
it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.

Speaking of either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence

How is that proof of where ALL congressmen get Federal background checks coming along?

Strange, it is almost like you don't know
where you just pulling that fact out of your ass - hoping it was right
or did you pull a Weiner and lie about it?

If you are a Congressman or a Senator and you are on a any committee that requires security clearance, you are given a background check.

The political party that runs a candidate does such checks to make sure nothing is found by the opposition or the press. Eash state has requirements for political office/state representation....criminal convictions are frowned upon.

You're not that smart, Neo...but you are a hypocrit regarding Vitter and Weiner.
Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?

Hell they do not even do them on the President. We have one now who has never even showed us the Grades he got in College, and waited until he was President for 2 years to get around to showing us his BC. Let alone had his Background checked by the FBI

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Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.

Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

About Boedicca here? Nope! The chronology of the posts proves me out on that.

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?


Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?

Hell they do not even do them on the President. We have one now who has never even showed us the Grades he got in College, and waited until he was President for 2 years to get around to showing us his BC.


I hear you.

Sadly, if people elect them then they are good to go

Papa Obama with his background and associates, it be highly unlikely he could get a High Risk clearance for most gov't jobs
Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.

Speaking of either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence

How is that proof of where ALL congressmen get Federal background checks coming along?

Strange, it is almost like you don't know
where you just pulling that fact out of your ass - hoping it was right
or did you pull a Weiner and lie about it?

If you are a Congressman or a Senator and you are on a any committee that requires security clearance, you are given a background check.

The political party that runs a candidate does such checks to make sure nothing is found by the opposition or the press. Eash state has requirements for political office/state representation....criminal convictions are frowned upon.

You're not that smart, Neo...but you are a hypocrit regarding Vitter and Weiner.

*I* Have highlighted YOUR PROBLEM...YOU actually BELIVE the PRESS and the PARTIES...what a fucking NON-THINKING RUBE.
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You're not that smart, Neo...but you are a hypocrit regarding Vitter and Weiner.

You're a lousy speller.

And nobody is fooled by your twisting your "fact" into any Congress person on a committee requiring security clearance getting a background check.

That isn't ALL of them. Nor is a check by a political party a true background check.
Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

About Boedicca here? Nope! The chronology of the posts proves me out on that.

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?



Too funny
Your answer does NOT support your orginal statement

Nice try at rewriting history- why does the Left love to rewrite history so much

Notice , unlike you I do not have to make any comments about your intelligence

Your lack of argument does it well

Your hypocrisy is still showing however
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Who said he did, genius? I certainly didn't. All I'm doing is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of jokers like you who are dancing with glee about Weiner while you try to excuse and are silent about Vitter's situation.

Boedicca's grasping at straws while blowing smoke, folks.....neocon desperation ain't pretty. :razz:

Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?

Hell they do not even do them on the President. We have one now who has never even showed us the Grades he got in College, and waited until he was President for 2 years to get around to showing us his BC. Let alone had his Background checked by the FBI


Hell, you're an idiot! The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates. They are NOT required to make that information public, as it involves privacy issues.

Any congressman or senator that sits on a committee of a sensitive or classified nature go through a background check.

States have their own requirements for their political candidates or state representatives....most political parties will vet their own people as to pre-empt any surprises from the media or the opposition.

Look it up if you don't believe me.
Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

About Boedicca here? Nope! The chronology of the posts proves me out on that.

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?



Your answer does NOT support your orginal statement
TackyBUB has to SAY something...lest he be thought an ASS...but MOST of us already came to that conclusion before this thread...
And that is NOT ALL members of Congress.
What I find interesting is that Vitter's prostitute situation is from the same era as L'Affair Lewinsky. The same people who are calling for Vitter's resignation now likely defended Clinton's affair with Lewinsky as being "just sex...everybody lies about it" and a "family matter".

I'd say Vitter and Clinton offset each other, and the Dems should focus on the present.

Plus, when Vitter came out to speak on it - he manned up
Did he falsely blame others like Weiner- no
Did he lie like Weiner- no
Did he treat the Press like Weiner- no

In fact his wife came out with him and spoke as well.
It was an old issue that him and his wife had dealt with in private
and with professional help

You are SO full of it! Vitter was nailed when he had left his Congressional seat to run for Senate. The Senate said that since his problems were on the other side of Capitol Hill, and Vitter had not broken any Senate rules, he was okay to stay!

EVERY Republican that supported Vitter's Senate run KNEW he was a whore monger and in violation of the rules. And like Vitter, many of them were less than faithful in their relationships as they wailed for Clinton's impeachment regarding Lewinsky.

Vitter was and is a sleaze, and hypocrits like YOU make excuses for him.

Weiner is a dope and a lousy husband.....but NOT a Vitter. The Dems can toss Weiner, life will go on.

did vitter lie when he got caught?

for a week?
Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?

Hell they do not even do them on the President. We have one now who has never even showed us the Grades he got in College, and waited until he was President for 2 years to get around to showing us his BC. Let alone had his Background checked by the FBI


Hell, you're an idiot! The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates. They are NOT required to make that information public, as it involves privacy issues.

Any congressman or senator that sits on a committee of a sensitive or classified nature go through a background check.

States have their own requirements for their political candidates or state representatives....most political parties will vet their own people as to pre-empt any surprises from the media or the opposition.

Look it up if you don't believe me.
How was WEINER Missed?:lol:

Get lost jackoff...
Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

About Boedicca here? Nope! The chronology of the posts proves me out on that.

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?



Your answer does NOT support your orginal statement

Notice , unlike you I do not have to make any comments about your intelligence

Your lack of argument does it well

Your hypocrisy is still showing however

You don't like the answer, but you can't fault it's accuracy.

Notice, YOU took an unwarranted nasty, condescending attitude toward me from the start. I merely responded in kind....if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Your accusation is a joke, given the chronology of the post shows that I have NOT made any hypocritical statement regarding Weiner's situation. Constant statements by me in that vein makes YOU a liar, Neo. I don't deal with silly little liars, so have the last predictable word.
Can't be as desperate as you in making up facts?

How is that research going on how they do Federal background checks on EVERY congressman that is elected?

Hell they do not even do them on the President. We have one now who has never even showed us the Grades he got in College, and waited until he was President for 2 years to get around to showing us his BC. Let alone had his Background checked by the FBI


Hell, you're an idiot! The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates. They are NOT required to make that information public, as it involves privacy issues.

Any congressman or senator that sits on a committee of a sensitive or classified nature go through a background check.

States have their own requirements for their political candidates or state representatives....most political parties will vet their own people as to pre-empt any surprises from the media or the opposition.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

Prove this lie as well

Hey if it is not public then what would they do if the information was bad?

If it is not public how do you know they do it

Again, I need to make no comments on your intelligence
Your words speak for themselve
Plus, when Vitter came out to speak on it - he manned up
Did he falsely blame others like Weiner- no
Did he lie like Weiner- no
Did he treat the Press like Weiner- no

In fact his wife came out with him and spoke as well.
It was an old issue that him and his wife had dealt with in private
and with professional help

You are SO full of it! Vitter was nailed when he had left his Congressional seat to run for Senate. The Senate said that since his problems were on the other side of Capitol Hill, and Vitter had not broken any Senate rules, he was okay to stay!

EVERY Republican that supported Vitter's Senate run KNEW he was a whore monger and in violation of the rules. And like Vitter, many of them were less than faithful in their relationships as they wailed for Clinton's impeachment regarding Lewinsky.

Vitter was and is a sleaze, and hypocrits like YOU make excuses for him.

Weiner is a dope and a lousy husband.....but NOT a Vitter. The Dems can toss Weiner, life will go on.

did vitter lie when he got caught?

for a week?

No, because he was essentially out of Congress, busy running for a higher office.....which he got with the hypocritical support of the GOP and a GOP Senate group that copped a technicality to allow him in.

The GOP hypocrisy is plain, and they haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to wailing about Weiner.

Your answer does NOT support your orginal statement

Notice , unlike you I do not have to make any comments about your intelligence

Your lack of argument does it well

Your hypocrisy is still showing however

You don't like the answer, but you can't fault it's accuracy.

Notice, YOU took an unwarranted nasty, condescending attitude toward me from the start. I merely responded in kind....if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Your accusation is a joke, given the chronology of the post shows that I have NOT made any hypocritical statement regarding Weiner's situation. Constant statements by me in that vein makes YOU a liar, Neo. I don't deal with silly little liars, so have the last predictable word.

I have no problem with the answer. It is a fine answer for a different question

You have a problem with the question

You stated their is a Federal Background check on EVERY congressmen elected
FALSE Statement

Do I believe you lied on purpose- NO
Do I believe you were just pulling facts out of your ass- YES

Do I believe you are attempting to pull a Weiner here and squirm you way out it- YES

Do I believe that the thought of a criminal background check done on everyone running for office made public
makes someone from the Left nervous- YES

Your hypocrisy is in your limited call for justice, not the Weiner
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Chris Lee was gone in four hours after doing something far less egregious than Weiner has done.

Yet TacKyLiberal has to focus on something that Vitter did in the 1990s right around the same time Clinton was getting blow jobs from Lewinsky in the Oval Office.

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