
Bottom line: the information is dead on accurate and details the recent history of a Republican politico that proves Chris and MarcATL correct on one point. All the denial, dismisal and name calling won't change that.

The desperation of you sycophants is amusing.

Taichi crawls into the clown car with rest...

Oh come on uncensored, sounds like they conceeded ALL the other points. :lol:
ANybody else find it amusing that the Democratic leadership want Weiner gone, but the loons still scream in defense? Return to the hive fresh orders have been issued.
ROFL! After the recent antics of Anthony Weiner, it defies comprehension that liberals are posing as the protectors of the virtue of our youth.

Ravi is a completely mindless sycophant. She lacks the capacity for rational thought. I swear, if the leftists on this site are representative of the left in general, the average IQ for the democratic party is no more than 50.
Weiner attending a lot of committee meetings? Writing legislation? Busy saving his own ass?
ROFL! After the recent antics of Anthony Weiner, it defies comprehension that liberals are posing as the protectors of the virtue of our youth.

Ravi is a completely mindless sycophant. She lacks the capacity for rational thought. I swear, if the leftists on this site are representative of the left in general, the average IQ for the democratic party is no more than 50.

Hmmmm....a 50 I.Q. is in the uneducable mentally retarded range. :lol:
Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter,

WHY aren't they doing what you want, even after you TOLD them that you'd hold your breath until your turned blue?

Grow up, stupid fuck.

And why aren't the Dems villifying JFK, the Whoremaster who paid to hump Mafia Chief Giancana's girlfriend, etc......or the PC Saint MLK, the Whoremaster Par excellence, who specialized in white prostitutes and the FBI files on him are YARDS thick.......why donchyu Dems revoke that PC National Holiday for MLK which was given him in replacement of the National Holiday for the Father of our Country: George Washington ?????

Howzabout that, you LIEberrhoid turds ??????
If you think what Sanford (who resigned) and Vitter (who didn't) did was just as bad as Weiner's FRACAS, and you want to see them pushished, then you should be equally vocal in calling for Weiner to resign.

I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

Vitter paid for the women he fucked, a normal but illegal action, and admitted his transgression...... Pervert Weiner sent lewd pictures of himself to possibly children, then convened press confeences and LIED about his PERVERSION.

So what does the LIEberrhoid Swabee/QueerBiker do.....this fucking queer decides to pass judgment on his moral superiors even though the chances arfe 100% that he indulged in the same type nof activity wityh members of his own sex. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

A "normal but illegal action"? Who is prostitution "normal" for? People like you undoubtedly who can't get a woman to sleep with them unless they pay scads of money.

Are you related to Ted Haggard perhaps?
ROFL! After the recent antics of Anthony Weiner, it defies comprehension that liberals are posing as the protectors of the virtue of our youth.

Ravi is a completely mindless sycophant. She lacks the capacity for rational thought. I swear, if the leftists on this site are representative of the left in general, the average IQ for the democratic party is no more than 50.

Hmmmm....a 50 I.Q. is in the uneducable mentally retarded range. :lol:

So THAT'S why Palin doesn't remember American History!

Ravi is a completely mindless sycophant. She lacks the capacity for rational thought. I swear, if the leftists on this site are representative of the left in general, the average IQ for the democratic party is no more than 50.

Hmmmm....a 50 I.Q. is in the uneducable mentally retarded range. :lol:

So THAT'S why Palin doesn't remember American History!


Palin obsession?

What Palin Obsession?


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