
Has anyone posted this yet?

<snipping the video because I don't have enough posts here to include it>

It seems Weiner has no problem asking others to step down.

"Flashback: Weiner on David Paterson 'He should step down'"

That's a GREAT video. LOL.

Every now and then a little fact "dribbles" out (about Rangel)? haha

And that part about activities in the gym? Priceless!
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did vitter lie when he got caught?

for a week?

No, because he was essentially out of Congress, busy running for a higher office.....which he got with the hypocritical support of the GOP and a GOP Senate group that copped a technicality to allow him in.

The GOP hypocrisy is plain, and they haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to wailing about Weiner.

so, no, he didn't lie and wiener did.

small steps....

Ahhh, so Vitter is a whore monger who got caught, but through a technicality is elected to a higher office with the support of those who KNEW he broke the law but supported him anyway, and that's okay.

Weiner lies about his video flirting/cheating actions, BUT HAS YET TO BE TECHNICALLY IN VIOLATION OF A CONGRESSIONAL LAW, and the neocon parrots, politicos and pundits are joining the some of the Dems in screaming for his blood.

Hypocrisy abounds for Del and his cronies in no small steps, but giant leaps.
Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

That definitive list of Jewish Porn moguls and stars must have been just HELL to find.. I mean how many times did you go blind while compiling that..

I checked JUST ONE of those names (not my favorite -- that's for sure) Nina Hartley... From the Wiki...

Hartley was born in Berkeley, California to a Lutheran father and a Jewish mother whose family was from Alabama.[3] She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area.[4] She is the youngest of four children,[5] with an older sister and two older brothers.[1] Her parents converted to Buddhism when she was young

Having survived many years in Ca. I can tell you the BERKELEY part is more relevent to her porn bent than her 2 hippie BUDDHIST parents..

And how about ... ?

The thinking woman's porn star speaks out: Feminist Nina Hartley is proud of her 475 skin flicks, and a massive middle-class adult-video market agrees

'I love my big butt. My butt bought me my Chevy!" Nina Hartley announces this with a raw enthusiasm that makes you throw your head back and laugh. And before you catch your breath, she bounds ahead to talk about a great meditation book she's reading, the dangers of Zionist policy in the Middle East, and some fascinating details she just learned about sex education in the 1930s.

Look man, I ain't got time to check the other hundred or so. But the list is crap. And even if it wasn't -- I wouldn't care about a hundred Jewish names in porn.
Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

This thread is about Weiner. Technically your off topic and deflecting as a defense of a sexual predator. One your own party is calling for to resign.
You don't like the answer, but you can't fault it's accuracy.

Notice, YOU took an unwarranted nasty, condescending attitude toward me from the start. I merely responded in kind....if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Your accusation is a joke, given the chronology of the post shows that I have NOT made any hypocritical statement regarding Weiner's situation. Constant statements by me in that vein makes YOU a liar, Neo. I don't deal with silly little liars, so have the last predictable word.
There IS NO Accuracy...

When it comes to YOU "T", that is a fair statement, as the chronology of the posts shows. :razz:

People calling you out on your lies is not condescending; though it may make you feel that way

Yes the record does show for you.
You must be the Weiner of the Forum- truth is there and you still try to squirm your way out of it

"Don't deal with silly little liars"

Strong words from someone who lies and says that

Federal Background Checks are done on EVERY Congressman and EVERY Presidential Candidate
Then when you are caught in your lie, you try to wiggle out of it like the Weiner

Notice how you edited those parts of the posts out of this one

Funny how that works

Again, you are a hypocrite NOT because of any belief or statement on Weiner but on your disingenuous and limited call for "balanced" justice.
Not being a hypocrite would require you to apply your "call" for justice for all in Congress.

Of course being a leftist, we know you can only parrot things like talking points from MSNBC.
So your inability to appreciate your hypocrisy is understandable
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Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

This thread is about Weiner. Technically your off topic and deflecting as a defense of a sexual predator. One your own party is calling for to resign.

Many of the Dems are now wanting Weiner to pull out.
I'd imagine some even wish his father had.
A hundred and ninety six pages of pure Dem-bashing from the Reicht.

All over a sex scandal.

More than enough rope for the ReichtWingers to hang themselves with when the shoe is on the other foot when a RepubliCON does something despicable.

Laugh now Reichtiees....cry later.


Prove this lie as well

Hey if it is not public then what would they do if the information was bad?

If it is not public how do you know they do it

Again, I need to make no comments on your intelligence
Your words speak for themselve

"Prove this a lie as well"? Prove a negative? WTF is your problem, Neo? I'm not doing your homework, Neo. Stop being a crank, be honest and grow up.

you don't have to prove any negative, the statements were satire the majority of your posts are a joke, Neo...when they're not just plain pathetic.

We know that you were unable to prove your orignal statement on EVERY congressman
Since we are dealing with two diffenent claims, your confusion is understandable

The chronology of the posts shows you to be a liar, Neo. You didn't like my response, but you couldn't disprove any of the elaborations I gave, so you try to split a hair. You failed.

Just support your "postive" statement on Presidents this time.
Where does it say in US law that FBI checks are required on all Presidential Candidates ?
Good luck with that

As for homework, I know the real answer
research facts before you claim them to be true would help you a lot

Hint: check US Constitution

So far you are 0 out 2 in trying to prove your statements
Perhaps you have a calling as a politician

Hey NY might have an opening soon

Neo blows a lot of smoke with a generalized "check the Constitution" while NOT giving any specifics. Neo uses the typical dodge of an ignorant neocon toadie too cowardly to admit he doesn't know WTF he's talking about, and too dishones to do real honest reasearch.

Fortunately for the reader, I'm not Neo. Observe:

United States Secret Service: Frequently Asked Questions

FBI &#8212; Security Clearance

NSD 63: Single Scope Background Investigations

Couple this with the "vetting" process that goes on in individual states and with the federal gov't (how do you prove you're a citizen with no crinimal record? Through approved state and federal records.), and you (should) get the picture.
This thread just amazes me. Never knew there was so much to say about a sick son of a bitch who sends out tweets of himself naked. Who would have ever thunk it?
Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

This thread is about Weiner. Technically your off topic and deflecting as a defense of a sexual predator. One your own party is calling for to resign.

Give the guy a break

They only know what Rachel Maddow tells them to say

Rachel when she must have still liked men....
Not doubt Rep Weiner would have sent her a picture of his wiener

Everyone's a little perverted, Jews are just more outrageous about it. Hence all the Jews in porn. Al Goldstein once said that promoting porn was his way of sticking it to Jesus and all the little Christians. Nice...

What say you, Israel-firster Christians? How are your best buddies the Jews these days?
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"Prove this a lie as well"? Prove a negative? WTF is your problem, Neo? I'm not doing your homework, Neo. Stop being a crank, be honest and grow up.

you don't have to prove any negative, the statements were satire the majority of your posts are a joke, Neo...when they're not just plain pathetic.

We know that you were unable to prove your orignal statement on EVERY congressman
Since we are dealing with two diffenent claims, your confusion is understandable

The chronology of the posts shows you to be a liar, Neo. You didn't like my response, but you couldn't disprove any of the elaborations I gave, so you try to split a hair. You failed.

Just support your "postive" statement on Presidents this time.
Where does it say in US law that FBI checks are required on all Presidential Candidates ?
Good luck with that

As for homework, I know the real answer
research facts before you claim them to be true would help you a lot

Hint: check US Constitution

So far you are 0 out 2 in trying to prove your statements
Perhaps you have a calling as a politician

Hey NY might have an opening soon

Neo blows a lot of smoke with a generalized "check the Constitution" while NOT giving any specifics. Neo uses the typical dodge of an ignorant neocon toadie too cowardly to admit he doesn't know WTF he's talking about, and too dishones to do real honest reasearch.

Fortunately for the reader, I'm not Neo. Observe:

United States Secret Service: Frequently Asked Questions

FBI &#8212; Security Clearance

NSD 63: Single Scope Background Investigations

Couple this with the "vetting" process that goes on in individual states and with the federal gov't (how do you prove you're a citizen with no crinimal record? Through approved state and federal records.), and you (should) get the picture.

The smoke is coming from you


your links prove nothing about your statement

Of course, you know liberal readers are probably to lazy to read it and that is all you care about

Sorry Weiner II, your links prove nothing on your false statements

Pal, stop while you are behind; it is getting rather pathetic on your part. Even if the FBI did a background check on a President and there was something in there, there is nothing they can do to stop him from legally entering the office.

Check the Constitution is the best answer. I know you being a leftist the Consitution means little more to you than an inconvenience to greater Progressive dreams

Perhaps, if the Left appreciated it more, the US would have less problems

Of course, for the Left part of the problem is that Papa Obama was so poorly vetted by the MSM, they like to comfort themselves with thinking - "Well the FBI did a check on him"
Another false leftist belief- it is so hard to keep up with them
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Where does Anthony Weiner get off on sending pictures of his erected penis to a 21 year old girl? It&#8217;s like 'Old Ken' chasing after young Barbie. If Anthony Weiner was an average guy on the street, how far do you think his nude and semi-nude pictures would get him with the women?

Without power, position and money what do you think women would think about Anthony Weiner? The guy is losing his hair and got a muffin top and is ugly as sin and he wants to show the world his Mr. Winkey. It&#8217;s too bad that stupid doesn&#8217;t hurt!
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Funny! But I see a desperate GOP toadie already trying to link Weiner with Obama for 2012. Interesting, given the piss poor lot of candidates vying for the GOP 2012 presidential candidacy, I wonder what would be said of trying to link Vitter with that?
Tachy is into the weiner...


You need to grow up, Dr. House. If you haven't the brains or guts to discuss the hypocrisy of the GOP and neocon pundits regarding Vitter and Weiner, just say so....or join the other neocon toadies on these boards throwing childish tantrums at people who criticize their tin gods.

Democrats provide a constant hollow argument..

If Vitter or any of the other,"Bad Boy/Girl" Republicans were Democrats, they would justify them no matter what they did. So using them as their argument is hollow and hypocritical at best..

When Clinton was suspected of raping and sexually harassing several women, did Democrats want to pursue the charges... nope.. they sure didn't.. So anything goes with the Democrats.. live with it...

Funny! But I see a desperate GOP toadie already trying to link Weiner with Obama for 2012. Interesting, given the piss poor lot of candidates vying for the GOP 2012 presidential candidacy, I wonder what would be said of trying to link Vitter with that?

Weiner stays in--any democrat politician running for office will be known as jumping on the Weiner ticket--:razz:

Thanks for the pic--I will be using it on other boards--LOL

Our 1st National Cybor Pervert--LOL
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How is it that the Democratic party is so disconnected from the President and House Democratic leadership? They all are calling for Weiner's resignation.

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