Welcome to election 2016. Where rape is cool but talk is inexcusable.

Hillary's attacks on Bill's RAPE victims are no big deal. But a lewd private conversation between Trump and Billy Bush has Liberal USA, TV media and newspapers all doing handsprings. I'd say this election process is a joke, but that would give jokes a bad name.
when did Hilary rape anyone and when did admitting to sexual assualt become just lewd conversation?

Hillary didn't, but her husband did. Many times and while he was in office but who admitted to what assault?
And when exactly was Bill Clinton found guilty in a court of law of ‘rape’ – or like most on the right do you practice a presumption of guilt, consistent with your contempt for the rule of law.

Moreover, what Bill Clinton may or may not have done has no bearing whatsoever on Clinton’s qualifications to be president.

To attempt to ‘attack’ Clinton concerning her husband fails as a ridiculous red herring fallacy, it’s as desperate as it is delusional.
And if you still can't bring yourself to vote for the candidate......vote for their VP. If this country gets any crazier...it's not going to matter who is elected, they may not last.
George Will: “Trump is a marvelously efficient acid bath, stripping away his supporters’ surfaces, exposing their skeletal essences. Consider Mike Pence, a favorite of what Republicans devoutly praise as America’s ‘faith community.’ Some of its representatives, their crucifixes glittering in the television lights, are still earnestly explaining the urgency of giving to Trump, who agreed that his daughter is ‘a piece of ass,’ the task of improving America’s coarsened culture.”

“Because Pence looks relatively presidential when standing next to Trump — talk about defining adequacy down — some Republicans want Trump to slink away, allowing Pence to float to the top of the ticket and represent Republicanism resurrected. This idea ignores a pertinent point: Pence is standing next to Trump.”

“He salivated for the privilege of being Trump’s poodle, and he expresses his canine devotion in rhetorical treacle about ‘this good man.’ What would a bad man look like to pastor Pence?”
None of this was done in the privacy of his bedroom. It wasnt even consensual. This is a man that admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. His disdain for women in any regard other than as sex objects is obvious. I personally dont want a self confessed criminal to be in charge of anything.

ok, I can respect that. But I don't want a murderer in charge of anything
Who was charged or convicted of murdering anyone that ran for POTUS?

Why did you mention you didn't want a murderer in charge of anything then? That probably goes without saying.

Just because she hasn't been charged or convicted....YET.....doesn't mean she isn't responsible. I don't like Hillary and that's a fact.
And this confirms like most on the right you have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.

Just because you have a subjective, partisan dislike for Clinton doesn’t mean she’s ‘guilty’ of anything.
Then he grabbed my Pussy Archie
C_Clayton_Jones I am neither 'right' nor 'left', I don't hold to any party alliance and vote for who I believe would be the best for the country as a whole. Nobody is a 'perfect' candidate and everyone has their own baggage if they dig deep enough. I am still undecided between Dumpy & Johnson, I'm just sure that I won't vote Hillary and that is on her own merit, not of her husbands.
If you actually read what you quoted & commented on, you'd see I was only answering a direct question. I didn't 'judge' Hillary's qualifications on her husbands behaviors & actions. Bill wasn't charged/convicted in a court of law, but he was impeached & stripped of his license.....was he not???
The only ones that have 'contempt' of the law are those that don't enforce it toward ANYONE that is guilty of any illegal actions, regardless of their position in our society.
And if you still can't bring yourself to vote for the candidate......vote for their VP. If this country gets any crazier...it's not going to matter who is elected, they may not last.
George Will: “Trump is a marvelously efficient acid bath, stripping away his supporters’ surfaces, exposing their skeletal essences. Consider Mike Pence, a favorite of what Republicans devoutly praise as America’s ‘faith community.’ Some of its representatives, their crucifixes glittering in the television lights, are still earnestly explaining the urgency of giving to Trump, who agreed that his daughter is ‘a piece of ass,’ the task of improving America’s coarsened culture.”

“Because Pence looks relatively presidential when standing next to Trump — talk about defining adequacy down — some Republicans want Trump to slink away, allowing Pence to float to the top of the ticket and represent Republicanism resurrected. This idea ignores a pertinent point: Pence is standing next to Trump.”

“He salivated for the privilege of being Trump’s poodle, and he expresses his canine devotion in rhetorical treacle about ‘this good man.’ What would a bad man look like to pastor Pence?”

how eloquent and Kaine is Hillary's lapdog

Trump: lewd talk, just talk

Hillary: 1) Abuses/attacks women abused by her sexual predator husband
2) Laughs about helping a man escape punishment for raping a 12 year old girl
3) Has chosen a degenerate like Bill Clinton, who is fond of underage prostitutes, as a pillar of her administration
You just turned into dirty f@cking lying scum.

She laughs because she said the guy passed a polygraph test and she would never again trust one of those tests.

She laughed because the prosecutor sent the underwear to the crime lab, something she had nothing to do with, and they were so inept, they cut out the parts of the underwear with evidence, lost those parts and sent the underwear back to be used as evidence while it was filled with cut out holes. I laughed to. How could a crime lab be so useless.

Nasty people who repeat the same old nasty and tired lies. That's who you are. Trying to prove Hillary is scum proved to us who the real scum is.
So, the "Conservative" are going in full throat bay for Trump, and stating that what he said was just fine. That is certainly going to win the women's vote. Let's see. Texas, latino and other minority vote already against Trump. Now I am sure that the women in Texas are really impressed with what Trump thinks of women. Texas is in play.
Remember what it's all about!

Corrupt politicians sell their deceits to a government educated dumbed down population by hiring highly educated lackey economist whores who sell their “expert” opinion to the highest bidder. A vast swath of the American public has been conditioned through government education and had their minds molded by establishment manipulators to feel rather than think. People believe untruths and half-truths because they have been conditioned to do so.

Hillary: Deceit, Debt, & Delusions (Part 1) | Zero Hedge
She laughs because she said the guy passed a polygraph test
And virtually got away with raping a child thanks to Hillary. And scum like rdean post feeble justifications for her disgusting behavior.

I don't know who you are trying to fool, the facts are plain. Hillary on this and many other occasions served sexual predators to further her career.

Let's look at the facts: Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

How heartless are you?

I laughed to.
What's the matter with you?

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