

Funny! But I see a desperate GOP toadie already trying to link Weiner with Obama for 2012. Interesting, given the piss poor lot of candidates vying for the GOP 2012 presidential candidacy, I wonder what would be said of trying to link Vitter with that?

Funny, most people here just see a desperate leftist poster

The photos posted Sunday were purportedly taken in the House members' gym and show a shirt-less Weiner with a towel around his waist and his hand on his crotch. TMZ said the photos were sent online to at least one woman.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat, spoke of Weiner's "bizarre and unacceptable behavior" in texting inappropriate pictures of himself to young women. Hoyer said it would be "extraordinarily difficult" for Weiner to continue to represent his constituents effectively.

New photos of Weiner surface on Internet - Politics - msnbc.com

Yes, particularly difficult when your in rehab for a problem that rehab doesn't seem to be effective in fixing.
Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

Democrats provide a constant hollow argument..

If Vitter or any of the other,"Bad Boy/Girl" Republicans were Democrats, they would justify them no matter what they did. So using them as their argument is hollow and hypocritical at best..

When Clinton was suspected of raping and sexually harassing several women, did Democrats want to pursue the charges... nope.. they sure didn't.. So anything goes with the Democrats.. live with it...

Vitter WAS PROVEN GUILTY OF SOLICITING PROSTITUTES during his House of Rep. tenure.....GOP officials knew this but backed his play for the Senate, and the Senate states that since Vitter didn't break and SENATE laws, he's cool.

Other than sleeping with consenting adults, NONE of the charges of rape or sexual harrasment against Clinton stood up to scrutiny.

The partisan defense by each ones individual party is recorded for posterity.

To date, Weiner is a marital creep and a liar about it, but has NOT been proven of carrying on with minors, just consenting adults. It's going to cost him re-election for sure, if not removal from office it there's an ethic's violation proven.

But the neocon parrot's hypocrisy about this is astounding.
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Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

A purely sanctimonious dishonest liberal hack, like the assclown tackylib, telling ANYBODY else that they need to grow up is beyond funny. :lol:

This thread brings out the worst of the worst in hypocritical lefty Weiner lovers.
Dood. Stop obsessing about what Vitter did back in the 1990s. His wife has forgiven him...and after all, one of the most famous Cultural Teaching Moment of the 1990s involved Everyone Lies About Sex and It's Just A Private Family Matter.
Dood. Stop obsessing about what Vitter did back in the 1990s. His wife has forgiven him...and after all, one of the most famous Cultural Teaching Moment of the 1990s involved Everyone Lies About Sex and It's Just A Private Family Matter.

Notice his hypocrisy with his rather limited call for balance

I say fine throw him out but what about the others

Why stop there?


The photos posted Sunday were purportedly taken in the House members' gym and show a shirt-less Weiner with a towel around his waist and his hand on his crotch. TMZ said the photos were sent online to at least one woman.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat, spoke of Weiner's "bizarre and unacceptable behavior" in texting inappropriate pictures of himself to young women. Hoyer said it would be "extraordinarily difficult" for Weiner to continue to represent his constituents effectively.

New photos of Weiner surface on Internet - Politics - msnbc.com

Yes, particularly difficult when your in rehab for a problem that rehab doesn't seem to be effective in fixing.

True that.....back in the day, couples went to marriage counselors when guys were caught flirting all the time. Now in this age of wussiness, everything is a mental breakdown that can be solved by "rehab".

Give me a fucking break....either the wife divorces his dumb ass or she puts up with it.
As Democrats go, Weiner is one of the most ethical

And yet you have no problem with Vitter, right Frankie boy?

Frankie boy will have no problem when you
call for


to step down as well
otherwise that would make you a hypocrite

They must have done all that stuff after their FBI background checks before they were elected
Dood. Stop obsessing about what Vitter did back in the 1990s. His wife has forgiven him...and after all, one of the most famous Cultural Teaching Moment of the 1990s involved Everyone Lies About Sex and It's Just A Private Family Matter.

Vitter is STILL in the Senate, you blithering idiot! Seems you POS neocon parrots have NO problem with someone breaking your alleged sacred moral laws when they have an (R) in front of their name. Thanks for proving what a neocon hypocrit you are boedicca.
Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.
Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.
Dood. Stop obsessing about what Vitter did back in the 1990s. His wife has forgiven him...and after all, one of the most famous Cultural Teaching Moment of the 1990s involved Everyone Lies About Sex and It's Just A Private Family Matter.

Vitter is STILL in the Senate, you blithering idiot! Seems you POS neocon parrots have NO problem with someone breaking your alleged sacred moral laws when they have an (R) in front of their name. Thanks for proving what a neocon hypocrit you are boedicca.

People in glass houses should not throw stones
As Democrats go, Weiner is one of the most ethical

And yet you have no problem with Vitter, right Frankie boy?

Frankie boy will have no problem when you
call for


to step down as well
otherwise that would make you a hypocrite

They must have done all that stuff after their FBI background checks before they were elected

Am I defending Weiner's actions? The chronology of the post shows no, so Neo is either ignorant about the application of the word hypocrit, or Neo is just a lying fool.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

I had no problem with the forementioned receiving their just desserts, and NEVER advocated otherwise. But it seems chuckling toadies like YOU, Neo....will excuse and defend GOP hypocrisy to the death. And you're dumb ass is still burning After I schooled you on how and when politicians are vetted by federal security agencies.

Again, I've got NO problem with Weiner gettng the heave ho, but I won't let the braying hypocrisy of neocon jackasses go unnoticed.

Laugh, Clown, Laugh

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