
A "normal but illegal action"? Who is prostitution "normal" for?


Some have gone as far as to call it "the worlds oldest profession."

Hey.......I'm not saying it's not normal in Europe. Matter of fact, in the red light district in Catania (yes, I've been), they are patrolled by the Carabineri as well as the local police, everything is regulated and everything is good.

Here in the States however, it's illegal outside of Nevada. Is breaking the law supposed to be "normal"?

Very interesting:

A New York Post story from March 2009, which exposed the illegal campaign contributions Weiner had received from sexy foreign models, probably gave the congressman even more reason to worry.

Siegel reports that the Bloomberg campaign orchestrated an aggressive effort of intimidation, scare tactics, zip-code-specific digital ads, and, essentially, stalking, in order to convince Weiner not to challenge the mayor's bid for a third term.

Read more: Bloomberg Knew The Dirt On Weiner In 2009, And Used It To Force Him Out Of The Mayoral Race
I'll call for Weiner to resign right after Vitter goes. Until then? No deal, you've got dirt on your side too (and Weiner did a LOT less than Vitter).

Vitter paid for the women he fucked, a normal but illegal action, and admitted his transgression...... Pervert Weiner sent lewd pictures of himself to possibly children, then convened press confeences and LIED about his PERVERSION.

So what does the LIEberrhoid Swabee/QueerBiker do.....this fucking queer decides to pass judgment on his moral superiors even though the chances arfe 100% that he indulged in the same type nof activity wityh members of his own sex. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

A "normal but illegal action"? Who is prostitution "normal" for? People like you undoubtedly who can't get a woman to sleep with them unless they pay scads of money.

Are you related to Ted Haggard perhaps?

Swabee/Queer LIEberrhoid Biker,

In case you didn't notice, fucktard......you, among others are dealing with comparisons. Thus, comparing a LYING LIEbtard (there aren't any other kind) Weanie Weiner, who is a also a bizarro pervert who calls special press conferences to LIE about his perversion.....compared to that, paying to hump women, which is illicit, is normal activity by comparison. I don't know the stats, but I I saw a non-documented stat (don't remember where) that something like 73 outa 75 men have paid for their sex sometime in their lifetime.

But what is ludicrous, is that a queer scum-sucking biker like you to voice any moral judgment is almost like that other freak, the LIEberrhoid Black Racist PSYCHO MarcATL who venerates a convicted felon, and cowardly PIMP Malcom X, one who brutally beats his white prostitutes like pinnyattas......to also routinely pass judgment on anybody for anything !!!

And, BTW......I don't get any responses for my query about the WHOREMASTER DEM ICONS JFK and the PC Saint MLK ....... if you LIEbtard arseholes want to remove Senator Vitter.......then why not these DEM ICONS ?????

Can't get an answer to those questions, repetitively asked.

Very interesting:

A New York Post story from March 2009, which exposed the illegal campaign contributions Weiner had received from sexy foreign models, probably gave the congressman even more reason to worry.

Siegel reports that the Bloomberg campaign orchestrated an aggressive effort of intimidation, scare tactics, zip-code-specific digital ads, and, essentially, stalking, in order to convince Weiner not to challenge the mayor's bid for a third term.

Read more: Bloomberg Knew The Dirt On Weiner In 2009, And Used It To Force Him Out Of The Mayoral Race

The weird thing is that Weiner's approval ratings continue to rise in New York and went up another four points when the worst of it all came out. Well over 50% don't think he should resign.

So, we either have to figure that all the piling on and attention heaped on Weiner has generated sympathy--I've even felt a little bit of that myself--or. . . .

The people of New York don't give a damn about the character and judgment of the people they elect. . .or . . .

The media is fudging the numbers.

It's anybody's guess.
Actually, most NYC types don't really worry about stuff like sexting and the like. He never even had actual sex, nor did he send them to underage girls, he sent them to women he'd had an online relationship with before he'd gotten married.

However, they do think he's doing a hell of a job in Congress. And that is what counts.
Actually, most NYC types don't really worry about stuff like sexting and the like. He never even had actual sex, nor did he send them to underage girls, he sent them to women he'd had an online relationship with before he'd gotten married.

However, they do think he's doing a hell of a job in Congress. And that is what counts.

Asking about whether he is actually Rep. Weiner and getting sexual advances back from the pervert is NOT a relationship.
Actually, most NYC types don't really worry about stuff like sexting and the like. He never even had actual sex, nor did he send them to underage girls, he sent them to women he'd had an online relationship with before he'd gotten married.

However, they do think he's doing a hell of a job in Congress. And that is what counts.

Asking about whether he is actually Rep. Weiner and getting sexual advances back from the pervert is NOT a relationship.

You've gotta lay off FAUX Nooze.
Look kids.. Mark Foley doesn't think sexting children deserves jail time..


And Hannity pretty much just lets him get away with saying it.. Wow. Family values! :thup:
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Actually, most NYC types don't really worry about stuff like sexting and the like. He never even had actual sex, nor did he send them to underage girls, he sent them to women he'd had an online relationship with before he'd gotten married.

However, they do think he's doing a hell of a job in Congress. And that is what counts.

Asking about whether he is actually Rep. Weiner and getting sexual advances back from the pervert is NOT a relationship.

You've gotta lay off FAUX Nooze.

Don't have cable dude. Next assumption please.
Looks kids.. Mark Foley doesn't think sexting children deserves jail time..

And Hannity pretty much just lets him get away with saying it.. Wow. Family values! :thup:


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Looks kids.. Mark Foley doesn't think sexting children deserves jail time..

And Hannity pretty much just lets him get away with saying it.. Wow. Family values! :thup:


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No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.
Looks kids.. Mark Foley doesn't think sexting children deserves jail time..

And Hannity pretty much just lets him get away with saying it.. Wow. Family values! :thup:


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No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Hey, fuckstain... Your post was deflection...

You can whine all you want, but it was 100% pure deflection... 25 points...

Also known as "Yeah, but what about this other guy?"...

Congrats, douche...:clap2:
Looks kids.. Mark Foley doesn't think sexting children deserves jail time..

And Hannity pretty much just lets him get away with saying it.. Wow. Family values! :thup:


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No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Nice 'waffle' Cal. You called for Weiner to step down AFTER initially believing it was a 'Breitbart string job'. :eusa_whistle:

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No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Hey, fuckstain... Your post was deflection...

You can whine all you want, but it was 100% pure deflection... 25 points...

Also known as "Yeah, but what about this other guy?"...

Congrats, douche...:clap2:

Wrong. Deflection is never addressing the person/topic at hand, while going after someone else. Not what I did. Weiner and Vitter should resign. I've seen several Democrats say that.. but Rethuglicans seem content to only call on Weiner to step down. I have no problem with that.. nor do I have a problem with their calls for recievers of money from Weiner to return it.. But you have to be consistant across the line. What about John Boehner donating $5,000 to the re-election campaign of David Vitter?..

You fucktards have proven yourselves to be partisan pieces of shit.

The Mark Foley thing.. I just didn't wanna start another thread, just to have it merged.

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No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Nice 'waffle' Cal. You called for Weiner to step down AFTER initially believing it was a 'Breitbart string job'. :eusa_whistle:

And? I believed a man who has never given me reason not to.. over a piece of shit scum bag that goes around editing video tapes and stringing people up for a living?.. Yup, I did.

But I also admitted where I was wrong. True story :thup:.

Maybe you can answer this, since you're so eager..

Why aren't Republicans also calling for the resignation of Vitter?.. I'm a bit confuzzled on that. I think both should go.
No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Hey, fuckstain... Your post was deflection...

You can whine all you want, but it was 100% pure deflection... 25 points...

Also known as "Yeah, but what about this other guy?"...

Congrats, douche...:clap2:

Wrong. Deflection is never addressing the person/topic at hand, while going after someone else. Not what I did. Weiner and Vitter should resign. I've seen several Democrats say that.. but Rethuglicans seem content to only call on Weiner to step down. I have no problem with that.. nor do I have a problem with their calls for recievers of money from Weiner to return it.. But you have to be consistant across the line. What about John Boehner donating $5,000 to the re-election campaign of David Vitter?..

You fucktards have proven yourselves to be partisan pieces of shit.

The Mark Foley thing.. I just didn't wanna start another thread, just to have it merged.

Pointing to the failures of others when the topic at hand is your boy's failure is deflection...

25 points...

Congrats, you partisan hack assfuck...:clap2:

This post has earned you 25 Deflection Points! Collect them and trade them in for valuable prizes!

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No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Hey, fuckstain... Your post was deflection...

You can whine all you want, but it was 100% pure deflection... 25 points...

Also known as "Yeah, but what about this other guy?"...

Congrats, douche...:clap2:

And he waffle'd on his deflection denial.
What a hoot!
Sounded like he was owning his position as it progressed. Better than just sticking to a position when it has been proven false no?

The error here seems to be tying Weiner's resignation to what someone else does or does not do.

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