Welcome to O'Husseinbama’s brave new world.


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
Welcome to President Obama’s brave new world.

Federal agencies have been directed to hire psychologists to experiment and find ways to better manipulate the American people to the federal government’s will.

“A growing body of evidence demonstrates that behavioral science insights – research findings from fields such as behavioral economics and psychology about how people make decisions and act on them – can be used to design government policies to better serve the American people,” Obama wrote in an executive order released Tuesday on WhiteHouse.gov. The origin of the order can be traced back to a 2013 policy proposal entertained by the White House called “Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights.”

The president’s new order said streamlined applications for federal financial aid and automatic retirement payments are two examples where behavioral-science lessons applied to government programs have been effective.

Read more at Obama issues Orwellian executive order

how much more are we going to take from this muthafucker before our lame Republican congress says "enough is enough"..,
is there a John Wilkes Booth out there some where ?? :Boom2: :dance: <-------<<<< BHO :up:
what would he ever do without a mass

of hypnotized sheep

we was working the childrens today
Welcome to President Obama’s brave new world.

Federal agencies have been directed to hire psychologists to experiment and find ways to better manipulate the American people to the federal government’s will.

“A growing body of evidence demonstrates that behavioral science insights – research findings from fields such as behavioral economics and psychology about how people make decisions and act on them – can be used to design government policies to better serve the American people,” Obama wrote in an executive order released Tuesday on WhiteHouse.gov. The origin of the order can be traced back to a 2013 policy proposal entertained by the White House called “Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights.”

The president’s new order said streamlined applications for federal financial aid and automatic retirement payments are two examples where behavioral-science lessons applied to government programs have been effective.

Read more at Obama issues Orwellian executive order

how much more are we going to take from this muthafucker before our lame Republican congress says "enough is enough"..,
is there a John Wilkes Booth out there some where ?? :Boom2: :dance: <-------<<<< BHO :up:

World Nut Daily? That's fucking hilarious!
he has made big insurance very very happy
Single-payer looking a lot better, eh hoser?
who said that
Nobody "said" anything. I asked a question. You know, the sentence with the squiggly line at the end!
that is right because you are the only one thinkin it
Hardly!!! If the Republicans manage to overturn the ACA, the country isn't going to want to go back to the mess we had before. What's left, a British-style health service or a Canadian-style single-payer system. Take your pick. :dunno:
Well, evidently this is what the people wanted when they voted for the tyrant.

People tried to warn them he would use Your Government against you. He started with the IRS right off the get go and many of you cheered and praised him for it.

then came the BLM taking 200 armed federal agents to try to take ONE RANCERS land

you'll have the Federal Government keeping track of your bowel movement's next to see if you're still fit enough to get your Dear ObamaCare

man oh man, everyday it's something else and who knows how many freedoms they will claim eventually


We do need another GOP president,, so we can have a stronger Homeland Security Dept...
he has made big insurance very very happy
Single-payer looking a lot better, eh hoser?
who said that
Nobody "said" anything. I asked a question. You know, the sentence with the squiggly line at the end!
that is right because you are the only one thinkin it
Hardly!!! If the Republicans manage to overturn the ACA, the country isn't going to want to go back to the mess we had before. What's left, a British-style health service or a Canadian-style single-payer system. Take your pick. :dunno:

you and your crystal ball --LOL

what mess

how many are not insured currently --LOL

how many are insurance poor

your brainwashed buddy if you think this is great
Single-payer looking a lot better, eh hoser?
who said that
Nobody "said" anything. I asked a question. You know, the sentence with the squiggly line at the end!
that is right because you are the only one thinkin it
Hardly!!! If the Republicans manage to overturn the ACA, the country isn't going to want to go back to the mess we had before. What's left, a British-style health service or a Canadian-style single-payer system. Take your pick. :dunno:
your brainwashed buddy if you think this is great
who said that?
Welcome to President Obama’s brave new world.

Federal agencies have been directed to hire psychologists to experiment and find ways to better manipulate the American people to the federal government’s will.

“A growing body of evidence demonstrates that behavioral science insights – research findings from fields such as behavioral economics and psychology about how people make decisions and act on them – can be used to design government policies to better serve the American people,” Obama wrote in an executive order released Tuesday on WhiteHouse.gov. The origin of the order can be traced back to a 2013 policy proposal entertained by the White House called “Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights.”

The president’s new order said streamlined applications for federal financial aid and automatic retirement payments are two examples where behavioral-science lessons applied to government programs have been effective.

Read more at Obama issues Orwellian executive order

how much more are we going to take from this muthafucker before our lame Republican congress says "enough is enough"..,
is there a John Wilkes Booth out there some where ?? :Boom2: :dance: <-------<<<< BHO :up:

Yo, this Half & Half in the White House is trying to takeover the U.S.A.! We need to lock and load and be ready for the Puppets who follow his orders! Get your shit together now, don`t wait for this ""Muslim Socialist"" to take our freedoms away!!!

Now Now, you can't be having any fun. we need this Government to look into it. I guess to make sure you aren't having TOO much fun or something.

Eye on the ball: Democrat wants hearings on fantasy football websites
posted at 8:41 pm on September 15, 2015 by Mary Katharine Ham

America, are you enjoying yourself? Are you ardently dedicated to a goofy pasttime in which you engage with friends, occasional booze, barbecue, and even exchange of money between mutually agreed parties on mutually agreed terms? Well, Congress can’t have that.

Enter Rep. Frank Pallone who has observed all this fun-having and exchange of money and finds that it warrants a Congressional hearing:

On Monday, New Jersey Democrat Frank Pallone Jr. called for a congressional hearing into the relationship between the NFL and the fantasy leagues that clogged airwaves during this season’s opening weekend.

“Anyone who watched a game this weekend was inundated by commercials for fantasy sports websites, and it’s only the first week of the NFL season,” Pallone said in a statement. “These sites are enormously popular, arguably central to the fans’ experience, and professional leagues are seeing the enormous profits as a result. Despite how mainstream these sites have become, though, the legal landscape governing these activities remains murky and should be reviewed.”

I’ll give him this. The ads are overkill. This might serve as an object lesson to companies who are thinking of flooding the zone with their dumb commercials, lest they attract the attention of bored Congressmen who have nothing better to do than hold Congressional hearings about sports that are literally not even real. If you thought the baseball hearings might not be the rightful province of our deliberative bodies, wait ’til you get a load of them regulating *fantasy.*

Pallone’s flag-throw on this fun-having came in the form of a very official letter, naturally. Imagine the staffers who had to write this thing while sloshed after Sunday football day drinking. Joel Gehrke reports on the letter, in which specters were indeed raised:

The top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee conjured concerns that players might use fantasy sports to bet on games.

“Team involvement in daily fantasy sports also raises questions of whether players or league personnel, who may be able to affect the outcome of a game, should be allowed to participate in daily fantasy sports,” he wrote in a September 14 letter to his GOP counterparts on the committee.

All of it here:
Eye on the ball: Democrat wants hearings on fantasy football websites

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