
TacKyLiberal really is a moron.
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What's hysterical is how Boedicca doesn't follow the chronology of the posts, which shows why I produce a laundry list of GOP members......it was NOT to deflect, but it was a RESPONSE of the list of Dem names another poster produced because they were pissed about the question as to why the conservatives are not asking for Vitter to resign.

Boedicca's neocon defense tactics are cheap, transparent....and typically dishonest.

it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.
YOU are talking outta yer ASS...with NO FACT.
Thank you for correcting your egregious spelling error.

And now, you're just an idiot who can spell. Spoonman has more intelligence in his left small toe than you do in your entire being.

As we can see folks, I'm dealing with the intellectual/emotional equivalent of high school freshmen. Boedicca was proven dead wrong in her accusation, and she doesn't have the maturity to admit such. So instead, she drops to the childish ranting that seems to be "T"s mark in trade.

All this because I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the right wing-nuts ranting about Weiner yet either silent or excusing Vitter. I defend or endorse neither.

Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:
it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.

You guess wrong cumquat...and deflect in an attempt to obfuscate. Doesn't work muchacho...

Ask him about where he came up with this theory that Federal background checks are done on EVERY congressman

Was he telling a lie or just pulling false facts out of his ass?
As we can see folks, I'm dealing with the intellectual/emotional equivalent of high school freshmen. Boedicca was proven dead wrong in her accusation, and she doesn't have the maturity to admit such. So instead, she drops to the childish ranting that seems to be "T"s mark in trade.

All this because I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the right wing-nuts ranting about Weiner yet either silent or excusing Vitter. I defend or endorse neither.

Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...
it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.
YOU are talking outta yer ASS...with NO FACT.

And there's my proof, folks....T's not worth contemplating, as he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. I'm done wiping the debating floor with T.
it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.
YOU are talking outta yer ASS...with NO FACT.

That's a fact
Even one of Weiner's underage tweeter girls could see that....

Of course they may believe that there is a Federal background check done on every Congressman elected as well
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Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.
Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.
YOU are talking outta yer ASS...with NO FACT.

And there's my proof, folks....T's not worth contemplating, as he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. I'm done wiping the debating floor with T.

That the best you can do? Throw insults while your hero is getting booted by his own party leadership? By definition that makes you the party fringe.
And TachyBOI? *I* am NOT the subject matter of this thread...no matter your feeble attempt at obfuscation. You might wanna cease treating members of these boards as stupid shits as yourself?

In other words? *FUCK OFF* and deal with reality...
Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.

Don't run away

Maybe you need some help to keep you going

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.

As Chronology shows? *I* hereby tell TackyBOI to FUCK OFF AGAIN*
And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.

Don't run away

Maybe you need some help to keep you going


Tacky would rather not run away and coddle it...
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.

His "mental illness" does explain a lot. When I would see him arguing on TV, I would always wonder if he was on crack. I wouldn't doubt it if we find out he's an alcoholic and/or drug addict.

why do you hate alcoholics?
And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.

As Chronology shows? *I* hereby tell TackyBOI to FUCK OFF AGAIN*

Just question him on his facts and he runs like a Weiner Tweeter underage girl

He might be busy trying to find proof of how they do Federal background checks on all Congressmen elected

Good luck with that :eusa_whistle:
And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.

You have Repeatedly said you do not Defend him, Yet you continue to Argue the look at all these Republicans that did similar things angle, Which is Deflection and a Defense. So you are Defending him.

The Dude Lied through his teeth, in a very arrogant and condescending way, for 10 days on National TV. He Made a false Claim of being he Victim of a Criminal offense (Hacking)

He needs to be gone Period.

For The Record I also Believe Vitter should be gone as well.
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And WE are pointing toward your GLEE to defend the Indefensible when TONY has already admitted that he FUCKED UP...

*DEAL WITH IT* TackyBoi...

As the chronology of the posts shows, I've repeatedly stated that I do not defend Weiner, and sight that most likely the Dems will give him the boot or he won't be re-elected.

T's latest rant here proves he's either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. No point in my further responding to him.

You have Repeated said you do not Defend him, Yet you continue to Argue the look at all these Republicans that did similar things angle, Which is Deflection and a Defense. So you are Defending him.

The Dude Lied through his teeth, in a very arrogant and condescending way, for 10 days on National TV. He Made a false Claim of being he Victim of a Criminal offense (Hacking)

He needs to be gone Period.

For The Record I also Believe Vitter should be gone as well.

Reminds me of the idiots over in the Casey Anthony thread that keep saying that they are not defending her, even though they have pretty much made it their day job to do so for the last few weeks. :razz: ~BH
As we can see folks, I'm dealing with the intellectual/emotional equivalent of high school freshmen. Boedicca was proven dead wrong in her accusation, and she doesn't have the maturity to admit such. So instead, she drops to the childish ranting that seems to be "T"s mark in trade.

All this because I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the right wing-nuts ranting about Weiner yet either silent or excusing Vitter. I defend or endorse neither.

Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?
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