
Bottom line: the information is dead on accurate and details the recent history of a Republican politico that proves Chris and MarcATL correct on one point. All the denial, dismisal and name calling won't change that.

The desperation of you sycophants is amusing.

Taichi crawls into the clown car with rest...

And here's another intellectually stunted neocon parrot who cannot logically or factually disprove what Chris and MarcAtl posted, so he just spews Uncensored2008 sour grapes. Pathetic.
Bottom line: the information is dead on accurate and details the recent history of a Republican politico that proves Chris and MarcATL correct on one point. All the denial, dismisal and name calling won't change that.

The desperation of you sycophants is amusing.

Taichi crawls into the clown car with rest...

Oh come on uncensored, sounds like they conceeded ALL the other points. :lol:

Like your icon, I'm unimpressed.
Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

I couldn't agree more. I hope that Weiner doesn't resign. What he did was stupid not illegal and so far not one congresscritter has resigned for being stupid (that I can think of anyway)

But Vitter was caught being involved with the DC Madam which is not only stupid, but illegal and was allowed to apologize and NOT asked to resign. And that was in 2007 after running as a family values candidate. Hypocrisy? You betcha!
Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Nice try asswipe but the last time I looked it was DemonRats calling for the weenie man to quit.. twern't it?

WTF is your problem, toodles? Did I say I defended Weiner? Nope! I'm just pointing out that the GOP and the neocon punditry/parrots are full of it when they bray like jackasses about Weiner while being dead quiet about Vitter.

Matter of fact, matter of history....TFB if you're too much of a clown Jester to handle it.

Sure Vitter should quit

But why stop with just him?

Braney Frank
Maxine Waters

Your parrotting of MSNBC and the radical Left talking points shows a lack of imagination on your part

Indeed, your hypocrisy is showing in your rather "limited" calls of justice
Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

I couldn't agree more. I hope that Weiner doesn't resign. What he did was stupid not illegal and so far not one congresscritter has resigned for being stupid (that I can think of anyway)

But Vitter was caught being involved with the DC Madam which is not only stupid, but illegal and was allowed to apologize and NOT asked to resign. And that was in 2007 after running as a family values candidate. Hypocrisy? You betcha!
I see we have an non-bias view :razz:
Think Weiner can get a job at an insurance company?

Talk in the city, he has a new one lined up

Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

... I hope that Weiner doesn't resign. ...

The GOP hopes that Weiner doesn't resign, either.
That idiot Barbara Walter's actually suggested that Weiner might have did what he did because of lack of attention from his Wife. She said he probably was "lonely". LMAO! What an ignorant old leftist owned hag. ~BH

That's because the left do not believe in personal responsibility, they believe that you can do whatever the hell you wanna do and it will always be someone elses fault. Which is why we have so many criminals and lazy bums running around in our country, noone is making them responsible.

Yep, No accountability whatsoever. Look at John Edwards, what a bottomfeeder. Out screwing some other Women while his wife dies of cancer. What a winner. He should just stick to doing retractable awning commercials. :razz: ~BH
Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

... I hope that Weiner doesn't resign. ...

The GOP hopes that Weiner doesn't resign, either.


we would get more use out of him as

heh...I have to say, from everything I've read about the guy he has an eating disorder and all his actions stem from this fact.

I have nothing but pity for him and I hope he gets the help he needs.
Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

... I hope that Weiner doesn't resign. ...

The GOP hopes that Weiner doesn't resign, either.

They can keep him around atleast until after November. I would be ok with that. :razz: ~BH
17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.
Think Weiner can get a job at an insurance company?

Talk in the city, he has a new one lined up

I notice the radical left keeps pushing this Vitter story since they have nothing else

I say lets run with it


If the Left is so concerned about these kind of issues then the US should have a detailed accounting/ investigation of all members of Congress both Houses.

The American people should demand criminal checks before they run, as well.

hmm, makes one wonder which side would have the biggest problem with this
17 year old girl? Are radical dems going to defend an internet pedophile? Bring it on. The longer the weenie stays in office the worse old line democrats look.

They are. The new excuse is one offered by Rangel: "He wasn't going out with little boys".

Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations.

Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with little boys."

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' | CNSnews.com

So, from this we can discern that Dem Morality means anything goes as long as one can identify somebody else who has done something worse as a deflection.

Personally, I don't think a grown man seeing an adult prostitute is as bad as a grown man trawling for underage girls on the internets.
Talk in the city, he has a new one lined up

I notice the radical left keeps pushing this Vitter story since they have nothing else

I say lets run with it


If the Left is so concerned about these kind of issues then the US should have a detailed accounting/ investigation of all members of Congress both Houses.

The American people should demand criminal checks before they run, as well.

hmm, makes one wonder which side would have the biggest problem with this

What I find interesting is that Vitter's prostitute situation is from the same era as L'Affair Lewinsky. The same people who are calling for Vitter's resignation now likely defended Clinton's affair with Lewinsky as being "just sex...everybody lies about it" and a "family matter".

I'd say Vitter and Clinton offset each other, and the Dems should focus on the present.

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