
That idiot Barbara Walter's actually suggested that Weiner might have did what he did because of lack of attention from his Wife. She said he probably was "lonely". LMAO! What an ignorant old leftist owned hag. ~BH
That idiot Barbara Walter's actually suggested that Weiner might have did what he did because of lack of attention from his Wife. She said he probably was "lonely". LMAO! What an ignorant old leftist owned hag. ~BH

have any of the predators on Chris Hanson tried that excuse yet?
It has become a pattern among celebrities who have committed really serious personal faux pas sufficient to make them lose popularity or box office draw power to claim some sort of addiction or affliction and enter rehab to be 'cured'. And then all is supposed to be forgiven.

I think some of that is beginning to creep into the political scene as well.

Rush was a hypocrite yes when he was using drugs illegally or inappropriately while calling out 'dopeheads' on his radio show. However, no addict KNOWS or ADMITs he or she is addicted and usually can convince themselves they are not for a long time. Rush received his comeuppance when charged with illegally purchasing and using prescription meds and when those meds that he abused took his hearing. He was then able to admit and face up to his addiction and get help for it. I have not detected any relapse in him since that time.

Since his public admission of addiction and rehab, he has not, to the best of my knowledge, been on the case of dopeheads or drug abusers.

Those who have been addicted to alcohol or any other substance, have been able to break the addiction and get 'sober' will have great sympathy for Rush for they have, to a man or woman, ALL been guilty of Rush's kind of hypocrisy. And they ALL needed help to recognize, understand, and break their addictions. And ALL did suffer from a kind of mental illness while addicted.

I don't know whether Congressman Weiner is addicted to anything or not, but I'm sure some think it would be more socially acceptable to be an addict or mentally ill instead of a pervert. :) I have not presumed to judge him as a person. I do judge what he did to be incredibly inappropriate, reckless, and demonstrated incredibly poor judgment of a type nobody entrusted with the U.S. Government should be demonstrating.
First? Great post here...Well thought out...greymatter in full force...

The fact of the matter here as you outline is not RUSH and the DOGS he had to fight off but that of Tony Weiner...to wit this thread is of...

The man is sick...Going to REHAB or not? He won't be wiped off the DNC roles, or expunged from the Congress...but given an excuse to go get whatever HELP he might need or care to garner.

He will remain on the Congressional ROLES. A TRIAL of the magnatude to expell him won't happen. HE will be given a Leave OF ABSENCE...to combat his dogs...

Too bad so many have forgotten that his WIFE works for the Secratary Of State...and leaves US in peril to her being compromised?

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I don't think Rush holds himself to any standard. and if he does, he has failed miserably to meet it.
Too many have tried to hold him to anything...But why would anyone hold an independent thinker to their own standard, and force someone as Rush, to enforce it? It Defies Logic.

I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.

Hypocrite perhaps, what was his stand, if any, on drug users?

Regardless, it does not mean one is wrong on ideas
Truth is truth - regardless of source
Too many have tried to hold him to anything...But why would anyone hold an independent thinker to their own standard, and force someone as Rush, to enforce it? It Defies Logic.

I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.

Hypocrite perhaps, what was his stand, if any, on drug users?

Regardless, it does not mean one is wrong on ideas
Truth is truth - regardless of source

you are correct. that's the point i was making. if hitler says genocide is wrong, he is correct..... but a hypocrite.
I am familiar with the fallacy of" he doesn't do what he says is right, therefore he shouldn't be listened to about what's right". I can't remember the name of the fallacy right now.
I am saying Rush is a hypocrite.

Hypocrite perhaps, what was his stand, if any, on drug users?

Regardless, it does not mean one is wrong on ideas
Truth is truth - regardless of source

you are correct. that's the point i was making. if hitler says genocide is wrong, he is correct..... but a hypocrite.

hmm, hitler is just for an example, I'm sure- not a comparison. Would almost be like a use of Godwin's Law

for example, one could also say

If Jesus told someone "Father punish them for they know not what they do"
He would be a hypocrite
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Hypocrite perhaps, what was his stand, if any, on drug users?

Regardless, it does not mean one is wrong on ideas
Truth is truth - regardless of source

you are correct. that's the point i was making. if hitler says genocide is wrong, he is correct..... but a hypocrite.

hmm, hitler is just for an example, I'm sure- not a comparison. Would almost be like a use of Godwin's Law

for example, one could also say

If Jesus told someone "Father punish them for they know not what they do"
He would be a hypocrite

it was for example. yes.

although Godwin's law has limitations. what if you're discussing Goebbels?
you are correct. that's the point i was making. if hitler says genocide is wrong, he is correct..... but a hypocrite.

hmm, hitler is just for an example, I'm sure- not a comparison. Would almost be like a use of Godwin's Law

for example, one could also say

If Jesus told someone "Father punish them for they know not what they do"
He would be a hypocrite

it was for example. yes.

although Godwin's law has limitations. what if you're discussing Goebbels?

Granted, one would think any discussion on Nazi's as the main topic would invalidate the use of Godwin's Law :lol:

or one could argue that the "time lmit" is 0 and Godwin's is automatic

It does make one wonder what would be the corollary for Nazi's discussing some thread ?
Godwin's Law where one is called a "jew" ?
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Weiner's leave will give the leadership time to move all his stuff to the basement. Projects start getting cancelled in the district. Stick a fork in him.
Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.

Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.
Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.

Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

Kennedy was a CRIMINAL as was his BROTHER...BRING IT TachyBOI
Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.

Kennedy is DEAD, genius....has been for a LONG TIME. No one ever had proof of his affairs while he was in office, since in America 'rumors' are not grounds for impeachment. Vitter is VERY much alive and in office DESPITE BEING CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES THAT SHOULD HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

The GOP are hypocrits....deal with it.

1. Occurring or appearing after the death of the originator.
Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Why aren't the democrats calling for Kennedy to posthumusly being stripped of the presidency? He had an affair.
Or Clinton, who spooged all over a blue dress while receiving a BJ, and shoving cigars in the snatch of a typically fat, naive liberal intern, in the oval office on company and the taxpayers dime?

Fact is, Vitters name was on a list........Weiner got caught red handed (both literally and figuratively), and then stood before the taxpayers and LIED HIS BIG NOSED LIBERAL ASS OFF.

Nice legacy for that big mouthed, obnoxious LIBERAL piece o' shit to leave his soon to be born child......John Edwards must be so proud of his LIBERAL buddy!

Know your facts, genius...Vitter was not only on a list, but it was PROVEN that he was using his cell phone to hook up with hookers while on the Congressional floor, and was being serviced by the ladies of the evening while calling for Clinton's head during the Lewinsky affair.

Oh, and it was an ILLEGAL wire tap that put Starr wise to Lewinsky....which had NOTHING to do with his investigation into possible insider trading by Hillary that netted $100 grand.

And Kennedy has been dead for some time now...and there was never an investigation as to infidelity with Kennedy, as in the USA, 'rumors' are NOT grounds for impeachment.

Oh, and yeah Edwards is an idiot....just like the toe tapper in the men's room, the guy who zipped over to South America for a quickie, Foley the boy chaser, etc., etc.

If you REALLY want to do a point for point, bunky, you may not like what you find.
That idiot Barbara Walter's actually suggested that Weiner might have did what he did because of lack of attention from his Wife. She said he probably was "lonely". LMAO! What an ignorant old leftist owned hag. ~BH

That's because the left do not believe in personal responsibility, they believe that you can do whatever the hell you wanna do and it will always be someone elses fault. Which is why we have so many criminals and lazy bums running around in our country, noone is making them responsible.
Being purposefully stupid doesn't become you.. Weiner tried to destroy Brietbart but Brietbart had the goods to back up his story.. I'm starting to feel sorry for Weiner cause he appears to be his own worst enemy.

Again, why is the GOP NOT calling for Vitter, a publicly exposed whore monger, to resign while at the same time screaming for Weiner's blood. Remember, Vitter LIED about being a family values guy while screaming for Clinton to resign over Lewinsky.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Nice try asswipe but the last time I looked it was DemonRats calling for the weenie man to quit.. twern't it?

WTF is your problem, toodles? Did I say I defended Weiner? Nope! I'm just pointing out that the GOP and the neocon punditry/parrots are full of it when they bray like jackasses about Weiner while being dead quiet about Vitter.

Matter of fact, matter of history....TFB if you're too much of a clown Jester to handle it.

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