
It's pretty funny how TacKyLiberal claims he didn't say Weiner should get special treatment, yet has to bring up a laundry list of GOP members to deflect attention away from him.

Cheap and transparent...and typical.
Your call for "equitable justice" is still disingenious and makes you a hypocrite as well

Sorry, but it does

But hey, why stop with Vitter lets get all the bums out

Of course, odds are, the Democrats won't do too well with that

I'm sure you would have no problem with people running for office to at least produce a criminal background check for the public..

As you can see folks, Neo is just another neocon crank who spews a lot of talking points, but just becomes a simple parrot when confronted with information that contradicts his accusations.

Neo calls me a hypocrit, but has yet to produce any information where I say that Weiner or any Dem should not be treated the same as any Republican for similar crimes/transgressions. And Neo's smoke screen about "criminal background" check displays his ignorance and desparation to defend the neocon GOP, as anyone with a high school education knows that ANY Congressman or Senator is vetted by various federal security before confirmation.

Neo repeats the long disproved Rove 2008 election tactic.....repeating a lie until someone believes it. Unfortunately for Neo, the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing.

That's how obama got elected. it will be interesting in 2012 when he is no longer on the offensive but has to go on the defensive and back up the last 4 years. what will he do :lol:

Only an insipidly stubborn asshole would repeat this birther/oather/threeper/teabagger/neocon BS, and the Spoonman fits the bill in his first sentence. The hypocrisy of the GOP regarding Weiner is there for all to see, and they just can't stand it.

Rep. Anthony Weiner overconfidently sent emails -- to his porn star pal Ginger Lee, no less -- mocking former Senator Larry Craig's bathroom sex scandal ... just 2 weeks before Weinergate exploded.

In the May 12 email exchange -- obtained by TMZ -- Weiner warned Lee a "conservative blogger/troll" is trying to contact his female Twitter followers to do a story about them.

Lee responded by saying, "If you're sleeping with your Twitter followers, that would make for a way cooler headline than if you were trollin' for folks in the bathroom at an airport or something of that nature."

Weiner apparently thought the clear and direct shot at Craig's 2007 airport bathroom sex scandal was hysterical -- he responded with, "yeah, the joke's on me. some of my twitter followers hang out in airport bathrooms apparently. thats where trolls troll."...

Cocksure Representative Anthony Weiner MOCKED Former Senator Larry Craig Bathroom Sex Scandal | TMZ.com
WTF are you babbling about? Did I defend/support Weiner? Nope. I pointing out a FACT about Vitter that NO GOP pundit/parrot is willing to cop to....unless they do what YOU are doing here. Okay bunky, heres just a small list of GOP, conservative politicos and pundits that are less than exemplary:


Your call for "equitable justice" is still disingenious and makes you a hypocrite as well

Sorry, but it does

But hey, why stop with Vitter lets get all the bums out

Of course, odds are, the Democrats won't do too well with that

I'm sure you would have no problem with people running for office to at least produce a criminal background check for the public..

As you can see folks, Neo is just another neocon crank who spews a lot of talking points, but just becomes a simple parrot when confronted with information that contradicts his accusations.

Neo calls me a hypocrit, but has yet to produce any information where I say that Weiner or any Dem should not be treated the same as any Republican for similar crimes/transgressions. And Neo's smoke screen about "criminal background" check displays his ignorance and desparation to defend the neocon GOP, as anyone with a high school education knows that ANY Congressman or Senator is vetted by various federal security before confirmation.

Neo repeats the long disproved Rove 2008 election tactic.....repeating a lie until someone believes it. Unfortunately for Neo, the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing.

So are we to take it you are against the criminal background check?

Funny how that works

Smoke screen? Ignorance is yours my friend.
There is no background check done on EVERY Congressmen before confirmation- where are you pulling that fact from - MSNBC
Good luck trying to prove that one....

Again, most Americans would LOVE to see a criminal background check by all people running for office

What's to fear

Your hypocrisy "slip" is still showing and it is pink
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we would get more use out of him as


After 8 years of the Shrub, Gingrich, Palin, Boehner, King, Bachman and this REPUBLICAN OFFENDERS - SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREDATOR BILL O'REILLY you'll need all the help you can get.

All I'm hearing is Blah, Blah Blah. hey, it was your boy who just got caught with his pants down. so to speak

The Spoonman demonstrates the hearing/reading capabilities of a willfully ignorant neocon hypocrit.
The Spoonman demonstrates the hearing/reading capabilities of a willfully ignorant neocon hypocrit.

Hypocrite has an "e" on the end of it, you nattering nabob of nonsense.

If you are going to insult someone, at least use the proper spelling.
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It's pretty funny how TacKyLiberal claims he didn't say Weiner should get special treatment, yet has to bring up a laundry list of GOP members to deflect attention away from him.

Cheap and transparent...and typical.

What's hysterical is how Boedicca doesn't follow the chronology of the posts, which shows why I produce a laundry list of GOP members......it was NOT to deflect, but it was a RESPONSE of the list of Dem names another poster produced because they were pissed about the question as to why the conservatives are not asking for Vitter to resign.

Boedicca's neocon defense tactics are cheap, transparent....and typically dishonest.
It's pretty funny how TacKyLiberal claims he didn't say Weiner should get special treatment, yet has to bring up a laundry list of GOP members to deflect attention away from him.

Cheap and transparent...and typical.

What's hysterical is how Boedicca doesn't follow the chronology of the posts, which shows why I produce a laundry list of GOP members......it was NOT to deflect, but it was a RESPONSE of the list of Dem names another poster produced because they were pissed about the question as to why the conservatives are not asking for Vitter to resign.

Boedicca's neocon defense tactics are cheap, transparent....and typically dishonest.

it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.
The Spoonman demonstrates the hearing/reading capabilities of a willfully ignorant neocon hypocrit.

Hypocrite has an "e" on the end of it, you nattering nabob of nonsense.

If you are going to insult someone, at least use the proper spelling.

I stand corrected......The Spoonman demonstrates the hearing/reading capabilities of a willfully ignorant neocon hypocrite. :razz:
The Spoonman demonstrates the hearing/reading capabilities of a willfully ignorant neocon hypocrit.

Hypocrite has an "e" on the end of it, you nattering nabob of nonsense.

If you are going to insult someone, at least use the proper spelling.

I stand corrected......The Spoonman demonstrates the hearing/reading capabilities of a willfully ignorant neocon hypocrite. :razz:

Speaking of

have you produced any support where background checks are done on EVERY congressman ?
You know this theory you came up with

Can't do it
Funny how that works
Thank you for correcting your egregious spelling error.

And now, you're just an idiot who can spell. Spoonman has more intelligence in his left small toe than you do in your entire being.
It's pretty funny how TacKyLiberal claims he didn't say Weiner should get special treatment, yet has to bring up a laundry list of GOP members to deflect attention away from him.

Cheap and transparent...and typical.

What's hysterical is how Boedicca doesn't follow the chronology of the posts, which shows why I produce a laundry list of GOP members......it was NOT to deflect, but it was a RESPONSE of the list of Dem names another poster produced because they were pissed about the question as to why the conservatives are not asking for Vitter to resign.

Boedicca's neocon defense tactics are cheap, transparent....and typically dishonest.

it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.
If T is drunk (which I doubt, but, for the sake of argument, let's assume it as a fact in evidence), he can sober up.

You, however, will always be a moron.
Thank you for correcting your egregious spelling error.

And now, you're just an idiot who can spell. Spoonman has more intelligence in his left small toe than you do in your entire being.

As we can see folks, I'm dealing with the intellectual/emotional equivalent of high school freshmen. Boedicca was proven dead wrong in her accusation, and she doesn't have the maturity to admit such. So instead, she drops to the childish ranting that seems to be "T"s mark in trade.

All this because I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the right wing-nuts ranting about Weiner yet either silent or excusing Vitter. I defend or endorse neither.
What's hysterical is how Boedicca doesn't follow the chronology of the posts, which shows why I produce a laundry list of GOP members......it was NOT to deflect, but it was a RESPONSE of the list of Dem names another poster produced because they were pissed about the question as to why the conservatives are not asking for Vitter to resign.

Boedicca's neocon defense tactics are cheap, transparent....and typically dishonest.

it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.

You guess wrong cumquat...and deflect in an attempt to obfuscate. Doesn't work muchacho...
Thank you for correcting your egregious spelling error.

And now, you're just an idiot who can spell. Spoonman has more intelligence in his left small toe than you do in your entire being.

As we can see folks, I'm dealing with the intellectual/emotional equivalent of high school freshmen. Boedicca was proven dead wrong in her accusation, and she doesn't have the maturity to admit such. So instead, she drops to the childish ranting that seems to be "T"s mark in trade.

All this because I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the right wing-nuts ranting about Weiner yet either silent or excusing Vitter. I defend or endorse neither.

Vitter has absolutely NO RESPONSIBILTY for Weiner's behavior.
What's hysterical is how Boedicca doesn't follow the chronology of the posts, which shows why I produce a laundry list of GOP members......it was NOT to deflect, but it was a RESPONSE of the list of Dem names another poster produced because they were pissed about the question as to why the conservatives are not asking for Vitter to resign.

Boedicca's neocon defense tactics are cheap, transparent....and typically dishonest.

it's HER fucking thread...and everything she said is TRUE...Suck it up TOAD.

Sorry, my intellectually immature 'T', but the chronology of the posts shows that Boedicca's assertion/accusation in this instance is dead wrong.....authorship non-withstanding.

Folks,"T" is either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence. Rational repsonses to "T" are proving fruitless, and he'll soon have to be ignored.

Speaking of either a drunk, a silly teenager, or a man of limited intelligence

How is that proof of where ALL congressmen get Federal background checks coming along?

Strange, it is almost like you don't know
where you just pulling that fact out of your ass - hoping it was right
or did you pull a Weiner and lie about it?
Thank you for correcting your egregious spelling error.

And now, you're just an idiot who can spell. Spoonman has more intelligence in his left small toe than you do in your entire being.

As we can see folks, I'm dealing with the intellectual/emotional equivalent of high school freshmen. Boedicca was proven dead wrong in her accusation, and she doesn't have the maturity to admit such. So instead, she drops to the childish ranting that seems to be "T"s mark in trade.

All this because I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the right wing-nuts ranting about Weiner yet either silent or excusing Vitter. I defend or endorse neither.
You are dealing with YOURSELF and your excuses as to your failure...Anything else is BUNK...garbage...rhetoric with NO basis in FACT.

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