Welcome to Sochi just watch out for the feral dogs


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
What a perfect picture. How to demonstrate to the world how well Communism/Socialism really works.
Virtually no one outside Russia is attending the games. Feral dogs are crapping on the ski runs and attacking athletes and journalists. The Russian mafia are racking in multi-millions. Thousands of underage girls are arriving to 'service' the spectators. Garbage and human waste is already over flowing in public bathrooms. Hotel rooms are costing hundreds of dollars a night that the average American wouldn't set foot in in Reno. No pillows. No heat. No hot water. No fuck all. Just an underlying feeling of dread and the possibility of finding oneself in some Moscow prison for attempting to use your cell phone from a 'restricted' area' clearly posted in Russian.
(A little nugget for all you 'every one deserves a trophy' LIB pussies: Check out the size of every one of the thousands of feral dogs roaming in packs. Every one of them is fucking HUGE! See 'pussy-boys? In nature only the strongest survive. Let that be a metaphor for the reality of the human animal.
Hopefully the thousands of terrorists are not able to recreate the Munich olympics.
Assuming all the abysmal reports of lack of potable water in hotels, door locks coming off in peoples' hands, no pillows, and everything else we're hearing are true, now that the games have begun it doesn't look like they'll be able to get things fixed and running properly before the games are over. What an enormous blackeye to the Great Russian State.
If Russia can't even solve the basic issue of plumbing or feral dogs, then WTF were they so gung-ho about hosting the Olympics?
If Russia can't even solve the basic issue of plumbing or feral dogs, then WTF were they so gung-ho about hosting the Olympics?
The fiasco is Putin's baby. He 'declared' Russia would host the games and made sure the Olympic committee was 'encouraged' to vote for Russia. That fact is not debatable.
What is going to be the most important lasting 'legacy' for the Russian games is the fact that it doesn't take much effort to expose the endemic failures in the communist/socialist model.
Nothing works. Wild animals roam in packs attacking people. Admittedly that also happens in America's inner cities. Anyone else find it ironic that every inner city in the US is populated by people dependent on the government. Just like in every socialist country. Nobody ever gets ahead unless they are the Russian mafia or a crooked politician, of which 100% are. The only real income generators are the black and gray markets. Some poor bastard who has nothing scams some one out of twenty rupels that money goes to buy moon shine on the black market. The 'government' never sees any of it.
Sure, 'everyone gets a trophy' but it's a tiny little fake plastic one with a crack in it. The perfect metaphor for a socialist country.
Keep this in mind the next time you hear Obama tell someone that "redistribution" is a 'good thing'. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0PUUpa5X4E]Barack Obama "I Believe in Redistribution of Wealth" Comment Loyola University 1998! - YouTube[/ame]
Had Obama had his way he would have transformed the country into a 100% socialist state. Each time someone stands against his 'utopian' socialist vision they are called 'racists'. Pretty lame but what else can they say right?
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The feral dog licking the face of the man at the pound in the picture on the site looks terrifiying.
That's right pal. That dog was just a loving peaceful 'family pet'. (The 'family' pushed out of the moving car on the highway b/c the dog cost too much to feed.) Get your LIB head out of your ass.
Better yet I encourage you to go to your nearest SPCA and enter the cage where they put the feral dogs before they take the one way trip to the 'Bump-Box'. But watch out. Those dogs might just 'lick' you to death. LOL
If Russia can't even solve the basic issue of plumbing or feral dogs, then WTF were they so gung-ho about hosting the Olympics?

I saw on TV that those dogs belonged to residents who were forced to leave their homes in order for the Olympic facilities to be built.
I saw on TV that those dogs belonged to residents who were forced to leave their homes in order for the Olympic facilities to be built.
That is true in the case of Sochi but the problem with tens of thousands of feral dogs roaming the streets is endemic in every Russian village/town/city.
But why? No money to pay anyone to keep the feral dog problem under control. Corrupt cops. No functioning fire department. Anything of any value needed to fight a fire has long since been stolen.
Think Detroit. The city was run by Black LIB/socialist/thugs/crooks for decades b/c the Black voters kept voting for any one who was Black and 'promised them free stuff'. (Sound familiar?)
These simians kept stealing the money meant for basic services. Before they were thrown in prison.
These simians were/are still being paid off by the unions or what's left of them.
Ever wonder how a mid-level Detroit city official making 80K a year could afford a brand new Escalade every year. Live in a million dollar house. Take a couple of family vacations a year to 'some place warm in the winter'. Wear thousand dollar suits and hand made shoes and a Rolex watch and use 'plastic' to pay for two hundred dollar 'late lunches' for his 'crew?
He was the product of a corrupt LIB/socialist political system. No different then politicians in Russia.
What a perfect picture. How to demonstrate to the world how well Communism/Socialism really works.
Virtually no one outside Russia is attending the games. Feral dogs are crapping on the ski runs and attacking athletes and journalists. The Russian mafia are racking in multi-millions. Thousands of underage girls are arriving to 'service' the spectators. Garbage and human waste is already over flowing in public bathrooms. Hotel rooms are costing hundreds of dollars a night that the average American wouldn't set foot in in Reno. No pillows. No heat. No hot water. No fuck all. Just an underlying feeling of dread and the possibility of finding oneself in some Moscow prison for attempting to use your cell phone from a 'restricted' area' clearly posted in Russian.
(A little nugget for all you 'every one deserves a trophy' LIB pussies: Check out the size of every one of the thousands of feral dogs roaming in packs. Every one of them is fucking HUGE! See 'pussy-boys? In nature only the strongest survive. Let that be a metaphor for the reality of the human animal.
Hopefully the thousands of terrorists are not able to recreate the Munich olympics.

They shoot their dogs or round them up and dispose of them

Unfortunately Dogs don't have the option of birth control and family planning.

Which is kind of how the GOP wants to treat women, like dogs who have no choice.
Assuming all the abysmal reports of lack of potable water in hotels, door locks coming off in peoples' hands, no pillows, and everything else we're hearing are true, now that the games have begun it doesn't look like they'll be able to get things fixed and running properly before the games are over. What an enormous blackeye to the Great Russian State.

Why are people so surprised at the poor accommodations at the Sochi Olympics?

Surely everyone realizes that if you ban gays, interior design is going to suffer.
Obama's socialist cousins couldn't even make the fucking lights work on the olympic rings during the opening ceremony. http://news.yahoo.com/photos/2014-winter-olympic-games-opening-20140207-163317-713--spt.html Looks like one of Putin's mafia buddies stole some of the bulbs to light one of his mansions. Good old Obama style socialism. Can't wait for the next fuck-up.
Obama has his own socialist fuck-ups: Solyndra. The Chevy Volt that catches fire in your garage when you're asleep.
Fast and Furious. Bengazi. IRA. Getting 'rolled' by Putin. Getting 'rolled' by the Mullahs. Did I mention getting 'rolled' by Putin? How many times now? It must be quite the feeling for Obama to know he's always going to be Putin's 'bitch'. And he's got another three years.
Russia will work its way out of the ruin communism made of the country. Whereas, the United States is rushing headlong into the mess communism will make of this country and scream economic inequality as they do it.

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