Weird, But I'm Not Surprised

And what are these people anyway? Small boistrous groups of people looking for a little publicity and the feeling of inclusion?

Why does this small group run the party? Why are their values part of the parties platform?
And what are these people anyway? Small boistrous groups of people looking for a little publicity and the feeling of inclusion?

Why does this small group run the party? Why are their values part of the parties platform?

Well, for various reasons....all of them venial. Some voters will be attracted by these hater platforms, while others will be offended. However, the offended ones will STILL vote GOP, because the overspending by Dems is nonetheless the greater evil. So there is a net sum gain by including hater platforms in terms of total votes...or so the thinking goes.

Some pundits think it is easier to sway independents with a hater platform than one about taxes and spending....and for sure, the rhetoric can really be ratched up.

Some of it is because the haters are noisy and demanding and those of us who do not share their POVs are too complacent, and don't fight back.
can someone name one thing that was on either party's party platform that was ever enacted into law?
Tax cuts -- GOP
and thats one of the things you dont like?

Generally speaking, no. Right now I'm far more concerned with spending, but in more normal times tax cuts are good.
so again i ask, what party's party platform has had any legal effect that everyone is bitching about
since both party's platforms pander to their base
have either of them actually done what was radical in the platforms
i know opposition to abortion has been part of the GOP platform for over 30 years

is abortion illegal?
smaller government has also been in ther GOP party platform for the same amount of time

what happened when the GOP had all 3 bodies of elected goverment?
government got BIGGER
and thats one of the things you dont like?

Generally speaking, no. Right now I'm far more concerned with spending, but in more normal times tax cuts are good.
so again i ask, what party's party platform has had any legal effect that everyone is bitching about
since both party's platforms pander to their base
have either of them actually done what was radical in the platforms
i know opposition to abortion has been part of the GOP platform for over 30 years

is abortion illegal?

haven't had enough conservatives in supreme court to overturn roe.
Generally speaking, no. Right now I'm far more concerned with spending, but in more normal times tax cuts are good.
so again i ask, what party's party platform has had any legal effect that everyone is bitching about
since both party's platforms pander to their base
have either of them actually done what was radical in the platforms
i know opposition to abortion has been part of the GOP platform for over 30 years

is abortion illegal?

haven't had enough conservatives in supreme court to overturn roe.
and doing that wouldn't make abortion illegal
it would just return it to where it belongs, the states
so again i ask, what party's party platform has had any legal effect that everyone is bitching about
since both party's platforms pander to their base
have either of them actually done what was radical in the platforms
i know opposition to abortion has been part of the GOP platform for over 30 years

is abortion illegal?

haven't had enough conservatives in supreme court to overturn roe.
and doing that wouldn't make abortion illegal
it would just return it to where it belongs, the states

i didn't think it was legal anywhere in the US before 1973.
Most state constitutions recognize an express right to privacy. Abortion cannot be criminalized in such states without amendments being passed.

Yest despite how fruitless the search for an abortion crime law might be, we offend a goodly number of women and men and drive them off just to pander to the religious right.

I think it sucks.
haven't had enough conservatives in supreme court to overturn roe.
and doing that wouldn't make abortion illegal
it would just return it to where it belongs, the states

i didn't think it was legal anywhere in the US before 1973.

One of many myths people believe about Roe v. Wade. Abortion laws varied widely from state to state, and some states with restrictive abortion laws still saw nearly as many legal abortions as states with liberal ones. I believe Kansas had almost as many the year before Roe v. Wade as California did.
Well Moddy, stalker, I didn't make it up.

Oh but you agree with it, otherwise you wouldn't post it.

You remind me of a immature 12 year old by trying to call me a stalker. Just because someone is willing to call you out on your obvious bullshit doesn't make them a stalker.

USMB is a good example of how many Conservatives feel about Homosexuals. Many of them, when they're not using slurs, they're comparing homosexuals marrying to animals marrying or kids marrying adults. Or other bullshit that is just so insane to even read. Or they're saying homosexuality is a disease.

I guess one can be "tolerant" when they consider the person they're talking to someone who needs to be cured from some disease or mental problem, eh? Give me a break.

You are beyond stupid. You believe only you have the right to an opinion. Guess what little turd, everyone legally has that right. FURTHER they have the right to politically express that opinion and to legally vote for laws they support. Not just you liberal bed wetters.
Just add the word Social in front of conservative and I would not have said anything.

It's all good now, Sorry, I get upset quick when I see people lumping all Cons in the same socially conservative group. Happens a lot and it is rather annoying.

The thing is, like I said, social conservatism has hijacked the Conservative movement. Until the real Conservatives take it back, they are going to be considered one in the same in regular conversation for obvious reasons. Like I said before, I have many Conservatives friends both here and offline that are all for LGBT issues. However, that's not the case as a whole in Conservatism from what I've seen.
Then you're willfully blind.
Just add the word Social in front of conservative and I would not have said anything.

It's all good now, Sorry, I get upset quick when I see people lumping all Cons in the same socially conservative group. Happens a lot and it is rather annoying.

The thing is, like I said, social conservatism has hijacked the Conservative movement. Until the real Conservatives take it back, they are going to be considered one in the same in regular conversation for obvious reasons. Like I said before, I have many Conservatives friends both here and offline that are all for LGBT issues. However, that's not the case as a whole in Conservatism from what I've seen.
Then you're willfully blind.

Bullshit, Si.
Actually, it has more to do with the fact that the statement was bullshit. Why mispresent what I say and believe? You don't see me doing it to you, do you? Think I can get just as much of a fair shake in return?

Fair shake? LMAO! I post an op-ed, which was certainly fair game for you to respond to, but you chose to personally attack me. Then my posting style in general. Why? Who knows? You've been doing so for months. If you did it to all conservatives, well then you just would be a poor poster, but you seem to go after me. Again, your problem, but I'm tired of trying to ignore you.

Annie, it is page seven of this thread. Modbert has not attacked you personally here that I can see.

Stop wringing your hands. Even if it has happened in the past, no one ever died from a little ad hominem......we all get it, so put on your Big Girl Panties and Get Over It Already.

Madeline posting about something about which she knows jack shit.

Quelle surprise. :rolleyes:

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