Welfare 3500/Month ??? Is that even possible ?

I am going to ask the question again....

Does anyone know if this is even possible...that she could collect this kind of cabbage ?


you said she gets $800 for rent. Was that they amount she paid? or was it less or more?

I know people that get more from the government for rent than what their lease is.

The reason; They pony up what the place would cost at the nearest metropolis in the state.

Imagine living in Southern Ill, where rent for a 3 bedroom is about 1/2, but you also get a yard. You could pocket a few hundred every month.

What state do you live in? In my state the rent money goes directly from the state to the landlord.
I am going to ask the question again....

Does anyone know if this is even possible...that she could collect this kind of cabbage ?


you said she gets $800 for rent. Was that they amount she paid? or was it less or more?

I know people that get more from the government for rent than what their lease is.

The reason; They pony up what the place would cost at the nearest metropolis in the state.

Imagine living in Southern Ill, where rent for a 3 bedroom is about 1/2, but you also get a yard. You could pocket a few hundred every month.

What state do you live in? In my state the rent money goes directly from the state to the landlord.

but there's different rules for different housings.

If you live in housing, your rent can be as low as $25 a month.

If you get section 8 (money to rent a house/apt) the money goes to the renter who then pays the land lord. reason; if the LL doesn't keep up the place, you don't have to pay.
True story yesterday at the dealership.....

"I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.

One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus. As he was reviewing her credit app with her he noticed she was on social security disability. He said to her you don't look like your disabled and unable to work. She said well I'm really not, I could work if I wanted to but I make more now than I did when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury).

She said the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check, she gets $700.00 a month on an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent. Oh yeah and 250 minutes free on her phone. That is just south of $3500.00 a month.

When she was working she was taking home about $330.00 per week. Do the math and then ask yourself why the hell should she go back to work. If you multiply that by millions of people you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country. Once the socialist have 51% of the population in that same scenario we are finished.

The question is when do we cross that threshold if we haven't already, and there are not enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working people? Riots?? Be prepared to protect your homes.

She didn't lease the Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal $by 10.00/month. Glad to know she is so frugal with her hard earned money."


Were they sour they lost the deal or is it possible someone could get this much money (say...if they were disabled) ?

$3500/month....untaxed (not sure if that is the case) equates to about $4500/$5000/mo.


BTW: This was on a local Ford dealers Facebook page (or so the e-mail I got states).

I still find it all a bit tough to believe.

I doubt that at 330 per week she would be getting 1500 on a disability check. I worked for 35 years before becoming disabled and I get 926. My income was arounf 40-60k a year. Usually section 8 is 560 a month max, and food stamps at 700 a month would be really high. Would need to know her age and # of dependands. I would turn her in if you could prove her statements. Because foodstamps are decreased when you get disablity or your kids get SSI. One thing she would be given if on sec 8 is an electric allowence also.
True story yesterday at the dealership.....

"I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.

One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus. As he was reviewing her credit app with her he noticed she was on social security disability. He said to her you don't look like your disabled and unable to work. She said well I'm really not, I could work if I wanted to but I make more now than I did when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury).

She said the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check, she gets $700.00 a month on an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent. Oh yeah and 250 minutes free on her phone. That is just south of $3500.00 a month.

When she was working she was taking home about $330.00 per week. Do the math and then ask yourself why the hell should she go back to work. If you multiply that by millions of people you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country. Once the socialist have 51% of the population in that same scenario we are finished.

The question is when do we cross that threshold if we haven't already, and there are not enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working people? Riots?? Be prepared to protect your homes.

She didn't lease the Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal $by 10.00/month. Glad to know she is so frugal with her hard earned money."


Were they sour they lost the deal or is it possible someone could get this much money (say...if they were disabled) ?

$3500/month....untaxed (not sure if that is the case) equates to about $4500/$5000/mo.


BTW: This was on a local Ford dealers Facebook page (or so the e-mail I got states).

I still find it all a bit tough to believe.

I doubt that at 330 per week she would be getting 1500 on a disability check. I worked for 35 years before becoming disabled and I get 926. My income was arounf 40-60k a year. Usually section 8 is 560 a month max, and food stamps at 700 a month would be really high. Would need to know her age and # of dependands. I would turn her in if you could prove her statements. Because foodstamps are decreased when you get disablity or your kids get SSI. One thing she would be given if on sec 8 is an electric allowence also.

People know how to work the system.

Honest people don't.

Sucks to have morals then see someone driving a new car when you know they haven't worked in a long time
So its socialism to help the poor out and help them out be able to feed themselves and have a roof over there head until they get back onto there feet? Tell me the right hasn't gotten this desperate.

While i understand the feet and that people do abuse it, its there to help folks get back onto there feet.

Uh...you missed the point.

She COULD work.

Why should she....it's a huge pay cut.

He didn't miss the point, he's just another in a long line of lying morans.

He's got nothing but make believe.

You truly are an idiot back under the short bus with you. No substance and all talk like a long line of Republican idiots.
You ever want to know how so many people "know how to work the system", go into any local charity and ask for help. The 1st thing they will do is make sure you are signed up for and getting every government program you've never even heard of.
Uh...you missed the point.

She COULD work.

Why should she....it's a huge pay cut.

He didn't miss the point, he's just another in a long line of lying morans.

He's got nothing but make believe.

You truly are an idiot back under the short bus with you. No substance and all talk like a long line of Republican idiots.

Called it!

You are a liar.

Gunna miss you when the election is over and you wander off like all the rest.
You ever want to know how so many people "know how to work the system", go into any local charity and ask for help. The 1st thing they will do is make sure you are signed up for and getting every government program you've never even heard of.

I went to the Salvation Army and the Red Cross.

No one mentioned how to work the system to me.

Where did you go?
True story yesterday at the dealership.....

"I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.

One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus. As he was reviewing her credit app with her he noticed she was on social security disability. He said to her you don't look like your disabled and unable to work. She said well I'm really not, I could work if I wanted to but I make more now than I did when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury).

She said the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check, she gets $700.00 a month on an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent. Oh yeah and 250 minutes free on her phone. That is just south of $3500.00 a month.

When she was working she was taking home about $330.00 per week. Do the math and then ask yourself why the hell should she go back to work. If you multiply that by millions of people you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country. Once the socialist have 51% of the population in that same scenario we are finished.

The question is when do we cross that threshold if we haven't already, and there are not enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working people? Riots?? Be prepared to protect your homes.

She didn't lease the Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal $by 10.00/month. Glad to know she is so frugal with her hard earned money."


Were they sour they lost the deal or is it possible someone could get this much money (say...if they were disabled) ?

$3500/month....untaxed (not sure if that is the case) equates to about $4500/$5000/mo.


BTW: This was on a local Ford dealers Facebook page (or so the e-mail I got states).

I still find it all a bit tough to believe.

I doubt that at 330 per week she would be getting 1500 on a disability check. I worked for 35 years before becoming disabled and I get 926. My income was arounf 40-60k a year. Usually section 8 is 560 a month max, and food stamps at 700 a month would be really high. Would need to know her age and # of dependands. I would turn her in if you could prove her statements. Because foodstamps are decreased when you get disablity or your kids get SSI. One thing she would be given if on sec 8 is an electric allowence also.

People know how to work the system.

Honest people don't.

Sucks to have morals then see someone driving a new car when you know they haven't worked in a long time

I thought that was why shotguns were made. I see alot of welfare abuse. It really pisses me off to see those people with loads of groceries, some times I am so short at the end of the month I have to dumpster dive to eat, and scarp for metal to recycle.I drive a 96 chevy truck that was totaled out and is falling apart.
He didn't miss the point, he's just another in a long line of lying morans.

He's got nothing but make believe.

You truly are an idiot back under the short bus with you. No substance and all talk like a long line of Republican idiots.

Called it!

You are a liar.

Gunna miss you when the election is over and you wander off like all the rest.

You have called nothing because you just assumed i am voting for Obama Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Those are local charities?

I worked at a local charity for almost 2 years.

Btw- what kind of help did they offer?

12 years ago, sooo memories..

school supplies, winter coats, bags of food, after school study/play time.

When Katrina blew the levies, so many of the SA people went to help they needed locals to help run the place. I volunteered, but they had so many others I was only needed once. heavy lifting for an elderly lady.
I doubt that at 330 per week she would be getting 1500 on a disability check. I worked for 35 years before becoming disabled and I get 926. My income was arounf 40-60k a year. Usually section 8 is 560 a month max, and food stamps at 700 a month would be really high. Would need to know her age and # of dependands. I would turn her in if you could prove her statements. Because foodstamps are decreased when you get disablity or your kids get SSI. One thing she would be given if on sec 8 is an electric allowence also.

People know how to work the system.

Honest people don't.

Sucks to have morals then see someone driving a new car when you know they haven't worked in a long time

I thought that was why shotguns were made. I see alot of welfare abuse. It really pisses me off to see those people with loads of groceries, some times I am so short at the end of the month I have to dumpster dive to eat, and scarp for metal to recycle.I drive a 96 chevy truck that was totaled out and is falling apart.

whoa, that really sucks.

shittier still, most of the milk gets wasted. when you do food stamps, it's all or nothing. 2 people get 4 gallons of milk, and one of those is a baby who can't drink milk yet.
By the way how i am i a liar? Proof of GTFO With you're dumb ass.


just over 2 pages.

You're either lying, or so damn dumb it looks like you are.

just sayin

:lol::lol::lol::lol: That is your proof asking a question? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Now you can exit right....... You are the dumbass first you assume i am voting for obama next you say i am lying for asking a question whats next? Cmon keep it going making you look like a total asshat is enjoyable. :lol::lol::lol:
One of my salesmen…

Car dealer and disability specialist, impressive.

He said to her you don't look like your disabled and unable to work.

What exactly does disabled ‘look like’?


SSDI isn’t ‘welfare,’ it’s earned after working on a payroll for 40 qualifying quarters, 10 years. Neither are food stamps ‘welfare.’ And the housing assistance is not ‘welfare’ as well if an agreement to reimburse was signed by the applicant.

This country would be a lot better off if you and other conservatives quit obsessing over other people, their private lives, income, and whether they’re ‘disabled’ or not and focus instead on your own affairs.
if food stamps and housing assistance is NOT welfare what is it you dumb shit ?? its the very definition of welfare .

welfare legal definition of welfare. welfare synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Following the 1930s, federal programs were established that provided additional WELFARE benefits, including medical care (Medicaid), PUBLIC HOUSING , FOOD STAMPS and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). By the 1960s, however, criticism began to grow that these programs had created a "culture of dependency," which discouraged people from leaving the welfare rolls and finding employment. Defenders of public welfare benefits acknowledged that the system was imperfect, noting the financial disincentives associated with taking a low-paying job and losing the array of benefits, especially medical care. They also pointed out that millions of children are the prime beneficiaries of welfare assistance, and that removing adults from welfare affects these children.

my my my you dimocrats get more stupid everyday .
Welfare needs to be enough to pay the bills, buy basic food supplies, and warm clothes. Other than that, it should be low enough to encourage people to look for work.
$3,500 a month sounds like a lot, but it could depend on the area you are living in, and the prices of groceries, etc.
You ever want to know how so many people "know how to work the system", go into any local charity and ask for help. The 1st thing they will do is make sure you are signed up for and getting every government program you've never even heard of.

Yeah if you are a single mom punching out kids. If you a responsible person you get squat.
You ever want to know how so many people "know how to work the system", go into any local charity and ask for help. The 1st thing they will do is make sure you are signed up for and getting every government program you've never even heard of.

Yeah if you are a single mom punching out kids. If you a responsible person you get squat.

Yup. As a responsible person you get to pay your bills and hers as well.

Funny how no one asked we taxpayers if we want to support these folks. The Govt starting back in the 30's decided that those who work should support those who don't.

All these social programs need to fucking go. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that those that work should support those that don't. Way outside the constitution.

And for those who quote the GW clause. That one states to "Promote" not provide.

Personally I don't feel obliged to pay anyones bills.

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