
Higher standard? Whose standards, yours?

If you'd ever been to Europe, you would understand that certain things aren't really a big deal, like women going topless on public beaches, or men going to brothels. Both are legal in Europe.

Interestingly enough, the ones that think they have "higher moral standards" are usually the ones that are bigoted and inbred in their thinking, because everyone else is supposed to think like they do. Ever hear of Ted Haggard? He was one of them idiots too.

Try again "The 'Tard".
Ain't talkin' about EUROPE you dweeb.

Get with the program and stop obfuscating...:eusa_hand:

Like I said, those with "higher moral standards" are usually bigoted and inbred thinkers, because like Rush Limbaugh, they believe that everyone should adhere to their standard, and in effect, become ditto heads (meaning you're a clone of your leader), meaning no new thought.

Try again retard.
Speaking of thinkers? The Highlighted just eliminated YOUR sorry ass.
Ain't talkin' about EUROPE you dweeb.

Get with the program and stop obfuscating...:eusa_hand:

Like I said, those with "higher moral standards" are usually bigoted and inbred thinkers, because like Rush Limbaugh, they believe that everyone should adhere to their standard, and in effect, become ditto heads (meaning you're a clone of your leader), meaning no new thought.

Try again retard.

I don't think Rush holds himself to any standard. and if he does, he has failed miserably to meet it.
Too many have tried to hold him to anything...But why would anyone hold an independent thinker to their own standard, and force someone as Rush, to enforce it? It Defies Logic.
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.
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Like I said, those with "higher moral standards" are usually bigoted and inbred thinkers, because like Rush Limbaugh, they believe that everyone should adhere to their standard, and in effect, become ditto heads (meaning you're a clone of your leader), meaning no new thought.

Try again retard.

I don't think Rush holds himself to any standard. and if he does, he has failed miserably to meet it.
Too many have tried to hold him to anything...But why would anyone hold an independent thinker to their own standard, and force someone as Rush, to enforce it? It Defies Logic.

I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.

His "mental illness" does explain a lot. When I would see him arguing on TV, I would always wonder if he was on crack. I wouldn't doubt it if we find out he's an alcoholic and/or drug addict.
Whenever I saw him argue on T.V it was as though he was possessed by a bully demon telling him "Don't stray from the message and prove everyone idiotic and maybe no one will notice that you’re a possessed puppet."
I don't think Rush holds himself to any standard. and if he does, he has failed miserably to meet it.
Too many have tried to hold him to anything...But why would anyone hold an independent thinker to their own standard, and force someone as Rush, to enforce it? It Defies Logic.

I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.
And Rush paid for his addiction didn't he? perhaps you've forgotten? And NO...it doesn't do a THING for Tony WEINER'S problem either, now does it? NO.
Too many have tried to hold him to anything...But why would anyone hold an independent thinker to their own standard, and force someone as Rush, to enforce it? It Defies Logic.

I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.
And Rush paid for his addiction didn't he? perhaps you've forgotten? And NO...it doesn't do a THING for Tony WEINER'S problem either, now does it? NO.

he's still a hypocrite whether he paid for it or not. and I wasn't talking about the congressman in that post, or have you forgotten?
I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.
And Rush paid for his addiction didn't he? perhaps you've forgotten? And NO...it doesn't do a THING for Tony WEINER'S problem either, now does it? NO.

he's still a hypocrite whether he paid for it or not. and I wasn't talking about the congressman in that post, or have you forgotten?

*I* don't buy into it. Rush' problem was over long ago. You shouldn't dwell nor relate it to WEINER...it isn't becoming my friend.
The problem is - people keep on buying the bullshit they hear out of these politicians mouths.

Most politicians are narcissistic assclown tyrant liars, and Wiener is no exception.

This dildo is a fool and he should be held to a higher standard, what he did may be legal however its unethical given his position er standing in government..

Now, if this cock is going to take his position or standing as a government official like this - imagine how seriously he takes his job duties???

Wiener is like a little teenager...

Teenager? OMG he's one of those voting on laws that according to the U.S. Constitution we must live with. It's time for real change.


Did you see his little dumb shit rant on the floor??

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBqtyvn7OVw&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Ever met a Republican not Owned by the Insurance Industry?‬‏[/ame]

What a ranting puke bag this bottomfeeding pervert is. Someone should ask ugly exactly how many Democrats are owned by The Unions? Now he's gonna seek treatment supposedly, What a joke. I have to say though, I really enjoy watching this carpetbagger's life flushed down the toilet. It couldn't have happened to a better scum bag. :clap2: ~BH
And Rush paid for his addiction didn't he? perhaps you've forgotten? And NO...it doesn't do a THING for Tony WEINER'S problem either, now does it? NO.

he's still a hypocrite whether he paid for it or not. and I wasn't talking about the congressman in that post, or have you forgotten?

*I* don't buy into it. Rush' problem was over long ago. You shouldn't dwell nor relate it to WEINER...it isn't becoming my friend.

I didn't relate it to Weiner. It's a separate issue. I was addressing a point about Rush. I don't dwell on Rush's hypocrisy. . he's just a hypocrite.
he's still a hypocrite whether he paid for it or not. and I wasn't talking about the congressman in that post, or have you forgotten?

*I* don't buy into it. Rush' problem was over long ago. You shouldn't dwell nor relate it to WEINER...it isn't becoming my friend.

I didn't relate it to Weiner. It's a separate issue. I was addressing a point about Rush. I don't dwell on Rush's hypocrisy. . he's just a hypocrite.

Then that he will reamain in these annals...*Done Deal*. ;)
What needs to happen now is for someone to start a website and collect donations to monetarily reward women to come forward with evidence showing Anthony Weiner’s sexual depravity.

Weiner will have to be forced out of office because someone as mentally ill as he is, doesn’t know he’s mentally ill. No doubt his P.R. people and handlers have arranged his rehabilitation stay for damage control of the current situation.

Anyone mentally unstable has no business in any political position because they can easily be manipulated.

His "mental illness" does explain a lot. When I would see him arguing on TV, I would always wonder if he was on crack. I wouldn't doubt it if we find out he's an alcoholic and/or drug addict.
weiner is a SICk individual individual. *I* hope he stays on the Democrat Roster.
It has become a pattern among celebrities who have committed really serious personal faux pas sufficient to make them lose popularity or box office draw power to claim some sort of addiction or affliction and enter rehab to be 'cured'. And then all is supposed to be forgiven.

I think some of that is beginning to creep into the political scene as well.

Rush was a hypocrite yes when he was using drugs illegally or inappropriately while calling out 'dopeheads' on his radio show. However, no addict KNOWS or ADMITs he or she is addicted and usually can convince themselves they are not for a long time. Rush received his comeuppance when charged with illegally purchasing and using prescription meds and when those meds that he abused took his hearing. He was then able to admit and face up to his addiction and get help for it. I have not detected any relapse in him since that time.

Since his public admission of addiction and rehab, he has not, to the best of my knowledge, been on the case of dopeheads or drug abusers.

Those who have been addicted to alcohol or any other substance, have been able to break the addiction and get 'sober' will have great sympathy for Rush for they have, to a man or woman, ALL been guilty of Rush's kind of hypocrisy. And they ALL needed help to recognize, understand, and break their addictions. And ALL did suffer from a kind of mental illness while addicted.

I don't know whether Congressman Weiner is addicted to anything or not, but I'm sure some think it would be more socially acceptable to be an addict or mentally ill instead of a pervert. :) I have not presumed to judge him as a person. I do judge what he did to be incredibly inappropriate, reckless, and demonstrated incredibly poor judgment of a type nobody entrusted with the U.S. Government should be demonstrating.
he's still a hypocrite whether he paid for it or not. and I wasn't talking about the congressman in that post, or have you forgotten?

*I* don't buy into it. Rush' problem was over long ago. You shouldn't dwell nor relate it to WEINER...it isn't becoming my friend.

I didn't relate it to Weiner. It's a separate issue. I was addressing a point about Rush. I don't dwell on Rush's hypocrisy. . he's just a hypocrite.

why is Rush being discussed in a weiner thread? doyathink?
*I* don't buy into it. Rush' problem was over long ago. You shouldn't dwell nor relate it to WEINER...it isn't becoming my friend.

I didn't relate it to Weiner. It's a separate issue. I was addressing a point about Rush. I don't dwell on Rush's hypocrisy. . he's just a hypocrite.

why is Rush being discussed in a weiner thread? doyathink?

I was responding to a point ABS made about Rush. that's all.
*I* don't buy into it. Rush' problem was over long ago. You shouldn't dwell nor relate it to WEINER...it isn't becoming my friend.

I didn't relate it to Weiner. It's a separate issue. I was addressing a point about Rush. I don't dwell on Rush's hypocrisy. . he's just a hypocrite.

why is Rush being discussed in a weiner thread? doyathink?

Because he is a polarizing figure like Sarah Palin or George W. Bush or Ann Coulter and is convenient to deflect attention from an embarrassing or uncomfortable subject. :)

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