
Did this guy leave his wife when she was in the hosptial with cancer? Is he a Vitter? Did he leave his post and go to a different country after some tail?

Did he do anything illegal?

Vitter is around and this guy has to resign? Dems, grow a back bone and support this man.
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Looks like he will give up the ghost in a couple of days..Representative wise..so to speak.

To bad. Was a feisty and interesting character..as well as a Democrat with a spine.

I can't believe the Democrats are forcing him out. This guy clearly has a mental problem and needs help. Where's the compassion from the Left???
If he had a spine he wouldn't have lied about it for so long

jus sayin'

And for me, therein lies his problem. I really don't care that he sent the pics. That's between him and his wife. But to go on television and brazenly lie about it; that is behavior I can't accept in a congressman.
If he had a spine he wouldn't have lied about it for so long

jus sayin'

And for me, therein lies his problem. I really don't care that he sent the pics. That's between him and his wife. But to go on television and brazenly lie about it; that is behavior I can't accept in a congressman.

You dont mind that he was sending inappropriate pictures to a 17 year old? I am not sure it's a crime but I dont think it was a particular good thing to do either.
Did this guy leave his wife when she was in the hosptial with cancer? Is he a Vitter? Did he leave his post and go to a different country after some tail?

Did he do anything illegal?

Vitter is around and this guy has to resign? Dems, grow a back bone and support this man.

Psssst - That was John Edwards
Did this guy leave his wife when she was in the hosptial with cancer? Is he a Vitter? Did he leave his post and go to a different country after some tail?

Did he do anything illegal?

Vitter is around and this guy has to resign? Dems, grow a back bone and support this man.

Psssst - That was John Edwards

Hey stupid.......it was referring to not justJohn Edwards (left his wife when she got cancer), but also David Vitter (who has been to a prostitute at least 5 times), as well as pointing to Marc Sanford (went hiking on the Appalachian trail with some chick in South America).

He wasn't just referring to one, he was referring to 3 you idiot asshat.
Did this guy leave his wife when she was in the hosptial with cancer? Is he a Vitter? Did he leave his post and go to a different country after some tail?

Did he do anything illegal?

Vitter is around and this guy has to resign? Dems, grow a back bone and support this man.

Psssst - That was John Edwards

Hey stupid.......it was referring to not justJohn Edwards (left his wife when she got cancer), but also David Vitter (who has been to a prostitute at least 5 times), as well as pointing to Marc Sanford (went hiking on the Appalachian trail with some chick in South America).

He wasn't just referring to one, he was referring to 3 you idiot asshat.
Did you say something manboobs?
I have the sneaking suspicion that that little dweeb was the brunt of a lot of jokes as a child. It would explain his Napoleon complex and nasty demeanor.
I think you're right.

In psychobabble terms he seems to manifest reactive compensation. Growing up as a skinny, stereotypical Jew, with a name like Weiner no less, he must have been the brunt of a lot of cruel derision. His political success and its unusually aggressive style is one example of his compensative energy, which is so strong it finds expression in his sexual persona.

What may be said in his defense is this kind of compensative energy typically finds outlet in assaultive, destructively anti-social behavior. But Weiner harmed no one but himself.
Did this guy leave his wife when she was in the hosptial with cancer? Is he a Vitter? Did he leave his post and go to a different country after some tail?

Did he do anything illegal?

Vitter is around and this guy has to resign? Dems, grow a back bone and support this man.

No, that would be John Edwards.

Probably, he just couldn't get the ladies to actually hook up with him.

No, he left his post for rehab we jsut don't know what country that is in.

Looks like we are just in need of the right 17 year old to come forward.


Oh PLEASE, support this sexual predator, please.
Did this guy leave his wife when she was in the hosptial with cancer? Is he a Vitter? Did he leave his post and go to a different country after some tail?

Did he do anything illegal?

Vitter is around and this guy has to resign? Dems, grow a back bone and support this man.

Vitter doesn't control Weiner's brain. Weiner's weiner does that.
Ahahahaha!!!!!!! Rehab is Catching!

Rehab All Around! It turns out Rep. Anthony Weiner isn’t the only one entering rehab in the wake of his sexting-and-lying scandal. At least three other figures in the affair have followed his example and voluntarily entered 12-step recovery programs.

Markos Moulitsas, founder of the Daily Kos, said he would request a leave of absence from his popular group blog to learn what he called “partisan aggression management.” ”Twice now–with John Edwards and Anthony Weiner–I’ve defended pretty obviously guilty Democrats by approving nasty arguments attacking their critics–arguments that turned out to be wrong. I thought I was fighting back, but I brought nothing but humiliation and disgrace to myself and my party. The truth comes out eventually. I hadn’t taken that into account. I have departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better blogger and healthier person.”

Read more: Rehab For All! | The Daily Caller
Uh oh.......... I think he's coming......

Dayshift is almost over for those poundin' the hapless Dems and Weiner supporter J-straps.
Almost time for the nightshift to take over.....
Weiner's been surrounded by the feminist bulldog progressives his whole adult life. These women are obsessed with newtering males and feminizing the male race. Of course men like that are going to end up weirding regular women........no male identity. Anybody who saw this miserable fcukk on TV the past couple of years cant be surprised at this.......stupid levels of hostility going on in that boy.

Fcukk him............watching him fall into oblivion has been a hoot.:2up:

And lets face it.........anybody who would go into public life on that level and actually keep the name Weiner has issues.
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