
Hell they do not even do them on the President. We have one now who has never even showed us the Grades he got in College, and waited until he was President for 2 years to get around to showing us his BC. Let alone had his Background checked by the FBI


Hell, you're an idiot! The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates. They are NOT required to make that information public, as it involves privacy issues.

Any congressman or senator that sits on a committee of a sensitive or classified nature go through a background check.

States have their own requirements for their political candidates or state representatives....most political parties will vet their own people as to pre-empt any surprises from the media or the opposition.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

Prove this lie as well

Hey if it is not public then what would they do if the information was bad?

If it is not public how do you know they do it

Again, I need to make no comments on your intelligence
Your words speak for themselve

"Prove this a lie as well"? Prove a negative? WTF is your problem, Neo? I'm not doing your homework, Neo. Stop being a crank, be honest and grow up.

Your answer does NOT support your orginal statement

Notice , unlike you I do not have to make any comments about your intelligence

Your lack of argument does it well

Your hypocrisy is still showing however

You don't like the answer, but you can't fault it's accuracy.

Notice, YOU took an unwarranted nasty, condescending attitude toward me from the start. I merely responded in kind....if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Your accusation is a joke, given the chronology of the post shows that I have NOT made any hypocritical statement regarding Weiner's situation. Constant statements by me in that vein makes YOU a liar, Neo. I don't deal with silly little liars, so have the last predictable word.
There IS NO Accuracy...
You are SO full of it! Vitter was nailed when he had left his Congressional seat to run for Senate. The Senate said that since his problems were on the other side of Capitol Hill, and Vitter had not broken any Senate rules, he was okay to stay!

EVERY Republican that supported Vitter's Senate run KNEW he was a whore monger and in violation of the rules. And like Vitter, many of them were less than faithful in their relationships as they wailed for Clinton's impeachment regarding Lewinsky.

Vitter was and is a sleaze, and hypocrits like YOU make excuses for him.

Weiner is a dope and a lousy husband.....but NOT a Vitter. The Dems can toss Weiner, life will go on.

did vitter lie when he got caught?

for a week?

No, because he was essentially out of Congress, busy running for a higher office.....which he got with the hypocritical support of the GOP and a GOP Senate group that copped a technicality to allow him in.

The GOP hypocrisy is plain, and they haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to wailing about Weiner.

so, no, he didn't lie and wiener did.

small steps....
NOR is Rushs' Problem Related to weiner's...:eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

rush is an asshole. if he ever had an original thought, he'd drop dead.

he's good at mesmerizing cretins though.
So says someone that has obviously NOT listened in earnst to Rush...But I won't fault YOU for no taste or LACK of thought in this INSTANCE.

Sorry DEL...you lose.
NOR is Rushs' Problem Related to weiner's...:eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

rush is an asshole. if he ever had an original thought, he'd drop dead.

he's good at mesmerizing cretins though.
So says someone that has obviously NOT listened in earnst to Rush...But I won't fault YOU for no taste or LACK of thought in this INSTANCE.

Sorry DEL...you lose.

i rest my case
Hell, you're an idiot! The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates. They are NOT required to make that information public, as it involves privacy issues.

Any congressman or senator that sits on a committee of a sensitive or classified nature go through a background check.

States have their own requirements for their political candidates or state representatives....most political parties will vet their own people as to pre-empt any surprises from the media or the opposition.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

Prove this lie as well

Hey if it is not public then what would they do if the information was bad?

If it is not public how do you know they do it

Again, I need to make no comments on your intelligence
Your words speak for themselve

"Prove this a lie as well"? Prove a negative? WTF is your problem, Neo? I'm not doing your homework, Neo. Stop being a crank, be honest and grow up.

you don't have to prove any negative, the statements were satire

We know that you were unable to prove your orignal statement on EVERY congressman
Since we are dealing with two diffenent claims, your confusion is understandable

Just support your "postive" statement on Presidents this time.
Where does it say in US law that FBI checks are required on all Presidential Candidates ?
Good luck with that

As for homework, I know the real answer
research facts before you claim them to be true would help you a lot

Hint: check US Constitution

So far you are 0 out 2 in trying to prove your statements
Perhaps you have a calling as a politician

Hey NY might have an opening soon
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When Anthony Weiner was a young boy his dad caught him masturbating and pouring peanuts on his dick. His dad said, “Boy what are you doing?” Anthony said, “I’m fuckin’ nuts Dad, I’m fuckin’ nuts.”
It does make one wish for extra strength Brain Bleach.

if you were worried about brain bleach, you wouldn't be wallowing in this.

not anthony's style and he has aspirations. i can't imagine him doing that on twitter. and knowing how he makes you rightwingnuts well... nuts, wouldn't shock me if one of you loons hacked him. not that difficult.

Ummm...yeah...and how did all of that worked out??? :cuckoo:
Big Government? That's Breitbart. Has he ever broken a fact based story? Maybe one of his pimps is the hacker, it sounds exactly like something he would do.

Can you prove any of his stories are false??
rush is an asshole. if he ever had an original thought, he'd drop dead.

he's good at mesmerizing cretins though.
So says someone that has obviously NOT listened in earnst to Rush...But I won't fault YOU for no taste or LACK of thought in this INSTANCE.

Sorry DEL...you lose.

i rest my case

Rest all you like. Your status here is persona non-grata... Get me ACE? Understand or do I have to spell it OUT to you?

Now that we've seen the picture it makes even less sense. It looks like a professionally posed picture. Very stylized.

I think whoever is responsible for this should go to jail.

Keeping tapping those heels together. Your spin failed... :lol:

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