
No, because he was essentially out of Congress, busy running for a higher office.....which he got with the hypocritical support of the GOP and a GOP Senate group that copped a technicality to allow him in.

The GOP hypocrisy is plain, and they haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to wailing about Weiner.

so, no, he didn't lie and wiener did.

small steps....

Ahhh, so Vitter is a whore monger who got caught, but through a technicality is elected to a higher office with the support of those who KNEW he broke the law but supported him anyway, and that's okay.

Weiner lies about his video flirting/cheating actions, BUT HAS YET TO BE TECHNICALLY IN VIOLATION OF A CONGRESSIONAL LAW, and the neocon parrots, politicos and pundits are joining the some of the Dems in screaming for his blood.

Hypocrisy abounds for Del and his cronies in no small steps, but giant leaps.

you're not too bright, are you?
"Another case of good intentions producing unanticipated negative consequences."

When did aiding our enemy "Communist Red China" and making them finanically rich become a good intention?

The intention was to free up markets and enhance trade that would benefit both countries. Unfortunately, the restrictions and handicaps we impose on our domestic businesses resulted in it benefitting China far more than it benefitted us.

But again, it is our own tax policy, regulation, mandates, etc. etc. etc. imposed on American commerce and industry coupled with trade policy that really help China capitalize on such that is killing American jobs.

Give me a break! The market was opened up to use a Chinese labor force that would accept 38 cents an hour wage. Big Business could afford to move their factories to China buy materials, make the product and ship it back to America cheaper than it could be made in America by American employees. Then add insult to injury they made Americans buy the Chinese products that use to be made in America by Americans!

Why would we want to enhance trade that would benefit Communist Red China our enemy?

Give you a break for ignoring that I pretty well agree with you? Did you actually read my post? When we make the cost of doing business substantially more expensive in the USA that the same companies can do business elsewhere, they will generally either pretty well shut down entirely or they will move their operations elsewhere.

That is why I vote against politicians like Anthony Weiner who don't have a problem with that and vote for just about every bill that causes it to happen. And because I think we have a GOP ready to remedy some of that situation, I hope they don't screw it up and start generating reason for righteous indignation re Anthony Weiner and the Democrats' other liabilities so that we can strengthen our hand come the next election.

And that is really the only reason I give a flying fig about the Anthony Weiner scandal.\

Well that and my depression at the sorry moral standards we set for our elected leaders these days.
A hundred and ninety six pages of pure Dem-bashing from the Reicht.

All over a sex scandal.

More than enough rope for the ReichtWingers to hang themselves with when the shoe is on the other foot when a RepubliCON does something despicable.

Laugh now Reichtiees....cry later.


whoever told you that *reicht* was clever was lying to you.

it's even more stupid than *libtard* or *repug*

no need to thank me; virtue is its own reward.

You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

Democrats provide a constant hollow argument..

If Vitter or any of the other,"Bad Boy/Girl" Republicans were Democrats, they would justify them no matter what they did. So using them as their argument is hollow and hypocritical at best..

When Clinton was suspected of raping and sexually harassing several women, did Democrats want to pursue the charges... nope.. they sure didn't.. So anything goes with the Democrats.. live with it...

Vitter WAS PROVEN GUILTY OF SOLICITING PROSTITUTES during his House of Rep. tenure.....GOP officials knew this but backed his play for the Senate, and the Senate states that since Vitter didn't break and SENATE laws, he's cool.

Other than sleeping with consenting adults, NONE of the charges of rape or sexual harrasment against Clinton stood up to scrutiny.

The partisan defense by each ones individual party is recorded for posterity.

To date, Weiner is a marital creep and a liar about it, but has NOT been proven of carrying on with minors, just consenting adults. It's going to cost him re-election for sure, if not removal from office it there's an ethic's violation proven.

But the neocon parrot's hypocrisy about this is astounding.

he was never charged, so how was he convicted?

your posts keep shifting further and further towards the left side of the bell curve.

keep up the good work
One day Nancy Pelosi walked to the back of the room where Anthony Weiner was, and he had his hand down his pants.

Nancy asked, "Anthony, what are you doing?"

Then, Anthony said, "It hurts down there."

"Well then, you need to go to the nurse and see if you can go home", said Nancy.

A little while later, Anthony came back to Congress and sat back down.

Then Ms. Pelosi came to the back of the room again, and he had his dick hanging out of his pants.

Ms. Pelosi said, "Anthony, what's that doing hanging out of your pants?!"

Then Anthony said, "Humma said if I can stick it out until noon, she'll come and pick me up."
Oh noes!

Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.

Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:

You really are a moron. We just don't think Vitter controls Weiner.

No one but a braying jackass like YOU, boedicca, has suggested "vitter controls weiner"....as the chronology of the posts shows, I've consistently stated that its folk like YOU who are hypocrits, as YOU allow a moral rules breaker to stay in office while you dance with glee and call for the ouster of Weiner.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander...so if you excuse Vitter, STFU about Weiner. If you condemn Weiner, then do the same for Vitter. But I strongly suspect that an intellectual coward like you and your cronies won't do even that. Now, repeat the SOS you've been talking, Boedi old girl...I'm done addressing your insipid stubborness.

It is ReichtWing scumbag weasels like Boedicca that will bray like the jackarses they are calling for Weiner to step down due to immorality, while at the same time excusing their criminal in office Vitter.

Hypocrisy...it's the RepubliCON way!
Ummm...Marc...what about the dems that are SCREAMING for him to step down?

He's awfully dug in here. He refuses to take the suggestions from his own colleagues. So why are you spending so much time deflecting it to the right? Or is it possible that this is just posturing by the left to make it look like they are outraged when in fact they aren't. It makes them look "responsible" to their own constituents by saying "enough is enough" but behind closed doors they are telling him to just shrug it off and let it die down and time will be on his side.

Would you have the same opinion of defending him if he had been tweeting your 17 year old daughter? Just a question that I hope you will think about.
It is ReichtWing scumbag weasels like Boedicca that will bray like the jackarses they are calling for Weiner to step down due to immorality, while at the same time excusing their criminal in office Vitter.

Hypocrisy...it's the RepubliCON way!

Its whiners like you that make it worth the effort.:razz:

It is ReichtWing scumbag weasels like Boedicca that will bray like the jackarses they are calling for Weiner to step down due to immorality, while at the same time excusing their criminal in office Vitter.

Hypocrisy...it's the RepubliCON way!

Then there is YOUR hypocrisy MarcATL. Is it part of the Democratic platform to include sexual predators as a protected minority? Has the party fractured, so that the leadership is ignored? Even the highly partisan Pelosi can see Weiner has to go. Stop the whining, excuse-making, deflection and hypocrisy.
Ummm...Marc...what about the dems that are SCREAMING for him to step down?

He's awfully dug in here. He refuses to take the suggestions from his own colleagues. So why are you spending so much time deflecting it to the right? Or is it possible that this is just posturing by the left to make it look like they are outraged when in fact they aren't. It makes them look "responsible" to their own constituents by saying "enough is enough" but behind closed doors they are telling him to just shrug it off and let it die down and time will be on his side.

Would you have the same opinion of defending him if he had been tweeting your 17 year old daughter? Just a question that I hope you will think about.

Let's see if your point has any merit.

Can you tell me when was the last time the RepubliCON$ got together in lockstep to suggest that one of their own step down from a sex scandal?

The answer says a LOT about the RepubliCON$.
Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.

Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:

You really are a moron. We just don't think Vitter controls Weiner.

No one but a braying jackass like YOU, boedicca, has suggested "vitter controls weiner"....as the chronology of the posts shows, I've consistently stated that its folk like YOU who are hypocrits, as YOU allow a moral rules breaker to stay in office while you dance with glee and call for the ouster of Weiner.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander...so if you excuse Vitter, STFU about Weiner. If you condemn Weiner, then do the same for Vitter. But I strongly suspect that an intellectual coward like you and your cronies won't do even that. Now, repeat the SOS you've been talking, Boedi old girl...I'm done addressing your insipid stubborness.

It is ReichtWing scumbag weasels like Boedicca that will bray like the jackarses they are calling for Weiner to step down due to immorality, while at the same time excusing their criminal in office Vitter.

Hypocrisy...it's the RepubliCON way!

LOL Dude, anger management issues or what?
Am I defending Weiner's actions?

Yes - as a mindless partisan sycophant, you defend party members and attack the hated opposition. What they DO is irrelevant to you, only party membership matters.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

Not guilty by reason of being democrats - thus above the law that governs commoners and Republicans.

You may not have a problem with calling for Vitter to resign,

Vitter should not resign.

You don't grasp that the issue is that the piece of shit Weiner LIED to American people for a week on TV, he claimed that Breitbart hacked him, he attacked multiple members of the press in his arrogant lies.

The reason this doesn't bother you and you don't grasp it at all is that it is a violation of ethics. You as a leftist have no integrity at all, so the concept that lying is wrong is one you can't grasp. As long as lies are against the hated infidels of the right or to protect a party member, you can't grasp why there would be an issue. Serving the party is the only thing that matters, lies, truth - it's all the same; it either serves the party or it doesn't.

Democrats: The party of "No Integrity!"

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