Welfare is Unconstitutional


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.
i'll top you,

Military spending is unconstitutional as well, outside of funding the navy, or funding for a two year period at a time, when in a declared by congress, war.

btw, what are the two sides of the argument on welfare? I hear your side, but just wondering the other side's full argument on why it is constitutional? I've never really paid attention?
Alexander Hamilton who supported an extensive spending clause during the Constitutional Convention said this : language is not, as Madison contended, a shorthand way of limiting the power to tax and spend in furtherance of the powers elsewhere enumerated in Article I, Section 8; but it does contain its own limitation, namely, that spending under the clause be for the “general” (that is, national) welfare and not for purely local or regional benefit.
i'll top you,

Military spending is unconstitutional as well, outside of funding the navy, or funding for a two year period at a time, when in a declared by congress, war.

btw, what are the two sides of the argument on welfare? I hear your side, but just wondering the other side's full argument on why it is constitutional? I've never really paid attention?
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
Marines and Coast Guard are off-shoots of the Navy, and the modern Air Force (even though planes werent invented) was initially the Army Air Force. All five branches are Constitutional.
I also think that is why military spending is included in the yearly budget. Although i wont swear to it.
i'll top you,

Military spending is unconstitutional as well, outside of funding the navy, or funding for a two year period at a time, when in a declared by congress, war.

btw, what are the two sides of the argument on welfare? I hear your side, but just wondering the other side's full argument on why it is constitutional? I've never really paid attention?

I don't think the other side particularly cares about the constitution or what is constitutional (or even legal). What does it matter when you can simply ignore the document by appointing the right people...
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Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!
"General welfare" doesn't mean "foodstamps and a salary for being drug addicted, stupid and/or mentally ill". You think it does. Which proves you're a nitwit.

"James Madison repeatedly argued that the power to tax and spend did not confer upon Congress the right to do whatever it thought to be in the best interest of the nation, but only to further the ends specifically enumerated elsewhere in the Constitution, a position supported by Thomas Jefferson."

Guide to the Constitution
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!

"General welfare" doesn't mean "foodstamps and a salary for being drug addicted, stupid and/or mentally ill".

If doesn't? Well, do tell, what does it mean?
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!
Funding research for disease promotes the GENERAL WELFARE. Giving a single mother free shit doesnt equate to General Welfare.
General welfare doesnt mean single, local or regional.
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!

"General welfare" doesn't mean "foodstamps and a salary for being drug addicted, stupid and/or mentally ill".

If doesn't? Well, do tell, what does it mean?
General welfare is about the whole country NOT an individual. Read the OP and read post #4
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.
Reposting a part of the OP for numbnuts who cant read.. but i wont mention any names
Wry Catcher
That's why I say center left, because there is way to many programs, give a ways & just plain rip offs of our hard earned tax dollar, problem being that there are just as many hand outs given to the rich as to the poor. there has been and always will be people that have devoted there life to getting some thing for nothing; this has nothing to do with being rich or poor. rich people who have never missed a meal or a new car. will destroy a business just to scrap out its parts to add a few more millions to the bottom line, raise a life saving drugs price, sign on to a bill that's no good to line there pocket with donations from those who gain from that bills passage. WE could do a better job of cutting out the scammers if we could agree they come from all walks of life.
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!
"General welfare" doesn't mean "foodstamps and a salary for being drug addicted, stupid and/or mentally ill". You think it does. Which proves you're a nitwit.

"James Madison repeatedly argued that the power to tax and spend did not confer upon Congress the right to do whatever it thought to be in the best interest of the nation, but only to further the ends specifically enumerated elsewhere in the Constitution, a position supported by Thomas Jefferson."

Guide to the Constitution

James Madison is dead, and his opinion is not and never was the force of law.

Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!
Funding research for disease promotes the GENERAL WELFARE. Giving a single mother free shit doesnt equate to General Welfare.
General welfare doesnt mean single, local or regional.


  1. affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.
    "books of general interest"
    synonyms: widespread, common, extensive, universal, wide, popular, public, mainstream; More
  2. considering or including the main features or elements of something, and disregarding exceptions; overall.
    "they fired in the general direction of the enemy"
    synonyms: broad, imprecise, inexact, rough, loose, approximate, unspecific, vague, woolly, indefinite;
    "a general description"
Welfare; the state of doing well especially in relation to one's happiness or success.

Textualism is a formalist theory in which the interpretation of the law is primarily based on the ordinary meaning of the legal text, where no consideration is given to non-textual sources, such as: intention of the law when passed, the problem it was intended to remedy, or significant questions regarding the justice or rectitude of the law.[1]
Textualism - Wikipedia
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The constitution allows for the creation of laws and amendments.

For somthing to be unconstitutional, it has to Be forbidden. Nothing in the con says you can't send welfare checks to mooching war widows .
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
The constitution allows for the creation of laws and amendments.

For somthing to be unconstitutional, it has to Be forbidden. Nothing in the con says you can't send welfare checks to mooching war widows .
It allows for laws that are constitutional, yes. There isn't amendments on welfare. I covered that.
Could you imagine what kind of shit hole the U.S. would be if there were no social programs for housing, healthcare, disability, or food, nor any funding for college... like the Trump supporters want? Of course if you get rid of all that, you also need to get rid of government small business loans and grants to businesses for research and development because there is nothing in the Constitution for those right? The U.S. is already behind other countries in education and health care... it would be an absolute disaster.
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?

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