Welfare is Unconstitutional

Founding Father Thomas Paine wrote all Americans should receive a government payment from the time they reach the age of 21 until death with a hike in the amount of that payment at age 50.
Welfare is Unconstitutional

Please cite the case law which supports this. Thank you.

I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Was that hard? It wasnt for me. But some people have the hardest time understanding the basic principles of the Constitution..
Yes you do have a hard time understanding it. That is why you make silly claims that welfare is unconstitutional and cannot provide case law to support your mistaken claim.
Welfare is Unconstitutional

Please cite the case law which supports this. Thank you.

I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Neither are drivers licenses or the FAA. Your point?

Who issues your license?
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia


Now can anyone satisfy my request?
Federal Disaster Relief was deemed unconstitutional by the 4th Congress as it didnt meet the clauses requirements. Ever hear of the big Savannah GA fire?
A few years before, they ruled that loans to corporations were unconstitutional as well.

So all the federal disaster relief since, including FEMA, is an hallucination? WTF?
Not a hallucination but unconstitutional.
It might seem like the right thing to do, but it goes against the COTUS. Isnt much of a way around that. As in the case with welfare, the clause isnt confined to an individual or certain area. It must be the entire Nation.
The COTUS protected us from a big govt. You know, the main reason we declared independence?

Do you support the repeal of Marbury v. Madison? It is not in the COTUS, and has been the law of the land for two centuries. I think you're daft!

Lol you will have to explain the relevance better than that.MvsM was the first case to shoot down something as unconstitutional.


Where in Art. III is the authority to judge the actions of The Congress or other legislative and executive bodies as Unconstitutional???????
You were referring to judicial review that came from it? That is unconstitutional. It isnt in the Constitution. It took me a minute to remember what was so important about that. lol
Welfare is Unconstitutional

Please cite the case law which supports this. Thank you.

I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Was that hard? It wasnt for me. But some people have the hardest time understanding the basic principles of the Constitution..
Yes you do have a hard time understanding it. That is why you make silly claims that welfare is unconstitutional and cannot provide case law to support your mistaken claim.

You don't need a case when no authority to have it exists in the Constitution.
I asked for case law which supports the claim welfare is unconstitutional. I do not think the person who started this topic knows how to do this so I will teach him by providing case law which shows welfare is not unconstitutional. In fact some of these cases the Supreme Court ruled that withholding welfare is unconstitutional.

Helvering v. Davis 301 U.S. 619 (1937)

Mathews v. Eldridge 424 U.S. 319 (1976)

King v. Smith 392 U.S. 309 (1968)

Shapiro v. Thompson 394 U.S. 618 (1969)

Dandridge v. Williams 397 U.S. 471 (1970)
The supreme court also said internment of american citizens was constitutional..
I dont let a group of unelected activists tell me what the Constitution says. I can read for myself. I can also read intent. That is also available for everyone to read.
Welfare is Unconstitutional

Please cite the case law which supports this. Thank you.

I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Neither are drivers licenses or the FAA. Your point?

Who issues your license?
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia


Now can anyone satisfy my request?

So your license say United States instead of the State in which you reside? Did the federal government ISSUE that license?
This is the Founding Father who wrote Common Sense:

Having thus in a few words, opened the merits of the case, I shall now proceed to the plan I have to propose, which is,

To create a national fund, out of which there shall be paid to every person,when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling,as a compensation in part, for the loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property:

And also, the sum of ten pounds per annum, during life, to every person now living, of the age of fifty years, and to all others as they shall arrive at that age.

Agrarian Justice
Please cite the case law which supports this. Thank you.

I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Neither are drivers licenses or the FAA. Your point?

Who issues your license?
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia


Now can anyone satisfy my request?

So your license say United States instead of the State in which you reside? Did the federal government ISSUE that license?
The federal government regulates state drivers licenses. This not specifically authorized in the Constitution.

So again I ask what your point was. Can you provide case law of any kind which supports the claim welfare is unconstitutional?
This is the Founding Father who wrote Common Sense:

Having thus in a few words, opened the merits of the case, I shall now proceed to the plan I have to propose, which is,

To create a national fund, out of which there shall be paid to every person,when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling,as a compensation in part, for the loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property:

And also, the sum of ten pounds per annum, during life, to every person now living, of the age of fifty years, and to all others as they shall arrive at that age.

Agrarian Justice
Thomas Paine wasnt even present at the constitutional convention.
Another fail
I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Neither are drivers licenses or the FAA. Your point?

Who issues your license?
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia


Now can anyone satisfy my request?

So your license say United States instead of the State in which you reside? Did the federal government ISSUE that license?
The federal government regulates state drivers licenses. This not specifically authorized in the Constitution.

So again I ask what your point was. Can you provide case law of any kind which supports the claim welfare is unconstitutional?

I said issue, retard.

Can you provide where the Constitution specifically authorizes the federal government to fund food stamps, government housing, or any other social welfare program?
I'll do you one better. It's not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
Neither are drivers licenses or the FAA. Your point?

Who issues your license?
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia


Now can anyone satisfy my request?

So your license say United States instead of the State in which you reside? Did the federal government ISSUE that license?
The federal government regulates state drivers licenses. This not specifically authorized in the Constitution.

So again I ask what your point was. Can you provide case law of any kind which supports the claim welfare is unconstitutional?
Highways(postal roads) are. But other than that you make a good point!
This is the Founding Father who wrote Common Sense:

Having thus in a few words, opened the merits of the case, I shall now proceed to the plan I have to propose, which is,

To create a national fund, out of which there shall be paid to every person,when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling,as a compensation in part, for the loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property:

And also, the sum of ten pounds per annum, during life, to every person now living, of the age of fifty years, and to all others as they shall arrive at that age.

Agrarian Justice
Thomas Paine wasnt even present at the constitutional convention.
Another fail
So what? He is a Founding Father. A very important figure in the American Revolution. With your stupidity you fools are going to soon run out of American heroes you claim to admire. You are already hating on the Constitution now.
I dont let a group of unelected activists tell me what the Constitution says.
You mean when it suits you. "Unelected activists". Wow you must really hate our Founding Fathers for setting up this system!
Nope, i dont like how they abuse their powers and are so partisan. The constitution isnt partisan. They different ways to shit on it, are.

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