
"Another case of good intentions producing unanticipated negative consequences."

When did aiding our enemy "Communist Red China" and making them finanically rich become a good intention?
"Another case of good intentions producing unanticipated negative consequences."

When did aiding our enemy "Communist Red China" and making them finanically rich become a good intention?

The intention was to free up markets and enhance trade that would benefit both countries. Unfortunately, the restrictions and handicaps we impose on our domestic businesses resulted in it benefitting China far more than it benefitted us.

But again, it is our own tax policy, regulation, mandates, etc. etc. etc. imposed on American commerce and industry coupled with trade policy that really help China capitalize on such that is killing American jobs.

("THE WEINERGATE CALENDAR") include other polticians too.

Well it appears some on the Left do enjoy his "sharing"


And hurry back to work because we need you.
Pelosi and self righteous Democrats who are asking for his resignation; “He without sin, cast the first stone.” Nobody should ever punish anybody for being bad because nobody is good. Roman 3;10...“There is not a righteous man, not even one.”

Pelosi, Waters
,etc has enough skeletons in their closet to get her impeached.
This just goes to show that this man is a pervert and needs pychological help like many others who are like this. Take for instance Obama's mother. If you remember, she too took nude pornographic photos of herself but if she had the technology Weiner has today back then, Stanley Ann Dunham would most likely have sent the perverted porn photos of herself out by texting and been all over porn sites lurking for young black men to prey upon and seduce. There is a sickness with these kind of people and they need help. Pelosi has asked Weiner to step down but his jewish pride is preventing that. A lot of this has to do with Jewish perversion. Many Jews dominate the porn industry and it is their intent to taint the moral values and culture of Americans by subjecting young women to sex (porn) and drugs. It has been going on for years. The latest photos of Weiner is proof and especially his contact with the 17 year old. If he was allowed to progress forward in his perverted escapades there is no doubt he would have persued a relationship with the underage girl.

New Photos Of Weiner Holding Penis With Congressional Gym As Backdrop

Total disgusting. Pics have been digitally altered you know where:
Anthony Weiner at the House Members' Gym | Celebrity Photos | TMZ.com
I haven't followed this story, buut I admit I went to TMZ to see what the fuss is all about.
Okaaaayyy. This guy is clearly a nut.
To be honest...I have to wonder if he is bisexual.
He clearly has a fascination with his body...which is male. If he is attracted to himself...well.
I haven't followed this story, buut I admit I went to TMZ to see what the fuss is all about.
Okaaaayyy. This guy is clearly a nut.
To be honest...I have to wonder if he is bisexual.
He clearly has a fascination with his body...which is male. If he is attracted to himself...well.
He's claiming his account was hacked, but that's a lame excuse.

Well, by all means, let’s presume him guilty until proven innocent.

Weiner has admitted it. He is now going to take a leave of absence to get some much needed mental help.

Unfortunately this 47 year old 7 term congressman does not have another professional occupation he can fall back on. So I imagine Pelosi is going to have to drag him kicking and screaming out of there.

If you think about it--Weiner is our 1st National cybor Pervert! If he didn't have a congressional seat--I imagine he would be one of those trench coat mall runners.

The 21 year old college student that outed Wiener--had nothing to do with his sexting--and was Weinerized anyway.
Little Anthony Weiner needs to be sent to the corn field.

Little Anthony - Twilight Zone

Six-year-old Anthony Fremont looks like any other little boy, but looks are deceiving. He is a monster, a mutant with godlike mental powers. Early on, he isolated the small hamlet of Peaksville, Ohio. In fact, the handful of inhabitants do not even know if he destroyed the rest of the world or if it still exists. Anthony has also eliminated electricity, automobiles, and television signals. He controls the weather and what supplies can be found in the grocery store. Anthony creates and destroys as he pleases, and controls when the residents can watch the TV and what they can watch on it.

The adults tiptoe nervously around him, constantly telling him how everything he does is "good", since displeasing him can get them wished away "to the cornfield", where they are presumably met by a less-than-happy ending. Finally, at Dan Hollis' birthday party, Dan, slightly drunk, can no longer stand the strain and confronts the boy, calling him a monster and a murderer; while Anthony's anger grows, Dan begs the other adults to kill Anthony from behind - "Somebody end this, now!" - but everyone else is too afraid to act. Before Dan is killed, he is shown, indirectly by his shadow, transformed into a jack-in-the-box, causing his widow to break down.

Because he is angry at what has happened, Anthony causes snow to begin falling outside. His father observes that the snow will kill off at least half the crops and that they may not have enough food to make it through the winter and people may starve to death. But as the adults look on, worried smiles on their faces, his father smiles and tells Anthony "...but it's a real good thing you did. A real good thing."
I wonder if Lousy Pelosy is going to disclose Weanie Weiner, i.e., her attack pooch's porno tweets to her ?

Or, is it legally inconsequential being as to how her return tweets to him were of the same nature ?

Pelosy's botoxed parts musta been a hoot !!!
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I wonder if Lousy Pelosy is going to disclose Weanie Weiner, i.e., her attack pooch's porno tweets to her ?

Or, is it legally inconsequential being as to how her return tweets to him were of the same nature ?

Pelosy's botoxed parts musta been a hoot !!!

are you this stupid off line? :eusa_hand:
I wonder if Lousy Pelosy is going to disclose Weanie Weiner, i.e., her attack pooch's porno tweets to her ?

Or, is it legally inconsequential being as to how her return tweets to him were of the same nature ?

Pelosy's botoxed parts musta been a hoot !!!

It's like Nancy says, "I know where the Boners (I mean Bodies) are buried."

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