
The Dems are turning on Weiner - he's an EmBAREASSment.

Rep. Anthony Weiner’s grip on his House seat grew far more tenuous Wednesday as he was hit with the release of another graphic picture purported to be of his genitals, the public revelation that his wife is pregnant and a flood of calls from prominent Democrats for him to resign.

It’s up to Weiner to decide whether he’ll ride out a scandal that grows more intense, and more embarrassing, by the day. For now, Weiner is resisting the calls. “He is not resigning,” said a Democratic insider who spoke with him.

But pressure is steadily building from within Democratic ranks for him to call it quits and end the saga of the first Twitter-made political sex scandal.

Two former Democratic National Committee chairmen, former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell and former Virginia governor and current Senate candidate Tim Kaine, have called on Weiner to tender his resignation, as has Rep. Allyson Schwartz, the Pennsylvania Democrat who runs the recruitment and candidate-services operations for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Democrats start bailing on Anthony Weiner - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
I was trying to remember Vitter too so looked it up.

Running as a Republican in 2004, and doing very well in his campaign, the Democratic Central Committee in Louisiana accused him of a long time affair with a prostitute. Vitter stated there was no truth in the accusation and I don't believe the Democrats ever produced any evidence. Apparently Vitter's denial was believable, because he went on to be the FIRST Republican Senator ever elected by popular vote in Louisiana.

If Weiner had just been accused of hanky panky on the internet and no proof of such was ever produced, he wouldn't have a problem either.

And then his phone number ended up on a madam's phone list. He didn't resign, nor did any Republicans call for his resignation. He was re-elected in his district.

Why doesn't Weiner deserve the same treatment?

I see you are a subscriber of two wrongs make a right.
Why am I 100% certain that many of those calling for the resignation of Anthony Weiner were not as vocal about David Vitter resigning?

Now, I'm sure one or two will pop up and say "I did", but you will be in the minority. We know that the Republican legislators and pundits that are calling for Weiner's resignation DID NOT demand that Vitter (who was also re-elected in his District) step down.

Funny that...

Did Vitter tell bald faced lie after lie blaming others for what he did until he had no choice but to come clean?

Or did he man-up and tell the truth that he made a mistake immediately?

Do you see no difference between those two courses of action?

David Vitter actually had sex with prostitutes (which is illegal in DC). Anthony Weiner had cybersex.

Do you see no differences between those two actions?

Yes, that's a valid point.

So we have a guy that should have resigned vs. a guy that should resign.

I was trying to remember Vitter too so looked it up.

Running as a Republican in 2004, and doing very well in his campaign, the Democratic Central Committee in Louisiana accused him of a long time affair with a prostitute. Vitter stated there was no truth in the accusation and I don't believe the Democrats ever produced any evidence. Apparently Vitter's denial was believable, because he went on to be the FIRST Republican Senator ever elected by popular vote in Louisiana.

If Weiner had just been accused of hanky panky on the internet and no proof of such was ever produced, he wouldn't have a problem either.

And then his phone number ended up on a madam's phone list. He didn't resign, nor did any Republicans call for his resignation. He was re-elected in his district.

Why doesn't Weiner deserve the same treatment?

A phone number is incriminating evidence of a looooooooong involvement as Vitter was accused? I wonder if they released any other phone numbers from the Madam's phone? If not, why not? Did Vitter try to accuse another citizen of a federal crime? Did incriminating photos of Vitter with a prostitute show up on the internet? Vitter was elected after all this story came out and the story was not convincing to anybody. Not even the Democrats desperate to give it legs. And Vitter has not yet come up for re-election so we don't know how that will go, but I think the folks who elected him are pretty happy with him.

To compare Vitter with Anthony Weiner is really REALLY grasping at straws.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.


The job of the press is to bury stories which might embarrass the party or party members!

Breitbart should be marched of to a gulag...


You fucking thugs sure show your stripes when a party member is exposed. If anyone failed to understand what anti-liberty goons you are, this thread is a prime education.
I was trying to remember Vitter too so looked it up.

Running as a Republican in 2004, and doing very well in his campaign, the Democratic Central Committee in Louisiana accused him of a long time affair with a prostitute. Vitter stated there was no truth in the accusation and I don't believe the Democrats ever produced any evidence. Apparently Vitter's denial was believable, because he went on to be the FIRST Republican Senator ever elected by popular vote in Louisiana.

If Weiner had just been accused of hanky panky on the internet and no proof of such was ever produced, he wouldn't have a problem either.

And then his phone number ended up on a madam's phone list. He didn't resign, nor did any Republicans call for his resignation. He was re-elected in his district.

Why doesn't Weiner deserve the same treatment?

A phone number is incriminating evidence of a looooooooong involvement as Vitter was accused? I wonder if they released any other phone numbers from the Madam's phone? If not, why not? Did Vitter try to accuse another citizen of a federal crime? Did incriminating photos of Vitter with a prostitute show up on the internet? Vitter was elected after all this story came out and the story was not convincing to anybody. Not even the Democrats desperate to give it legs. And Vitter has not yet come up for re-election so we don't know how that will go, but I think the folks who elected him are pretty happy with him.

A. Vitter has come up for re-election...and been re-elected.

B. After enough evidence built up against him, Vitter came clean and confirmed the veracity of the charges.

You're right, there's no comparison between him and Weiner. Weiner didn't pay prostitutes. And Weiner didn't call for Clinton's resignation at about the same time he was dressing up in diapers for madams.
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David Vitter actually had sex with prostitutes (which is illegal in DC). Anthony Weiner had cybersex.

Do you see no differences between those two actions?

If Anthony Wiener had cybersex on the government payroll and using government space and equipment, that is also illegal in DC.

And falsely accusing somebody of a federal crime on national TV to divert attention from your own guilt should be illegal everywhere.

Don't you think?

If it is PROVEN that he used government resources, then the rules of the Congress for such incidents should apply...but let's audit ALL the reps and see if they have been using their government resources for ANY personal business.

Who did Weiner accuse of hacking his account?

How about lying on the floor of Congress?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAryQP_Iz9A]YouTube - ‪Sen. Jon Kyl Falsely Claims 90% of Planned Parenthood's Activity Is Abortion‬‏[/ame]

How about not accusing half the free world and digging up every piccadillo, faux pas, and misspeak committed for the last decade in order to deflect blame from your hero or to make his sin look somehow no worse than anybody else. If you want to know who Anthony Weiner falsely accused you don't have to read back very many pages in this thread for a full discussion on that.

And what difference does it make what somebody else did? That schoolyard scapegoat should have been eliminated from politics a long time ago. Well HE did it too is the lamest excuse to deflect blame from anybody on either side of the aisle.

The people in Congress hold great power to order and affect the lives of all American citizens and some of that power involves truly life and death matters. Nobody is going to be without mistake, error, or won't at times have feet of clay. Sometimes those with the best of intentions are going to get it wrong. But only people with proven track record for integrity, ethical behavior, high character, and good judgment should be entrusted with such power.

Those who by their own actions show that they lack integrity, ethics, character, and/or good judgment should not be kept in such a position of power.
I was trying to remember Vitter too so looked it up.

Running as a Republican in 2004, and doing very well in his campaign, the Democratic Central Committee in Louisiana accused him of a long time affair with a prostitute. Vitter stated there was no truth in the accusation and I don't believe the Democrats ever produced any evidence. Apparently Vitter's denial was believable, because he went on to be the FIRST Republican Senator ever elected by popular vote in Louisiana.

If Weiner had just been accused of hanky panky on the internet and no proof of such was ever produced, he wouldn't have a problem either.

And then his phone number ended up on a madam's phone list. He didn't resign, nor did any Republicans call for his resignation. He was re-elected in his district.

Why doesn't Weiner deserve the same treatment?

Not true:
Hannity calls for Vitter to resign

From NBC's Andrew Merten
20 July 2007

It appears that conservative commentator Sean Hannity called for the resignation of Sen. David Vitter (R) on his FOX News show last night. While listing several times he has spoken out against Republicans in Congress, he added, "I think Senator Vitter should probably live by the line that he put out for Bill Clinton back in the Monica Lewisky scandal," when Vitter called Clinton morally unfit to govern.
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Only took him 48 hours to break that promise.

Yupp.. Kills me how Brietbart is running around acting like he cares about Weiner's family.. Yeah right. Like he didn't mean for this to come out.. My ass!

I've called for Weiner to resign.. so has Democrats and Republicans.. Now I'm just waiting on Republicans to also call for David Vitter to step down.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.

I think the correct question to be asking here is if Weiner cared about his family would he have been posting pictures of himself on twitter?
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:
What a peckerdildo for the Dems to deal with, every new day he's still around is an embarassment for them.

God gave men a pecker and a brain, but only enough blood to use one at a time.
Dumbfuck....sending a handful of porn pics to random people over the internet is a bigger crime that hooking up with a hooker.

IF one of those women is really a girl, he's fucked. Distributing porn to a child will have WEANER in jail with a boyfriend for a couple years. A date with a hooker will get you a fine and a court date, you should know.

Weiner is a democrat, laws don't apply to him. If he weren't a party member, there would already be charges for indecent exposure and child endangerment. Party members have a whole different set of rules - well no rules - other than the fact that they rule us...
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

Are you kidding? It's a fantastic study in failed moral equivalency.

The argument at hand is "Your guy got away with not resigning four years ago, so ours should too", while at the same time totally ignoring that Republican Chris Lee was forced to resign for the same offense WITHOUT the added insult of lying to avoid the consequences four MONTHS ago.

Total deflection, but interesting none the less.
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Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going at a very high pace!
Personally, I think Weiner should resign,,,,,what a disgrace! What a loser!
I'm very amused that this thread is still going at a such radical pace, All I can say is,,,,some people must have really boring lives. :confused: :lol:

Yeah, and just think, we even lost a couple of hundred posts when things went haywire around here a couple of days ago.

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