
I think Weiner should stick it out and not go soft under the pressure.
If he survived 7th grade he can survive this.

I have the sneaking suspicion that that little dweeb was the brunt of a lot of jokes as a child. It would explain his Napoleon complex and nasty demeanor.
I think Weiner should stick it out and not go soft under the pressure.
If he survived 7th grade he can survive this.

I have the sneaking suspicion that that little dweeb was the brunt of a lot of jokes as a child. It would explain his Napoleon complex and nasty demeanor.


(No offense friend)
Looks like he will give up the ghost in a couple of days..Representative wise..so to speak.

To bad. Was a feisty and interesting character..as well as a Democrat with a spine.

Why is it our side have no back bone to support one of their own at all...it makes me sick. Everything from Sherrard to acorn to this.

He should resign the day after vitter does.
Re: Mrs. Weiner

Mrs. Weiner will be arriving at 3:45 a.m. by air on Wednesday, tomorrow morning. It’s time for “Citizen Paparazzi’s” to pull out the cameras meet her at the airport and ask her questions that inquiring mind want to know like:

Mrs. Weiner do you think Anthony has played himself out?

Mrs. Weiner do you think President Obama will offer your husband a Weiner Summit?

Mrs. Weiner do you think the media will pull back if your husband resigns.

Mrs. Weiner is it true that Anthony is quitting twitting?

Mrs. Weiner what do you think of some women saying they wished your husband would yank it off?

Mrs. Weiner will rehab pull out Anthony’s deep seeded problems?

Mrs. Weiner have long have you known Anthony was a sexual deviate and do you participate in his fantasy's?

Mrs. Weiner will you have a Stand-By-Your-Man moment when Mr. Weiner announces whether or not he will step down?

Do you have a question for Mrs. Weiner? Let's hear it.
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It's like talking to a 3 year old for the attention spans of some people here.
The thread is about a dickhead named Weiner and his escapades.
Vitter, or anyone else, is off topic and irrelevant.
Typical response form the left, though "Well look at what HE did!" (see: deflection)

WTF does Vitter have in common with Weiner besides the name DICK??

i'm just wondering... who are you to decide what's relevant and off topic?

how congress people are treated for their indiscretions is what's relevant.... no matter how rightwingnut hypocrites try to deflect.

thanks. :thup:
To be perfectly honest I had to Google Vitter to know what the hell you were even talking about.
His wife forgave him in July of 2007 - 4 fucking years ago. Hold a grudge much?
Did Vitter use government "ass"ets to pay for the Madam? If so, YES, he should have resigned.
To BOTH of the dicks, If they had a spine they wouldn't have lied and they should have resigned immediately.
Doubt it, because you still don't think Weiner should resign because Vitter didn't.
That just means your values are flexible.
I don't have 2 different sets.
It's like talking to a 3 year old for the attention spans of some people here.
The thread is about a dickhead named Weiner and his escapades.
Vitter, or anyone else, is off topic and irrelevant.
Typical response form the left, though "Well look at what HE did!" (see: deflection)

WTF does Vitter have in common with Weiner besides the name DICK??

IN a sense you are correct. One broke the law and one didnt. One should resign and Weiner shouldn't.
I would leave her alone. It's not her fault her husband is a Creepy Weasel.
Regardless of that, I think it's bad form to harass the family members of politicians.
If he had a spine he wouldn't have lied about it for so long

jus sayin'

when is vitter resigning?

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSHHHHHHHHHHHH stole the election...if that had not happened the Sith lord of Gandahar would never have allowed twitter to be created, hence no scandal, Wiener keeps his foreskin and his office...that fuggging.......BOOOOOOOSSSHHHHH!!!!
Why? Politicians have been harassing American families for years. Beside IMO Mrs. Weiner is Muslim Sleeper Cell working her way into a position of power to bring down the U.S.A.
Looks like he will give up the ghost in a couple of days..Representative wise..so to speak.

To bad. Was a feisty and interesting character..as well as a Democrat with a spine.

interesting is not necessarily what we need in this nation. And he doesnt have much of a spine.
If he had a spine he wouldn't have lied about it for so long

jus sayin'

when is vitter resigning?

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSHHHHHHHHHHHH stole the election...if that had not happened the Sith lord of Gandahar would never have allowed twitter to be created, hence no scandal, Wiener keeps his foreskin and his office...that fuggging.......BOOOOOOOSSSHHHHH!!!!

Let's blame the correct person for this. Al Gore is the one who invented the internet. It's his fault.

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