
Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why aren't the Republicans calling for David Vitter to resign?

Do you REALLY need help figuring this out for yourself?

Did Vitter lie and say his phone was hacked?

Did he try to place the blame on someone else?

Not to mention this story is 4 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with the Weiner story.

David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.
Do you REALLY need help figuring this out for yourself?

Did Vitter lie and say his phone was hacked?

Did he try to place the blame on someone else?

Not to mention this story is 4 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with the Weiner story.

David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!
Do you REALLY need help figuring this out for yourself?

Did Vitter lie and say his phone was hacked?

Did he try to place the blame on someone else?

Not to mention this story is 4 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with the Weiner story.

David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Well.. Democrats feel he's the best of the best in the Democrat Party, he fully represents their moral values along with reigning king of perversion .. Bill Clinton and his hapless wife , that goddess of the liberated woman.. Willary..

Yep, in fact, the Right likely made the same argument you are making in political forums across the nation.

"How can YOU demand Vitter resign when YOU defended Clinton?"

And now the left says...

"How can YOU demand Weiner resign when YOU defended Vitter?"

And the next time, when it's a Republican, the right will claim...

"Well, I'll demand (Whomever) goes when Weiner goes."

It's a never ending cycle.

The Republicans broke it with Rep. Chris Lee(R)...bye bye, Chris.

The Democrats should follow THAT example.
Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why aren't the Republicans calling for David Vitter to resign?

Do you REALLY need help figuring this out for yourself?

Did Vitter lie and say his phone was hacked?

Did he try to place the blame on someone else?

Not to mention this story is 4 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with the Weiner story.

David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Cause it's old news. Get over it.

Yep, in fact, the Right likely made the same argument you are making in political forums across the nation.

"How can YOU demand Vitter resign when YOU defended Clinton?"

And now the left says...

"How can YOU demand Weiner resign when YOU defended Vitter?"

And the next time, when it's a Republican, the right will claim...

"Well, I'll demand (Whomever) goes when Weiner goes."

It's a never ending cycle.

The Republicans broke it with Rep. Chris Lee(R)...bye bye, Chris.

The Democrats should follow THAT example.

Let's put a stop to this "get rid of Vitter nonsnsense" with the condition that if Sen Vitter goes, the WHOREMASTER MLK's "PC" National Holiday goes and restores that National Holiday back to the Father of our country George Washington......for whom that National Holiday was originally devoted to.
David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.
I figure if Weiner limped out of office he'd only be replaced by another morals minimalist..so stick with laughing stock...
I still say that my suggestion of: if Vitter goes down. so does WHOREMASTER MLK's bogus PC National Holiday go9es down......restoring that National Holiday back to the Father of our Country: George Washington.

That is a CHECKMATE to the comparison of the Pervert Weanie Weiner's PERVERTED LYING DEBACLE to a NORMAL but illicit relationship of Vitter.
I still say that my suggestion of: if Vitter goes down, so does WHOREMASTER MLK's bogus PC National Holiday goes down......restoring that National Holiday back to the Father of our Country: George Washington.

That is a CHECKMATE to the comparison of the Pervert Weanie Weiner's PERVERTED LYING DEBACLE to a NORMAL but illicit relationship of Vitter.
Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.
Or Clinton, who spooged all over a blue dress while receiving a BJ, and shoving cigars in the snatch of a typically fat, naive liberal intern, in the oval office on company and the taxpayers dime?

Fact is, Vitters name was on a list........Weiner got caught red handed (both literally and figuratively), and then stood before the taxpayers and LIED HIS BIG NOSED LIBERAL ASS OFF.

Nice legacy for that big mouthed, obnoxious LIBERAL piece o' shit to leave his soon to be born child......John Edwards must be so proud of his LIBERAL buddy!
David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Nice try asswipe but the last time I looked it was DemonRats calling for the weenie man to quit.. twern't it?
Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.
Or Clinton, who spooged all over a blue dress while receiving a BJ, and shoving cigars in the snatch of a typically fat, naive liberal intern, in the oval office on company and the taxpayers dime?

Fact is, Vitters name was on a list........Weiner got caught red handed (both literally and figuratively), and then stood before the taxpayers and LIED HIS BIG NOSED LIBERAL ASS OFF.

Nice legacy for that big mouthed, obnoxious LIBERAL piece o' shit to leave his soon to be born child......John Edwards must be so proud of his LIBERAL buddy!

My post immediately preceding Wicked Jester's, and Wicked Jester's, covers and definitively negates all the LIEberrhoidal "moral equivalency" bullshit designed to ameliorate the Pervert Weanie Weiner's Nationally disgraceful Lewd and Mendacious Escapade.

Everything after our two posts is just a permutation or combination of meaningless regurgitation of this sordid issue.
Last edited:
David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Flirting on the internet is not illegal.

And no Republicans are calling for Vitter to resign.


Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Well.. Democrats feel he's the best of the best in the Democrat Party, he fully represents their moral values along with reigning king of perversion .. Bill Clinton and his hapless wife , that goddess of the liberated woman.. Willary..
Who's Willary?

Mark Foley represents the moral values of Republicans. Preying on the underaged is what Republicans do best. They protected him for years.

Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Well.. Democrats feel he's the best of the best in the Democrat Party, he fully represents their moral values along with reigning king of perversion .. Bill Clinton and his hapless wife , that goddess of the liberated woman.. Willary..
Who's Willary?

Mark Foley represents the moral values of Republicans. Preying on the underaged is what Republicans do best. They protected him for years.


Oh you Weiner lovers are getting on my nerves...

If Mark Foley was a Democrat, you'd licking his butt...

You present a hollow argument.. pumpkin..:eusa_angel:
Funny how you ignore your hypocrisy in supporting Weiner while calling for Vitter's resignation.

Actually, it's not funny, just pathetic. You partisan hacks think you are superior for doing the same thing you accuse your opponents for just because your party is different. How on earth do you function at this level of insanity?

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