
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.

No what needs top be done is what I said earlier. He needs to be made an example of removed tared and feathered. The American people should do it's duty and police it's government.
heh...I have to say, from everything I've read about the guy he has an eating disorder and all his actions stem from this fact.

I have nothing but pity for him and I hope he gets the help he needs.

ok you can have pity on him, but doies he need to be in a position where he's allowed to vote on laws that run this country?
17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.

They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.

Another reason why Weiner needs to be made an example of. Because others have done worse. Enough is enough.
rush is an asshole. if he ever had an original thought, he'd drop dead.

he's good at mesmerizing cretins though.
So says someone that has obviously NOT listened in earnst to Rush...But I won't fault YOU for no taste or LACK of thought in this INSTANCE.

Sorry DEL...you lose.

i rest my case

Del, you are dead wrong regarding Rush.

You case has ZERO merit.
Big Government? That's Breitbart. Has he ever broken a fact based story? Maybe one of his pimps is the hacker, it sounds exactly like something he would do.

Can you prove any of his stories are false??

SuMar can't......but he may try SOROS 's SMEAR Machines' (Media Matters, Daily Kos, MoveOn.Org, Puffington Post, etc.,) manufactured bullshit.
Del? I can have YOU snapped like a TWIG ...I hope you realize that>?

go sleep it off

Do people get drunk and feel the need to post? or do they post and then feel the need to drink?

Luissa da Pissah,

LIEberrhoidal crunt......fuck off.

You might impress TDM, RDeanieWeanie, Buggy Huggy, etc.......but no one rational gives a shit about your queries or loopy opinions.
17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.

They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.
Sorry to burst your fantasy.

Police close Delaware Weiner case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/12/2011
It is not just the Roasting of the Weiner we should be concerned with in Congress,...the place is full of perverts like wet smelly rats eating on the American carcass. Weiner isn't the exception,...he is the rule.

Questions, (instead of jokes) we should be concerned with, is what causes such a high level of perverts among power hungry politicians. Does anyone actually think roasting Weiner in counseling will solve his problem? If so, I got a weiner for you!!!

The worst part of this, these perverts are around our children, in our homes, come to our neighborhoods. They are as bad, well, worse than child molesting priests.

We need to give these perverted candidates psychological tests to determine what they are thinking when they are kissing your babies, or sharing a "teen moment" with you son or daughter.

Weiner is worse than a child molester, simply because of the numbers of people who put their trust in him, numbers that stack the odds in his favor that he will score and make another victim. The broken trust is the key element in a child molestation crime. Based on that, he should be shot. But I would settle for these closet perverts being tested before they can even be a candidate for political office.

Just like there are certian characteristics of rapists, or serial killers, there are perverted characteristics among politicians and priests.

17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.

They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.
Sorry to burst your fantasy.

Police close Delaware Weiner case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/12/2011


What a massive Dragnet!!!

They send a couple of Delaware cops (We all know how Delaware cops are the best detectives in the country) to look at the girl's laptop. So they check for nasty emails on her PC and according to this story close the case.

Any FBI agent will tell you that her lap-top is only part of the story. Investigations need to be done with the internet provider and Weiner's PC.

I think what we're seeing here is a scare-tactic being used on Weiner to get him to resign. This half-hearted investigation was not intended to find anything of value.

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