
Take for instance Obama's mother. If you remember, she too took nude pornographic photos of herself but if she had the technology Weiner has today back then, Stanley Ann Dunham would most likely have sent the perverted porn photos of herself out by texting and been all over porn sites lurking for young black men to prey upon and seduce. There is a sickness with these kind of people and they need help. Pelosi has asked Weiner to step down but his jewish pride is preventing that. A lot of this has to do with Jewish perversion. Many Jews dominate the porn industry and it is their intent to taint the moral values and culture of Americans by subjecting young women to sex (porn) and drugs. It has been going on for years. The latest photos of Weiner is proof and especially his contact with the 17 year old. If he was allowed to progress forward in his perverted escapades there is no doubt he would have persued a relationship with the underage girl.

New Photos Of Weiner Holding Penis With Congressional Gym As Backdrop

Total disgusting. Pics have been digitally altered you know where:
Anthony Weiner at the House Members' Gym | Celebrity Photos | TMZ.com

Are you serious with this post?

Those alleged nude photos are misleadingly attributed to Ann Dunhum, Obama's mother. An unauthentic Aussie blog site claims to have discovered Ann Dunham's nude photos but those photos obviously show that the model in those nude photos is just a look-alike of Ann Dunham and even the original poster of those photos is not sure about authenticity at all. The Aussie blogger claims to have received the following e-mail(below) with three attached nude photos but the Australian source completely lacks credibility. Moreover, the series ID number of the vintage photo is YA-438, which does not match Obama's mother's initial A.H., which proves that the model is not Ann Dunhum. Any photos from the vintage porn site carry models' initials in the lower right of the photos.

Answers.com - Are the nude photos of Obama's mother that are circulating around the internet for real and who did she make them for

I would suggest that before you start spewing this kind of garbage out over the Internet, you make sure your information is correct.

No, the pics are of Obama's mother taken in Frank Marshal Davis house. He was a known pornographer and communist who was young Barack's mentor. As for jewish perversion. The porn industry is laced with them.

For instance:

Leading modern Jewish pornographers include Ron Braverman, John Bone, Wesley Emerson, Paul Fishbein, Herbert Feinberg AKA Mickey Fine, Hank Weinstein, Lenny Friedlander, Bobby Hollander, Rubin Gottesman, Fred Hirsch and his children Steve and Marci, Paul "Norman" Apstein, Steve Orenstein, Jack Richmond (Legend CEO), Theodore Rothstein, Reuben and David Sturman, Ron Sullivan, Jerome Tanner, Armand Weston, Sam and Mitch Weston (Spinelli).

Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers of the 1970s and '80s. Hebrew Buck Adams, Bobby Astyr, (Bobby Charles) R. Bolla (Robert Kerman), Jerry Butler (Paul Siderman), Seymore Butts (Adam Glasser), Roger Caine (Al Levitsky), David Christopher (Bernie Cohen), Steve Drake, Jesse Eastern, Jamie Gillis (Jamie Gurman), Ron Jeremy (Hyatt), William Margold, Ed Powers (Mark Arnold aka Mark Krinski), Harry Reems (Herbert Streicher), Dave Ruby, Herschel Savage (Harvey Cowen), Carter Stevens (Mal Warub), Paul Thomas (Phil Tobias), Marc Wallice (Marc Goldberg), Randy West (Andy Abrams).

Jewish female performers include Avalon, Jenny Baxter (Jenny Wexler), Busty Belle (Tracy Praeger), Lee Carroll (Leslie Barris), Blair Castle/Brooke Fields (Allison Shandibal), Courtney/Natasha/Eden (Natasha Zimmerman), Daphne (Daphne Franks), Barbara Dare (Stacy Mitnick), April Diamond, Jeanna Fine, Alexis Gold, Terri Hall, Heather Hart, Nina Hartley (Hartman), Frankie Leigh (Cynthia Hope Geller), Gloria Leonard, Traci Lords (Nora Louise Kuzma), Amber Lynn, Tonisha Mills, Melissa Monet, Susan Nero, Scarlett O. (Catherine Goldberg), Tawny Pearl (Susan Pearlman), Nina Preta, Tracey Prince, Raylene, Janey Robbins (Robin Lieberman), Mila Shegol, Alexandra Silk, Susan Sloan, Annie Sprinkle (Ellen Steinberg), Karen Summer (Dana Alper), Cindy West, Zara Whites (Amy Kooiman) and Ona Zee (Ona Simms).
The guy has taken, in all probability, 100's of pictures of himself nude/nearlly nude.
And placed some of them on the internet for a young woman to look at.

This behavior shows a tremendous disrespect for himself, his wife, his family and finally his office.
He is a disgrace to his office.
"Now that ceaseless exposure has calloused us to the lewd and the vulgar, it is instructive to see what still seems wicked to us." -- Thomas Harris
Has anyone posted this yet?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VSpOJBIPt4]YouTube - ‪Flashback: Weiner on David Paterson "He should step down"‬‏[/ame]

It seems Weiner has no problem asking others to step down.
  • Thanks
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And hurry back to work because we need you.
Pelosi and self righteous Democrats who are asking for his resignation; “He without sin, cast the first stone.” Nobody should ever punish anybody for being bad because nobody is good. Roman 3;10...“There is not a righteous man, not even one.”

Pelosi, Waters
,etc has enough skeletons in their closet to get her impeached.

You're a little nutty, huh?

New photos leak out

See the Rep at his finest at TMZ


YouTube - ‪Right Said Fred - I`m Too Sexy (The Original)‬‏

“I shake my little tush on the Catwalk.” On the catwalk, yeah, on the catwalk...

One has to wonder...

He knew all this stuff was out there
What made him even think he could get away with it by trying to lie?

No doubt his "hubris" and that of the Left is fueled in part by their appreciation of the MSM's unwillingness to fully investigate people on the Left....

It's a shame we don't have a "real" MSM anymore.
If we did then nuts like this would have, rightly, resigned immediately

Have you ever met a guy who can’t stop boasting about himself and his possessions? Everything he has is the biggest, best or most expensive... This guy will look for any opportunity to boast about himself. He’ll even hijack a conversation to insert a boast about himself that's totally unrelated to the conversation. Even when friends tell him it’s annoying and impolite he doesn’t get the message. That’s Anthony Weiner he’s always looking for new prey, to say the same boring things about his Penis and Physique and Position of Power. (The 4 "P's")

When people have had enough and get tired of Weiner he just moves on to new victims with the same old lines. That’s why there are so many photos out there of him. I doubt if we’ll ever see the entire lot of photos because people have probably deleted them but some people have probably saved them for an opportune moment like the infamous “Blue Dress” of Lewinsky. I fear the worst is yet to come for Mr. Oscar Meyer Weiner boi.

Since the business sector took to owning the Media it's a wonder we get any Real News at all.
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Now that the situation has moved rather lasciviously beyond the original single photo of Weiner's alleged erection which was clothed by his shorts it's increasingly clear he can no longer function effectively as a congressman. He simply can't be taken seriously, which is a damn shame because he was the most effective Democrat in the lineup. I, for one, am very disappointed by his downfall.

I knew another crazy Jew named Weiner. I worked with him, often went to lunch with him and enjoyed his company. He was very sharp, had a law degree, a beautiful wife and a fine home in an upscale Long Island community. He had a wild imagination, passed out good stock market advice and told the funniest jokes I ever heard.

One day he didn't show up for work and by day's end we learned he'd been busted for shoplifting a lawn mower from E.J. Korvette's. Later it was learned that Weiner had been under surveillance as an habitual, systematic shoplifter. When his house was searched the police found a hoard of merchandise stolen from various department stores in Brooklyn and Queens valued at over $100,000.

Fortunately he didn't go to prison because he was evaluated as a compulsive kleptomaniac and he made financial restitution He was placed on probation, enrolled in psychological treatment and lost his job. Like the Democrats' Weiner, we all missed him.

So watch out for Jews named Weiner.
Now that the situation has moved rather lasciviously beyond the original single photo of Weiner's alleged erection which was clothed by his shorts it's increasingly clear he can no longer function effectively as a congressman. .

Things are really fucked up when people are more concerned about Wiener's wiener than [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRZSzdQuOqM"]LBJ's crime corcerning the USS Liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/ame]

Now that the situation has moved rather lasciviously beyond the original single photo of Weiner's alleged erection which was clothed by his shorts it's increasingly clear he can no longer function effectively as a congressman. He simply can't be taken seriously, which is a damn shame because he was the most effective Democrat in the lineup. I, for one, am very disappointed by his downfall.

I knew another crazy Jew named Weiner. I worked with him, often went to lunch with him and enjoyed his company. He was very sharp, had a law degree, a beautiful wife and a fine home in an upscale Long Island community. He had a wild imagination, passed out good stock market advice and told the funniest jokes I ever heard.

One day he didn't show up for work and by day's end we learned he'd been busted for shoplifting a lawn mower from E.J. Korvette's. Later it was learned that Weiner had been under surveillance as an habitual, systematic shoplifter. When his house was searched the police found a hoard of merchandise stolen from various department stores in Brooklyn and Queens valued at over $100,000.

Fortunately he didn't go to prison because he was evaluated as a compulsive kleptomaniac and he made financial restitution He was placed on probation, enrolled in psychological treatment and lost his job. Like the Democrats' Weiner, we all missed him.

So watch out for Jews named Weiner.

My story is not as long, or interesting.....but, perhaps apropos.

I, actually, know a jewish chap named Weiner. I met him while I attended school in Berkeley. He seemed very intelligent but he couldn't stop talking about his weanie. Everytime we talked he'd go on & on about his weanie. I haven't seen him for over twenty years. But, I'd bet my last nickle that if he's still alive......he's babbling about his weanie.
Now that the situation has moved rather lasciviously beyond the original single photo of Weiner's alleged erection which was clothed by his shorts it's increasingly clear he can no longer function effectively as a congressman. He simply can't be taken seriously, which is a damn shame because he was the most effective Democrat in the lineup. I, for one, am very disappointed by his downfall.

I knew another crazy Jew named Weiner. I worked with him, often went to lunch with him and enjoyed his company. He was very sharp, had a law degree, a beautiful wife and a fine home in an upscale Long Island community. He had a wild imagination, passed out good stock market advice and told the funniest jokes I ever heard.

One day he didn't show up for work and by day's end we learned he'd been busted for shoplifting a lawn mower from E.J. Korvette's. Later it was learned that Weiner had been under surveillance as an habitual, systematic shoplifter. When his house was searched the police found a hoard of merchandise stolen from various department stores in Brooklyn and Queens valued at over $100,000.

Fortunately he didn't go to prison because he was evaluated as a compulsive kleptomaniac and he made financial restitution He was placed on probation, enrolled in psychological treatment and lost his job. Like the Democrats' Weiner, we all missed him.

So watch out for Jews named Weiner.

I'm sure there are many wonderful people named Weiner, some Jewish, some not, who are wonderful people. So please let's don't indict a common name or a race of people with this.

But speaking of coincidences of name, we have a county commissioner named Wiener who has been charged with sexual harrassment by female coworkers who didn't like him much to begin with. All he has done is tell racially or sexually tinged jokes and they have publically claimed the has created a hostile work environment. I'm thinking the guy is pretty unlikable but honestly, a hostile work environment?
Now that the situation has moved rather lasciviously beyond the original single photo of Weiner's alleged erection which was clothed by his shorts it's increasingly clear he can no longer function effectively as a congressman. He simply can't be taken seriously, which is a damn shame because he was the most effective Democrat in the lineup. I, for one, am very disappointed by his downfall.

I knew another crazy Jew named Weiner. I worked with him, often went to lunch with him and enjoyed his company. He was very sharp, had a law degree, a beautiful wife and a fine home in an upscale Long Island community. He had a wild imagination, passed out good stock market advice and told the funniest jokes I ever heard.

One day he didn't show up for work and by day's end we learned he'd been busted for shoplifting a lawn mower from E.J. Korvette's. Later it was learned that Weiner had been under surveillance as an habitual, systematic shoplifter. When his house was searched the police found a hoard of merchandise stolen from various department stores in Brooklyn and Queens valued at over $100,000.

Fortunately he didn't go to prison because he was evaluated as a compulsive kleptomaniac and he made financial restitution He was placed on probation, enrolled in psychological treatment and lost his job. Like the Democrats' Weiner, we all missed him.

So watch out for Jews named Weiner.

I'm sure there are many wonderful people named Weiner, some Jewish, some not, who are wonderful people. So please let's don't indict a common name or a race of people with this.

But speaking of coincidences of name, we have a county commissioner named Wiener who has been charged with sexual harrassment by female coworkers who didn't like him much to begin with. All he has done is tell racially or sexually tinged jokes and they have publically claimed the has created a hostile work environment. I'm thinking the guy is pretty unlikable but honestly, a hostile work environment?

Gee there Foxy.. way to go on reinforcing your point...:lol:
Your answer does NOT support your orginal statement

Notice , unlike you I do not have to make any comments about your intelligence

Your lack of argument does it well

Your hypocrisy is still showing however

You don't like the answer, but you can't fault it's accuracy.

Notice, YOU took an unwarranted nasty, condescending attitude toward me from the start. I merely responded in kind....if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Your accusation is a joke, given the chronology of the post shows that I have NOT made any hypocritical statement regarding Weiner's situation. Constant statements by me in that vein makes YOU a liar, Neo. I don't deal with silly little liars, so have the last predictable word.
There IS NO Accuracy...

When it comes to YOU "T", that is a fair statement, as the chronology of the posts shows. :razz:

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