had Walsh of Salon.com and others on the left (and apparently his own staff also) been successful in covering up Weinergate he could have been "turned" by forces unfriendly to the American people* rather then just blackmailed by one member of his current cyber-'Bimbo Eruption'. This is why members of the CIA used to be polygraphed regularly. Hmmmm...get's one to thinking about other public servants.;)


*Uh, yes I know many Americans already feel this way about Weiner and his preferred path for the nation, just say'n

Yes the blackmail/security/extortion angle did come up several pages back. Some of our esteemed members have been accusing Breitbart of blackmailing or extorting Weiner. That is a ludicrous accusation of course, but it if Breitbart was actually doing that, why can't those same people see the danger in somebody more powerful and dangerous than Breitbart having that information? And using it for their own purposes?

And again I am soooooo hoping the GOP will stay out of it and give the Dems all the rope they want on this one. I'm hoping they'll forgive, go before the cameras and assure the world that the good Congressman has learned his lesson, and let him continue in Congress. I can't see any downside to that for the GOP.

But I'm also agreeing with Missourian who points out that we can keep playing the 'who's is blackest' game and the 'he did it first' game and 'he did it too' game to excuse those we entrust with our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Or at some point we can say ENOUGH and again expect our leaders in high office to be men and women of character, virtue, and honesty who put the good of the nation ahead of their personal fortunes and ambitions.
Most of Diaper Dude's thread belongs in "What Song Are You Listening To Now"...and it will never be as epic as The Coffee Shop.
The fact remains, and ReichtWingers on this board, and every where else, will NEVER admit it...The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, and continues to walk around with KAWK pics of another man on his Smart Phone and shares them with his fellow ReichtWing male friends.

Do you think the PREEVERT will ever come out of the closet? Or will he KKKONTINUE to scam the RW public with his FauxMarriage and FauxWife? KKKONsidering you guys fall for his FauxJournalism, I guess that question is already answered.

Someone's gonna out his A$$ soon enough and THEN we'll see how the Reicht copes with that.


this may be the single most stupid post i've read here, and that includes truthsplattered and the late, lamented sealybobo.

eat more fish

Marky Mark must have a souped up version of the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat.

Perhaps he actually IS the AVM.

I agree 100% Apparently Pelosi has called the House Ethics committee to convene. I hope the GOP members sit back and let the Democrats totally handle it. There is zero advantage in anybody on the right piling on at this point.

Yep, the rule of thumb here is that when your opponets insist on committing political suicide one should politley decline to interfere.
I have not read all posts here but I am surprised that nobody in the Blogosphere or MSM has mentioned the dangerous possibility of the Congressman's antics allowing him to be a national security risk.

Presently, Weiner is merely fodder for the late night stand ups. However, had Walsh of Salon.com and others on the left (and apparently his own staff also) been successful in covering up Weinergate he could have been "turned" by forces unfriendly to the American people* rather then just blackmailed by one member of his current cyber-'Bimbo Eruption'. This is why members of the CIA used to be polygraphed regularly. Hmmmm...get's one to thinking about other public servants.;)


*Uh, yes I know many Americans already feel this way about Weiner and his preferred path for the nation, just say'n

Yes the blackmail/security/extortion angle did come up several pages back. Some of our esteemed members have been accusing Breitbart of blackmailing or extorting Weiner. That is a ludicrous accusation of course, but it if Breitbart was actually doing that, why can't those same people see the danger in somebody more powerful and dangerous than Breitbart having that information? And using it for their own purposes?

And again I am soooooo hoping the GOP will stay out of it and give the Dems all the rope they want on this one. I'm hoping they'll forgive, go before the cameras and assure the world that the good Congressman has learned his lesson, and let him continue in Congress. I can't see any downside to that for the GOP.

But I'm also agreeing with Missourian who points out that we can keep playing the 'who's is blackest' game and the 'he did it first' game and 'he did it too' game to excuse those we entrust with our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Or at some point we can say ENOUGH and again expect our leaders in high office to be men and women of character, virtue, and honesty who put the good of the nation ahead of their personal fortunes and ambitions.

Breitbart himself has been very open regarding the nature of this "extortion":

If Weiner smears and attacks they women upon whom he preyed who are coming forward with evidence, Breitbart will publish more information he has about Weiner.

I don't see anything wrong with that. All Weiner has to do is not abuse the power of his office to hurt the women with whom he sexted.
I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton's absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:
I don't think you can actually force someone to resign from congress, can you? I thought they had to be impeached.

The voters like Vitter, regardless and handily re-elected him. Doesn't say much for them.

I think only judges and presidents are impeached.

The Congress has the Constitutional authority to expel it's members derived from Article 1 Section 5:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.

I'm pretty sure Rep. Chris Lee was given the choice to resign or face being expelled.
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What a peckerdildo for the Dems to deal with, every new day he's still around is an embarassment for them.

God gave men a pecker and a brain, but only enough blood to use one at a time.


I can't see Weiner surviving not with the Presidential election coming up. What will be interesting and a study in human behavior is to see what tactics and strategies Weiner will use to hang on. This should prove to be very entertaining.

I'm thinking that he is holding on to his connections with the Clinton Camp. He probably believes they will help him out of this.
I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

And Clinton lied under oath...which is why Vitter wasn't forced to resign.

The left couldn't force Vitter to resign, because they so vigorously defended Clinton's absolute right to break the law...

So we are even.

I mean, if we're all idiots enough to go down this road, we should at least keep score correctly. :cuckoo:
I don't think you can actually force someone to resign from congress, can you? I thought they had to be impeached.

The voters like Vitter, regardless and handily re-elected him. Doesn't say much for them.

The House I believe can expel a member guilty of egregious violation of the rules with a two thirds or three fourths, can't remember which, vote to expel him. Or a Congressperson's district can have a recall election to remove him from office. There is no impeachment process for Congress I don't believe.

This would not rise to egregious violation I don't think. But if Pelosi wants him gone, she'll make his life so miserable he'll have to leave. He won't get any camera time. He won't get any committee appointments. He'll be a person non grata without power, influence, or ability to do his job.
He didn't break any laws, so it is extremely unlikely any legal proceedings to remove Weiner will take place.
Should Weiner choose not to pull out (resign) I imagine some other formal repremand will take place. Something along the lines of a censure. A slap on the Weiner so to speak.

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