Weird, But I'm Not Surprised

If there is any correlation between Republican and Conservative, then it's an educated guess to assume that the Conservative you may be speaking to is indeed not tolerant of homosexuality.

The RNC 2008 Platform includes the following endorsements of intolerance of homosexuality.

We support the First Amendment right of freedom of association of the Boy Scouts of America and other service organizations whose values are under assault, and we call upon the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to reverse its policy of blacklisting religious groups which decline to arrange adoptions by same-sex couples.

call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. In the absence of a national amendment, we support the right of the people of the various states to affirm traditional marriage through state initiatives.

We consider discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin to be immoral, and we will strongly enforce anti-discrimination statutes.

Splain, Lucy.
at the end of the day, i very much doubt that someone in new zealand knows a whole lot about american conservatives who don't post on messageboards.

I expect that kind of crap from Dud and those who thanked you for this post...

I know just as much as you do....
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that means his liberal supporters gave him a pass

now, back to the OP

is she a self hating lesbian?
did she lie about her personal experiences?

So because a couple of supposedly Liberal supporters gave him a pass, that says what exactly? Nothing. So you made no point whatsoever and still haven't proved your original premise.

I never called her a self-hating lesbian. I think she is biased about her past with Liberals due to the way her relationship with NOW ended, yes.

She's a very smart woman. Ever read her...listened to her? What you are saying is pretty much the same as saying she is a liar. I call bs on THAT.
She's a very smart woman. Ever read her...listened to her? What you are saying is pretty much the same as saying she is a liar. I call bs on THAT.

What I'm saying is that she was fine as a Liberal until she got censured by NOW for racially insensitive comments. You see nothing odd about the timing to suddenly start talking about how wrong the political left is? Nothing at all?
that means his liberal supporters gave him a pass

now, back to the OP

is she a self hating lesbian?
did she lie about her personal experiences?

So because a couple of supposedly Liberal supporters gave him a pass, that says what exactly? Nothing. So you made no point whatsoever and still haven't proved your original premise.

I never called her a self-hating lesbian. I think she is biased about her past with Liberals due to the way her relationship with NOW ended, yes.

She's a very smart woman. Ever read her...listened to her? What you are saying is pretty much the same as saying she is a liar. I call bs on THAT.

How does she parse the platform?
She's a very smart woman. Ever read her...listened to her? What you are saying is pretty much the same as saying she is a liar. I call bs on THAT.

What I'm saying is that she was fine as a Liberal until she got censured by NOW for racially insensitive comments. You see nothing odd about the timing to suddenly start talking about how wrong the political left is? Nothing at all?

umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.
umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.

What? Let me repost it so you can get the full context.

Tammy Bruce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In 1996, the NOW Executive Board voted nearly unanimously to censure Bruce for what it claimed were "racially insensitive comments" during the O.J. Simpson murder trial.[5] After months of infighting, Bruce resigned as president of Los Angeles NOW in June 1996.[6] Bruce claimed that the censure was due to her focus on domestic violence, as opposed to defense attorney Johnnie Cochran's "racial issues" trial argument.[4] Since then, Bruce has written about the dispute in her critique on what she sees as the failings of NOW, and the political left in general. She believes that the feminist establishment in the U.S. has abandoned authentic feminism.[7]

Like I said, she seemed to be fine as a Liberal up until she got censured by NOW. Then all of a sudden she turned over a new leaf.

On that note, I'm logging off for the night, night.
umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.

What? Let me repost it so you can get the full context.

Tammy Bruce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In 1996, the NOW Executive Board voted nearly unanimously to censure Bruce for what it claimed were "racially insensitive comments" during the O.J. Simpson murder trial.[5] After months of infighting, Bruce resigned as president of Los Angeles NOW in June 1996.[6] Bruce claimed that the censure was due to her focus on domestic violence, as opposed to defense attorney Johnnie Cochran's "racial issues" trial argument.[4] Since then, Bruce has written about the dispute in her critique on what she sees as the failings of NOW, and the political left in general. She believes that the feminist establishment in the U.S. has abandoned authentic feminism.[7]

Like I said, she seemed to be fine as a Liberal up until she got censured by NOW. Then all of a sudden she turned over a new leaf.

On that note, I'm logging off for the night, night.

:doubt: Apples and oranges. g'nite bert.
She's a very smart woman. Ever read her...listened to her? What you are saying is pretty much the same as saying she is a liar. I call bs on THAT.

What I'm saying is that she was fine as a Liberal until she got censured by NOW for racially insensitive comments. You see nothing odd about the timing to suddenly start talking about how wrong the political left is? Nothing at all?

umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.

Well, if wikipedia says it, it MUST be true!
What I'm saying is that she was fine as a Liberal until she got censured by NOW for racially insensitive comments. You see nothing odd about the timing to suddenly start talking about how wrong the political left is? Nothing at all?

umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.

Well, if wikipedia says it, it MUST be true!
take a look at the real truth
"Here's what happened," Ms. Bruce said. "We have a policy to not participate in shows that A, are not about domestic violence, or B, really inflame a racial confrontation.
"And what they said to me is that there are a bunch of black women here in Philadelphia who think what you're doing is racist, and they want to confront you on that, and I said to them, over the phone, 'I don't have time to do that.' " And somehow, she added, "that became paraphrased into, 'I don't have time to argue with a bunch of black women.' "
What I'm saying is that she was fine as a Liberal until she got censured by NOW for racially insensitive comments. You see nothing odd about the timing to suddenly start talking about how wrong the political left is? Nothing at all?

umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.

Well, if wikipedia says it, it MUST be true!

But of course!!!

BTW..she was censured for being outspoken with her outrage of how OJ Simpson abused Nichole. What a flipping joke.
umm she didn't just now become a conservative. No, I see nothing odd...and it isn't sudden. I have heard her talk against the political left many times over the last few years.

Well, if wikipedia says it, it MUST be true!
take a look at the real truth
"Here's what happened," Ms. Bruce said. "We have a policy to not participate in shows that A, are not about domestic violence, or B, really inflame a racial confrontation.
"And what they said to me is that there are a bunch of black women here in Philadelphia who think what you're doing is racist, and they want to confront you on that, and I said to them, over the phone, 'I don't have time to do that.' " And somehow, she added, "that became paraphrased into, 'I don't have time to argue with a bunch of black women.' "

Bolded the important portion ;)
Well, if wikipedia says it, it MUST be true!
take a look at the real truth
"Here's what happened," Ms. Bruce said. "We have a policy to not participate in shows that A, are not about domestic violence, or B, really inflame a racial confrontation.
"And what they said to me is that there are a bunch of black women here in Philadelphia who think what you're doing is racist, and they want to confront you on that, and I said to them, over the phone, 'I don't have time to do that.' " And somehow, she added, "that became paraphrased into, 'I don't have time to argue with a bunch of black women.' "

Bolded the important portion ;)
bert doesnt even know what the hell he is talking about
he just buys the lame NOW claim as being the gospel
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A little louder this time...

Moddikins... You DO realize that most Conservatives ARE tolerant of homosexuals.. The one's that really are NOT are so far right wing it's just as spooky as the far left wingers...

Surely even you can tell the difference?

"Most" is wishful thinking, Dis -- unless you and I define "tolerant" very differently. But I'd agree, "many" are.
You know what tickles the crap outta me? When liberals find a Republican homosexual they treat them like crap. Just like they do African American Republicans. Oh! and i might add Republican women don't fare well either.

And you say I generalize.
you do, and she was right on that point
if a republican comes out the libs go apeshit on him/her

I am just bumfuddled at this claim that the left abuses blacks and GLBT people in the GOP. (Willow's claim that the left abuses GOP women is also leaving me scratching my head.) Apart from the "I hate homos" gang who held public office and then got caught with their gay lover, I think this is an unfair characterization.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now I see why your panties are in a bunch; how dare anyone try and say conservatives are more tolerant on ANYTHING.

Actually, it has more to do with the fact that the statement was bullshit. Why mispresent what I say and believe? You don't see me doing it to you, do you? Think I can get just as much of a fair shake in return?

Fair shake? LMAO! I post an op-ed, which was certainly fair game for you to respond to, but you chose to personally attack me. Then my posting style in general. Why? Who knows? You've been doing so for months. If you did it to all conservatives, well then you just would be a poor poster, but you seem to go after me. Again, your problem, but I'm tired of trying to ignore you.

Annie, it is page seven of this thread. Modbert has not attacked you personally here that I can see.

Stop wringing your hands. Even if it has happened in the past, no one ever died from a little ad hominem......we all get it, so put on your Big Girl Panties and Get Over It Already.
did you actually read the opinion piece? how can you say it's bullshit-it's one woman's opinion based on her experiences-you can disagree with her opinion, but it's hardly bullshit.

Yes. She said the following:

The real story of bigotry and intolerance is the fact that it lives and thrives on the left. As a gay woman who spent most of her adult life pushing the cart for liberal causes with liberal friends in a liberal city, I found that sexism, racism and homophobia are staples in the liberal world.

The woman is biased in the first place against Liberals as she was censured out of NOW for making racially insensitive comments as I previously pointed out. Up until that point, she was going along as just another Liberal. After that, she started to go against the political left.

so you're saying that bigotry and intolerance don't thrive on the left.

that also would be bullshit

Let's not go nuts here. "Intolerance and bigotry" of some sort might "thrive" on the left, but clearly "sexism, racism and homophobia" do not.
What evidence do you cite? Was there a poll taken and I missed it? Least I was honest enough to accurately say many and not try to make claims by pulling them out of my ass.

Only one trolling here is Annie and now yourself. Seems whenever I call out Annie out on her bullshit, you aren't far behind with some snarky reply instead of a real response.

So, anyone who disagrees with the MODMORON is a troll? Good show.

I maybe sensitive, but seems he really does load that accusation for me. In this case, I posted an op-ed and he went meltdown. He could simply have disagreed, but nope, went personal once again.

more honesty, huh?

you called him a stalker, and moddy. now who went personal, and when?

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