
Just in case your wondering...

I'll back off Weiner as soon as he resigns.

Otherwise, it is open season. He's targeted.
Excellent commentary on the Social Media Enabled Narcissism Angle of Weinergate:

In this sense, his tweeted chest shots are more telling than the explicitly pornographic photos that followed. There was a time when fame and influence were supposed to liberate men from such adolescent insecurity. When Henry Kissinger boasted about power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, the whole point was that he didn’t have to worry about his pecs and glutes while, say, wooing the former Bond girl Jill St. John.

Not so in the age of social media. In a culture increasingly defined by what Christine Rosen describes as the “constant demands to collect (friends and status), and perform (by marketing ourselves),” just being a United States congressman isn’t enough. You have to hit the House gym and look good coming out of the shower, and then find a Twitter follower who’s willing to tell you just “how big” you really are.

Writing in the late ’70s, Lasch distinguished modern narcissism from old-fashioned egotism. The contemporary narcissist, he wrote, differs “from an earlier type of American individualist” in “the tenuous quality of his selfhood.” Despite “his occasional illusions of omnipotence, the narcissist depends on others to validate his self-esteem.” His innate insecurity can only be overcome “by seeing his ‘grandiose self’ reflected in the attentions of others, or by attaching himself to those who radiate celebrity, power and charisma.”

This is a depressingly accurate anticipation of both the relationship between Weiner and his female “followers,” and the broader “look at me! look at meeeee!” culture of online social media, in which nearly all of us participate to some degree or another.

Facebook and Twitter did not forge the culture of narcissism. But they serve as a hall of mirrors in which it flourishes as never before — a “vast virtual gallery,” as Rosen has written, whose self-portraits mainly testify to “the timeless human desire for attention.”

I guess Bill Clinton didn't have time to spend in a sexual addiction rehab clinic so he hired Jesse Jackson (who was supporting a love child himself) to be his spiritual advisor. The libs bought the whole scam. Now weener has checked himself into some sort of clinic to avoid pedophile charges regarding a 17 year old girl and the libs are buying the whole scam once again.
Folks, on a more serious note:

Did you notice that all the better restaurants have discontinued the service of Wiener Schnitzels ?
Toy Company Introduces Anthony Weiner Action Figure

Excellent commentary on the Social Media Enabled Narcissism Angle of Weinergate:

In this sense, his tweeted chest shots are more telling than the explicitly pornographic photos that followed. There was a time when fame and influence were supposed to liberate men from such adolescent insecurity. When Henry Kissinger boasted about power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, the whole point was that he didn’t have to worry about his pecs and glutes while, say, wooing the former Bond girl Jill St. John.

Not so in the age of social media. In a culture increasingly defined by what Christine Rosen describes as the “constant demands to collect (friends and status), and perform (by marketing ourselves),” just being a United States congressman isn’t enough. You have to hit the House gym and look good coming out of the shower, and then find a Twitter follower who’s willing to tell you just “how big” you really are.

Writing in the late ’70s, Lasch distinguished modern narcissism from old-fashioned egotism. The contemporary narcissist, he wrote, differs “from an earlier type of American individualist” in “the tenuous quality of his selfhood.” Despite “his occasional illusions of omnipotence, the narcissist depends on others to validate his self-esteem.” His innate insecurity can only be overcome “by seeing his ‘grandiose self’ reflected in the attentions of others, or by attaching himself to those who radiate celebrity, power and charisma.”

This is a depressingly accurate anticipation of both the relationship between Weiner and his female “followers,” and the broader “look at me! look at meeeee!” culture of online social media, in which nearly all of us participate to some degree or another.

Facebook and Twitter did not forge the culture of narcissism. But they serve as a hall of mirrors in which it flourishes as never before — a “vast virtual gallery,” as Rosen has written, whose self-portraits mainly testify to “the timeless human desire for attention.”


I never understood this. If you think you are important enough to announce "Just finished Cheerios, going to run to buy a shirt now..." then there really is something wrong. I have never participated in Twitter, MySpace, Facebook. Perhaps I am just more private than to do so. I tend to find the whole business rather creepy. People don't need to know each others business to such a degree. It is quite narcissistic by nature.
Good News! Before Weiner can leave on a rehab vacation, that action will have to be voted on, on the Senate floor. This just gets better and better! :lol:

If anyone hears when that'll be PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE post it!
Ummm...Marc...what about the dems that are SCREAMING for him to step down?

He's awfully dug in here. He refuses to take the suggestions from his own colleagues. So why are you spending so much time deflecting it to the right? Or is it possible that this is just posturing by the left to make it look like they are outraged when in fact they aren't. It makes them look "responsible" to their own constituents by saying "enough is enough" but behind closed doors they are telling him to just shrug it off and let it die down and time will be on his side.

Would you have the same opinion of defending him if he had been tweeting your 17 year old daughter? Just a question that I hope you will think about.

Let's see if your point has any merit.

Can you tell me when was the last time the RepubliCON$ got together in lockstep to suggest that one of their own step down from a sex scandal?

The answer says a LOT about the RepubliCON$.

You have the money sign as if it were a bad thing. You sure do want to get your mitts on everyone else's money it every time you take a breath though, don't you hypocrite?
Good News! Before Weiner can leave on a rehab vacation, that action will have to be voted on, on the Senate floor. This just gets better and better! :lol:

If anyone hears when that'll be PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE post it!

Did you mean to say the House floor? Why would the Senate have to vote on a House member's leave of absence?
This little weirdo may end up in Prison. I know many are making a joke out of this whole thing but if it's proven he sent lewd photos & messages to an underage girl,he's going away for a long time...And it wont be another "Rehab" Vacation either.
Anthony Weiner used his political position and power to lure young women into playing hide the weenie with. Were these women truly interested in politics or did they think they might have a chance of dethroning the current Mrs. Weiner?

Anthony Weiner is a representative of the people paid by the taxpayers, and we don’t expect him to go around whipping his Willy out at the drop of a hat to people he doesn’t even know, even if we do live in the free world.

Weiner is an embarrassment to the people of the United States. Is this how we portray our personal and cultural values and code of conduct to the world? Is it any wonder America doesn't get respect anymore, when our Neanderthal politicians act like a bunch of primates with internet access?

If Weiner stays in office will it now, be acceptable for all politicians to send pictures of their private parts to their constituents and strangers across the nation? Will it be acceptable for politicians to post nude photos of themselves to the world?

Can you imagine if Ronald Regan did what Anthony Weiner has done? For shame, Weiner must step down. It would be better if he stepped down himself but if he doesn’t, then he should be removed from office even if they have to drag him out kicking and screaming.

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