
Dood. Stop obsessing about what Vitter did back in the 1990s. His wife has forgiven him...and after all, one of the most famous Cultural Teaching Moment of the 1990s involved Everyone Lies About Sex and It's Just A Private Family Matter.

Vitter is STILL in the Senate, you blithering idiot! Seems you POS neocon parrots have NO problem with someone breaking your alleged sacred moral laws when they have an (R) in front of their name. Thanks for proving what a neocon hypocrit you are boedicca.

People in glass houses should not throw stones

Neo is a petulant child throwing a tantrum.

And yet you have no problem with Vitter, right Frankie boy?

Frankie boy will have no problem when you
call for


to step down as well
otherwise that would make you a hypocrite

They must have done all that stuff after their FBI background checks before they were elected

Am I defending Weiner's actions? The chronology of the post shows no, so Neo is either ignorant about the application of the word hypocrit, or Neo is just a lying fool.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

I had no problem with the forementioned receiving their just desserts, and NEVER advocated otherwise. But it seems chuckling toadies like YOU, Neo....will excuse and defend GOP hypocrisy to the death. And you're dumb ass is still burning After I schooled you on how and when politicians are vetted by federal security agencies.

Again, I've got NO problem with Weiner gettng the heave ho, but I won't let the braying hypocrisy of neocon jackasses go unnoticed.

Laugh, Clown, Laugh

As many others have noted: the fact that you keep bringing up Vitter is a form of deflection which is a defense of Weiner.

And you do it so often that you can't excuse it at this point.
I don't want the Dims to compel the Weiner to quit.

It's funny as hell for the Dims to be saddled with their Weiner sticking it out.

Fact is: if the scumbag had an "(R)" after his name you assclown uber lib hypocrites would be insisting that he get tossed.
Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.

Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:
You really are a moron. We just don't think Vitter controls Weiner.
Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.

Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:

Tacky Lib, why don't you start a poll and see how many conservatives want him to resign, as compared to those that really couldn't care less. What I am seeing is a lot of cons saying we hope he stays, because he really is the face of the classless Democrats.

It's the Democrats calling for him to step down, not us.
Frankie boy will have no problem when you
call for


to step down as well
otherwise that would make you a hypocrite

They must have done all that stuff after their FBI background checks before they were elected

Am I defending Weiner's actions? The chronology of the post shows no, so Neo is either ignorant about the application of the word hypocrit, or Neo is just a lying fool.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

I had no problem with the forementioned receiving their just desserts, and NEVER advocated otherwise. But it seems chuckling toadies like YOU, Neo....will excuse and defend GOP hypocrisy to the death. And you're dumb ass is still burning After I schooled you on how and when politicians are vetted by federal security agencies.

Again, I've got NO problem with Weiner gettng the heave ho, but I won't let the braying hypocrisy of neocon jackasses go unnoticed.

Laugh, Clown, Laugh

As many others have noted: the fact that you keep bringing up Vitter is a form of deflection which is a defense of Weiner.

And you do it so often that you can't excuse it at this point.

YOU and the other neocon toadies/parrots keep trying to avoid the FACT that YOU want to excuse the continued endorsement of Vitter who was nailed being a moral hypocrit, while you all dance with glee over Weiner most likely getting the boot for his idiocy.

YOU and your like minded cronies are HYPOCRITES, boedicca, plain and simple, while I want whats' good for the goose to be good for the gander. If you excuse Vitter, the STFU about Weiner. If not, then call for Vitter's ouster as well.
Vitter was elected after the scandal. If this was something that Penishead did before he was elected, there wouldn't be a thread on him.
You really are a moron. We just don't think Vitter controls Weiner.

No one but a braying jackass like YOU, boedicca, has suggested "vitter controls weiner"....as the chronology of the posts shows, I've consistently stated that its folk like YOU who are hypocrits, as YOU allow a moral rules breaker to stay in office while you dance with glee and call for the ouster of Weiner.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander...so if you excuse Vitter, STFU about Weiner. If you condemn Weiner, then do the same for Vitter. But I strongly suspect that an intellectual coward like you and your cronies won't do even that. Now, repeat the SOS you've been talking, Boedi old girl...I'm done addressing your insipid stubborness.
If you are going to hyperventilate about what Vitter did in the 1990s, then you should also be screaming for Bill Clinton to be judged guilty now in a do over impeachment hearing, bub.
And yet you have no problem with Vitter, right Frankie boy?

Frankie boy will have no problem when you
call for


to step down as well
otherwise that would make you a hypocrite

They must have done all that stuff after their FBI background checks before they were elected

Am I defending Weiner's actions? The chronology of the post shows no, so Neo is either ignorant about the application of the word hypocrit, or Neo is just a lying fool.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

I had no problem with the forementioned receiving their just desserts, and NEVER advocated otherwise. But it seems chuckling toadies like YOU, Neo....will excuse and defend GOP hypocrisy to the death. And you're dumb ass is still burning After I schooled you on how and when politicians are vetted by federal security agencies.

Again, I've got NO problem with Weiner gettng the heave ho, but I won't let the braying hypocrisy of neocon jackasses go unnoticed.

Laugh, Clown, Laugh

Ignorance is yours my friend

Your basis for calling Republicans hypocrites is the same thing that makes Democrats hypocrites

A fact, you choose to ignore because MSNBC did not tell you that...

I have no problem calling for Vitter to resign
Unlike you, I say apply this justice to all the bums in Congress

I am not selective and hypocritical in application of it
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Vitter is STILL in the Senate, you blithering idiot! Seems you POS neocon parrots have NO problem with someone breaking your alleged sacred moral laws when they have an (R) in front of their name. Thanks for proving what a neocon hypocrit you are boedicca.

People in glass houses should not throw stones

Neo is a petulant child throwing a tantrum.


You still lied

But, being a fair person and knowing that you are a leftist
There is a good chance you just don't know what you are talking about and
and pull facts out of your arse

Side note:
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left
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Using your logic, Vitter was never charged with a crime. If that is Good Enough for you to defend Weiner, then it's good enough for Vitter.

I personally don't take this POV. I have said repeatedly that Weiner is responsible for his own actions, which have absolutely nothing to do with Vitter.

Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:

Tacky Lib, why don't you start a poll and see how many conservatives want him to resign, as compared to those that really couldn't care less. What I am seeing is a lot of cons saying we hope he stays, because he really is the face of the classless Democrats.

It's the Democrats calling for him to step down, not us.

Tackylib? Geez, either get an original thought or stick to one screen name.

Dems AND Repubs are one the bandwagon.
For starters, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus called for Weiner's ouster. 'Nuff said

You still lied

But, being a fair person and knowing that you are a leftist
There is a good chance you just don't know what you are talking about and
and pull facts out of your arse

Side note:
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left

Sorry, but a link to YOUR version of events and NOT a link to the post where I stated EXACTLY what you assert is just more BS from a pathetic little loser like YOU, Neo.

You didn't know WTF you were talking about regarding the vetting process of our gov't politicos, and your a sorry POS hypocrite regarding Vitter and Weiner.

Grow the hell up, Neo.
Frankie boy will have no problem when you
call for


to step down as well
otherwise that would make you a hypocrite

They must have done all that stuff after their FBI background checks before they were elected

Am I defending Weiner's actions? The chronology of the post shows no, so Neo is either ignorant about the application of the word hypocrit, or Neo is just a lying fool.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

I had no problem with the forementioned receiving their just desserts, and NEVER advocated otherwise. But it seems chuckling toadies like YOU, Neo....will excuse and defend GOP hypocrisy to the death. And you're dumb ass is still burning After I schooled you on how and when politicians are vetted by federal security agencies.

Again, I've got NO problem with Weiner gettng the heave ho, but I won't let the braying hypocrisy of neocon jackasses go unnoticed.

Laugh, Clown, Laugh

Ignorance is yours my friend

Your basis for calling Republicans hypocrites is the same thing that makes Democrats hypocrites

A fact, you choose to ignore because MSNBC did not tell you that...

I have no problem calling for Vitter to resign
Unlike you, I say apply this justice to all the bums in Congress

I am not selective and hypocritical in application of it

You may not have a problem with calling for Vitter to resign, but YOU sure as hell are not doing it, are ya bunky? And NEITHER are your GOP leadership. Yet they sure as hell want Weiner gone ASAP.

When you have the DEMS doing the same, I will call them out accordingly. But for now, it's the GOP on the hypocrisy hot seat....and intellectually cowards like you, NEO, playing games to defend such.

Grow the fuck up and deal, Neo.
Am I defending Weiner's actions? The chronology of the post shows no, so Neo is either ignorant about the application of the word hypocrit, or Neo is just a lying fool.

And what was the verdict regarding Waters? And didn't Rangel receive his official sentence, as well as losing his Ways & Means post? And exactly what was legally proven as a violation of the law regarding Frank?

I had no problem with the forementioned receiving their just desserts, and NEVER advocated otherwise. But it seems chuckling toadies like YOU, Neo....will excuse and defend GOP hypocrisy to the death. And you're dumb ass is still burning After I schooled you on how and when politicians are vetted by federal security agencies.

Again, I've got NO problem with Weiner gettng the heave ho, but I won't let the braying hypocrisy of neocon jackasses go unnoticed.

Laugh, Clown, Laugh

Ignorance is yours my friend

Your basis for calling Republicans hypocrites is the same thing that makes Democrats hypocrites

A fact, you choose to ignore because MSNBC did not tell you that...

I have no problem calling for Vitter to resign
Unlike you, I say apply this justice to all the bums in Congress

I am not selective and hypocritical in application of it

You may not have a problem with calling for Vitter to resign, but YOU sure as hell are not doing it, are ya bunky? And NEITHER are your GOP leadership. Yet they sure as hell want Weiner gone ASAP.

When you have the DEMS doing the same, I will call them out accordingly. But for now, it's the GOP on the hypocrisy hot seat....and intellectually cowards like you, NEO, playing games to defend such.

Grow the fuck up and deal, Neo.

I have called for Vitter to resign

If you want we could both start a letter campaign to get ALL the bums out
Democrats and Republicans
I'm good with that..... (note I do not belong to either party)
At least they got rid of Chris Lee quick and he did nothing as bad as Weiner

Unlike you, I do not see this as Republican or Democrat issue- I see it more as a systemic problem with our political system

Hot seat - Republicans? Only a radical leftist could look at the disgrace Weiner has brought upon the system and think the Republicans are on the "hot seat"
You really have to stop getting your news from MSNBC and the Daily Kos

Dems doing the same?
You mean like their lovers running prostitution rings out of their basement or at the exact location of their lover's arrest for drug possession
Oh wait- that is Democrats

A lot of growing up is correct
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This kind of stuff makes me *almost* like Twitter. If it outs the sleazeballs more quickly so we can get rid of them, good.

I agree. My thinking lately has been that while the Internet and social networking sites are good and bad, it just may cause our representatives to show more restraint in their personal lives, should they wish to keep their jobs and families. The ones that continue to let it be the main source of their weaknesess, will be exposed and hopefully, expunged. ( for being sick puppies or stupid )
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Pay attention, genius. Your neocon punditry, politicos and general toadies/parrots are all screaming for Weiner's blood yet are DEAD SILENT regarding Vitter, who is STILL in office pretending to have the moral high ground. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....but by YOUR logic, Boedicca, hypocrisy is justified. :doubt:

Tacky Lib, why don't you start a poll and see how many conservatives want him to resign, as compared to those that really couldn't care less. What I am seeing is a lot of cons saying we hope he stays, because he really is the face of the classless Democrats.

It's the Democrats calling for him to step down, not us.

Tackylib? Geez, either get an original thought or stick to one screen name.

Dems AND Repubs are one the bandwagon.
For starters, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus called for Weiner's ouster. 'Nuff said

Quit your drama pity party for Weiner. He took many pictures of him and his crotch and sent it unsolicited to people. He's a sleazeball. He was before he took the multiple pictures of his pecker. I hope he stays. He's an embarrassment to liberals, and every time people look at him in the future they will think of his left leaning penis and not take a word he says seriously.
Neo is a petulant child throwing a tantrum.


You still lied

But, being a fair person and knowing that you are a leftist
There is a good chance you just don't know what you are talking about and
and pull facts out of your arse

Side note:
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left

Sorry, but a link to YOUR version of events and NOT a link to the post where I stated EXACTLY what you assert is just more BS from a pathetic little loser like YOU, Neo.

You didn't know WTF you were talking about regarding the vetting process of our gov't politicos, and your a sorry POS hypocrite regarding Vitter and Weiner.

Grow the hell up, Neo.

A very good synopsis of events, however.
Do you really think it is necessary to go through all your posts of poor attempts to change the question and poor attempts to spin it ?

But you still lied or pulled facts out of your arse IS the truth

You said, your exact words (verbatim) in response to my statement that all politicians should have criminal background checks made public
while running for office

"The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates."
and you said
"ANY Congressman or Senator is vetted by various federal security before confirmation."​

I can say with certitude these are your words and those statements are false.

You do know that name calling and profanity does nothing to support your argument.
In fact, it tends to show that you must not be able to support your statement

No need to thank me for sharing that point with you

Man up- don't pull a Weiner here
I assume you just pulled it out of your arse
(the made up fact not the Weiner)

Come on, you had a whole day here and you still can not find any support to your statement
hmm, why would that be?

Admit the truth, it will set you free
Learn from the Left's new hero Weiner. He finally told the truth and he must feel better.

I mean, it won't be like you are the first Leftist who doesn't know what they are talking about
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"Another case of good intentions producing unanticipated negative consequences."

When did aiding our enemy "Communist Red China" and making them finanically rich become a good intention?

The intention was to free up markets and enhance trade that would benefit both countries. Unfortunately, the restrictions and handicaps we impose on our domestic businesses resulted in it benefitting China far more than it benefitted us.

But again, it is our own tax policy, regulation, mandates, etc. etc. etc. imposed on American commerce and industry coupled with trade policy that really help China capitalize on such that is killing American jobs.

Give me a break! The market was opened up to use a Chinese labor force that would accept 38 cents an hour wage. Big Business could afford to move their factories to China buy materials, make the product and ship it back to America cheaper than it could be made in America by American employees. Then add insult to injury they made Americans buy the Chinese products that use to be made in America by Americans!

Why would we want to enhance trade that would benefit Communist Red China our enemy?

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