
Sorry bout that,

1. So this liberal *sick fuck*, *Pull His Weiner* is just sick, a sick pervert who needs some understanding, needs time to get his head together, time to heal then he will be, *all better*, and doesn't want anyone to remind him of what he has done in the past, we are just to forgive the unrepentant pervert, who is heading off to rehab.
2. Problem with this is, he also lied, he lied about this whole story, saying his tweeter account was hacked, is there a rehab for liars too?
3. I wonder what other rehabs we need to send this pervert too?
4. They should of already tarred and feathered his ass, and sent him homeless into the street.
5. LINK:Rep. Anthony Weiner heads to rehab as Nancy Pelosi, other Democrats demand he resign - NYPOST.com

Weiner's pulling out -- for a little while, at least.

Serial-sexting Congressman Anthony Weiner headed off to rehab and will seek a leave of absence, as Nancy Pelosi and other Dems demanded he quit following his admission to sending private Twitter messages to a 17-year-old girl.

Weiner's office said the randy rep left this morning for "professional treatment," and will take a leave of absence from the House as he tries to become a better family man.

“Congressman Weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person,” Weiner’s office said in a statement. “In light of that, he will request a short leave of absence from the House of Representatives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well."

6. This reminds me of what another *sick fuck* said, "I didn't have sex with that women, Monica Lewinsky!" we know he lied too.
7. He ofcourse in Billy Boy Clinton who said that, the unsung leader of the Democratic Party, what a *sick fuck party* it is too, sad they the liberals have no moral fiber to even see this, even when I spell it out in black and white right infront of your eyes.

17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.

They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.
Sorry to burst your fantasy.

Police close Delaware Weiner case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/12/2011

He's checking himself into rehab for a reason...and it's not a good one. :lol:
They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.
Sorry to burst your fantasy.

Police close Delaware Weiner case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/12/2011

He's checking himself into rehab for a reason...and it's not a good one. :lol:

Right! Desperate for the "sympathy" vote, he grabs what appears to be his "last chance."
Being in Congress should not be personal therapy.

If Weiner needs help, he should resign and open up the seat to somebody who is not a basket case.
If the average Joe Blow did the same thing as Weiner he would be called a "Sexual Predator."

So, why not call Weiner what he is a "Power Drunk Sexual Predator.”
This guy has some serious issues.
Now caught, he seeks "treatment" for his problems?
Anyone who thinks this pervert should remain in office, probably supports Larry Craig.

Weiner - resign and move on. You're pathetic.
Rehab also buys him two weeks or more out of the spotlight. In my opinion, you can't rehabilitate a sexual predator. Best just to lock them up and throw away the key.
This guy has some serious issues.
Now caught, he seeks "treatment" for his problems?
Anyone who thinks this pervert should remain in office, probably supports Larry Craig.

Weiner - resign and move on. You're pathetic.

Anyone who supports this little weasel is a Democrat. Craig was a Republican. Anyone who supports Weiner was screaming for Craig's head.

No pun inteneded...
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.

No what needs top be done is what I said earlier. He needs to be made an example of removed tared and feathered. The American people should do it's duty and police it's government.

Since tar and feathering is no longer acceptable (pity) we must go forward with the rule of law method.

Aren’t we suppose advance civilization and not drag it back to the dark ages?

Look at Bill Clinton he should have been removed from politics when he was governor of Arkansas. He carried on his private life like Caligula and did so right into the Oval office. If “We the People” had the balls to remove Clinton early on, he might not have had the chance of promoting and succeeding in signing the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000.

You might say Bill Clinton single handedly destroyed jobs in America. Clinton was so, sick he didn’t care if signing the "Bill" meant greedy American factories would quit America in favor for Chinese labor that would work for 38 cents an hour.

In the last 10 years 50,000 American companies have moved their factories to China and America has been the worse off for it. If Bill Clinton would have been taken out of politics early on this might not have happened.

“We The People” have to keep these politicians in check and constantly keep a 24/7 close watch on them. We can't let these sick S.O.B.'s destroy our country anymore! So everyone pick a shift.
Images of the human body are a danger to all mankind. Please seek permission before undressing. Someone might see you and die.
17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.

They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.

Notice how predators like Weiner work

They are grooming them for later

And hurry back to work because we need you.
Pelosi and self righteous Democrats who are asking for his resignation; “He without sin, cast the first stone.” Nobody should ever punish anybody for being bad because nobody is good. Roman 3;10...“There is not a righteous man, not even one.”

Pelosi, Waters
,etc has enough skeletons in their closet to get her impeached.
Seems to me he is addicted to the spotlight and power, which is why he is going into rehab, so that he can perpetuate his addiction by hiding out for a bit.

I would like to look at the credibility of the rehab center if they are enabling him to perpetuate his addiction.

Or is he just using the worn out sex addict excuse?
Rep. Weiner Used Congressional Gym As Backdrop


Rep. Anthony Weiner took numerous photos of himself -- clothed and partially nude -- at the House Members Gym and sent them to at least one woman ... raising questions about whether he used Congressional resources in his online exploits.

Representative Anthony Weiner Used Congressional Gym As Backdrop | TMZ.com

Some of us (I hope) have no prurient interest or desire for retribution.

I hope that 17 year old girl's father wants some retribution. If it were my daughter this pervert engaged on the Internet, I'd like his nuts on a silver platter for starters.
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.

No what needs top be done is what I said earlier. He needs to be made an example of removed tared and feathered. The American people should do it's duty and police it's government.

Since tar and feathering is no longer acceptable (pity) we must go forward with the rule of law method.

Aren’t we suppose advance civilization and not drag it back to the dark ages?

Look at Bill Clinton he should have been removed from politics when he was governor of Arkansas. He carried on his private life like Caligula and did so right into the Oval office. If “We the People” had the balls to remove Clinton early on, he might not have had the chance of promoting and succeeding in signing the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000.

You might say Bill Clinton single handedly destroyed jobs in America. Clinton was so, sick he didn’t care if signing the "Bill" meant greedy American factories would quit America in favor for Chinese labor that would work for 38 cents an hour.

In the last 10 years 50,000 American companies have moved their factories to China and America has been the worse off for it. If Bill Clinton would have been taken out of politics early on this might not have happened.

“We The People” have to keep these politicians in check and constantly keep a 24/7 close watch on them. We can't let these sick S.O.B.'s destroy our country anymore! So everyone pick a shift.

I won't put all the blame for the exodus of American jobs on Clinton. That 'bad act' could not have been accomplished without his support AND complicity of a GOP controlled Congress. They passed the legislation. He signed it. Another case of good intentions producing unanticipated negative consequences.

We have U.S. businesses sitting on more than $2 trillion dollars in investment money that will remain out of the economy so long as our fearless leaders continue to threaten higher taxes, impose ever more restrictive regulation, require artificially high wages and benefits (which is the single most deadly factor in U.S. jobs) and put job producing industries off limits.

Congressman Weiner and people like him supported every single job crushing initiative imposed by a Democratic Congress and our current President. The Republicans before them weren't a whole lot better.

Nevertheless, I wish we would vote people like Weiner out based on principles and national policy rather than via sex scandals and such.

I think we can do a whole lot better than that.

New photos leak out

See the Rep at his finest at TMZ


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