Welfare queen wins nearly $200 million powerball - Is this right?

I think the fact that she is setting up college funds for her children so that they can have a better life than she did shows that she is a caring mother though. :) I hope the best for her and her kids.
She seems like a strong woman who has had a tough life

Good to see her win
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hey, she finally had to pay income tax. Light a cigar and be happy!

Agreed, but this is a woman who did have two jobs at one time. I imagine that is very difficult when you have a child with severe disabilities, like cerebral palsy. We just need to accept the fact that some people have no heart.

You know.....she has 100 million dollars but her child still has cerebral palsy

Do you think she would give it up for a healthy child?

You mean give up the money? I can't say as I don't know this person. That would be total speculation on my part. She probably loves THIS child though. I would give up the money to CURE my child of the disease though . . . for the good of the child, to be able to run and play and have a normal life. Gosh, it must be so difficult to deal with, not only financially but on a deep emotional level, to see your child suffer and not be able to play and run like the other kids. :( Really sad.
I wasn't commenting upon the child. I was attempting to comment on the absurdity of the OP. It reflects a dislike of the poor in general, but then the result of the win on the lottery is that the woman is no longer "a taker," but is paying income tax. Ironic, imo.
That is my impression of the right, in general; all we really need to solve simple poverty in the US, is merely a moral of "goodwill toward men".
hey, she finally had to pay income tax. Light a cigar and be happy!

Agreed, but this is a woman who did have two jobs at one time. I imagine that is very difficult when you have a child with severe disabilities, like cerebral palsy. We just need to accept the fact that some people have no heart.

You know.....she has 100 million dollars but her child still has cerebral palsy

Do you think she would give it up for a healthy child?

You mean give up the money? I can't say as I don't know this person. That would be total speculation on my part. She probably loves THIS child though. I would give up the money to CURE my child of the disease though . . . for the good of the child, to be able to run and play and have a normal life. Gosh, it must be so difficult to deal with, not only financially but on a deep emotional level, to see your child suffer and not be able to play and run like the other kids. :( Really sad.
I wasn't commenting upon the child. I was attempting to comment on the absurdity of the OP. It reflects a dislike of the poor in general, but then the result of the win on the lottery is that the woman is no longer "a taker," but is paying income tax. Ironic, imo.

Yes, almost as if they want her to remain on welfare, so they can punish her and complain about her. :lol: God forbid, the miserable people not have something to complain about.
You know.....she has 100 million dollars but her child still has cerebral palsy

Do you think she would give it up for a healthy child?

She wouldn't give up 50 bucks to have a healthy kid. Blacks don't care about kids. To them kids are just used to get more welfare.
She is now ridiculously wealthy but she still has a child with a severe disability to deal with. She can now afford better doctors and better treatments but cerebral palsy is still tough to deal with

You still haven't given us any evidence that she has a disabled kid. Why won't you do that.?
hey, she finally had to pay income tax. Light a cigar and be happy!

Agreed, but this is a woman who did have two jobs at one time. I imagine that is very difficult when you have a child with severe disabilities, like cerebral palsy. We just need to accept the fact that some people have no heart.

You know.....she has 100 million dollars but her child still has cerebral palsy

Do you think she would give it up for a healthy child?

You mean give up the money? I can't say as I don't know this person. That would be total speculation on my part. She probably loves THIS child though. I would give up the money to CURE my child of the disease though . . . for the good of the child, to be able to run and play and have a normal life. Gosh, it must be so difficult to deal with, not only financially but on a deep emotional level, to see your child suffer and not be able to play and run like the other kids. :( Really sad.
I wasn't commenting upon the child. I was attempting to comment on the absurdity of the OP. It reflects a dislike of the poor in general, but then the result of the win on the lottery is that the woman is no longer "a taker," but is paying income tax. Ironic, imo.

Why do you keep acting like this one woman winning the lottery and paying taxes makes up for the millions who play and lose? She doesn't
That is my impression of the right, in general; all we really need to solve simple poverty in the US, is merely a moral of "goodwill toward men".

HAHAHA. What a ridiculous thing to say. You silly wooly-brained libs are hilarious. The way to end poverty is to stop poor people from having kids. Any women accepting welfare for her kids must agree to sterilization. THINK
I think the fact that she is setting up college funds for her children so that they can have a better life than she did shows that she is a caring mother though. :) I hope the best for her and her kids.

What makes you think she's setting up college funds for her kids?. She may have said that but that proves nothing. She's gonna spend the money on herself and it will all be gone in 5 years. THINK
She is now ridiculously wealthy but she still has a child with a severe disability to deal with. She can now afford better doctors and better treatments but cerebral palsy is still tough to deal with

You still haven't given us any evidence that she has a disabled kid. Why won't you do that.?

Sorry Speedo

I ain't playing. Try someone else

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Yes, almost as if they want her to remain on welfare, so they can punish her and complain about her. :lol: God forbid, the miserable people not have something to complain about.

We want her OFF welfare, you fool. It's you libs that want all blacks on welfare because that means they'll vote dem.
She is now ridiculously wealthy but she still has a child with a severe disability to deal with. She can now afford better doctors and better treatments but cerebral palsy is still tough to deal with

You still haven't given us any evidence that she has a disabled kid. Why won't you do that.?

Sorry Speedo

I ain't playing. Try someone else

Smart move on your part. :) The miserable just want company.
hey, she finally had to pay income tax. Light a cigar and be happy!

Agreed, but this is a woman who did have two jobs at one time. I imagine that is very difficult when you have a child with severe disabilities, like cerebral palsy. We just need to accept the fact that some people have no heart.

You know.....she has 100 million dollars but her child still has cerebral palsy

Do you think she would give it up for a healthy child?

You mean give up the money? I can't say as I don't know this person. That would be total speculation on my part. She probably loves THIS child though. I would give up the money to CURE my child of the disease though . . . for the good of the child, to be able to run and play and have a normal life. Gosh, it must be so difficult to deal with, not only financially but on a deep emotional level, to see your child suffer and not be able to play and run like the other kids. :( Really sad.
I wasn't commenting upon the child. I was attempting to comment on the absurdity of the OP. It reflects a dislike of the poor in general, but then the result of the win on the lottery is that the woman is no longer "a taker," but is paying income tax. Ironic, imo.

Why do you keep acting like this one woman winning the lottery and paying taxes makes up for the millions who play and lose? She doesn't
I didn't know I was acting that way. To be clear, I think lotteries are bad things. For good causes, but generally I prefer progressive, rather than regressive taxes, to fund stuff like education. But a majority of citizens disagree, so we have folks on welfare playing powerball. Color me ... unsurprised that less affluent less educated people play lotteries. Rich folks prefer gambling on equities and bonds. I didn't vote for the lottery and don't really give a rat's azz who wins. I find speeder's illogic disconnects amusing.
That is my impression of the right, in general; all we really need to solve simple poverty in the US, is merely a moral of "goodwill toward men".

HAHAHA. What a ridiculous thing to say. You silly wooly-brained libs are hilarious. The way to end poverty is to stop poor people from having kids. Any women accepting welfare for her kids must agree to sterilization. THINK
sorry dude, you need some better clues and a real Cause; simply Using capitalism through lotteries has already created one person of wealth.

since when has abstinence and just saying "no"; ever been an ethic in any given situation, especially for the right who declaim ethics in favor of the "absolutism" of morals.
I don't condemn people on welfare buying a lottery ticket anymore than I condemn them for buying an ice cream cone or going to see a movie

which they shouldnt be doing either.

For fuck's sakes, what is wrong with you? WE , those of us who pay taxes anyway , are FEEDING them because they claim they can't afford to do it themselves. Maybe they COULD afford to if they wouldn't go spend $50 at the movie theater.
What the fuck is the matter with you?

Poor people do not deserve to be punished for their poverty. They don't need rightwing poverty police monitoring every penny they spend. If they want to have some enjoyment in life, they don't need assholes like you insisting they eat gruel and wear hand me downs

Plus, once they've won the lottery, that's one less person on welfare.
I don't condemn people on welfare buying a lottery ticket anymore than I condemn them for buying an ice cream cone or going to see a movie

which they shouldnt be doing either.

For fuck's sakes, what is wrong with you? WE , those of us who pay taxes anyway , are FEEDING them because they claim they can't afford to do it themselves. Maybe they COULD afford to if they wouldn't go spend $50 at the movie theater.
What the fuck is the matter with you?

Poor people do not deserve to be punished for their poverty. They don't need rightwing poverty police monitoring every penny they spend. If they want to have some enjoyment in life, they don't need assholes like you insisting they eat gruel and wear hand me downs

Plus, once they've won the lottery, that's one less person on welfare.

yeah right
1M Lottery Winner Who Continued to Collect Food Stamps Dies of Possible Overdose Video TheBlaze.com
I don't condemn people on welfare buying a lottery ticket anymore than I condemn them for buying an ice cream cone or going to see a movie

which they shouldnt be doing either.

For fuck's sakes, what is wrong with you? WE , those of us who pay taxes anyway , are FEEDING them because they claim they can't afford to do it themselves. Maybe they COULD afford to if they wouldn't go spend $50 at the movie theater.
What the fuck is the matter with you?

Poor people do not deserve to be punished for their poverty. They don't need rightwing poverty police monitoring every penny they spend. If they want to have some enjoyment in life, they don't need assholes like you insisting they eat gruel and wear hand me downs

Plus, once they've won the lottery, that's one less person on welfare.

yeah right
1M Lottery Winner Who Continued to Collect Food Stamps Dies of Possible Overdose Video TheBlaze.com

Big difference between blowing one million and blowing one hundred million
And she could be provided for as a caregiver. She could be on disability. She could be getting child support. She could be living in a household where they value her being home more than they value her income.

Unless you have some information that actually states that she is on gov't assistance, you have no argument. THINK.
Before venturing an opinion re: this individual I would need to know what kind of person she is. It would be nice to know she has a charitable nature and is spreading her good fortune around.

But at the bottom line I would much rather see someone who is down and out win that lottery than someone who already is sitting pretty.
Cheap people don't buy lottery tickets.
I bought a $35 ticket in the Australian Lottery every year at Christmas time. After about 20 years I realized just how little chance I had of winning, and what better use I could put that (collective $750) money to, so when they increased the price of the bottom level ticket to $40 I quit.

The lure of any lottery is the fantasy that comes from the anticipative dream of winning all that money. That anticipation is what takes hold of the addicted gambler and doesn't let go. I'm not affected by that addiction so the annual Christmastime dream of hitting the Aussie Lottery faded over the years and I'd had enough of it.

Every time one of these massive Lottery games is won there are reports of individuals who stand on lines for hours and spend their entire paychecks on tickets.

I'm glad I don't have that problem.
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