
Not a good development for Weiner. The Ethics staff is beginning the investigation.

House officials say the House Ethics Committee staff has initiated a preliminary inquiry into Rep. Anthony Weiner's sexually charged online relationships with several women.

House officials told The Associated Press on Monday that the inquiry is not yet extensive, and that committee leaders have not indicated whether they will order a more intensive staff investigation. The officials requested anonymity because the committee has yet to make a formal statement.

The New York Democrat could face an ethics investigation that could take many months, even longer if he mounts a full defense. ...

AP sources: Ethics staff beginning Weiner inquiry

The pressure on him to resign is going to go through the roof - for which he will extract a price: a high paying job at some firm which is a big Dem supporter.

We all saw how tough they were on charlie rangel :eusa_whistle: Democratic justice = a slap on the wrist and blame bush
when is vitter resigning?

Not a moment to soon.

not to derail, but these fools share the same pool as Mitt the moderate.

food for thought. :eusa_angel:

i'm not sure i'm following.

can you elaborate?

Vitter, Ensign, etc, were all moderate GOP'ers. Mitt is a moderate. You like Mitt [for a GOPer]
So instead of supporting more of the same, how about you consider a conservative?

Like Gary Johnson.
My theory based upon a post earlier in this thread about how much Weiner needs his House Rep income:

Weiner is financially desperate. He has no education or skills which makes him suitable in the private sector, but his political career is toast. His "rehab" is likely a phone call campaign to pressure some donor or other into giving him a job. It's likely that he has enough dirt collected on enough people to land something. Where he ends up will be Very Interesting. In the old days, he would have sought refuge in Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, but those two are played out.

I don't buy this. Perhaps they will have to live on Huma's income, which is multiple 100s of thousands a year. They won't starve.

yea but wait to see what his allowance is. lol one thing for sure, he'll have a limited calling phone plan. like a 100 minute prepaid card or something lol
Why? Why resign?

He's no worse than many other Dems.

He hasn't drowned his girlfriend and leave her in the car overnight while he convenes with his family lawyers.

He wasn't the Grand Kleage of the KKK

As far as women go, so he send lewd pic, big fucking deal, wake me up when his gives his female interns, or male, cum facials while he's at work.

Did he cheat on his taxes like SecTres Geitner?

Did he take a bribe from a convicted felon like Obama did?

Weiner should stay
Your basic premise is sound but the pivotal factor is the essential nature of Weiner's misconduct. It's funny. That's the problem. He's become a joke. His sword has no edge.

If Weiner had an affair with an intern, cheated on his taxes, left a girlfriend to drown, or any of those things that most of his peers could relate to, he'd be fine. But he can no longer do what made him what he was because he'd be laughed at. That persona simply doesn't square with his Internet shenanigans.
Not a good development for Weiner. The Ethics staff is beginning the investigation.

House officials say the House Ethics Committee staff has initiated a preliminary inquiry into Rep. Anthony Weiner's sexually charged online relationships with several women.

House officials told The Associated Press on Monday that the inquiry is not yet extensive, and that committee leaders have not indicated whether they will order a more intensive staff investigation. The officials requested anonymity because the committee has yet to make a formal statement.

The New York Democrat could face an ethics investigation that could take many months, even longer if he mounts a full defense. ...

AP sources: Ethics staff beginning Weiner inquiry

The pressure on him to resign is going to go through the roof - for which he will extract a price: a high paying job at some firm which is a big Dem supporter.

We all saw how tough they were on charlie rangel :eusa_whistle: Democratic justice = a slap on the wrist and blame bush

Weiner is in a different situation than Rangel.

From what I can observe, many of the Dems actually like Rangel, but think Weiner is a snot nosed punk. The latter likely has quite an anti-fan base among the Dems who are enjoying his disgrace.
Some stories just need to be over.

This was great fun, but it is not helping the unemployment issue, the deficit issue, the fact the Senate still does nothing on the budget..

It it part of the problem that the political process has ADD.

then maybe the problem is the people trying to keep the story going?

just saying.

Weiner = Palin

Two media prima donas.

If he doesn't quit, this will keep going and going. If he does, we will get another blip when he comes out of rehad, and then

Why? Why resign?

He's no worse than many other Dems.

He hasn't drowned his girlfriend and leave her in the car overnight while he convenes with his family lawyers.

He wasn't the Grand Kleage of the KKK

As far as women go, so he send lewd pic, big fucking deal, wake me up when his gives his female interns, or male, cum facials while he's at work.

Did he cheat on his taxes like SecTres Geitner?

Did he take a bribe from a convicted felon like Obama did?

Weiner should stay

no frank, he's better than many REPUBLICANS, too. your making it partisan is ridiculous given the long line of hypocrites that come out of your party.

now ask yourself, did he pay a hooker and wear a diaper like vitter?

did he pay off the husband of his girlfriend out of campaign funds so he'd keep quiet?

did he hit on underage congressional pages?

did he out a CIA agent?

did he lie to start a war?

did he make his kids play with a dead baby?
Last edited:
Some stories just need to be over.

This was great fun, but it is not helping the unemployment issue, the deficit issue, the fact the Senate still does nothing on the budget..

It it part of the problem that the political process has ADD.

then maybe the problem is the people trying to keep the story going?

just saying.

Weiner = Palin

Two media prima donas.

If he doesn't quit, this will keep going and going. If he does, we will get another blip when he comes out of rehad, and then


palin isn't done. she's still pulling rightwingnut strings.
JMO, if he doesn't resign then doesn't that really put a lot of media attention on his wife? His pregnant wife who may not want it. Got to be really tough on her, but much tougher if he tries to stick it out, so to speak. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Not a good development for Weiner. The Ethics staff is beginning the investigation.

House officials say the House Ethics Committee staff has initiated a preliminary inquiry into Rep. Anthony Weiner's sexually charged online relationships with several women.

House officials told The Associated Press on Monday that the inquiry is not yet extensive, and that committee leaders have not indicated whether they will order a more intensive staff investigation. The officials requested anonymity because the committee has yet to make a formal statement.

The New York Democrat could face an ethics investigation that could take many months, even longer if he mounts a full defense. ...

AP sources: Ethics staff beginning Weiner inquiry

The pressure on him to resign is going to go through the roof - for which he will extract a price: a high paying job at some firm which is a big Dem supporter.

We all saw how tough they were on charlie rangel :eusa_whistle: Democratic justice = a slap on the wrist and blame bush

Weiner is in a different situation than Rangel.

From what I can observe, many of the Dems actually like Rangel, but think Weiner is a snot nosed punk. The latter likely has quite an anti-fan base among the Dems who are enjoying his disgrace.

oh i think he will resign for sure. I'm not sure how far the ethics thing will go. unless it is used at election time to 'prove' they are policing their own
Why? Why resign?

He's no worse than many other Dems.

He hasn't drowned his girlfriend and leave her in the car overnight while he convenes with his family lawyers.

He wasn't the Grand Kleage of the KKK

As far as women go, so he send lewd pic, big fucking deal, wake me up when his gives his female interns, or male, cum facials while he's at work.

Did he cheat on his taxes like SecTres Geitner?

Did he take a bribe from a convicted felon like Obama did?

Weiner should stay

no frank, he's better than many REPUBLICANS, too. your making it partisan is ridiculous given the long line of hypocrites that come out of your party.

now ask yourself, did he pay a hooker and wear a diaper like vitter?

did he pay off the husband of his girlfriend out of campaign funds so he'd keep quiet?

did he hit on underage congressional pages?

did he out a CIA agent?

did he lie to start a war?

did he make his kids play with a dead baby?

Except he's not a Republican. So he can't be judged by GOP standards. He has to be judged by the more lenient Democrat standards.

Frankly he deserves to go just for being so damned stupid about it. Wha would have happened had he fessed up at the very beginning and then begged for understanding? The press hates being lied to.
JMO, if he doesn't resign then doesn't that really put a lot of media attention on his wife? His pregnant wife who may not want it. Got to be really tough on her, but much tougher if he tries to stick it out, so to speak. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

IMHO it was probably the President's comment that did it. He was visibly shaken at the last press conference and he was seriously cowed.

I mean..he apologized to Breitbart. That's almost like kissing the man's shoe.
The Ethics investigation is leverage being applied on Weiner to get him to resign.

Fo Shizzle Ma Whizzle.
Awwww Jillian you ignored me calling you out on your trying to justify bad behavior by pointing to someone else who did something stupid.

i didn't ignore you. i just answered you.

i'm sick to death of holding dems to a different standard and then using the BS that somehow it's the dems not stepping up to the plate. it's either equal or its' not.

seriously not interested. he's a really good congressman.

someone knows where im going with this ;)

well, yes, it does make sense. if i were anthony, i'd say, talk to me about resigning when vitter gives up his seat.

lol we posted at the same time...see my post above.

That is like saying "its ok that obama started a war with lybia because bush put us in Iraq" or "David duke is qualified to be a senator because Robert Byrd was" or "its ok that I killed your daughter drunk driving because ted kennedy did it"

"My friends jumped off a bridge so I did too"

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