
Hey, fuckstain... Your post was deflection...

You can whine all you want, but it was 100% pure deflection... 25 points...

Also known as "Yeah, but what about this other guy?"...

Congrats, douche...:clap2:

Wrong. Deflection is never addressing the person/topic at hand, while going after someone else. Not what I did. Weiner and Vitter should resign. I've seen several Democrats say that.. but Rethuglicans seem content to only call on Weiner to step down. I have no problem with that.. nor do I have a problem with their calls for recievers of money from Weiner to return it.. But you have to be consistant across the line. What about John Boehner donating $5,000 to the re-election campaign of David Vitter?..

You fucktards have proven yourselves to be partisan pieces of shit.

The Mark Foley thing.. I just didn't wanna start another thread, just to have it merged.

Pointing to the failures of others when the topic at hand is your boy's failure is deflection...

25 points...

Congrats, you partisan hack assfuck...:clap2:

Nope.. It's called pointing out the hypocricy of you.. and the whole right-wing movement. Talk about deflection.. Jeez! I've seen you deflect more times than I can count! I'm not deflecting.. Weiner should GO! < - Addressing the point at hand.. So should Vitter < - Pointing out your blatant hypocricy.

You're the partisan fucktard.. How about some consistancy?!.. Do you even know what that is?..

What a dumbass.
No deflection, asshat. If you'd read through my posts on this thread, you'd see where I've called for Weiner to step down.. and David Vitter as well. Consistancy: something you wouldn't know about.

Nice 'waffle' Cal. You called for Weiner to step down AFTER initially believing it was a 'Breitbart string job'. :eusa_whistle:

And? I believed a man who has never given me reason not to.. over a piece of shit scum bag that goes around editing video tapes and stringing people up for a living?.. Yup, I did.

But I also admitted where I was wrong. True story :thup:.

Maybe you can answer this, since you're so eager..

Why aren't Republicans also calling for the resignation of Vitter?.. I'm a bit confuzzled on that. I think both should go.

Wrong. Deflection is never addressing the person/topic at hand, while going after someone else. Not what I did. Weiner and Vitter should resign. I've seen several Democrats say that.. but Rethuglicans seem content to only call on Weiner to step down. I have no problem with that.. nor do I have a problem with their calls for recievers of money from Weiner to return it.. But you have to be consistant across the line. What about John Boehner donating $5,000 to the re-election campaign of David Vitter?..

You fucktards have proven yourselves to be partisan pieces of shit.

The Mark Foley thing.. I just didn't wanna start another thread, just to have it merged.

Pointing to the failures of others when the topic at hand is your boy's failure is deflection...

25 points...

Congrats, you partisan hack assfuck...:clap2:

Nope.. It's called pointing out the hypocricy of you.. and the whole right-wing movement. Talk about deflection.. Jeez! I've seen you deflect more times than I can count! I'm not deflecting.. Weiner should GO! < - Addressing the point at hand.. So should Vitter < - Pointing out your blatant hypocricy.

You're the partisan fucktard.. How about some consistancy?!.. Do you even know what that is?..

What a dumbass.

You just deflected to an entire subset of the population. Kind of your own worse enemy move in my opinion. Try again?
your link is invisible bro...unless you quote.then you see it, only then..:eusa_eh:
Click the link ...hilarious!
No Sheeples Here: Weinergate: Teensy Weensy Anthony Weiner, That Is

Ahahaha! The pic at the link is a hoot:


weiner can not resign ! - where would he find a job ! - communists like him and obama never did an honest days work in their lives - they all like to pass laws on how we must live and collect their govt. checks
Because Vitter has nothing to do with Weiner's behavior.

Holding Weiner accountable for his behavior does not mean we should go through a witch hunt and find reasons to punish other people for things that happened long ago.

If you want an example of how Weiner should have been treated: CHRIS LEE.
Nice 'waffle' Cal. You called for Weiner to step down AFTER initially believing it was a 'Breitbart string job'. :eusa_whistle:

And? I believed a man who has never given me reason not to.. over a piece of shit scum bag that goes around editing video tapes and stringing people up for a living?.. Yup, I did.

But I also admitted where I was wrong. True story :thup:.

Maybe you can answer this, since you're so eager..

Why aren't Republicans also calling for the resignation of Vitter?.. I'm a bit confuzzled on that. I think both should go.


So what does Mark Foley have to do with the topic at hand...??

You really are a dumbfuck, Captian Deflection....
Pointing to the failures of others when the topic at hand is your boy's failure is deflection...

25 points...

Congrats, you partisan hack assfuck...:clap2:

Nope.. It's called pointing out the hypocricy of you.. and the whole right-wing movement. Talk about deflection.. Jeez! I've seen you deflect more times than I can count! I'm not deflecting.. Weiner should GO! < - Addressing the point at hand.. So should Vitter < - Pointing out your blatant hypocricy.

You're the partisan fucktard.. How about some consistancy?!.. Do you even know what that is?..

What a dumbass.

You just deflected to an entire subset of the population. Kind of your own worse enemy move in my opinion. Try again?


Because Vitter has nothing to do with Weiner's behavior.

Holding Weiner accountable for his behavior does not mean we should go through a witch hunt and find reasons to punish other people for things that happened long ago.

If you want an example of how Weiner should have been treated: CHRIS LEE.

I'm not trying to. I'm pointing out that the same Republicans.. (Eric Cantor, the RNC Chair.. etc..) that are calling for a Weiner resignation.. They won't say a bad thing about Vitter.. and even when it all came out.. and he lied about it.. then it was proven true.. Cantor still never called for him to resign. Funny how it's different when it's a Democrat.

& I absolutely agree.. But you do know those who recieved Chris Lee's money didn't return it?

Weiner should've resigned right away.. but the double standard carried forth by the right-wing and our "Liberal media" is astounding.
Because Vitter has nothing to do with Weiner's behavior.

Holding Weiner accountable for his behavior does not mean we should go through a witch hunt and find reasons to punish other people for things that happened long ago.

If you want an example of how Weiner should have been treated: CHRIS LEE.

Apparently, Captain Deflection's venn diagram has the actions of Weiner intersecting with the actions of Vitter...

...but then again, Captain Deflection isn't the smartest lib here...
Somebody forgot to take down the rational thought post flag again. Honest, I'd been completely partisan if it was down.
And? I believed a man who has never given me reason not to.. over a piece of shit scum bag that goes around editing video tapes and stringing people up for a living?.. Yup, I did.

But I also admitted where I was wrong. True story :thup:.

Maybe you can answer this, since you're so eager..

Why aren't Republicans also calling for the resignation of Vitter?.. I'm a bit confuzzled on that. I think both should go.


So what does Mark Foley have to do with the topic at hand...??

You really are a dumbfuck, Captian Deflection....

Deflection my ass. Consistancy and deflection are two different things.. but.. who am I kidding?.. I'm talking to a piece of shit partisan that doesn't know his ass.. or consistancy.. from a hole in the ground.

So what does Mark Foley have to do with the topic at hand...??

You really are a dumbfuck, Captian Deflection....

Deflection my ass. Consistancy and deflection are two different things.. but.. who am I kidding?.. I'm talking to a piece of shit partisan that doesn't know his ass.. or consistancy.. from a hole in the ground.

Nice punt, Captain Deflection....:lol:

Just another skill you have.....lol
So what does Mark Foley have to do with the topic at hand...??

You really are a dumbfuck, Captian Deflection....

Deflection my ass. Consistancy and deflection are two different things.. but.. who am I kidding?.. I'm talking to a piece of shit partisan that doesn't know his ass.. or consistancy.. from a hole in the ground.

Nice punt, Captain Deflection....:lol:

Just another skill you have.....lol

Translation = You ain't got nothin'.
Because Vitter has nothing to do with Weiner's behavior.

Holding Weiner accountable for his behavior does not mean we should go through a witch hunt and find reasons to punish other people for things that happened long ago.

If you want an example of how Weiner should have been treated: CHRIS LEE.

I'm not trying to. I'm pointing out that the same Republicans.. (Eric Cantor, the RNC Chair.. etc..) that are calling for a Weiner resignation.. They won't say a bad thing about Vitter.. and even when it all came out.. and he lied about it.. then it was proven true.. Cantor still never called for him to resign. Funny how it's different when it's a Democrat.

& I absolutely agree.. But you do know those who recieved Chris Lee's money didn't return it?

Weiner should've resigned right away.. but the double standard carried forth by the right-wing and our "Liberal media" is astounding.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. The GOP has not been perfectly consistent, but more GOP has been much more aggressive and successful in getting members involved in scandals to resign. The Dems continue to coverup and ignore far worse things than sex scandals - Dodd, Frank, Rangel, and Waters, and their financial fraud/abuse of power come to mind.

The accusations that Vitter used a prostitute in the 1990s were never proven with documentation, and he was never charged with a crime. A name appearing on a list (anybody could give a false name) is not enough.

Again, Chris Lee, a much more recent and comparable situation to Weiner's was gone in FOUR HOURS.
Deflection my ass. Consistancy and deflection are two different things.. but.. who am I kidding?.. I'm talking to a piece of shit partisan that doesn't know his ass.. or consistancy.. from a hole in the ground.

Nice punt, Captain Deflection....:lol:

Just another skill you have.....lol

Translation = You ain't got nothin'.

Anything beats your deflection, Captain....lol
Because Vitter has nothing to do with Weiner's behavior.

Holding Weiner accountable for his behavior does not mean we should go through a witch hunt and find reasons to punish other people for things that happened long ago.

If you want an example of how Weiner should have been treated: CHRIS LEE.

I'm not trying to. I'm pointing out that the same Republicans.. (Eric Cantor, the RNC Chair.. etc..) that are calling for a Weiner resignation.. They won't say a bad thing about Vitter.. and even when it all came out.. and he lied about it.. then it was proven true.. Cantor still never called for him to resign. Funny how it's different when it's a Democrat.

& I absolutely agree.. But you do know those who recieved Chris Lee's money didn't return it?

Weiner should've resigned right away.. but the double standard carried forth by the right-wing and our "Liberal media" is astounding.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. The GOP has not been perfectly consistent, but more GOP has been much more aggressive and successful in getting members involved in scandals to resign. The Dems continue to coverup and ignore far worse things than sex scandals - Dodd, Frank, Rangel, and Waters, and their financial fraud/abuse of power come to mind.

The accusations that Vitter used a prostitute in the 1990s were never proven with documentation, and he was never charged with a crime. A name appearing on a list (anybody could give a false name) is not enough.

Again, Chris Lee, a much more recent and comparable situation to Weiner's was gone in FOUR HOURS.


Louisiana's Sen. Vitter admits link to `D.C. Madam' - Orlando Sentinel

WASHINGTON -- A Republican U.S. senator from Louisiana apologized Monday night for "a very serious sin in my past" after his telephone number appeared among those associated with an escort service operated by the so-called D.C. Madam

Vitter fucking admitted to it.. Lmao. After lying of course.. Just like Weiner..
I'm not trying to. I'm pointing out that the same Republicans.. (Eric Cantor, the RNC Chair.. etc..) that are calling for a Weiner resignation.. They won't say a bad thing about Vitter..

Why should they?

Did Vitter go on TV and claim that he never saw a hooker? That someone had to have HACKED the list to put his name on it? Did he claim it was all a conspiracy cooked up by Keith Olbermoron to smear him?

Nice attempt at deflection, but it fails on every level.

Maybe you can serve your party by threatening voters at the poll with a nightstick - because you sure aren't doing much good here....
Really the truth is "Who cares?"

But because the Dums have made this kind of nonsense the basis for their attacks on the GOP it is delightful to see them hoist by their own petard.

And that's the point.

The Dems have played this game for a long time. It's quite amusing to see Karma Bitch Slap them.

Oh you mean like the time they impeached a President for a blow job?

Oh wait..that was the republicans.

im glad you think a blow job is a joke - i hope klinton enjoyed it - many people lost their lives because of it !

lewinski goes before the grand jury - klinton bombed the sudan and afghan - killing many people and hitting an aspirin factory

impeachment vote - klinton bombed iraq on a weekend when saddam was obeying the inspectors - he killed a janitor !

rape charge and selling secrets to red china hit the news - - klinton bombed kosovo at 30,000 ft. killing many innocent people

" OUR NATION BETRAYED " by garland favorito

"yugoslavia became the 4th. country to be bombed by klinton at the peak of one of his scandals " p. vi

" klintons bombings increased u.s. reputation as a terror country and drained our cruise missile supply " p. 132

" klintons bombings occured against the will of the people who lost control of their government " p. 133

" if klinton was to be removed - it would have to be by suprise because of the danger he posed in bombing countries to avoid impeachment " p. 82

klinton let bin laden go 2 times because he was too busy with the lewinski scandal - 3000 americans died because klinton got a blow job - today he is treated like a rock star - looking over his glasses at people like he is some kind of elder statesman -

all klinton is is a 60s communist anti-war pervert
Yes, he lied. But the situation is not the same as Weiner's.

Somebody dug up dirt on him from years' earlier. Weiner was caught "live"; as was Chris Lee.

Chris Lee resigned within four hours. Weiner went on Liar's Tour of the Major Media.

Vitter is old news at this point - and what he did was less egregious than Clinton's Lewinsky Affair, which the Dems defended as being Private Business. There's no evidence that Vitter received blow jobs from a prostitute in his Congressional office while talking on the phone handling government business.
It appears that Rep. Weiner may have sent a naughty pic to a woman on Twitter.

He's claiming his account was hacked, but that's a lame excuse.

This evening a photo surfaced on Congressman Weiner’s yfrog account and in his verified Twitter timeline of a man in his underwear with an erection. The photo was reportedly sent to a woman on Twitter. We’ve protected her name and her account, which was at one time verified to be active but has since been deleted after the photo in question was deleted. Coincidentally, the rest of the photos in the congressman’s alleged yfrog account were also deleted around 11 p.m. eastern.

Weinergate: Congressman Claims “Facebook Hacked” As Lewd Photo Hits Twitter - Big Journalism

This may be a bigger problem for Rep. Weiner than politics!

"But I'm intrigued with Anthony Weiner who, in July, married a devout Muslim woman who has kept her Islamic faith. (I don't know if he adopted Islam but she has not become Jewish)."
MJ Rosenberg: Weiner (with Muslim Wife) Won't Say Mosque Is Okay

...Remember their motto: ...what happens in Weiner-mosque, stays in Weiner-mosque....along with your hands.

weiner will be ok ! - communist women are starting to protect him now - this low life has given many votes to leftists - they only say they want him to step down - they do not mean it - all that counts to communist demokrats is (SEATS OF POWER) - only useless republicans keep running away from their seats of power !

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