
Am I defending Weiner's actions?

Yes - as a mindless partisan sycophant, you defend party members and attack the hated opposition. What they DO is irrelevant to you, only party membership matters.

Please explain how after I've stated several times that Weiner is a dope who will most likely lose his seat in the next election or be ousted by the Ethics review by the Dems....and stated I had no problem with that...is some how interpreted by your fevered brain as "defense"? See genius, pointing out GOP hypocrisy does not automatically equate a defensive position. It's just pointing out a fact.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

Not guilty by reason of being democrats - thus above the law that governs commoners and Republicans.

And here we have the typical response of a willfully ignorant neocon toadie, folks. Our Uncensored2008 parrot cannot logically or factually or honestly answer a question, as that answer would disprove his contentions. So Uncesnored2008 just babbles supposition and conjecture as a bluff to supplant facts...and he fails.

You may not have a problem with calling for Vitter to resign,

Vitter should not resign.

Finally, the sheer hypocrisy of the neocon parrot spews forth!

You don't grasp that the issue is that the piece of shit Weiner LIED to American people for a week on TV, he claimed that Breitbart hacked him, he attacked multiple members of the press in his arrogant lies.

And he's being taken to task for it. Meanwhile, you've got Vitter procuring prostitutes while on the Congressional floor screaming for Clinton's blood....a strict violation of the rules that should have canned him. Yet because he was running for Senate, and won with the backing of GOP politicos, no one said jack because (GET THIS) Technically, he didn't break that law on Senate time. :doubt: Kind of like electing a felon from New York to police commissioner in New Hampshire because he didn't break any New Hampshire laws. I swear, the depths you neocon parrots will stoop to defend your hypocrisy defies logic!

The reason this doesn't bother you and you don't grasp it at all is that it is a violation of ethics. You as a leftist have no integrity at all, so the concept that lying is wrong is one you can't grasp. As long as lies are against the hated infidels of the right or to protect a party member, you can't grasp why there would be an issue. Serving the party is the only thing that matters, lies, truth - it's all the same; it either serves the party or it doesn't.

Democrats: The party of "No Integrity!"

Once again, this neocon numbskull brays his supposition and conjecture in spite of evidence to the contrary. Uncensored2008 is either a poor liar, stubborn or stupid (or all of the above), as the chronology of the posts shows.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Don't even let me get started on Ensign.
Excellent commentary on the Social Media Enabled Narcissism Angle of Weinergate:

In this sense, his tweeted chest shots are more telling than the explicitly pornographic photos that followed. There was a time when fame and influence were supposed to liberate men from such adolescent insecurity. When Henry Kissinger boasted about power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, the whole point was that he didn’t have to worry about his pecs and glutes while, say, wooing the former Bond girl Jill St. John.

Not so in the age of social media. In a culture increasingly defined by what Christine Rosen describes as the “constant demands to collect (friends and status), and perform (by marketing ourselves),” just being a United States congressman isn’t enough. You have to hit the House gym and look good coming out of the shower, and then find a Twitter follower who’s willing to tell you just “how big” you really are.

Writing in the late ’70s, Lasch distinguished modern narcissism from old-fashioned egotism. The contemporary narcissist, he wrote, differs “from an earlier type of American individualist” in “the tenuous quality of his selfhood.” Despite “his occasional illusions of omnipotence, the narcissist depends on others to validate his self-esteem.” His innate insecurity can only be overcome “by seeing his ‘grandiose self’ reflected in the attentions of others, or by attaching himself to those who radiate celebrity, power and charisma.”

This is a depressingly accurate anticipation of both the relationship between Weiner and his female “followers,” and the broader “look at me! look at meeeee!” culture of online social media, in which nearly all of us participate to some degree or another.

Facebook and Twitter did not forge the culture of narcissism. But they serve as a hall of mirrors in which it flourishes as never before — a “vast virtual gallery,” as Rosen has written, whose self-portraits mainly testify to “the timeless human desire for attention.”


Vitter, Ensign.

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

GOP hypocrisy abounds.
It is ReichtWing scumbag weasels like Boedicca that will bray like the jackarses they are calling for Weiner to step down due to immorality, while at the same time excusing their criminal in office Vitter.

Hypocrisy...it's the RepubliCON way!

LOL Dude, anger management issues or what?

Dude, are you STILL denying GOP hypocrisy as to Vitter when the GOP wails about Weiner? And are the Dems not doing the right thing by calling for his ouster, as the moralist neocon punditry and politicos broadcast?

Think it through and get back us on that, chuckles.


Talking about HYPOCRISY:

Waddabout Clinton retaining his Presidency, JFK, and his even more blatant Moral Deviant the Chappaquidick Murderer, Ted Kennedy (may he roast in Hell)....let's posthumously remove these Moral fuckers from their exalted positions.....or the Whoremaster par excellence, the PC Saint MLK whose files in the FBI regarding his predilection for white prostitutes are yards thick......shouldn't we replace this HYPOCRISY OF ALL TIME by having this Gross Whoremaster PC Saint MLK NOT have a National Holiday in his name and RETURN that National Holiday to the Father of our Country: George Washington ????

TaichiLIEberrhoid, you are one of the LIEberrhoid Stooges that keeps farting about the hypocrisy of Vitter inspite of the fact that almost EACH TIME when I encountered YOUR HYPOCRITICAL BULLSHIT you DODGED my comments and never responded to what would be justice if Vtter resigned ????

Once again, this neocon numbskull brays his supposition and conjecture in spite of evidence to the contrary. Uncensored2008 is either a poor liar, stubborn or stupid (or all of the above), as the chronology of the posts shows.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Don't even let me get started on Ensign.

You know what, I just realized I can have fun with your stupidity and poor posting skills even when you don't actually respond to me.

Once again you show your lack of common sense by talking like you actually said something when you didn't.
You still lied

But, being a fair person and knowing that you are a leftist
There is a good chance you just don't know what you are talking about and
and pull facts out of your arse

Side note:
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left

Sorry, but a link to YOUR version of events and NOT a link to the post where I stated EXACTLY what you assert is just more BS from a pathetic little loser like YOU, Neo.

You didn't know WTF you were talking about regarding the vetting process of our gov't politicos, and your a sorry POS hypocrite regarding Vitter and Weiner.

Grow the hell up, Neo.

A very good synopsis of events, however.
Do you really think it is necessary to go through all your posts of poor attempts to change the question and poor attempts to spin it ?

But you still lied or pulled facts out of your arse IS the truth

You said, your exact words (verbatim) in response to my statement that all politicians should have criminal background checks made public
while running for office

"The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates."
and you said
"ANY Congressman or Senator is vetted by various federal security before confirmation."​

I can say with certitude these are your words and those statements are false.

You do know that name calling and profanity does nothing to support your argument.
In fact, it tends to show that you must not be able to support your statement

No need to thank me for sharing that point with you

Man up- don't pull a Weiner here
I assume you just pulled it out of your arse
(the made up fact not the Weiner)

Come on, you had a whole day here and you still can not find any support to your statement
hmm, why would that be?

Admit the truth, it will set you free
Learn from the Left's new hero Weiner. He finally told the truth and he must feel better.

I mean, it won't be like you are the first Leftist who doesn't know what they are talking about
Obama likes to comment on every "important issue" of the day.

Course he always waits till a consensus is made and then he aligns himself with the majority, but only in his words. What he really thinks is more elusive.

Obama said "If it was me I would resign".

If that were true I think Obama should have resigned long ago.

The guy has more baggage then Samsonite and he dares to comment on this?

After all that Obama has done in the last decade much less all of the coke and drugs he took in school, he has the nerve to tell some guy that took pics of his weiner and sent them over the internet to resign. I'm certain Obama has done worse. Much worse.
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Obama likes to comment on every "important issue" of the day.

Course he always waits till a consensus is made and then he aligns himself with the majority, but only in his words. What he really thinks is more elusive.

Obama said "If it was me I would resign".

If that were true I think Obama should have resigned long ago.

The guy has more baggage then Samsonite and he dares to comment on this?

After all that Obama has done in the last decade he has the nerve to tell some guy that took pics of his weiner and sent them over the internet to resign. I'm certain Obama has done worse. Much worse.
Aren't you the guy that cried for a week because Obama didn't address this issue? Now someone asks him a question and he answers it and your panties are in a twist?

Taichiliberal, as if it wasn't bad enough you've spent the better part of ten days on the wrong side of this issue, you also have failed to understand the errors in your process which condemns you to repeating your mistake again and again. For me, the worst part is you foster hope in these lying, cheating perverted scum. If we want better results in Washington, we need to send better people. You leave the door open for the likes of Weiner to thrive and prey on all Americans.
Aren't you the guy that cried for a week because Obama didn't address this issue? Now someone asks him a question and he answers it and your panties are in a twist?


Why did it take Obama over a week to have a resonse? If he had acted quicker, Weiner wouldn't even be playing this game right now. Why did it take so long? Were some skeletons rattling in Obama's closet?
I love the headlines today:

Obama pounds Weiner

Obama pokes Weiner

truth is funnier than fiction sometimes
Just in case your wondering...

I'll back off Weiner as soon as he resigns.

Otherwise, it is open season. He's targeted.

Pelosi's already called for an Ethics review.....I'm sure she'll call you if needed. :lol:

I don't think she has officially, just barely moving her lips and blowing at this point, as usual, it would be a fun read though..

You can always tell when she's lying. Her lips are blinking
Obama's comment was very appropriate. He is right about the reason Weiner should resign...but he should have spoken out days ago.
What happens when a member of Congress takes a leave of absence?

I hate to post and run, but it's past my bedtime. bbtomorrow

I heard this morning that the House gave Weiner permission to take a leave of absents for treatment last night. Great now the taxpayers can pay for Weiner's penis to take a vacation. That poor little thing must be plumb tuckered out.

Lawmaker Says Weiner Might Resign Soon

Heading into a closed-door meeting with House Democrats to discuss the Anthony Weiner "sexting" scandal, the AP reports Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) told reporters, "Hopefully, we're hearing he might resign in a couple of days."

She did not elaborate.
If the ONE has spoken then it is over for the Weiner


Papa Obama takes Weiner to Task

Look at it's little head sticking out.

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