
This is my last word on the subject, I swear.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poAb0MhEvmk"]Tales of the Vienna Woods[/ame]

If it were just his name, or just the stupid thing he did alone it would have died in an hour. It is the combination that makes this story into something beyond the energizer bunny of political discourse.
Looks like he will give up the ghost in a couple of days..Representative wise..so to speak.

To bad. Was a feisty and interesting character..as well as a Democrat with a spine.

Baggage the DemocRATS don't Need... And he, like John Edwards, will probably be Indicted in the Future.



indicted for what?

Had I said the same about Edwards, you would have asked the same Question... Then.

It's BEYOND Obvious that this guy can Lie without Reservation and do it Continuously...

There is Evidence of his Using his Power to Cover this up...

Be sure to Rep me with Pos Repeatedly in the Future if that Idictment comes down. :thup:

Just a Prediction.


Baggage the DemocRATS don't Need... And he, like John Edwards, will probably be Indicted in the Future.



indicted for what?

Had I said the same about Edwards, you would have asked the same Question... Then.

It's BEYOND Obvious that this guy can Lie without Reservation and do it Continuously...

There is Evidence of his Using his Power to Cover this up...

Be sure to Rep me with Pos Repeatedly in the Future if that Idictment comes down. :thup:

Just a Prediction.



Its pretty much like Mark Sanford. In and of itself, who cares? But it demonstrates such a basic lack of judgment and decency that it makes the person unfit for office.
indicted for what?

Had I said the same about Edwards, you would have asked the same Question... Then.

It's BEYOND Obvious that this guy can Lie without Reservation and do it Continuously...

There is Evidence of his Using his Power to Cover this up...

Be sure to Rep me with Pos Repeatedly in the Future if that Idictment comes down. :thup:

Just a Prediction.



Its pretty much like Mark Sanford. In and of itself, who cares? But it demonstrates such a basic lack of judgment and decency that it makes the person unfit for office.

If he Used his Elected Power or Funds... He's gonna get Charged.


Baggage the DemocRATS don't Need... And he, like John Edwards, will probably be Indicted in the Future.



indicted for what?

Had I said the same about Edwards, you would have asked the same Question... Then.

It's BEYOND Obvious that this guy can Lie without Reservation and do it Continuously...

There is Evidence of his Using his Power to Cover this up...

Be sure to Rep me with Pos Repeatedly in the Future if that Idictment comes down. :thup:

Just a Prediction.



name a politician who doesn't lie.

i'll wait.

what "powers" did he use to cover it up? did he pay someone out of campaign funds to shut them up like john ensign did?

what would i have said about edwards? what i say now.... that it looks like a violation of federal election laws and an indictment shouldn't issue b/c it's not a criminal matter. (i'm not going to go into the law on the subject but my answer is the same today).
Why? Why resign?

He's no worse than many other Dems.

He hasn't drowned his girlfriend and leave her in the car overnight while he convenes with his family lawyers.

He wasn't the Grand Kleage of the KKK

As far as women go, so he send lewd pic, big fucking deal, wake me up when his gives his female interns, or male, cum facials while he's at work.

Did he cheat on his taxes like SecTres Geitner?

Did he take a bribe from a convicted felon like Obama did?

Weiner should stay

no frank, he's better than many REPUBLICANS, too. your making it partisan is ridiculous given the long line of hypocrites that come out of your party.

now ask yourself, did he pay a hooker and wear a diaper like vitter?

did he pay off the husband of his girlfriend out of campaign funds so he'd keep quiet?

did he hit on underage congressional pages?

did he out a CIA agent?

did he lie to start a war?

did he make his kids play with a dead baby?

Except he's not a Republican. So he can't be judged by GOP standards. He has to be judged by the more lenient Democrat standards.

Frankly he deserves to go just for being so damned stupid about it. Wha would have happened had he fessed up at the very beginning and then begged for understanding? The press hates being lied to.

how are the standards more lenient if he's going and vitter is still there?

i agree about lying. he should have said nothing. he panicked
I would suggest that the "Weiner" has staged all this as nothing more than a shrewed public relations event to raise his public profile and thus facilitate a lucrative career change after politics.

Certainly, the fact that Eliot Spitzer the former Governor of New York who was having an ongoing affair with the prostitute Ashley Dupré, has demonstrated that a politician caught in a sex scandal is not a liability when it comes to becoming a nightly talk-host on CNN.

Think of the ratings and revenues if a network could sign Weiner, Spitzer, Edwards and Schwartzenegger, their wives and their "girlfriends" for their own reality sitcom.

i suppose we leave out all the rightwingnut hypocrites like the dude with a "wide stance" and the one whose male prostitute was just "carrying his bags".
Your basic premise is sound but the pivotal factor is the essential nature of Weiner's misconduct. It's funny. That's the problem. He's become a joke. His sword has no edge.

If Weiner had an affair with an intern, cheated on his taxes, left a girlfriend to drown, or any of those things that most of his peers could relate to, he'd be fine. But he can no longer do what made him what he was because he'd be laughed at. That persona simply doesn't square with his Internet shenanigans.

Brilliant observation and funny.

Initially, I sort of felt sorry for the man, in spite of his lies. No really! Not merely because what he did was stupid and creepy, and he needs help; but because, well . . . he's the guy who e-mailed his junk in a diaper for the rest of his life. Jeez. How do you ever live that one down. You don't. But then he went on lying and refused to do the right thing after disgracing his office and embarrassing our country.

Dude, get a clue. The only dignified option left to you is to resign; you don't wait to be forced out.
first in



Jeter got just. That's great news, since I'm a Phillies phan.

As a life long Boston fan that front page has all sorts of win. Between the subtle jerkoff joke and jeter not playing :lol:

so you're into schadenfreude?
It's like talking to a 3 year old for the attention spans of some people here.
The thread is about a dickhead named Weiner and his escapades.
Vitter, or anyone else, is off topic and irrelevant.
Typical response form the left, though "Well look at what HE did!" (see: deflection)

WTF does Vitter have in common with Weiner besides the name DICK??
It's like talking to a 3 year old for the attention spans of some people here.
The thread is about a dickhead named Weiner and his escapades.
Vitter, or anyone else, is off topic and irrelevant.
Typical response form the left, though "Well look at what HE did!" (see: deflection)

WTF does Vitter have in common with Weiner besides the name DICK??

i'm just wondering... who are you to decide what's relevant and off topic?

how congress people are treated for their indiscretions is what's relevant.... no matter how rightwingnut hypocrites try to deflect.

thanks. :thup:

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