
Toy Company Introduces Anthony Weiner Action Figure



I actually thought that might be the Arnold Schwartzneggar Action Figure.

Maybe Arnold and Anthony could room together at rehab and get the special Two-fer rate?

Arnie won't go into "sex rehab". He's a single man for the first time in 25 years. I can only imagine the sexcapes that will surround him from here on out.


I actually thought that might be the Arnold Schwartzneggar Action Figure.

Maybe Arnold and Anthony could room together at rehab and get the special Two-fer rate?

Arnie won't go into "sex rehab". He's a single man for the first time in 25 years. I can only imagine the sexcapes that will surround him from here on out.


I could split $500 million and Be Happy.

You can buy a lot of Octopii with $250 million......:eusa_drool:
The buzz is that if he refuses to resign, his seat will just be redistricted away. NY loses two House seats in the 2012 election.

Never underestimate the power of the ignorant & stupid.

The Weanie might erect itself again.
It appears that Rep. Weiner may have sent a naughty pic to a woman on Twitter.

He's claiming his account was hacked, but that's a lame excuse.

This evening a photo surfaced on Congressman Weiner’s yfrog account and in his verified Twitter timeline of a man in his underwear with an erection. The photo was reportedly sent to a woman on Twitter. We’ve protected her name and her account, which was at one time verified to be active but has since been deleted after the photo in question was deleted. Coincidentally, the rest of the photos in the congressman’s alleged yfrog account were also deleted around 11 p.m. eastern.

Weinergate: Congressman Claims “Facebook Hacked” As Lewd Photo Hits Twitter - Big Journalism

i laffed my ass off when demokrats sent horney rev. jesse jackson to minister to pervert bill klinton on - HOW TO TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT - demokrats will figure out something to save this weiner guy !

Yeah.....that was a hoot !!!
Ahhhhnold at least had the discretion to not post his wanger pics on the interests...at least as far as we know.
There are some who are defending Weiner that what he did wasn't bad because he has not preached family values. To them, you would conclude that the only unforgivable sin for a Democrat would be hypocrisy.

I'm sure that somebody has already posted this, but the thread is fast moving and I missed it. But Weiner did cosponsor legislation to keep sexual predators of kids off the internet. Since he has admitted he didn't know the ages of those he was sending risque photos, I wonder if that puts him close enugh to the hypocrite category to merit as least some criticism?

While all humans are prone to wander and have the propensity to do "dumb things," is it asking too much to expect a bit of dignity and statesmanship from those elected to lead? Do we want to trust national security secrets with those who expose, not only their privates, but also themselves to potential extortion - when they choose to barrage pictures of their "junk" across the cyber world?

Most ironically, in 2007, Rep. Weiner cosponsored a bill that made it through the House of Representatives called the KIDS Act of 2007 (Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators) - a bill intended to protect children from online sexual predators. Speaking about the bill, Weiner said, "Sadly, the internet is the predator's venue of choice today. We need to update our strategies and our laws to stop these offenders who are a mere click away from our children."

The next logical question is: Was Weiner party to the said predatory behavior aforementioned in his own bill? Where's the sound judgment one would expect from a grown adult, less the cosponsor of an online sexual predator bill?

Was Weiner living above the bill he cosponsored? - East Valley Tribune: Columnists
I posted earlier in the thread about this legislation. It highlights how reckless Weiner was by exchanging lewd pics with women he couldn't "say with certitude" were legal adults.
Ahhhhnold at least had the discretion to not post his wanger pics on the interests...at least as far as we know.

Arnold was on steroids for years..

I suspect his "wanger" is more of clit these days...

I'm just saying....

I saw some roided up dudes in my day and they were shower runners for sure. They changed from their equipment, never showered and left the locker room before anyone else left the showers. No one wanted to get a look anyway but they made damn sure no one got a look. I am adamantly opposed to any steroid use whatsoever but Arnold's use was not the same as the loading that football players did/do a few months before each season. His was muscle maintenance, not loading for quickness and muscle stamina. From what the ladies told me you are on target. Swell your neck and shrink the johnson.
You know what gets me about these guys like Weiner is that they have no common sense. Well Duh, if you put your erected penis on the internet and you're remotely semi-famous, someone will pick it up and tell the world. They’re so sick they don’t get it and what's really sick is these clowns keep being voted back into office.

We as citizens would like think we’re choosing the best men and women to be our elected representatives. People who are a cut above the rest in education, common sense and moral values to be our politicians and to lead our country in the right direction and represent us proudly in a dignified fashion to the rest of the world.

It happens time after time we get the Ted Kennedy’s killing their girlfriend Bill Clinton’s having sexual relations with barely legal age interns and the Barney Franks running homosexual prostitution rings out of their apartments.

You name it and we’ve had about all of it in the last 20 years, from tax evaders to gender benders. Are we living in the Dark Ages? I have to wonder are we so, Romanesque that the only thing we don’t do is feed the Christians to the lions.

The politicians have some kind of pack between their selves that they’ll overlook other politician’s wrong doings and turn a blind eye to any kind of misbehaving until the public gets wind of it and starts screaming their heads off. Then all of a sudden the politicians all turn righteous. Secretly, they’re all hoping they can get their buddy off the hook and sweep the whole incident under the rug. The only reason they would kick anyone out, would be to enhance their party and political advantage.

It’s time to clean political house and by that I mean ALL Americans need to vote out every politician in every political office local, state and national nationwide. We need to give our government a complete blood transfusion. Breathe some new life into the veins of the political powerhouse. The politicians we currently have are mostly like Anthony Weiner, a 7th term or more sitting politician. Some have been in office for over 30 years and just look at the damage they’ve done to our country!

Einstein had a quote that said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting things to change.” Well, what have we been doing? We’ve been voting in the same politicians in office over and over again and nothing ever changes, it only gets worse. It’s gotten so, bad that if it gets any worse, we’ll all be in the poor house and we’ll be invaded by foreign armies and repossessed by China.

“America’s sovereignty is jealously guarded until it can be sold.” This seems to be the current politician’s motto. We have to remind our politicians that they work for us and we pay the bills not them. “We’re paying the cost to be the boss.” It’s time “We the People” took back control of our own destiny of our country.

We built this country with our blood, sweat and tears and politicians tore it down. It’s time to kick the current politicians to the curb and start over with all new politicians and start building our country up again. If we’ve learned one thing, I think it’s that you don’t have to be a genius to a politician.

Most elections are all about money. I say ignore the big money and vote for the man or woman that has a heart in rebuilding American to her once dignified and great status. Give the common man and woman a chance at politics! You just might be surprised.

Remember to vote all incumbents out of office and never let any politician have more than one term in office because the longer they’re in office the more corrupt they become. VOTE THE BUMS OUT!
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anyone post this?

Obama: If I were in Weiner’s situation, I’d resign

“I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign,’’ Obama told Curry…

“When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to, at the time when people are worrying about jobs, and their mortgages, and paying the bills — then you should probably step back,’’ Obama said.

Obama added that what Weiner did was “highly inappropriate’’ and that he has “embarrassed himself” and his wife and family, but said it will ultimately come down to a decision by Weiner and his constituents as to whether he will continue in office.

Obama: 'I would resign' in Weiner's situation - TODAY News - TODAY.com

the "O" has spoken...

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