
anyone post this?

Obama: If I were in Weiner’s situation, I’d resign

“I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign,’’ Obama told Curry…

“When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to, at the time when people are worrying about jobs, and their mortgages, and paying the bills — then you should probably step back,’’ Obama said.

Obama added that what Weiner did was “highly inappropriate’’ and that he has “embarrassed himself” and his wife and family, but said it will ultimately come down to a decision by Weiner and his constituents as to whether he will continue in office.

Obama: 'I would resign' in Weiner's situation - TODAY News - TODAY.com

the "O" has spoken...
If the ONE has spoken then it is over for the Weiner


Papa Obama takes Weiner to Task

Naked Man running in his underwear, pants around ankles, through NY subways is NOT Rep Weiner

Comrades, stand down

I too at first was concerned; but thank goodness, it was not Weiner

In a video uploaded to YouTube on May 4, a man is seen in his underwear, pants around his ankles. Apparently he already stripped off his shirt.

When asked to leave the train, he replies “YOU get the f*** off this train!”​

I was concerned at first this was Weiner and we would have to spend
the week trying to convince Americans that this behaviour was normal

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anyone post this?

Obama: If I were in Weiner’s situation, I’d resign

“I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign,’’ Obama told Curry…

“When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to, at the time when people are worrying about jobs, and their mortgages, and paying the bills — then you should probably step back,’’ Obama said.

Obama added that what Weiner did was “highly inappropriate’’ and that he has “embarrassed himself” and his wife and family, but said it will ultimately come down to a decision by Weiner and his constituents as to whether he will continue in office.

Obama: 'I would resign' in Weiner's situation - TODAY News - TODAY.com

the "O" has spoken...

Do you really believe that? Please say you don't!

anyone post this?

Obama: If I were in Weiner’s situation, I’d resign

“I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign,’’ Obama told Curry…

“When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to, at the time when people are worrying about jobs, and their mortgages, and paying the bills — then you should probably step back,’’ Obama said.

Obama added that what Weiner did was “highly inappropriate’’ and that he has “embarrassed himself” and his wife and family, but said it will ultimately come down to a decision by Weiner and his constituents as to whether he will continue in office.

Obama: 'I would resign' in Weiner's situation - TODAY News - TODAY.com

the "O" has spoken...

Isn't it amazing how all of the right wing hypocrites are calling for Weiner to resign?
Why settle for a puny weiner when you can have snitzzengruben


In my playing days a gridiron groupie once proclaimed:
"A schlong is better than a schlort".

Feminists like the LIEberrhoid Garofolo are more favorably disposed towards schlorts .... that's by definition.

Hence, LIEberrhoid Garofolo's latest idiotic proclamation: The Weanie Weiner debacle is the Media's fault !!!
I wonder if Obama is going to have a Weiner Summit at the White House?
Fire UP that grill!

Since evidence suggests that Rachel Maddow was the first to get the Weiner story but chose not to run it I was thinking she would be invited to the Weiner summit until I realized she doesn't like Weiner.
But that wouldn't preclude her from quaffing down a few on our dime at the WH would it?
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Maybe Madcow has tweeted a few shots of it's weiner and so the story was too "sensitive" to cover.

But as for the Weiner Summit, Obama has to recover from the Golf Summit first. He needs a fews days of vacation first. Wouldn't you agree?
Ummm...Marc...what about the dems that are SCREAMING for him to step down?

He's awfully dug in here. He refuses to take the suggestions from his own colleagues. So why are you spending so much time deflecting it to the right? Or is it possible that this is just posturing by the left to make it look like they are outraged when in fact they aren't. It makes them look "responsible" to their own constituents by saying "enough is enough" but behind closed doors they are telling him to just shrug it off and let it die down and time will be on his side.

Would you have the same opinion of defending him if he had been tweeting your 17 year old daughter? Just a question that I hope you will think about.

Why is it that when the hypocrisy of the GOP with regards to Weiner is pointed out, loyal GOPpers automatically equate that with "defending" Weiner.

Since the Dems are calling for Weiner's ouster, are they not doing the "moral" thing according to the mantra's broadcasted by the neocon punditry and politicos?
Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:

No one but a braying jackass like YOU, boedicca, has suggested "vitter controls weiner"....as the chronology of the posts shows, I've consistently stated that its folk like YOU who are hypocrits, as YOU allow a moral rules breaker to stay in office while you dance with glee and call for the ouster of Weiner.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander...so if you excuse Vitter, STFU about Weiner. If you condemn Weiner, then do the same for Vitter. But I strongly suspect that an intellectual coward like you and your cronies won't do even that. Now, repeat the SOS you've been talking, Boedi old girl...I'm done addressing your insipid stubborness.

It is ReichtWing scumbag weasels like Boedicca that will bray like the jackarses they are calling for Weiner to step down due to immorality, while at the same time excusing their criminal in office Vitter.

Hypocrisy...it's the RepubliCON way!

LOL Dude, anger management issues or what?

Dude, are you STILL denying GOP hypocrisy as to Vitter when the GOP wails about Weiner? And are the Dems not doing the right thing by calling for his ouster, as the moralist neocon punditry and politicos broadcast?

Think it through and get back us on that, chuckles.
Obama speaks up and says Weiner should resign and every single person that has been defending him for weeks suddenly disappears.

Why am I not surprised?

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