Weird, But I'm Not Surprised

those that think bush was behind 9/11 i wouldnt put in either political party, but in a group all their own (troofer morons)
but even using the word "many" is inaccurate the word "some" is not

The word many and some are interchangeable. At this point, the majority of the thread bitching to me has been about semantics more than anything.
as if you've never "bitched about semantics"
I call BS on that...I would say vast majority...
and, as usual, you are wrong

No I am not...been on this board a lot longer than you, and the vast majority of conservatives on this board is anti-homosexual. You know that list I made on the other thread? About 90 percent of them are anti-gay...and note the likes of Pale Rider and Liability are not even on that list and they are vehemently anti-gay....
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too
those that think bush was behind 9/11 i wouldnt put in either political party, but in a group all their own (troofer morons)
but even using the word "many" is inaccurate the word "some" is not

The word many and some are interchangeable. At this point, the majority of the thread bitching to me has been about semantics more than anything.

Just add the word Social in front of conservative and I would not have said anything.

It's all good now, Sorry, I get upset quick when I see people lumping all Cons in the same socially conservative group. Happens a lot and it is rather annoying.
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too

Oh yeah. :rolleyes:

What MAN wants to have to SHOWER with some FAGGOT eyeing him up? Does the straight guy then beat the shit otta the homo? Who gets in trouble?

If you're going to let queers shower with straight guys, then why in the HELL can't straight guys shower with women? The sexual attraction is the same.... is it not?

Homos are a fucking problem, no matter how you fucking look at it.
and, as usual, you are wrong

No I am not...been on this board a lot longer than you, and the vast majority of conservatives on this board is anti-homosexual. You know that list I made on the other thread? About 90 percent of them are anti-gay...and note the likes of Pale Rider and Liability are not even on that list and they are vehemently anti-gay....
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too

You realize that he's defining "anti-gay" as "doesn't agree with me on certain political issues".
Just add the word Social in front of conservative and I would not have said anything.

It's all good now, Sorry, I get upset quick when I see people lumping all Cons in the same socially conservative group. Happens a lot and it is rather annoying.

The thing is, like I said, social conservatism has hijacked the Conservative movement. Until the real Conservatives take it back, they are going to be considered one in the same in regular conversation for obvious reasons. Like I said before, I have many Conservatives friends both here and offline that are all for LGBT issues. However, that's not the case as a whole in Conservatism from what I've seen.
No I am not...been on this board a lot longer than you, and the vast majority of conservatives on this board is anti-homosexual. You know that list I made on the other thread? About 90 percent of them are anti-gay...and note the likes of Pale Rider and Liability are not even on that list and they are vehemently anti-gay....
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too

You realize that he's defining "anti-gay" as "doesn't agree with me on certain political issues".

Any Republican who supports Pale Rider's belief is anti-gay and that belief is not welcome in the respectable portion of the Republican Party. I believe that Cecilie1200 does not support PR's homophobia. I don't remember any support of homophobia by Liability. Homophobia is not welcome in the respectable Republican Party.
Just add the word Social in front of conservative and I would not have said anything.

It's all good now, Sorry, I get upset quick when I see people lumping all Cons in the same socially conservative group. Happens a lot and it is rather annoying.

The thing is, like I said, social conservatism has hijacked the Conservative movement. Until the real Conservatives take it back, they are going to be considered one in the same in regular conversation for obvious reasons. Like I said before, I have many Conservatives friends both here and offline that are all for LGBT issues. However, that's not the case as a whole in Conservatism from what I've seen.

The same can be said for Many Democrats today. Most of them do not share the views of the Far left. Yet the Far left is running the show in the Democrat party.

Seems both extremes need a beating if you ask me.
Nah, the Far Left does not run it (although it would like to) any more than the fauxright runs the GOP (and is trying so hard to do). If either extreme gets control, it will destroy the viability of the party to compete.
Nah, the Far Left does not run it (although it would like to) any more than the fauxright runs the GOP (and is trying so hard to do). If either extreme gets control, it will destroy the viability of the party to compete.

I don't know to me Harry and nancy Seems pretty far left of Moderate Democrats on most issues, and last time I check they were running the show.
and, as usual, you are wrong

No I am not...been on this board a lot longer than you, and the vast majority of conservatives on this board is anti-homosexual. You know that list I made on the other thread? About 90 percent of them are anti-gay...and note the likes of Pale Rider and Liability are not even on that list and they are vehemently anti-gay....
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too

Which is why I said 90 percent, not 100

and you would be dead wrong about Pale...And maybe I meant Mal - I get him and Liability mixed up all the time...
No I am not...been on this board a lot longer than you, and the vast majority of conservatives on this board is anti-homosexual. You know that list I made on the other thread? About 90 percent of them are anti-gay...and note the likes of Pale Rider and Liability are not even on that list and they are vehemently anti-gay....
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too

Which is why I said 90 percent, not 100

and you would be dead wrong about Pale...And maybe I meant Mal - I get him and Liability mixed up all the time...

I don't think the number is 90%. If I had to guess I would say Hard core Social Conservatives at best make up about 50% of the party. IMO anyways.
Liability isnt anti-gay
i dont know how pale rider stands on gay issues, but i doubt he would fall into the anti-gay list
i'm not anti-gay and you put me on your list too

Oh yeah. :rolleyes:

What MAN wants to have to SHOWER with some FAGGOT eyeing him up? Does the straight guy then beat the shit otta the homo? Who gets in trouble?

If you're going to let queers shower with straight guys, then why in the HELL can't straight guys shower with women? The sexual attraction is the same.... is it not?

Homos are a fucking problem, no matter how you fucking look at it.
he's anti-gay
i said i didnt know
I know you would, Charles_Main, but quite a number here of the fauxright are racist, homophobic, and sexist. They always need to be called out because they damage good Republican policies. Those folks have to be cast off.

Well, therein lies the real problem, JakeStakey. The GOP needs to stand up and announce the haters are no longer welcome in our midst and help to marginalize them even further. That's been the falling down point all along. Sure, we can win more races if we swell our ranks with every white surpremacist, anti-semite and homophobe going, but by allowing these people to run on the GOP slate we have to live with and own their hate.

Pretty clearly, Sharon Angle and I do not belong in the same party. I was here first -- she should shove off and form some sort of Haters Anonymous Party of her own.
Well Moddy, stalker, I didn't make it up.

Oh but you agree with it, otherwise you wouldn't post it.

You remind me of a immature 12 year old by trying to call me a stalker. Just because someone is willing to call you out on your obvious bullshit doesn't make them a stalker.

USMB is a good example of how many Conservatives feel about Homosexuals. Many of them, when they're not using slurs, they're comparing homosexuals marrying to animals marrying or kids marrying adults. Or other bullshit that is just so insane to even read. Or they're saying homosexuality is a disease.

I guess one can be "tolerant" when they consider the person they're talking to someone who needs to be cured from some disease or mental problem, eh? Give me a break.
Even when conservatives act with compasion or justice, you still hate them.
Now, who is being intolerant?
You lefties equate conservatism with guilt of all the straw man charges you level.
Your charges and rhetoric mean nothing to us. Keep it up. You are motivating the conservative movement.
I know you would, Charles_Main, but quite a number here of the fauxright are racist, homophobic, and sexist. They always need to be called out because they damage good Republican policies. Those folks have to be cast off.

Well, therein lies the real problem, JakeStakey. The GOP needs to stand up and announce the haters are no longer welcome in our midst and help to marginalize them even further. That's been the falling down point all along. Sure, we can win more races if we swell our ranks with every white surpremacist, anti-semite and homophobe going, but by allowing these people to run on the GOP slate we have to live with and own their hate.

Pretty clearly, Sharon Angle and I do not belong in the same party. I was here first -- she should shove off and form some sort of Haters Anonymous Party of her own.
These bigoted religious right wackos have been marginalized by mainstream conservatives. They are not welcomed by us. In fact, we reject them.
I know you would, Charles_Main, but quite a number here of the fauxright are racist, homophobic, and sexist. They always need to be called out because they damage good Republican policies. Those folks have to be cast off.

Well, therein lies the real problem, JakeStakey. The GOP needs to stand up and announce the haters are no longer welcome in our midst and help to marginalize them even further. That's been the falling down point all along. Sure, we can win more races if we swell our ranks with every white surpremacist, anti-semite and homophobe going, but by allowing these people to run on the GOP slate we have to live with and own their hate.

Pretty clearly, Sharon Angle and I do not belong in the same party. I was here first -- she should shove off and form some sort of Haters Anonymous Party of her own.
These bigoted religious right wackos have been marginalized by mainstream conservatives. They are not welcomed by us. In fact, we reject them.

Let's not kid ourselves, thereisnospoon. The GOP has welcomed the religious right and other extremists over and over again. Angle is running as a GOP candidate -- so is O'Donnell. We should be ashamed.

In my state, Ohio, the GOP platform is summed up more or less as "I hate crooks aka Democrats". Where I lived earlier, Florida, it was more or less "I hate overspenders aka Democrats". I'm not in Texas or Nevada or Delaware etc. but if you think the actions of other state GOPs do not stain us, you're being less than honest.

Well, therein lies the real problem, JakeStakey. The GOP needs to stand up and announce the haters are no longer welcome in our midst and help to marginalize them even further. That's been the falling down point all along. Sure, we can win more races if we swell our ranks with every white surpremacist, anti-semite and homophobe going, but by allowing these people to run on the GOP slate we have to live with and own their hate.

Pretty clearly, Sharon Angle and I do not belong in the same party. I was here first -- she should shove off and form some sort of Haters Anonymous Party of her own.
These bigoted religious right wackos have been marginalized by mainstream conservatives. They are not welcomed by us. In fact, we reject them.

Let's not kid ourselves, thereisnospoon. The GOP has welcomed the religious right and other extremists over and over again. Angle is running as a GOP candidate -- so is O'Donnell. We should be ashamed.

In my state, Ohio, the GOP platform is summed up more or less as "I hate crooks aka Democrats". Where I lived earlier, Florida, it was more or less "I hate overspenders aka Democrats". I'm not in Texas or Nevada or Delaware etc. but if you think the actions of other state GOPs do not stain us, you're being less than honest.

That isn't what I am refering to.
Clearly , I stated religious right wing wackos. Not once did I mention these groups you decided to include.
And what are these people anyway? Small boistrous groups of people looking for a little publicity and the feeling of inclusion? At the end of the day, these people are in no way representative of the main stream conservative movement.
Talk to the man/woman on the street. Go to the neighborhood coffee shop. There you will find people on the political right discussing kitchen table issues. This is main stream conservative America. Not these fruity pebbles looking to latch on to conservatism. They are the political equivalent of Barnacles.
thereisnospoon wrote:

That isn't what I am refering to.
Clearly , I stated religious right wing wackos. Not once did I mention these groups you decided to include.
And what are these people anyway? Small boistrous groups of people looking for a little publicity and the feeling of inclusion? At the end of the day, these people are in no way representative of the main stream conservative movement.
Talk to the man/woman on the street. Go to the neighborhood coffee shop. There you will find people on the political right discussing kitchen table issues. This is main stream conservative America. Not these fruity pebbles looking to latch on to conservatism. They are the political equivalent of Barnacles.

Ya well, when the GOP ticket is entirely free of repressive social platforms, I'll agree. Till then, we have to accept some of the criticism we get is fair.

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