
Looks like he will give up the ghost in a couple of days..Representative wise..so to speak.

To bad. Was a feisty and interesting character..as well as a Democrat with a spine.

That's not true.

He refused to answer any question that he was not allowed to re-word. That makes him a spineless coward.

It won't matter anyway. not like a Rep is going to get elected to NYC
Why? Why resign?

He's no worse than many other Dems.

He hasn't drowned his girlfriend and leave her in the car overnight while he convenes with his family lawyers.

He wasn't the Grand Kleage of the KKK

As far as women go, so he send lewd pic, big fucking deal, wake me up when his gives his female interns, or male, cum facials while he's at work.

Did he cheat on his taxes like SecTres Geitner?

Did he take a bribe from a convicted felon like Obama did?

Weiner should stay

Damage control.

Weiner takes one for the team, obama gits a win and looks like he's a man with high standards.

Seriously? Geither? Van Jones? Steve $8/gall gas Chu? Obama wants props for spanking his Weiner?

He had Monica's boyfriend pinch hit for him at a press conference!
Looks like he will give up the ghost in a couple of days..Representative wise..so to speak.

To bad. Was a feisty and interesting character..as well as a Democrat with a spine.

first in


Classy man.

Not a good development for Weiner. The Ethics staff is beginning the investigation.

House officials say the House Ethics Committee staff has initiated a preliminary inquiry into Rep. Anthony Weiner's sexually charged online relationships with several women.

House officials told The Associated Press on Monday that the inquiry is not yet extensive, and that committee leaders have not indicated whether they will order a more intensive staff investigation. The officials requested anonymity because the committee has yet to make a formal statement.

The New York Democrat could face an ethics investigation that could take many months, even longer if he mounts a full defense. ...

AP sources: Ethics staff beginning Weiner inquiry

The pressure on him to resign is going to go through the roof - for which he will extract a price: a high paying job at some firm which is a big Dem supporter.
There's no story on CNN or FoxNews or anywhere else that I can find that says Wiener intends to resign. I am officially throwing the bullshit flag.
Looks like the Democrats are giving him a chance to exit a little more gracefully before they get rough. Hope he leaves before my poison ivy goes away. He is far more iritating.
Why? Why resign?

He's no worse than many other Dems.

He hasn't drowned his girlfriend and leave her in the car overnight while he convenes with his family lawyers.

He wasn't the Grand Kleage of the KKK

As far as women go, so he send lewd pic, big fucking deal, wake me up when his gives his female interns, or male, cum facials while he's at work.

Did he cheat on his taxes like SecTres Geitner?

Did he take a bribe from a convicted felon like Obama did?

Weiner should stay

Damage control.

Weiner takes one for the team, obama gits a win and looks like he's a man with high standards.

Seriously? Geither? Van Jones? Steve $8/gall gas Chu? Obama wants props for spanking his Weiner?

He had Monica's boyfriend pinch hit for him at a press conference!

Remember, that news will be over 3 years old come election while this will only be 1 y/o.

It still may be to far out to help though.
I'm more certain about My Theory in post #3109. This entire leave thing is just to give him time to find a job, after which he will resign under the "personal and family reasons" excuse.

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