Welcome to election 2016. Where rape is cool but talk is inexcusable.

when did Hilary rape anyone and when did admitting to sexual assualt become just lewd conversation?

Hillary didn't, but her husband did. Many times and while he was in office but who admitted to what assault?
Drumpf admitted he just walks up and kisses women and grabs them by the pussy. Both are sexual assault. What an October surprise right?

Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
is rape and sexual assault what you do in your bedroom?
They dont sound consensual since he said you can do it if you are the boss. Sounds like workplace sexual intimidation and assault to me.
Again you are just making stuff up. When on the tape does he mention employees?
Where did you see in my post the word "employee"? He ran the beauty pageant and used his position of power to sexually assault women.
Hillary didn't, but her husband did. Many times and while he was in office but who admitted to what assault?
Drumpf admitted he just walks up and kisses women and grabs them by the pussy. Both are sexual assault. What an October surprise right?

Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
is rape and sexual assault what you do in your bedroom?

now what the hell does that have to do with anything I had said????
when did Hilary rape anyone and when did admitting to sexual assualt become just lewd conversation?

Hillary didn't, but her husband did. Many times and while he was in office but who admitted to what assault?
Drumpf admitted he just walks up and kisses women and grabs them by the pussy. Both are sexual assault. What an October surprise right?

Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.
Drumpf admitted he just walks up and kisses women and grabs them by the pussy. Both are sexual assault. What an October surprise right?

Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
is rape and sexual assault what you do in your bedroom?

now what the hell does that have to do with anything I had said????
Ignore crack girl. She is just coming down off her high.
Where did you see in my post the word "employee"?
You mentioned boss and workplace.

He ran the beauty pageant and used his position of power to sexually assault women.
One of the women said: “Trump took Tic Tacs, suggested that I take them also. He then leaned in … catching me off guard and kissed me almost on the lips."

Wow! Who cares?!

Is this the best the Clinton character assassins can come up with?
Hillary didn't, but her husband did. Many times and while he was in office but who admitted to what assault?
Drumpf admitted he just walks up and kisses women and grabs them by the pussy. Both are sexual assault. What an October surprise right?

Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Where did you see in my post the word "employee"?
You mentioned boss and workplace.

He ran the beauty pageant and used his position of power to sexually assault women.
One of the women said: “Trump took Tic Tacs, suggested that I take them also. He then leaned in … catching me off guard and kissed me almost on the lips."

Wow! Who cares?!

Is this the best the Clinton character assassins can come up with?
So what? Dont bosses walk around in work places?

Women and men alike care. Youre going to find out shortly after even the repulsive repubs abandon Drumpf just how many people care. They guy is a walking lawsuit waiting to happen.
Drumpf admitted he just walks up and kisses women and grabs them by the pussy. Both are sexual assault. What an October surprise right?

Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?
Yes, he did say that didn't he? But is it true that he's done that? Dumpy is a braggart and full of BS & hot air. He & men like him talk a lot of how great they are, how they've got women pegged & know how to get them, how they know more than anyone else about how to do something...yada, yada, yada. But what it comes down too is just a lot of BS cause I didn't see him come off that bus and grab & tackle her did he? And the only kissing was of mutual greeting.
Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Such a person should not ever be the POTUS. Even if he was just bragging he displays some deep insecurities. I thought he was not a good fit prior to this. He basically just validated my beliefs and opened up another reason.

Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.
Since I don't agree that government has any place in my bedroom, bathroom or private conversations, I don't want in theirs either. Even with Bill Clinton's scandal while in office because I don't think what they do (right or wrong) in the bedroom has much to do with how they run the country or their ability to do so. I may not like or approve of what they've done or said they've done, but it's not a part of the job.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.

Just because she hasn't been charged or convicted....YET.....doesn't mean she isn't responsible. I don't like Hillary and that's a fact.
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.

Just because she hasn't been charged or convicted....YET.....doesn't mean she isn't responsible. I don't like Hillary and that's a fact.
I dont like her either but at this point she is better than Drumpf. That clown is going to get someone killed.
ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.

Just because she hasn't been charged or convicted....YET.....doesn't mean she isn't responsible. I don't like Hillary and that's a fact.
I dont like her either but at this point she is better than Drumpf. That clown is going to get someone killed.

Then vote Johnson or Stein, if need be.....anyone but Hillary
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.

Just because she hasn't been charged or convicted....YET.....doesn't mean she isn't responsible. I don't like Hillary and that's a fact.
I dont like her either but at this point she is better than Drumpf. That clown is going to get someone killed.

Then vote Johnson or Stein, if need be.....anyone but Hillary
I would if it was anyone else but Drumpf. A non vote for Hilary is the same as vote for Drumpf IMO. I dont want the racists to think they have won. I want them to feel the burn of defeat. :laugh:
Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.

Just because she hasn't been charged or convicted....YET.....doesn't mean she isn't responsible. I don't like Hillary and that's a fact.
I dont like her either but at this point she is better than Drumpf. That clown is going to get someone killed.

Then vote Johnson or Stein, if need be.....anyone but Hillary
I would if it was anyone else but Drumpf. A non vote for Hilary is the same as vote for Drumpf IMO. I dont want the racists to think they have won. I want them to feel the burn of defeat. :laugh:

The only problem with that analogy is that millions of others think the same way (I'm forced to vote for X just so Y doesn't win), but that's not sending the message to either party or establishment.....that we the people are sick & tired of the crappy candidates offered and want something different. If instead everyone would vote for anyone other than Dem or Rep.....they are more likely to see the people are sick of how it's run.

If, once again, everyone only votes within the two party system......it will continue to be a two party system and we will always be limited to whomever gets put before us (just think, next election could be Rosie O'Donnell & Jerry Springer). If we want the system changed, it's up to us the voters to change it by our vote. This year, more than ever before......our vote does matter. Even though I'm on the west coast & most elections are already called before our booths closed (we have since went mail-in only) every vote does count.

And if you still can't bring yourself to vote for the candidate......vote for their VP. If this country gets any crazier...it's not going to matter who is elected, they may not last.
Hillary's attacks on Bill's RAPE victims are no big deal. But a lewd private conversation between Trump and Billy Bush has Liberal USA, TV media and newspapers all doing handsprings. I'd say this election process is a joke, but that would give jokes a bad name.
No, election 2016 is just more ridiculous conservative lies, this thread being one of many examples.
Hillary's attacks on Bill's RAPE victims are no big deal. But a lewd private conversation between Trump and Billy Bush has Liberal USA, TV media and newspapers all doing handsprings. I'd say this election process is a joke, but that would give jokes a bad name.
There is
Hillary's attacks on Bill's RAPE victims are no big deal. But a lewd private conversation between Trump and Billy Bush has Liberal USA, TV media and newspapers all doing handsprings. I'd say this election process is a joke, but that would give jokes a bad name.
Rape? Where are the indictments? the convictions?

Exactly. There is no verifiable evidence that Clinton is a rapist. Without concrete evidence, it is not a fact. It is an allegation by women who are not necessarily credible. As well, Mrs. Clinton did not threaten or intimidate those who call themselves his victims. Again, all accusations with absolutely no empirical evidence. It's all a matter of what you choose to believe rather than understanding that truth is not what you choose to believe but what is based on evidence.

The tape which Trump say shows her laughing at a rape victim does not show that. Listen to it. We have valid, concrete evidence that she is not referring to the victim when she chuckles. She IS NOT laughing at the victim.

As well, surveys show that the American people do not want to rehash this subject regarding Bill Clinton. It is very old, he was never charged or found guilty, and he is not running for president. So your OP is silly and pointless.

However, Trump's recording clearly depicts him bragging about sexually assaulting women. He admits it --in the tape, he says he has done this, which makes it a truth and a fact. Very different than accusations.
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