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Why are these women afraid to come forward? What slimey things has Weiner threatened them with?

It does cause one to wonder.

Breitbart held back the most graphic pic as a way to hold Weiner in check against smearing and retaliating these women in the Clintonian Way. These women must all be aware of how Monica and Paula (and others) were treated. Now that Anthony & Opie punked Breitbart and published the pic, Weiner may have nothing to lose by threatening these women.
This pretty much sums up WeinerGate:

Rep. Anthony D. Weiner has become the face of the Democratic Party. The New York congressman is embroiled in a scandal. Mr. Weiner has admitted sending sexual messages, as well as a lewd photo of his crotch, to numerous women - six so far and counting. Moreover, a picture of his naked genitals is circulating on the Internet.

Mr. Weiner, however, refuses to resign. At a news conference Monday, he admitted to exercising bad judgment and apologized repeatedly to his wife, Huma Abedin, who is pregnant. But Mr. Weiner insists he broke no laws and can still effectively represent his Queens constituents.

He is wrong. Mr. Weiner is a sexual predator who relentlessly pursued women on the Internet. By sending such graphic pictures and messages, he opened himself to potential criminal blackmail. This was shown by his weeklong campaign of manipulation and public lying. He first claimed that his computer was “hacked into” as part of a “prank.” He then denied the pictures were of him. When that didn’t work, he sought to portray the scandal as a hit job by conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart. In short, Mr. Weiner desperately tried to cover it up.

Mr. Weiner’s actions are unacceptable for a public representative. His behavior was reckless, demonstrating an appalling lack of judgment. It also showed contempt for his constituents. He disgraced his office, violated his congressional oath to uphold the highest ethical standards and deliberately lied to his constituents and the electorate. Moreover, several messages reveal that he sought to coach a woman into lying about the scandal - including possibly offering the use of his staff and office resources. This would constitute clear abuse of power and misuse of taxpayer dollars. The House Ethics Committee has rightly launched an investigation.

Leading Democrats realize that Weinergate is a cancer on their party. As the economy worsens, the last thing the Obama administration needs is a major scandal that further damages the Democrats’ credibility. ...

KUHNER: Weiner Nation - Washington Times
Who's Willary?

Mark Foley represents the moral values of Republicans. Preying on the underaged is what Republicans do best. They protected him for years.


ROFL! After the recent antics of Anthony Weiner, it defies comprehension that liberals are posing as the protectors of the virtue of our youth.
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Why are these women afraid to come forward? What slimey things has Weiner threatened them with?

It does cause one to wonder.

Breitbart held back the most graphic pic as a way to hold Weiner in check against smearing and retaliating these women in the Clintonian Way. These women must all be aware of how Monica and Paula (and others) were treated. Now that Anthony & Opie punked Breitbart and published the pic, Weiner may have nothing to lose by threatening these women.
Actually, PantySniffer said at the press conference that he'd post the x-rated picture if Weiner said anything bad about Brietbart.

And then he went and showed it around anyway. :confused:
Why are these women afraid to come forward? What slimey things has Weiner threatened them with?

It does cause one to wonder.

Breitbart held back the most graphic pic as a way to hold Weiner in check against smearing and retaliating these women in the Clintonian Way. These women must all be aware of how Monica and Paula (and others) were treated. Now that Anthony & Opie punked Breitbart and published the pic, Weiner may have nothing to lose by threatening these women.
Actually, PantySniffer said at the press conference that he'd post the x-rated picture if Weiner said anything bad about Brietbart.

And then he went and showed it around anyway. :confused:

waaaaaaaaa ba lance?


Why are these women afraid to come forward? What slimey things has Weiner threatened them with?

It does cause one to wonder.

Breitbart held back the most graphic pic as a way to hold Weiner in check against smearing and retaliating these women in the Clintonian Way. These women must all be aware of how Monica and Paula (and others) were treated. Now that Anthony & Opie punked Breitbart and published the pic, Weiner may have nothing to lose by threatening these women.
Actually, PantySniffer said at the press conference that he'd post the x-rated picture if Weiner said anything bad about Brietbart.

And then he went and showed it around anyway. :confused:

I call shenanigans. Please post a verbatim quote with a valid link.
It does cause one to wonder.

Breitbart held back the most graphic pic as a way to hold Weiner in check against smearing and retaliating these women in the Clintonian Way. These women must all be aware of how Monica and Paula (and others) were treated. Now that Anthony & Opie punked Breitbart and published the pic, Weiner may have nothing to lose by threatening these women.
Actually, PantySniffer said at the press conference that he'd post the x-rated picture if Weiner said anything bad about Brietbart.

And then he went and showed it around anyway. :confused:

I call shenanigans. Please post a verbatim quote with a valid link.
Watch his appearance at Weiner's press conference.
Actually, PantySniffer said at the press conference that he'd post the x-rated picture if Weiner said anything bad about Brietbart.

And then he went and showed it around anyway. :confused:

I call shenanigans. Please post a verbatim quote with a valid link.
Watch his appearance at Weiner's press conference.

How intellectually lazy of you. You claimed he said something. Provide a valid source that Breitbart said he would post the graphic picture if Weiner said Anything Bad about Breitbart.

The closest thing I could find, not being a lazy hack like you, is this quote, which refers to continuing to "fight" him. Fighting is not the same as Saying Anything Bad, although it's very understandable that you would confuse the two.

"I'm doing this to save his family," Breitbart said of not releasing the "X-rated" picture of the congressman. But he threatened that it could come out if his Big Government stories continue to be questioned. "I'm not doing this for nefarious purposes," Breitbart said. But he added, "If this guy wants to fight with me again, I have this photo." Asked if that might not be extortion, Breitbart responded, "I'm trying to do the decent thing, but if he wants to fight with fire, come on."

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Would make a great sting operation against Weiner to find these ladies and see what happens.
Afraid to wach it, eh?

He also said, I believe on Good Morning America, that if Weiner went jihad on Brietbart, Brietbart had the naked picture as insurance.
Afraid to wach it, eh?

He also said, I believe on Good Morning America, that if Weiner went jihad on Brietbart, Brietbart had the naked picture as insurance.

I've already watched it. He didn't way what you claimed in the press conference. As I have never watched, and never plan to for that matter, GMA, I'm not going to accept that as substitute for your failure to provide a valid quote from the Press Conference you originally cited.

I also have heard Breitbart make other statements regarding not wanting Weiner to abuse the women who have come forward the way the Clintons did Monica, Paula et al.
Did the OP call for Vitter's resignation? Who did?

Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.

Vitter was in the House of Representatives in 2001. He is now a Senator. His screwing around was not discovered by that great investigative reporter, Larry Flynt, until 2007. The Huffington Post, as is always the case, prints so called facts so idiots can go on a rant.

so the excuse for vitter is that he f-d prostitutes while in the Congressional office position and that was OKAY because he now is a Senator????

fyi, the Democrats in office DID NOT call for vitter's resignation.

I don't recall saying it was OK. Perhaps you will link to where I said that. I also have NOT called for Wiener to resign. I want him to stay in office and let his constituents vote him back in or out of office. That is what happened to Vitter.

My theory on the Senate Democrats not calling for Vitter to resign, if that is really true, is there were a few of them that the list Larry Flynt, that great American moral figure, had with their names on it. Larry only published the names of Republicans.
Why are these women afraid to come forward? What slimey things has Weiner threatened them with?

It does cause one to wonder.

Breitbart held back the most graphic pic as a way to hold Weiner in check against smearing and retaliating these women in the Clintonian Way. These women must all be aware of how Monica and Paula (and others) were treated. Now that Anthony & Opie punked Breitbart and published the pic, Weiner may have nothing to lose by threatening these women.

well remember, he didn't coach them, then he did...:rolleyes:

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